Lore:Summerset Isle

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Summerset Isle
Type Region
Continent Tamriel
Province Summerset Isles
Subregions Oleander Coast
Diren Valley
Appears in Arena,ESO
The landscape of Summerset Isle circa2E 582
"Though we may pine for Old Ehlnofey, the golden warmth of the Divines will always dry our tears in the sun-kissed land of Summerset."Our Blessed Isles: A Guide

Summerset[nb 1](also referred to as:Summerset Isle,theEternal Isle,[1]andBlessed Isle)[2][3]is a large island to the southwest ofTamriel's mainland. It is the largest of the three main islands in theSummerset Isles,which encompasses over a dozen more smaller islands. The province's capital city ofAlinoris found here.


A fresco of Summerset Isle

The landscape of Summerset Isle is similar to that of its sister island ofAuridon,with a warm climate, colorful forests, idyllic meadows, and craggy mountains. Most of the southern part of the island and a central region in the north are covered with mountains, with a central pass linking the western and eastern parts of the island.[4]The highest mountain on the island isEton Nir,located in the northern region.Coralis abundant on the shores of Summerset Isle; theCoral Foreston the eastern shore is one of the best-known coral formations.[5]Coral formations are sometimes found far from the sea, which suggests original occupation by theSload.[2]A river with two tributaries namedThe Clottflows into the northeastern shore.[6]

The isle is home to the city ofAlinor,the capital of theSummerset Islesand the seat of the High Elven rulers since time immemorial. The city ofCloudrestsits atop Eton Nir, the highest mountain. Other major cities includeLillandril,Shimmerene,Sunhold,andDusk.TheCrystal Tower,one of the eight mythicalfocal pointsofMundus,was once located in the northern mountains. Like Auridon, Summerset is also dotted withAldmeriruins.[7][2]


The Crystal Tower

Summerset Isle was colonized along with the other island in the archipelago by the Aldmer when they came fromAldmerisin theMerethic Era.The ancestors of the modernAltmerformed a caste-based society and established the city of Alinor as their capital. TheFirst Erawas a period of unrest, with internal conflicts between the city-states, as well asSloadandMaormerinvasions. In the third millennium of the First Era, Summerset Isle was struck by theThrassian Plague,which depopulated whole towns such asCorgrad.Since early times, Summerset Isle had been off-limits to almost all non-Altmer. In their isolation, the elves of the Isle developed a unique architectural style, more similar to theFalmeristyle than to the architecture of Auridon.[8][2][9]The population on the Summerset Isle was three to four times larger in the late First Era, than it was in the mid Second Era.[UOL 1]

Alinor, the capital

In the sixth century of theSecond Era,during theInterregnum,QueenAyrenn,daughter of KingHidellith,formed the firstAldmeri Dominion,an alliance withValenwoodandElsweyrwhose goal was to conquerCyrodiiland seize theRuby Throne.Ayrenn choseElden Rootin Valenwood rather than Alinor to be the capital of the Dominion, and her cousinAlwinarweruled Summerset on her behalf. Around2E 582,Ayrenn issued adecreethat opened the borders of Summerset Isle for outsiders, which resulted in an influx of immigrants.[7]It remained open until roughly2E 814when foreign traders were only allowed at its ports.[10]

The Second Era also saw theAbyssal Cabal's plot to sink Summerset Isle. The Cabal were a group ofSea Sloadwho wanted to reclaim the island for their underwater kingdom ofUl'vor Kus.They joined forces with theCourt of Bedlam,an alliance of the cultists ofNocturnal,Mephala,andClavicus Vilewho attempted to gain control over the Crystal Tower around 2E 582. Both groups were defeated by the combined efforts of theVestigeand thePsijic Order.[7].At the end of the Second Era, the island was conquered byTiber Septimin his unification of Tamriel under theThird Empire.

In theThird Era,Summerset Isle, along with the rest of the province, was officially incorporated into Tiber Septim's Empire. In3E 110,the island was almost lost to theMaormerin theWar of the Isle.[2]In the late fourth century of the Third Era, Summerset Isle was visited by theEternal Champion,who retrieved one of the pieces of theStaff of Chaosfrom the Crystal Tower.[11]In3E 433,the island was devastated by theOblivion Crisis,with the hordes of theDaedramanaging to topple the Crystal Tower. The forces of theThalmorcontributed greatly to repelling the Daedra, which later allowed them to gain control of the whole province, and ultimately form the Third Aldmeri Dominion, the dominant force inTamrielin the earlyFourth Era.[12]


The city of Cloudrest atop Eton Nir, the highest mountain on Summerset Isle

The architectural style of many cities in Summerset Isle is unique from its counterparts onAuridon.White marble construction, ornate glass and metalwork, and enormous elegant towers are a signature found across the island.[7]According to some, Altmer build such vast towers because of the belief that they were once gods, and so they aspire to reach the heavens once more.[UOL 2]

The modern architectural style of Summerset has been refined for thousands of years, as is evident by the numerous ruins that dot the island sharing a similar style. Altmer architects are said to look into the past for inspiration and add new layers of refinement, elegance, and detail to their structures. This discipline of continual improvement is in line with the overarching cultural concept known as the "Path to Alaxon", where many Altmer dedicate their long lives striving for perfection in their life or work.[13][UOL 2]

Although human traders to the island have famously described the architecture of Summerset as being made from glass or insect wings,[10]this is believed to not be entirely accurate and was simply the viewpoint of outsiders attempting to explain what they saw.[UOL 2]


Grape fields
Crystal Tower and Summerset's wilderness

Summerset is known for its beautiful cherry blossom trees that come in pink and white varieties.[14][15][16]It also has red and purple maple trees as well as gingko,[17][18][16]sea grape,[19]spruce,[20]and mangrove.[21]Small plants that grow in the area include blue and purple wisteria,[22][23]yellow oleander,[24]pearlwort,[25]and glasswort.[26]


A gryphon
An indrik

Summerset Isle was originally inhabited by species such asGheatus,welwa,andIllyadi,which were exterminated by theAldmerwhen they colonized the island (although the welwa were reintroduced into the island's ecosystem in the Second Era[27]). The most iconic Summerset animals aregryphonsand deer-likeindriks.[2][7]Additionally, thecanahis the exotic bird of Summerset Isle, bred for its beautiful feathers.[1]

Notable Places[edit]

A map of the whole province
The capital of the Summerset Isles. It is located on the western shore, along the Oleander Coast.
A city perched atop Eton Nir, the tallest mountain.
Crystal Tower
Also known as Crystal-Like-Law, this structure was of symbolic importance to the Altmer just as White-Gold was for the Ayleids.
A city on the southeastern tip of the island.
Eton Nir
The tallest mountain in the Summerset Isles, located near Cloudrest. It is the site of some of the Isles' most amazing architecture.
A city that is home to theCollege of Sapiarchs,located on the western shore.
A city on the eastern shore, also known as the City of Lights.
Birthplace ofVanus Galerion.
A city with the largest port on the Isle, located on the southern shore. The main road to Sunhold winds its way through the Eastern Pass.



  • ^1 The name "Summerset" is said to be a phonetic misconception of theEhlnofexidea that "the sum is set," a line ofAltmerithinking based in their typical numerical fixations.[UOL 3]

See Also[edit]


Note:The following references are considered to beunofficial sources.They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.