Clinton–Lewinsky scandal

relationship between U.S. president Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky

TheClinton–Lewinsky scandalwas a U.S.politicalsex scandal that involved 49-year-oldPresidentBill Clintonand 22-year-oldWhite HouseinternMonica Lewinsky.The sexual relationship took place between 1995 and 1997 and came to light in 1998. Clinton ended a televised speech in late January 1998 with the statement that he "did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky". Further investigation led to charges ofperjuryand to theimpeachment of President Clintonin 1998 by theU.S. House of Representatives.He was subsequently acquitted on all impeachment charges of perjury andobstruction of justicein a 21-daySenatetrial.

Clinton with Lewinsky in February 1997

