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<Lore:Races(Redirected fromLore:Kyn)

Dremora(also known asthe Kyn) are a warlikeDaedricraceprimarily associated with theDaedric Princeof Destruction,Mehrunes Dagon.[1]They are often found in the service of other Daedra lords, such asMolag Bal.[2][3]They are commonly encountered throughout the planes ofOblivion.[4]Dremora are known to be highly intelligent beings, and make capable warriors and mages.[5]

The Dremora refer to their race as theKyn(the People), with the adjectival form beingKynaz(of the Kyn).[1]The name "Dremora" is anarena-term, a nickname used by the Kyn when trafficking with mortals, such as in the context of theDremora Clan.Differentclansmake use of such terms in place of their clan's truetribunymicto avoid it being used as a weapon against them.[3]

Dremora consider themselves to be above other Daedra,[6]who are seen as unthinking animals (the primary exception being the Daedric Princes).[1]They also show a mutual distaste for the mortal races ofNirn.[7]Despite this, Dremora are a surprisingly frequent sight in certain parts of Tamriel, roaming Daedric ruins[8]and the lairs of conjurers and Daedra worshipers.[9]They are also summoned to Tamriel through spells and rituals for durations of time that range from brief[10]to indefinite.[11]In this regard, they are often "employed" by Tamrielic organizations such as theTribunal Templeto guard their shrines,[11][12]and by theMages Guildto deliver messages to non-guild members.[13]Throughout the years, other professions that Dremora have pursued outside of being warriors for their clans include being torturers,[14]taskmasters,[15][16]pirates,[17][18]butlers,[19]and merchants,[20][21]both in Oblivion and upon Nirn. Some are known to findDaedratscute.[UOL 1]

The Dremora take pride in their hierarchies. Order is wrested from the chaos of Oblivion through force of will, and the Dremora are nothing if not willful. Rank and order signify glory to the Dremora, as maintaining such things exhibits strength of will.[3]It is their nature to serve those who exhibit a stronger will (such as Daedric Princes), and by serving such entities, the Dremora gain stature and reward. Oblivion is ever-changing, but the oaths held by the Dremora are eternal.[3]Confining oneself to a uniform code and upholding said guidelines is considered an act of supreme will and discipline.[6]

Dremora have keen memories and a tendency to hold grudges.[22]They also have a poor sense of direction.[22]They value their horns, and often refer to things that are shameful or dishonorable as "hornless".[22]The Dremora often serve as go-betweens for mortals who wish to make pacts with Daedric Princes or other powerful entities.[23]Dremora do not view themselves as "good" or "evil". In the case of those who serve a specific purpose for a powerful entity, they exist to serve that purpose. To the Dremora, this is not "good" or "evil", it simply is.[24]TheXivilaifind the Dremora's fashion sense and mannerisms to be ostentatious.[6]On the other hand, the Xivkyn outright hold the Dremora in contempt, viewing them as "lesser creatures".[25]

Physical Description[edit]

A blue-skinned Dremora, typically a servant of Molag Bal

Dremora are humanoid beings that resemble demon-like knights. In battle, Dremora have been known to wear spiked Daedric armor.[26][27][28]Notable features include horned faces that range from grotesque[29][2]to resembling tattooedDunmer,[30]deep ashen grey,[31]blue,[32]purple or red[33]complexions, and voices that are deep, watery and guttural.[34]They can also vary widely in height, with some populations being similar to regular humans[35]while other groups stand as tall[36]or even taller thanAltmer.[37]During war, some Dremora bear geometric tattoos or war paint that shows their commitment to victory over dishonor.[38]

The Dremora who serve Molag Bal typically have blue or grey skin and blue eyes, but they can vary widely in skin tone and eye color nonetheless.[39]For those who seek to oppose the minions of Molag Bal, these specific features are a dead giveaway.[39]

Dremora are made of a substance that is "of Oblivion" and can, in concert with their clan-attuned nature, leave marks and signs that can only be seen by others of the same attunement (the same clan).[40]


Dremora society is a class-based clan system that upholds values of oaths,[41]pride, honor and loyalty, both to the clan and to the Daedric lord they serve,[1][7]whom they also venerate as a god.[42][7]Dremora culture appears to focus on training and preparing for battle and war. Dremora warriors fall into one of eight known ranks, each more powerful and privileged than the rank below. These ranks are further distributed into melee, missile or mage classes. Dremora also make for ferocious combatants. This is not just because of their abilities as sorcerers and warriors, but also because, as creatures of Oblivion, they have no need to fear death.[43]Many dremora can reflect spells.[44]They craft and wear their own armor.[6][27][26]

A Dremora tending to theirDaedric Horse

Dremora hierarchy consists of eight major ranks: Varlet,[2]Churl, Caitiff, Kynval, Kynreeve, Kynmarcher, Markynaz, and Valkynaz. The former four represent the military ranks of lesser soldiers. Varlets are the dregs of Dremora society, the lowest of the low and treated the worst out of the bottom four castes.[45]Churls are the untrained disorganized rabble that form the bulk of a clan's fighting force. They obey their superiors, but are cruel to mortals and other Daedra.[1]Caitiffs are shock troops, described as possessing uncalculating zeal. They are unreliable and undisciplined, but eager to perform.[1]Kynvals are the highest ranked of the lesser troops. They are warrior-knights who have distinguished themselves in combat and have displayed the potential to be future leaders of their clans.[1]The Kynval has been described as ambitious.[45]They are the highest of the soldier castes, and may be Caitiffs who have proven themselves in battle.[45]

The other four ranks are officer castes. They are the more important, politically-oriented roles.[1]Kynreeves are described as clan "officers" or "sheriffs", and are associated with fighting units or administrative offices.[1]They administer rewards and punishments to their warrior charges.[45]Kynmarchers are officers of Daedric citadels and outposts, and are the lowest of the ranks that are referred to as "lords".[45]A Kynmarcher's command is associated with a unit and a location or territory for which the officer is responsible.[1]The term Markynaz roughly translates to "grand duke". They form a council of other Dremora of their own standing, known as the "Markyn".[45][1]

The highest known rank is the Valkynaz, which is described as a "warrior duke". They are part of their respective Prince's personal guard or council collectively known as "the Valkyn", and are rarely encountered on Tamriel. A Valkynaz can generally be found beside their chosen Prince, and serve as commanders of important operations.[1]The Valkynaz associated with Molag Bal has the privilege of being granted a personal audience with the Daedric Prince, and can contact him whenever the need arises.[46]There are also many other ranks, such as Baunekyn, Beldakyn, Fearkyn, Ferylkyn, Feydnaz, Gandrakyn, Harstryl, Hauzkyn, Hunterkyn, Kynbek, Kyngald, Kynlurker, Lyrkynaz, Mafrekyn, Morikyn, Narkynaz, Sehtkynaz, Shadowkyn, Soldakyn, and Sovereign whose positions in the overall hierarchy are largely unknown.[47][48]Dremora may rise or fall from a specific rank or move back and forth among clans, but these actions are regulated by complicated oaths and the will of the Prince said Dremora serves.[1][45]


There are potentially thousands of Dremora clans. In his early catalogue of explorations of the Oblivion in the Mages Guild library,Divayth Fyrsketched out the heraldry of hundreds of clans.[49]



  • In4E 201,Sanguineassumed the form of a Dremora when he revealed his true identity as a Daedric Prince tothe Dragonborn,after the latter visitedMisty Grove.[50]
  • Though they are primarily followers ofMehrunes Dagon,Dremora have also been associated with many other Daedric Princes. The most prominent of these is Molag Bal, who has entire clans of Dremora in his service.[51]
  • TheXivkynare a Daedric race created by Molag Bal through vesitigal hybridization. They are a "crossbreed" between the Xivilai and Dremora.[25]

See Also[edit]



  1. ^abcdefghijklmVarieties of DaedraAranea Drethan
  2. ^abcKyne's Challenge: A Hunter's Companion:Elsweyr, Dremora
  3. ^abcdLyranth the Foolkiller Answers Your Questions
  4. ^The abundance ofDremorain theDeadlandsandColdharbourinESO
  5. ^The Dremora's ability to speak, combat capabilities and spellcasting abilities inMorrowind,Oblivion,SkyrimandThe Elder Scrolls Online
  6. ^abcdCrafting Motif 63: Dremora StyleLyranth the Foolkiller
  7. ^abcOverheard dialoguefrom theImperial CityDremora inESO
  8. ^Appearance ofDremorainDaedric ShrinesthroughoutMorrowind
  9. ^Appearance of Dremora in the Worm Cult-occupiedWormroot DepthinESO
  10. ^Temporary Dremora summoning spells available in several games:Summon DremorainMorrowind,Summon DremorainOblivion,andConjure Dremora LordinSkyrim
  11. ^abAppearance ofAnhaedrainMaar Gan'sShrine,and his role duringPilgrimage to Maar GaninMorrowind
  12. ^Krazzt's appearance in the center ofVivec Palace's Puzzle Canal, and his role during thePilgrimages of the Seven GracesinMorrowind
  13. ^Events ofMisdirectioninOblivion
  14. ^Molag Bal's dialogue when summoning theDremora torturersatDark AnchorsinESO
  15. ^The Slave Pits of Coldharbour
  16. ^Taskmaster Uldun's name and purpose duringSoul SurvivorsinESO
  17. ^Velehk Sain's appearance inSkyrimand his profession as a pirate
  18. ^Pirate King of the Abecean
  19. ^TheDremora Butler's appearance and role inSkyrim:Dragonborn
  20. ^TheDremora Merchant's appearance and services inSkyrim:Dragonborn
  21. ^Krrztrrb's appearance and services inESO
  22. ^abcI was Summoned by a MortalKynval ZzedenkathikofClan Deathbringer
  23. ^Xykenaz's purpose and dialogue during and afterAt Any CostinESO
  24. ^Tachnim's dialogue inESO
  25. ^abOn the XivkynPelagius Habor,Council Daedrologist-in-Residence
  26. ^abGathering Force: Arms and Armor of Tamriel;The Pestilence of the Daedra and the Worm Cultist
  27. ^abCrafting Motif 14: Daedric StyleSeif-ij Hidja
  28. ^Armored appearance ofDremorainMorrowind,Oblivion,SkyrimandThe Elder Scrolls Online
  29. ^Tachnim's appearance inESO
  30. ^Appearance ofDremorainOblivion
  31. ^Appearance ofDremorainSkyrim
  32. ^Dremora Harstryl's blue complexion inESO
  33. ^Lyranth's appearance inESO
  34. ^Dremora voices inSkyrimandESO
  35. ^Dremora height inMorrowindandESO
  36. ^Dremora height inOblivion
  37. ^Dremora height inSkyrim
  38. ^Dremora Kyn Body TattooandDremora Kyn Face Tattoocollectible descriptions inESO
  39. ^abKyne's Challenge: A Hunter's Companion;Ogrim and Scamp,Winged Twilight
  40. ^Rynkyus' dialogue duringThe Durance VileinESO:The Deadlands
  41. ^Molag Bal's dialogue atDark AnchorsinESO
  42. ^Kehothar's dialogue duringThe Final AssaultinESO
  43. ^Spirit of the Daedra
  44. ^DremoraabilitiesinMorrowind
  45. ^abcdefgThe Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel/Bangkorai
  46. ^Vanus Galerion's dialogue duringThe Citadel Must FallinESO
  47. ^Appearance of theDremora FeydnazinOblivion,and theDremora Kyngald,Narkynaz,et al. inESO
  48. ^Appearance of theDremora Lyrkynaz,Sehtkynaz,SovereigninArms of Chaos
  49. ^Mindcleaver Clan Bannerantiquty codex entries inESO:The Deadlands
  50. ^Sanguine's appearance inSkyrim
  51. ^TheFoolkillersandDeathbringerClans' appearance inESO

Note:The following references are considered to beunofficial sources.They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.