Talk:Helena Roerich
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edit- I myself once heard intelligent people trying to prove that the Bolsheviks were predicted in the Apocalypse, and that even the number of the days of their power was mentioned, and that the Michael mentioned there was none other than the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich! I certainly do not mention this to discredit Bajenov's book, but simply to warn those who are greatly attracted by research into Biblical prophecies. (22 June 1936)
- Helena Roerich, Letters... Volume II: 1935-1939
- Dreadful is Armageddon — the dark forces are struggling for their very existence. Despair unites them and makes them so persistent in trying to achieve their aim. The Prince of the World has very many talented collaborators — some conscious, some unconscious — and it is foolish to think that they do not know the ways of the most cunning subtlety. There are very shrewd and inventive, and they act according to the level of their victims. But all of them lack tolerance and warmth of heart. (23 August 1934)
- The great decisive Battle between the Forces of Light and darkness. It was predicted in all the ancient scriptures, and the name, "Armageddon" as well as the description of it, can be found in the Apocalypse.... It is interesting to note that these calculations are also found in the pyramid of Cheops. Thus, today we find ourselves in the midst of this Battle, which will increase. This Battle is still more fearful in the Subtle World, but eventually its reflections will be intensified on the earthly plane... As it is said, "The hostile elements of the race refuse to submit to destiny. The departing race seeks to destroy the chosen successors, but we must save them. Destiny may be eased and the Battle ended sooner."...
Yes, the New Epoch requires spiritual cognition. The New Epoch must manifest due respect to the Mother of the World, to the Feminine Element. “The bird of the spirit of Humanity cannot fly with only one wing” —these are words of Vivekananda, who meant to affirm the great significance of the Feminine Principle. Man does not willingly give full rights to woman. However, this opposition but intensifies the forces; and woman, fighting for her cosmic rights, will acquire the knowledge of her power. (LHR I, p 325) (10 September 1934)
- Above all, we should remember that our karma is created, weighted, or eased mainly by THOUGHTS. Precisely, thought and inner motives weave our aura, which is a magnetic field that either attracts or repels possibilities. Indeed, thought-motive—this decisive factor of our karma—is often overlooked by those who discuss karma. But were it otherwise, it would be impossible to break the magic circle of causes and effects. For all is karma and all is held by karma. (24 September 1935)
- Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume II: 1935-1939
- In reality, man cannot rid himself completely of karma, for karma is life. But the fulfillment of a cycle of karma, of whatever duration, depends upon our spiritual growth, and also on the mission we have undertaken upon a certain planet. This means that, having acquired a certain knowledge of the Teaching, and after an interval of time (a vacation, so to say), we have to commence the next, higher degree, and so on ad infinitum. These "vacations" may be that very place of rest, where there are no "tears or sighs." But no vacation continues forever, though it may be prolonged for thousands of years, therefore there is no eternal "rest." (11 October 1935)
- Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume II: 1935-1939
- As regards karma, can we insist that a certain case or situation in which a man finds himself is entirely his karma? If we begin to think thus, we shall soon refuse to help each other, explaining our refusal as not desiring to interfere with an allied karma. There are even some deluded people who might refuse to help their fellow man, fearing to complicate their own karma. But would this not be a sign of the greatest selfishness? Who, apart from an Arhat or a high Yogi, can know when and where one should not help? Often, an encounter with an overburdened man may verily be our karma, and in refusing to help him we put a burden on ourselves. We must stretch out a helping hand whenever our heart prompts us to do so, bearing in mind the law of co-measurement and remembering that spiritual help is the highest. (19 March 1936)
- Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume II: 1935-1939
- You ask how one should explain the karma of drowning in the case you have described. By refusing to save a drowning person in the past, because the memory of it deprived the man of the power of self-preservation. (5 October 1936 »
- Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume II: 1935-1939
- The Messenger comes at a difficult hour, therefore to reject him means to accept the full brunt of karma. All the calamities which strike the country, are they not a grave omen? Did not the country choose the hardest path? But how hard is the karma of those who have rejected the help of the Forces of Light, and who therefore have taken upon themselves the whole responsibility for the future! There were some rarest exceptions in history when the great leaders of a nation understood how to accept the Help, hence the amazing development of certain countries. But in our time of total negation and the supreme rule of gold a small coin covers up even the sun. (14 May 1937)
- Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume II: 1935-1939
- Bear in mind also that today there is an unprecedented amount of the most terrible black magic and sorcery, and this is almost everywhere. Often, not bad but ignorant people are caught in this black trap. Therefore, the Great Teachers are against any kind of magic. (17 February 1934)
- Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume I: 1929-1935
- In remote antiquity, people knew how to regulate their families by the phases of the moon. Later on this was considered black magic, but nowadays even such measures would be better than the dreadful abortions that cripple women and therefore the coming generations. (17 April 1934)
- Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume I: 1929-1935
- The Great Teachers are grieved because of the predomination of lower psychism at the expense of true spirituality. Without the understanding and application of the Living Ethics, without spirituality, the lower psychism can lead to the most grievous results. Therefore, in order to be accepted as disciples it is necessary, first of all, to practise self-perfection, to improve morally and spiritually, and to apply the Teaching in life. This will broaden the consciousness and bring the necessary balance. The Teaching is beautiful and true when it is realized, but no tricks of pseudo-occultism and magic will lead to true discipleship. In order to fill one's vessel from the High Source, one has to establish the corresponding high vibrations. The application in life of the Living Ethics is the quickest way to reach the goal. (6 May 1934)
- Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume I: 1929-1935
- I cannot agree with your statement: "The merit of the Inquisition was that by burning about ten million witches and sorcerers it prevented the masses from participating in black magic and nocturnal orgies dedicated to Satan," etc. Indeed not! By killing millions of its victims the Inquisition created a most dreadful evil obsession. We know from all the Sacred Teachings that the spirits forced into the Subtle World before the expiration of their natural span of life still have an unexhausted supply of the strength of magnetic attraction. This binds them to Earth, as they are unable to assimilate the currents of the higher vibrations, due to the low development of their consciousness. Yet they are longing to get in touch with this vital force through every possible means. During the Inquisition anger and revengefulness attracted these victims toward their executioners. Thus, through obsession, they compelled their executioners to commit worse crimes and even drove some to suicide, in order to absorb and enjoy the emanations of blood and to experience the illusion of life, even if for a short time. (11 August 1934)
- Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume I: 1929-1935
- You are acting correctly in warning against the interest in spiritualism. I must add that in olden times all magic rituals and acts were held in great honor and used precisely among the representatives of the Western Church, and that magic is used even now by their successors and followers. Let us recollect the grimoires of Pope Honorius and others. Many black lodges are spread over the world. And how can it be otherwise? We are now in the midst of the Great Battle predicted in all the most ancient prophecies and in the writings of all peoples. We are approaching the great decisive battle between the Armies of Light, led by the Archistrategist Michael, and the hordes of the Prince of this World. We are approaching the Great Day of Judgment, when the whole army of Gog must be exterminated. But immutable is the Law of Light, and darkness shall be defeated. Quite correctly you call spiritualism and all magical practices "spiritual corruption." Spiritualism is a violation; it opens the doors to the disembodied entities who mostly belong to the lower strata of the Subtle World, and of course spiritualism, like magic, cannot be considered evolutionary. (11 August 1934)
- Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume I: 1929-1935
- The second condition is striving and readiness to sacrifice self in the service of the General Good, as no one will be permitted to approach if he intends to obtain knowledge for personal aggrandizement, for such is the way of the black magician. When self-renunciation and striving are affirmed in the heart they will become as second nature. The application of the Teaching to oneself and in the life of every day will become joyous, and then progress and even achievement of the sacred aim is assured., But one must ask oneself, and answer with full sincerity, whether there is really such fiery striving and self-denial, or whether there is some secret selfish desire to achieve greater knowledge for covetous purposes. The slightest signs of such hidden desire will be the greatest obstacle on the path of spiritual progress. For success one must have understanding, as well as readiness to practise podvig—the great self-denial—in life. (29 August 1934)
- Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume I: 1929-1935
- All the laws are in the depths of our consciousness. Thus, by deepening our consciousness we comprehend the laws. From this comes great mobility. But what do we see in reality? Criminal stagnation of mind! Countries maintaining dead laws decay because they oppose the laws of evolution. Look around "with the eyes of a hawk." Study the present situation and approaching events on our planet! Verily, one may say that coming events already cast their shadow upon the Earth. It is impossible to arrest the awakened force of the new consciousness or understanding among the masses. All delays will only cause greater destruction. But we are not destroyers. We are creators. Therefore, let us ardently build the bastions of culture, knowledge of the Living Ethics, and Beauty. Knowledge and Beauty are the foundation and crown of cosmic evolution.
- Helena Roerich, Letters I, 13 October 1930
- If translated into the language of reality, this would mean that on the stage of the world's history appeared a new 'culturally-geographical world,' which until now did not have the significance of a leading power. We look into the future. Does not the goddess of culture move toward the East from the European West, where she was settled for such a long time?. . . Does she not go to the starved, to the poor, to those who have suffered so much? "Only by way of intensive creative work, not fearing to admit one's mistakes and weaknesses, only by the price of continuous efforts, which are materialized in the frames of 'Plastic World' (which is opened to our wills), will possibilities become Reality."
- Helena Roerich, Letters I, 17 June 1931
- Armageddon is no longer a far-away fairy tale; it is a threatening, dreadful reality. Therefore, those who serve and fall into disunity are criminals. Is it possible that people are becoming entirely blind and deaf, and that they do not see all the ominous signs of the Great Battle?... you will see that the Mahatma repudiates the sacrilegious and anthropomorphic conception of a Personal god — cruel and unjust, chastising with eternal damnation all so-called heretics, and justifying all the crimes committed in his Holy Name! Verily, such a God cannot have a Mahatma's approval and respect...Great will be the astonishment and, I might say, mortification of many when they find out who in reality is the Leading Mahatma. Great Images have many Aspects and Names.
- Helena Roerich, Letters I, 8 September 1934
- The columns of newspapers, in most cases, are at present filled with such calumny, coarseness, and vulgarity that there is even a joke that although it was in the papers it proved to be true. The printed word has lost its one-time unfailing authority and the high significance of bringing light to broad masses. There are not a few newspapers at present which are not the disseminators of enlightenment, but are, alas, hotbeds of all kinds of deception, to put it mildly. The worthiest thoughts, the constructive tasks and views of outstanding people find no place, even on the last pages of these informers of the masses.
- Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich II, 26 January 1939