History of the United States
occurrences and people in the USA throughout history
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This articlemay primarily relate toa different subject,or placeundue weightona particular aspect rather than the subject as a whole.(April 2022) |
Thehistory of the United Statesextends from the time of the initial discovery of continental and overseasU.S. territoriesbyindigenous peoples,through acquisition byEuropeanand North American states and into the present day.
editEighteenth century
edit- To the extent that 1776 led to the resultant U.S., which came to captain theAfrican Slave Trade—asLondon moved in an opposing directiontoward a revolutionary abolition of this form ofproperty—the much-celebratedrevolt of the North American settlerscan fairly be said to have eventuated as a counter-revolution ofslavery.
- Gerald Horne,The Counter-Revolution of 1776(2014), p. x
- On 22 June 1772 in aLondoncourtroom... the presiding magistrate,Lord Mansfield,had just made arulingthat suggested that slavery, the blight that had ensnared so many, would no longer obtain, at least not in England. A few nights later, a boisterous group of Africans, numbering in the hundreds, gathered for a festive celebration.... Others were not so elated, particularly in Virginia, where the former “property” in question in this case had been residing. “Is it in the Power of Parliament to make such a Law? Can any human law abrogate the divine? The Law[s] of Nature are the Laws of God,” wrote one querulously questioning writer. Indicating that this was not a sectional response, a correspondent in Manhattan near the same time assured that this ostensibly anti-slavery ruling “will occasion a greater ferment in America (particularly in the islands) than theStamp Actitself,” a reference to another London edict that was then stirring controversy in the colonies. The radical South CarolinianWilliam Drayton—whose colony barely contained an unrulyAfricanmajority—was apoplectic about this London decision, asserting that it would “complete the ruin of manyAmerican provinces.”
- Gerald Horne,The Counter-Revolution of 1776(2014), p. 1
- Ironically, thefounders of the republichave been hailed and lionized by left, right, and center for—in effect—creating the first apartheid state.
- Gerald Horne,The Counter-Revolution of 1776(2014), p. 4
- The state of slavery is of such a nature that it is incapable of being introduced on any reasons, moral or political, but only bypositive law,which preserves its force long after the reasons, occasions, and time itself from whence it was created, is erased from memory. It is so odious, that nothing can be suffered to support it, but positive law. Whatever inconveniences, therefore, may follow from the decision, I cannot say this case is allowed or approved by thelaw of England;and therefore the black must be discharged.
- William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield,decision inSomerset v Stewart(1772)
- I do in Virtue of the Power and Authority to ME given, by His MAJESTY, determine to executeMartial Law,and cause the same to be executed throughout this Colony: and to the end that Peace and good Order may the sooner be [effected], I do require every Person capable of bearing Arms, to [resort] to His MAJESTY'S STANDARD, or be looked upon as Traitors toHis MAJESTY'S CrownandGovernment,and thereby become liable to the Penalty the Law inflicts upon such Offences; such as forfeiture of Life, confiscation of Lands, &c. &c. AndI do hereby further declare all indentured Servants, Negroes, or others, (appertaining to Rebels,) free that are able and willing to bear Arms, they joining His MAJESTY'S Troops as soon as may be,for the more speedily reducing this Colony to a proper Sense of their Duty, to His MAJESTY'S Leige Subjects..
- John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore,officialproclamation,1775
Twentieth century
edit- What happened to the Negro in this country is not simply a matter of my memory or my history; it's a matter of American history and American memory. As a Negro, I cannot afford to deny or overlook it, but the white American necessity is precisely to deny, ignore and overlook it.
- James Baldwin,in "Liberalism and the Negro: A Round-Table Discussion,"Commentary,vol. 37, no. 3 (March 1964), p. 41.
- Historians usually focus their attention on the past of countries that still exist, writing hundreds and thousands of books onBritish history,Frenchhistory,German history,Russian history,American history,Chinesehistory,Indian history,Brazilianhistory or whatever. Whether consciously or not, they are seeking the roots of the present, thereby putting themselves in danger of reading history backwards. As soon as great powers arise, whether the United States in thetwentieth centuryor China in thetwenty-first,the call goes out for offerings on American History or Chinese History, and siren voices sing that today’s important countries are also those whose past is most deserving of examination, that a more comprehensive spectrum of historical knowledge can be safely ignored.
- Norman Davies,Vanished Kingdoms: The History of Half-Forgotten Europe(2011)
- The object of this new American industrial empire, so far as that object was conscious and normative, was not national well-being, but the individual gain of the associated and corporatemonarchsthrough the power of vast profit on enormous capital investment; through the efficiency of an industrial machine that bought the highest managerial and engineering talent and used the latest and most effective methods andmachinesin a field of unequaledraw materialand endless marketdemand.That this machine might use the profit for the general weal was possible and in cases true. But the uplift and well-being of the mass of men, of the cohorts of common labor, was not its ideal or excuse. Profit, income, uncontrolled power in My Business for My Property and for Me—this was the aim and method of the new monarchial dictatorship that displaced democracy in the United States in 1876.
- W. E. B. Du Bois,Black Reconstruction in America, 1860-1880(1935), p. 586
- The treatment of theperiod of Reconstructionreflects small credit upon American historians asscientists.We have too often a deliberate attempt so to change the facts of history that the story will make pleasant reading for Americans.
- W. E. B. Du Bois,Black Reconstruction in America, 1860-1880(1935), p. 713
- The difference of development, North and South, is explained as a sort of working out of cosmic social and economic law.... In this sweeping mechanistic interpretation, there is no room for the real plot of the story, for the clear mistake and guilt of building a new slavery of the working class in the midst of a fateful experiment in democracy.
- W. E. B. Du Bois,Black Reconstruction in America, 1860-1880(1935), pp. 714-715
- The history of the United States is that of a struggle for the right of self-determination and humandignity.Our story begins witha ringing declarationwhich has inspired millions of free people everywhere, that "all men... are endowed by their Creator with certainunalienable rights,that among these areLife,Libertyand the pursuit ofHappiness."But this same declaration also states that, along with this self-determination, we must show" a decent respect to the opinions of mankind. "Inworld affairsthis nation has striven to confirm and give meaning to these noble words. Through the years we have helped new countries achieve political and economic strength. And the way we dealt with theSuez crisisand its after-effects in theUNwas also an action demonstrating our conviction that international harmony begins with "a decent respect to the opinions of mankind."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower;World Broadcast in Observance of Fifteenth Anniversary of Voice of America Online,The American Presidency Project; 25 February 1957
- The creation of the United States of America is the greatest of all human adventures. No other national story holds such tremendous lessons, for the American people themselves and for the rest of mankind. It now spans four centuries and, as we enter the new millennium, we need to retell it, for if we can learn those lessons and build upon them, the whole ofhumanitywill benefit in the new age which is now opening. American history raises three fundamental questions. First, can a nation rise above theinjusticesof its origins and, by its moral purpose and performance, atone for them? All nations are born inwar,conquest,andcrime,usually concealed by the obscurity of a distant past. The United States, from its earliestcolonial times,won its title-deeds in the full blaze of recorded history, and the stains on them are there for all to see and censure: the dispossession of anindigenous people,and the securing ofself-sufficiencythrough the sweat and pain of anenslavedrace. In the judgmental scales of history, such grievous wrongs must be balanced by the erection of a society dedicated tojusticeandfairness.Has the United States done this? Has it expiated itsoriginal sins?The second question provides the key to the first. In the process of nation-building, canidealsandaltruism—the desire to build the perfect community—be mixed successfully with acquisitiveness andambition,without which no dynamic society can be built at all? Have the Americans got the mixture right? Have they forged a nation where righteousness has the edge over the needfulself-interest?Thirdly, the Americans originally aimed to build an other-worldly ‘City on a Hill,’ but found themselves designing arepublicof the people, to be a model for the entire planet. Have they made good their audacious claims? Have they indeed proved exemplars for humanity? And will they continue to be so in the new millennium?
- Paul Johnson,A History of the American People(1 ed.). New York, NY: HarperPerennial. 1999. pp. 1.ISBN 0060930349.OCLC40984521.
- These early diaries and letters, which are plentiful, and the fact that most important documents about the early American colonies have been preserved, mean that the United States is the first nation in human history whose most distant origins are fully recorded.
- Paul Johnson,A History of the American People(1 ed.). New York, NY: HarperPerennial. 1999. pp. 32.ISBN 0060930349.OCLC40984521.
- In the year 1877, the signals were given for the rest of the century: the blacks would be put back; the strikes of white workers would not be tolerated; the industrial and political elites of North and South would take hold of the country and organize the greatest march ofeconomic growthin human history. They would do it with the aid of, and at the expense of, black labor, white labor, Chinese labor, European immigrant labor, female labor, rewarding them differently byrace,sex,national origin,andsocial class,in such a way as to create separate levels ofoppression—a skillful terracing to stabilize the pyramid ofwealth.
- Howard Zinn,A People's History of the United States(1980), p. 253
Twenty first century
edit- Republicans,for the past few decades, have depended on Americans’ inability to make sense of history in judging their policies. How else to explain the fact that, underTrump,they have succeeded in turningillegal immigrationinto the excuse for all the country’s ills, when any clear historical analysis would demonstrate that it has been the fount of the lion’s share of America’sinnovation,creativity,andeconomic production?
- Eric Alterman,“The Decline of Historical Thinking”,The New Yorker,(February 4, 2019)
- Barred fromTwitter,Trump issued a proclamation on the federal holiday earlier Monday encouraging "all Americans to recommit themselves toDr. King’s dream by engaging in acts of service to others, to their community, and to our Nation. "
Later, his White House issued a a 45-page document dubbed the “The 1776 Report",which claimed that “identity politicsmakes it less likely that racial reconciliation and healing can be attained by pursuingMartin Luther King, Jr.’s dream.”
The report seems to be a response toThe New York Times’ “1619 Project,”which traced the story ofslavery through American historyand became a lightning rod for Trump andconservatives,who saw it as an attack on their view of American history.
- When history does appear in the news, it’s often been politicized. The 1776 Commission was one example, with its anachronistic references to the “Pro-Life Movement”and comparisons of AmericanprogressivestoMussolini.But theNew York Times’1619 Projectwas also problematic—though it wasjournalism,not a government report. The project claims that “our democracy’s founding ideals were false when they were written,” based on the questionably supported and readily disputable initial claim “that the colonistsdeclared their independencefromBritain…to protect the institution ofslaveryin the colonies” (although the Times’ later made a “clarification” and other alterations).PrincetonhistorianSean Wilentz,a critic of both projects, recently noted this connection: “[The 1776 Commission report is] the flip side of those polemics, presented as history, that charge the nation was founded as a slavocracy.… It’s basically a political document, not history.”
- Sean Wilentzas quoted by Craig Bruce Smith,”How Biden Can Fix Trump’s 1776 Disaster”,Politico,(01/22/2021)
- For the first time inour history,a President had not just lost an election. He tried to prevent thepeaceful transfer of poweras a violent mob reached the Capitol. But they failed. They failed. And on this day ofremembrance,we must make sure that such an attack never, never happens again.
- Joe Biden,President Joe Biden's remarks on January 6 anniversary,United States Capitol, (January 6th 2022)
- Now let's step up, write the next chapter in American history, forJanuary 6marks not the end of democracy, but the beginning of a renaissance oflibertyandfair play.
- Joe Biden,President Joe Biden's remarks on January 6 anniversary,United States Capitol, (January 6th 2022)
- All the folks that we would go out and send our children to go and meet around the world are clear about our history, and we’re going to send our own children out to not know what it is? Building in a handicap for our children, that they are going to be the ones in the room who don’t know their own history when the rest of the world does?
- The changes to the state curriculum came a year after theRepublicanFloridagovernor, the presidential hopefulRon DeSantis,enacted theStop Woke Act,Time reported.
The law prohibits teaching students or employees about anything that could cause them to “feel guilt, anguish or any form of psychological distress” because of their race, color, national origin or sex.
LaGarrett J King, director of theCenter for K-12 Black History and Racial Literacy Educationat theUniversity at Buffalo,said the updates to theFloridacurriculum were “anti-Black”.
Students of Florida, King said, will be “extremely ignorant about the history of this country.
“For those who are going tocollege,there’s going to be a lot ofcorrection.Especially if they go outside of the state. For those who don’t go to college, they’re going to hold these inaccurate perceptions aboutBlack peoplethroughout their years, if they don’t get any correction.”
King added: “I’m fearful because history is about identity and history helps us understand other folk. If we do not understand the complexities of those histories, that can have some damaging consequences to how we treat people in the present.”- Gloria Oladipo and Maya Yang;”Kamala Harris condemns Florida over curriculum claim of slavery ‘benefit’”,The Guardian,(21 Jul 2023)
- For people who want to question whether America has aracisthistory, just go back and look at thepolitical cartoons.The history is horrible.
See also
editExternal links
editWikibookshas a book on the topic of