Online:Captain Jimila

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Captain Jimila
Home City Vulkhel Guard
AnvilDark Brotherhood
Location Shattered Shoals,Cat's Eye Quay
Ship The Prowler
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Aldmeri Dominion
Captain Jimila

Captain Jimilais theKhajiitcaptain ofthe Prowler,a ship initially found wrecked on the west side ofKhenarthi's Roost,in theShattered Shoals.Two of her crew aremissing,and you are tasked with saving them from aMaormerritual.

Later, the repaired Prowler willtake you to Auridonafter you have saved Khenarthi's Roost fromanother Maormer plot.She then takes on more of a recurring role in certain quests and in some DLCs areas.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

If you meet her in Vulkhel Guard whileThe Interim Suitoris docking in the harbor instead of theProwler,she'll only ask:

"What can I do for you?"

Aldmeri Dominion[edit]

Cast Adrift[edit]

If she is spoken with before startingCast Adrift,she will refer you to her quartermaster.

"I don't have time for you right now. The Prowler's damaged and unless we get some help, she'll founder at high tide.
You want to help? Talk toQuartermaster Oblan."

If you started Cast Adrift, and before you speak to Quartermaster Oblan, she will say:

"If you need anything from us, talk to Quartermaster Oblan. He's handling repairs and personnel."

Once you have been directed to the Prowler she will not be friendly to you before you help get her ship seaworthy again.

"If you're not here to help, get off my ship."
Captain Jimila surveys the Shattered Shoals from the Prowler

Afterwards helping with the repair efforts, Oblan will direct you to her for her final word on reinforcements. She instead has important information.

"Due to your efforts, the Prowler is free to sail once the tide comes in. Those marines did their part as well.
I have no reinforcements, but I offer something better. I know who's killing the Dominion soldiers. And I know how to stop it. "
What do you mean?
"Our lookout watched the Sea Vipers drag a Dominion marine into a cave. Later, he saw your friends remove the marine's body.
If we weren't so short-handed I'd have ordered his rescue, but three of my own crew were missing. "
What happened to your crew?
"Before we understood the danger, I sent my crew to scavenge among the shoals so we might repair the Prowler. We thought they'd disappeared, but one just returned—and she tells a harrowing tale."
What happened to her?
"TheSea Vipershappened. Now there's a new storm brewing, and I fear they're the cause of it.
Mastengwerecovers below. Hear what she has to say for yourself. "

Speaking to her again:

"Be gentle when you speak with Mastengwe. She has been through much, and fears for her friends."

Once you have spoken with Mastengwe, you can return to Jimila and ask her some questions about herself and the Prowler.

"You heard Mastengwe's story. If the Sea Vipers call up another hurricane before the tide rises, the Prowler will be smashed to pieces."
I'd like to ask you a few questions.
"Of course. What do you need?"
Where are you from?
"I spent much of my youth in theSummerset Isles,amongst theAltmer.My parents were travelers who always had an ear to the ground. If you understand my meaning.
After they died, I went to sea. It's how I ended up on the Prowler. "
Is the Prowler a Dominion ship?
"No, but she serves the Dominion.Queen Ayrenngave me our letter of marque herself. We were asked to scout for the fleet.
The only thing we spotted was a hurricane. "

After saving her crew members and stopping the ritual, you can can return to Jimila.

"SuhrandVirkvildreturned just after the skies cleared up. They're a bit damp, but otherwise all right.
My lookout says I have you to thank. "
Yes. I stopped the ritual and freed your crewmen.
"Then we'll finish repairs and shove off at high tide. Oh, your marine friends fended off Sea Vipers while you rescued my crew. They're welcome aboard as long as they want.
Perhaps we'll see you atMistral.You'll always have a place on the Prowler. "

You will then receive some gold and the Broadhead Shield as a reward.

Afterwards, you can ask her about Mistral and the Maormer.

"We'll take the marines with us when we sail to Mistral. I hope to see you there."
What can you tell me about Mistral?
"Small port, serves as a trading hub for the moon-sugar plantations on Khenarthi's Roost. Home to the tastiest double rum in the southern seas.
Lots of Maormer there. They even have an embassy. That means problems for the Dominion. "
Why are Maormer a problem for the Dominion?
"Maormer are Sea Elves. The High Elves kicked them off their island, so they found a new island. But for some reason, even though nobody's around to remember any of this, they want the first island back.
Elven feuds. You know how it goes. "

To Auridon[edit]

Jimila and Quartermaster Oblan at Cat's Eye Quay

After preventing the Maormer ritual, you find her at Cat's Eye Quay. She is willing to take you with her when the Prowler sets sail for Vulkhel Guard.

"The Prowler is headed to Auridon, and we're happy to ferry you there. When you're ready, hop in the launch. We'll set you up with your own bunk."
Why are you heading to Auridon?
"Chests full of gold. Owning a sound ship after a hurricane can be quite lucrative, even when the only cargo is Dominion luminaries seeking passage.
Don't worry, I won't charge you. Without your help, the Prowler would be a mass of broken timber. "
Is your ship ready to sail?
"Aye, the Prowler is fully restored and ready for heavy seas. Quartermaster Oblan even managed a few improvements using some Maormer… donations.
Have no fear, she'll get you safely to Auridon. "

Once you arrive in port of Auridon, she can be found on the deck of the ship.

"It's good to see you, friend. You will always have a place aboard the Prowler."

The Great Tree[edit]

Queen Ayrenn directs you to her for passage to Elden Root. She is found in Skywatch observing the festivities with her sailors while her ship is safely left in Vulkhel Guard.

"It's good to see you, friend. You will always have a place aboard the Prowler."
Queen Ayrenn said you could take me to the port of Haven.
"The queen? Of course we can do this! We shall set out for Haven at once, if you are ready."
Where is your ship?
"Where we left it, I'd hope. But come, join me for a drink! It's good luck to share a glass before a long voyage.
Unless you can't handle the stuff. Then you can meet us in Vulkhel Guard. "

You can choose to have a drink with her, or meet her later in Vulkhel Guard.

No thanks. I'll meet you in Vulkhel Guard.
"Suit yourself. The Prowler will be ready to sail when you arrive."
All right. I have time for a drink.
"How about a friendly wager? We match each other, glass for glass. Win, and you travel to Haven in the privacy of your own cabin.
But if I win, you launder our clothes for the entire voyage. Deal? "
On second thought, I don't have time for a drink. I'll meet you in Vulkhel Guard.
"Suit yourself. The Prowler will be ready to sail when you arrive."
If you buy the drinks, we have a deal.
"Ha! Deal. Bottoms up.
And speaking of bottoms, my quartermaster prefers a crisp fold in his breeches. "
Ready when you are.

If you decided not to drink with her, you can speak with her again.

"Meet us in Vulkhel Guard. We'll head there right away.
As soon as we finish our drinks. "

If you have a drink with her, you will have a blackout, and when you regain your senses, she is already in Vulkhel Guard. Talking to her there, it is evident she does not remember what happened during your wager:

"My head feels like a thunderbug crawled inside it. But I did win our contest. Oblan will bring the laundry for you. Every morning."
[Intimidate] That's not true! I won the contest! Don't try to cheat me!
"Fine, fine! You won, as long as you promise to be quiet.
Now it feels like the thunderbug lays eggs in my head. "
It's good that we understand each other.
[Persuade][Lie] What? I clearly remember you making a fool of yourself.
"Yes, well I was hoping you'd forgotten that raunchy song about the queen.
But what else could I rhyme with "Vulkhel Guard?"
That would have been a sight to see.
I'll take your word for it. I don't really remember.
"Are you ready? And can you stop thinking so loudly?"
I'm ready to leave for Haven.
"Yes, yes. We'll cast off as soon as the Prowler stops spinning...."
I have to take care of some things before we leave.
"Take as much time as you need. It'll give my stomach time to return from wherever it traveled.
Somewhere with a hurricane, no doubt…. "

If you did not accept the wager, she'll be ready to sail and free of a hangover:

"The Prowler is ready to sail when you are."
I'm ready to leave for Haven.
"Then let's be off!"
I have to take care of some things before we leave.
"When you're ready, let me know. We'll wait as long as we can!"

Unsafe Haven[edit]

You find yourself on the Prowler and amidst the evidences of a pirate attack. Captain Jimila can be heard shouting.

Captain Jimil:"Roll the bloody pirates over the side!"

Talk to her and find out what's going on.

"Haven is under pirate attack! Worse, they climbed in through our portholes and breached the hull.
I'll use their blood to swab the decks. Think they'll put more holes in my hull, do they? We had just finished repairs on the last ones! "
What can I do?
"We can't shore up the keel with saboteurs around. But we spotted a soldier nearby... looks like Khajiit royal guard and some refugees.
We'll keep the pirates off our own backs. Head to that soldier and see if you can help the refugees! "
I'll talk to the soldier.

Leave the ship to talk toLieutenant Kazargi.There is no way to return to the deck of the Prowler once you leave.

After completing the quest, she is found in Haven's harbor onJeer-Tei's ship,The First Witness.

"This ship... she's impressive. Maybe someone will give her to me.
"Commodore Jimila." Ha! What do you think of that? "

A Storm Upon the Shore[edit]

Just outside Serpent's Grotto, you'll find the captain withMajor Cirenweand a group of Dominion soldiers:

"With you here, maybe I don't need to worry so much about getting my ship back from these cursed Sea Elves."

After lighting the signal fire, Major Cirenwe will send you to The Prowler to talk to the captain:

"There you are! Impressive work back there. The Maormer didn't know what hit them when our forces stormed in—and I've got my ship back!"
And you're ready to set sail?
"Of course. The Prowler's been sitting at dock too long. She's ready to pounce on that bastard Pelidil as soon as we catch him.
And catch him soon we will—you have the captain's word on it! "

Pelidil's End[edit]

Jimila will immediately start the next quest:

"Good. The sooner we're underway, the sooner we can catch Pelidil. Raise anchor!"
Let's set sail!

If you choose not to continue the quest and return to her to resume it, she will say:

"The troops can handle reclaiming the sanctuary, but we can only really end this if we cut off the head. Vicereeve Pelidil is getting further away from us every moment we delay."
I'm ready to go after the Vicereeve.(Leads to quest dialogue)

Things go dark and you awake in the hull of the ship. Go on deck and you'll hear:

Captain Jimila:"Watch out! It's going to ram us!"
Captain Jimila:"Brace for impact!"

If you speak to her while the battle is happening and when not in combat:

"No matter what they throw at us, I'll keep our course steady."

When the sea serpent shows up, she'll yell:

Captain Jimila:"Load the fire launchers! Burn that beast down before it sinks us!"
Captain Jimila:"It did not like that! More incoming! Watch out!"
Captain Jimila:"Man the fire launchers! Destroy that damnable snake!"

Speaking to her while the serpent is attacking the ship:

"Get down there and man those ballistae, or that serpent will sink us for sure!"

Once the serpent is down, the Maormer will start teleporting aboard.

Captain Jimila:"Mage gates? They are teleporting. Prepare to repel boarders!"

Speaking to her while Maormer forces are coming in:

"Keep those marauders off my ship!"

After driving off the boarders, Dominion mages will secure a portal for you to enter:

Captain Jimila:"Mages, capture those portals! We'll use them to launch an attack!"

Speaking to her before going in the portal:

"Use the portal to take the battle to them! I'll hold the ship."

Once you've teleported to the Maormer ship, defeated Vicereeve Pelidil, and returned, Jimila will be there to congratulate you:

"You made it! I was beginning to have my doubts, but I trust that the vicereeve will no longer be a threat?"
Yes. Pelidil is dead.
"Then this is cause for celebration! Let us return to the shore and share the good news with Major Cirenwe.
Are you ready to return? "
Yes. Let's sail back.

Back in port, she'll say:

"By Jone and Jode, I wasn't sure we'd make it out of that one, but you never cease to impress. Things are always exciting when you're around, it seems."
Are you coming ashore?
"No. I will stay aboard the Prowler. I miss her greatly when we are apart, so I will celebrate our victory here on deck with my crew… and several bottles of Moon-Sugar Double Rum.
You go on. Savor this victory. You certainly earned it. "

After the quest:

"We've got some repairs to do on the Prowler, but maybe we'll sail together again soon. Until then, stay safe."
Appears only with Dark Brotherhood

Gold Coast[edit]

A Profitable Venture[edit]

Board her ship docked inAnvil.At first, she'll be ready to throw you overboard.

Captain Jimila:"Hey! Nobody boards the Prowler without my permission! Get over here!"
If you haven't met her before:
If you've met her before:
"Well, what have we here? You certainly don't look like one of those Red Sails extortionists that have been bleeding me dry."
"Oh, Jone and Jode, a friendly face! For a moment I thought you were another Red Sails extortionist come to get more blood from a stone.
Doesn't take long for pirates to warm up to the idea of tariffs and taxes when they're the ones collecting them. "
The Red Sails have been shaking you down?
"I can abide fees at an honest port, but Anvil presents a non-stop barrage of whatever the Governor's lackeys feel like enforcing! Uneven gangplank fees, loose mooring taxes, barnacle inspection!
Hmm. You're not from around here, are you? "
No, I'm not from Anvil.
"Care to help me turn the tide on these crooks then? I happen to know that their swindler of a Dock Master doesn't trust his gold to Anvil's banks.
If you help me pay the fool out of his own pocket, you can keep the lion's share of the bounty. "
I'm game. What's your plan?
"I don't know precisely whereQamarhides his gold, but I do know the lazy oaf uses a few trusted lackeys to deliver deposits when he can't be bothered. They often dice on the docks.
If you're convincing, I'm sure they'll reveal the location to you. "
What will you be doing while I'm locating the dock master's stash?
"I'm going to be your distraction. I'm expecting the dock master to make his rounds soon, and he's not going to be happy that I haven't paid my fees yet.
I'll keep him here, arguing with me, while you secure his ill-gotten gold. "
Why come to Anvil, if it's so much trouble?
"It was supposed to be a simple run. Pick up silks and spices on the way and turn a tidy profit. But the Governor and her minions are more greedy than a caravan full of High Elf nobles.
She'll never learn, even when the docks are empty. "
Who is this Governor you keep mentioning?
"Fortunata ap Dugal,Anvil's 'provincial governor,' but she's still the same old Red Sails Pirate Queen to anyone who really knows her. Half the Gold Coast struggles under her thumb.
Fool's Gold Coast, if you want to be more accurate. "

IfA Special Requesthas been completed, certain dialogue will change.

Why come to Anvil, if it's so much trouble?
"It was supposed to be a simple run. Pick up silks and spices on the way and turn a tidy profit. But the Governor's taxes are going to bankrupt us.
Even dead, that woman vexes our travels. "
Who is this Governor you keep mentioning?
"Fortunata ap Dugal, Anvil's late and lamented 'provincial governor.' She died as she lived, that old Pirate Queen! But her legacy lives on, tainting the Gold Coast, more's the pity.
Fool's Gold Coast, if you want to be more accurate. "
How did you find out about Dock Master Qamar's stash?
"Qamar's a braggart and he drinks like aNord.That's a combination for folly if ever there was one. He gave away his secret while trying to drink me under the table.
I remember the exchange, he does not. Too bad for him, yes? "

Retrieve Qamar's stash and return to The Prowler. As you board, you'll notice the Dock Master and the Captain are finishing a conversation:

Captain Jimila:"Next time, I'll wound more than just their pride! A moment, Qamar. I have a visitor."

Speak to her and she'll say:

"My friend, you've arrived at a bad time. I'm playing host to the king of skeevers and he hasn't the sense to know that he's outstayed his welcome."
I just wanted to see how negotiations were going. <Slip Her Qamar's Stash>
"Ha! Negotiations? Call it what it is! Ransom! Extortion! It would save us so much time if they just dropped the pretenses and robbed me!
Good work. Let me pay this fool and get rid of him. "
I'll leave you to your business then.

Qamar will then interrupt:

Dockmaster Qamar:"I'm tired of your complaining. Pay what you owe or the Red Sails will seize this ship."
Captain Jimila:"Fine! Take your ransom and choke on it."
Dockmaster Qamar:"There now! Was that so difficult?"
Captain Jimila:"Difficult is keeping my claws from ripping out your throat."

Speak to her again and she'll tell you:

"I almost bit my tongue trying not to laugh! Qamar doesn't so much strut as slosh about like a half-filled waterskin.
He's completely oblivious to the misfortune that just visited him. It's too much! "
Wasn't it a bit risky to threaten him like that?
"It was what he expected of me. Being too quick to accept defeat may have aroused his suspicion.
He seemed convinced, so he may not notice the theft for some time, let alone suspect us as the culprits. "
I'll take my share now.
"Here. That's most of what's left after I paid off that walking canker. Thanks to you, I might break even on this voyage.
Enjoy your time in Anvil, friend. I hope to never see these despicable docks again. "

After finishing the quest, she will stand in the middle of the Prowler and you can talk to her again.

"It'll be good to have the wind in my fur and sea air in my nose again. I can't wait to set sail and put Anvil behind me."

Optional dialogue if you completed the Aldmeri Dominion quests.

How's the life of a privateer in Queen Ayrenn's navy?
"Profitable and dangerous. I'm happy to continue ferrying troops for the easy gold, but when the Queen commands us to show our claws, we oblige.
Many a captain has made the mistake of dismissing the Prowler as a threat, to my benefit. "
Have you encountered any Sea Elves since we took down Peledil together?
"Ah, the tale of the Prowler and the fierece Maormer sea serpent. It grows with each telling! You might be amused to hear what the crew claims happened that day.
It's quite a popular story in the port towns. "
What are people saying about me?
"We were set upon by one hundred Sea Elves, surrounded with no hope of escape. But you defeated them soundly with one bare fist while swinging from the rigging.
Then you hopped onto the sea serpent and rode it into the side of the Maormer ship! "
That's... very dramatic.
"You think? That's the tamest part! By all accounts, your battle with Peledil rocked the seas and reshaped the coast. They say you turned the sea serpent into a mount!
Ah, I'm glad you're still well, my friend. "
Appears only with Murkmire


The Sounds of Home[edit]

Captain Jimila in Lilmoth.

Captain Jimila can be found in theLusty Argonian FootmanduringThe Sounds of HomewhenNesh-Deekawants you to deliver the vossa-satl to her. If you have worked with her before, she will greet you saying:

"I'm surprised to see you in this part of the world, old friend. Not that I'm complaining. It's always good to see you. But what are you doing in this land of mud and bugs?"

Otherwise she will say:

"You walk up to the great Captain Jimila with pride and purpose. Do you seek passage on my ship or does some other business put that spring in your step, hmm?"
I'm here on behalf of Nesh-Deeka to offer you a deal.
"Intriguing. Deals keep bringing me back to this swamp, after all. So many captains considerLilmothto be beneath their notice, but their loss is my gain.
Very well, speak. What's your proposition? "
First, Nesh-Deeka wants you to have this vossa-satl as a gift and to display the depth of his skill.
"Vossa… what now?
Tell me more, envoy. What is this contraption and why should I care? "
The vossa-satl is a musical instrument. Argonians in other lands would love a little sound of home.
"Hmm. The sound of home. Yes, I can see the profit in that. I'd target tavern owners withArgonianclientele. But what sort of instrument is this? I've never seen anything like it. "
It's a sort of wind and keyboard instrument. It uses frogs to make its sounds.
"I think what you just said will make more sense after another couple of drinks. Still, it's exotic, I'll give it that. And I love a good challenge.
Very well. Tell Nesh-Deeka we have a deal. Let's start with five of these and see how they sell. "
I'll let Nesh-Deeka know he has a deal.

If she is spoken to again, she will say:

"It sounds like… well, a bunch of croaking frogs to me. But I suppose Argonians might find the noise to be soothing.
We'll see how it sells and then decide whether or not to expand our arrangement. "

Speaking with her after the quest:

"We sail on the next tide, but there's still enough time to have a few drinks with an old friend.
Sit and regale us with tales of your latest exploits! I'm always pleased to see you healthy and alive. "

Post-quest dialogue with a character with no previous history with Jimila?

High Isle[edit]

The Missing Prowler[edit]

When you approach her:

"No ship, no Oblan, no idea where to start…Excellent…"

If you have worked with her before, she will greet you saying:

"You! I hoped it was Oblan approaching, but you make a welcome sight. How strange to meet again on such a dangerous island.
I could use your help again. Some pirate stole the Prowler. Have you seen Oblan? We split up to search for our ship. "

Otherwise she will say:

"Hmm. I hoped the sound of approaching feet meant my quartermaster had returned. Some fish wart of a pirate stole our ship. We split up to search to find it, but I haven't seen him since.
Tell me, any chance you spotted a dour Khajiit on the beach? "
No, I haven't. Who stole your ship?
"Good question. Many people desire the Prowler due to her speed and beauty. When we came ashore for supplies, I told my crew to keep watch. I hope they're safe.
Until we find her, Oblan and I are stranded. And we have important places to be. "
How will you find Oblan?
"Oblan is as resourceful as he is crusty. I bet he left some way for me to find him.
I could use a second set of eyes to search along Skulltooth Coast. Help me find Oblan and the Prowler. I have a few valuables on my ship that could be yours. "
I'll help you look for Oblan and the Prowler.
"Even if we do find the Prowler, I won't take off without Oblan. A captain never leaves a sailor behind.
When we split up, he took a northwest path to the beach. We'll start there. Look for any sign of where he went. "

After you agree to help, you can ask here some more questions:

Tell me more about Oblan. / I'd like to hear more about Oblan. / Can you tell me more about Oblan?
"A better quartermaster you won't find. He's meticulous—knows the whereabouts of every rope and biscuit that comes aboard.
Oblan always manages to get exactly what our crew needs. Even if their requirements are… less than accessible. "
What do you mean by that?
"We proudly sail for the Aldmeri Dominion during a time of war, yes? And I would never allow the Prowler's crew to betray our allies.
But, sometimes, only some strong bottles of Black-Briar Mead will lift morale. And Oblan will know how to get them. "
How does he do that?
"I never ask. And he knows better than to tell me. I've learned when to look the other way. If a bottle of Nord mead or a Dark Elf card game gets me a happier crew, what's the harm?
Now if I could only find a way to cheer up Oblan…. "
Is Oblan unhappy?
"No, no. He just enjoys acting surly. I doubt he feels happier than when he's growling at a young sailor for losing a fork or something.
But I'd give anything to see him smile one day. Even for just a moment. "
Tell me about yourself. / I'd like to know more about you. / Then please tell me more about yourself.
"Surely my reputation precedes me? The great captain of the famed Prowler?
I kid. Sure, I may have sailed all across Tamriel. Delivered supplies that turned the tides of battle. Saved the lives of heroes! But, there's no reason you should know me. "
So you're a supply courier?
"The Prowler takes on many tasks. These days, yes, we do a great deal of shipping for the war effort. But we'll take on passengers or even livestock.
Anything to keep the crew fed and the ship afloat. "
What brought you to land on this coast?
"Ah. Hmm. Oh, the usual. Just picking up supplies for our journey to the Summerset Isles. Nothing really notable at all."
What kind of supplies comes from the coast of a prison island?
"The usual kind. Ropes… hammers… crabs….
No, I shouldn't lie to someone who offers me help. But also I can't tell you the truth. All I will admit is sometimes the Prowler takes items where they aren't supposed to go. "
But why come here?
"We often use this beach as a transfer station for these items. Not many people can sail here, which makes it perfect for hiding.
So, when hired for such a job, we make the pick up here away from prying eyes. "
What makes this coast such a good hiding place?
"Amenos has earned a reputation for destroying most ships that approach it. The water here stays forever angry, and the shore's rocks chew through most hulls. The name Skulltooth Coast is rightfully earned.
Unless one is a brilliant captain. "

As you move down the area, she will comment:

Captain Jimila:"That marking on the rock face! It could be one of Oblan's smuggler marks. Take a look."

Speaking to her at that point:

"That mark scratched onto the rock wall looks very familiar. Before I get my hopes up, we should take a closer look."

After examining the smuggler's mark:

Captain Jimila:"Ah ha! Oblan left us a trail. This symbol means he went north."

You can ask further questions about the smuggler's mark:

"Good thing I made Oblan teach me these symbols of his. He mentioned them in passing once when talking about his old life. They sounded like a smart idea.
This mark here tells me he went north. Such a smart old cat to leave a trail. "
What do you mean by Oblan's old life?
"Ah. He wouldn't have wanted me to mention that. So, when we find him, keep it to yourself, hmm?
Before he joined the honest privateering trade, Oblan was a full-time smuggler. That's where he learned these marks. "
What made him stop smuggling?
"That I honestly don't know. That scruffy sea cat has led many lives. He keeps them all to himself. I respect his privacy.
It's not like he left the smuggling game entirely. When a bottle of High Rock Port appears on my desk, I know how it got there. "
What else do you know about the smuggler's marks?
"Any smuggler worth their salt knows how to read them. They give simple directions or warnings.
If you're not taught properly, they only look like random scratches. Hiding in plain sight works well in that career. "

Examining the next smuggler's mark:

Captain Jimila:"I think this is…east. Yes, he went east. I'm sure."

Speaking to her again:

"Excellent work finding that last mark from Oblan. Perhaps you've worked in the smuggling business before, hmm? Surely you don't keep secrets from me, do you?
Ha, no, keep your privacy. Oblan's mark says he went east. Let's follow him. "

Examining the final smuggler's mark:

Captain Jimila:"Good another mark. We're on the right…wait. Do you hear that?"
<Oblan is shouting in the distance>
Quartermaster Oblan:"I will scratch out your eyeballs! Let me down!"

Speaking to her, she will urge you to check out the commotion:

"I know that angry shouting anywhere. Oblan must be just up ahead. Let's hurry and see what's got his tail in a knot this time."

Once you get near, you can ask Jimila if she spots him:

"That fool should be near… oh, look up."

You will find Oblan in a makeshift shelter where he is strung up upside down by one leg.Adwig Racicotwill be standing nearby.

In order to get Oblan out of his predicament, you'll need to talk to Adwig:

"It seems that talking to that smelly Breton is the only way to get Oblan out of this."

If you agree to help Adwig, Jimila will tell you she better stay with Oblan:

"I'm not losing this fool again. I'll stay here with Oblan and try to convince the Breton to let him down while you gather his things."

If you choose to convince Adwig to skip out on the supply errand in favor of the bag search:

"You should go collect the smelly man's pack so we can get Oblan down from here."

Return and Oblan will be on his feet again, sort of:

"I managed to convince Adwig to let Oblan down, but you should hold up your end of the bargain so we can get a move on."

Give Adwig his supplies and Jimila is ready to move on:

"We're done gathering flotsam for the stinky Breton now, yes?
We have Oblan back, but now there's the matter of getting off this rock. "
What do you have in mind?
"Adwig was telling us about a pirate cove to the north. Apparently, it's crawling with Sea Elves, but if the Prowler is still anchored here, that's where it will be.
You and I should go. The others can meet up with us once Oblan recovers. "
Will Oblan be safe with Adwig?
"Adwig promised not to hang Oblan upside down again, so there's that at least. He seems anxious to leave Amenos… and also anxious to stay. Difficult to say. I think he will help us, though.
Once they're ready, they'll find us near the cove. "
All right, let's go look for the Prowler.

Speaking to her again:

"Let's make our way to this cove. Just keep a sharp eye for those dungy Sea Elves!"

Approaching the cave:

Captain Jimila:"Ah, there's the entrance to the cove. Just remember, friend… Sea Elves. Buckets of them. We should try to keep things quiet."

As you continue through the cave, Jimila will remark:

Captain Jimila:"Rajjin's shadow, these Sea Elves are everywhere! Is this some kind of Pyandonean family reunion?"

When you finally reach the cove, Captain Jimila will sight her ship:

Captain Jimila:"I see a ship mast ahead! That has to be the Prowler. Let's keep moving!"
<Captain Jimila runs ahead.>
Captain Jimila:"There she is! My girl is still in one piece. Moons be praised! Let's talk this over."

Speak with Captain Jimila to hear her plan:

"Ha! I knew this island couldn't break the Prowler! She is sleek, and strong, and beautiful, just like her captain!"
So, what now?
"Well, we can't just barge in. We're not blue enough or ugly enough to pass for Sea Elves, so disguise isn't an option. Hmm.
Let's keep moving along the ridge. Adwig said he'd try to meet us on the far side of the cove. I might have a plan. "
What is it?
"You won't like it. Well, maybe you will. You have a bit of a wild streak, yes?
You said the Sea Elves were gathering kindlepitch back on the shoals. See if you can find any and bring it along. I'll go ahead and try to find Oblan and Adwig. "
All right, I'll gather some kindlepitch and then find you and the others.

Once you agree to the plan, you can talk with her some more:

"I just want to look at my ship a bit longer. You never know how much you love a thing until it's snatched up by fin-eared corsairs, you know?"
You sure you want to make this journey alone?
"Of course I do! No offense, but I treasure every moment I get to be alone. Privacy is not something we sea captains have in great supply.
Anyway, you're the one who's going to be carrying sacks of exploding powder, right? My job's easy! "

As she runs off, she'll say:

Captain Jimila:"You'll be careful with that kindlepitch, right? I'll meet you with the others soon!"

Gather the kindlepitch and reunite with the crew:

Captain Jimila:"You know of a way down into the cove, right? One that does not involve us falling to our deaths?"
Adwig Racicot:"Can you believe this cat, Wat—? Oh, right. He's back home. Look, of course I know the way. I'll get you down there pretty as you please!"

Speak with Jimila:

"Ah, you made it. And with the kindlepitch, too! Good work."
Yes, I found the kindlepitch. What's the plan?
"Adwig knows a secret entrance into the cove, but it's risky. Not much cover. We're going to need a distraction, and that's where the kindlepitch comes in.
You don't mind taking on a dangerous mission do you? I mean, a more dangerous mission. "
What do you need me to do?
"I need you to lead Oblan to an overlook—it's got a perfect view of the Elves' flag ship.
Now, here's the tough part. You need to board the Sea Elf ship, place kindlepitch all over it, then signal Oblan to loose a fiery arrow onto the deck. "
You mean to blow it up?
"Like a Pellitine fire blossom! One of the really big ones! Once your work is done, run to the Prowler. We will meet you on board. Hopefully.
Don't worry! This plan will work. And if it doesn't, we'll all be too dead to argue about it. "
All right, Oblan and I will blow up the Sea Elves' ship, then meet you at the Prowler.

Further details on plan:

"You and Oblan better get a move on. Make sure that idiot doesn't fall off of any rock ledges or this whole plan goes belly up."
Can you give me more detail about the plan?
"It is a fairly simple plan, but all right.
Try to find vulnerable points on the ship. Under the main mast, the captain's quarters, the quarterdeck near the wheel, and so on. Sea Elf ships are very swift, but not so sturdy. "
And then Oblan will set it all off with an arrow?
"This is what Adwig tells me. He brought a bow for Oblan fashioned from old planks and fishing twine. The crazy Breton smells terrible, but he is very resourceful."

Lead Oblan to the overlook, then make your way down to the beach where Jimila is waiting and panting:

Captain Jimila:"Hey, partner, over here!"

She has urgent news to share:

"I found you! Thank Jode…. Sorry. We don't normally run this much at sea.
But we have a problem. "
What is it?
"The dungy Sea Elves locked the Prowler's wheel. Tough to tell at this distance, but the chain links seem too thick to break. We need a key."
Where do you think they're keeping the key?
"The Sea Elf captain's quarters is my best guess. Check there. Before you blow up the ship—in case that part was not obvious.
I have to get back to Adwig. Good luck! "
You too.

Speak to her before leaving and she'll add:

"The Prowler's crew has faced many dangers. And we always win the day. I have no doubts that our track record will hold up. We can't be beat!"
What do you need me to do again?
"Go to the Sea Elves' flagship, place the kindlepitch, signal Oblan. Oh and don't forget the key I just told you about or we won't get very far!"

As you part, she'll shout:

Captain Jimila:"I feel sorry for any Sea Elves that get between me and my ship!"

Take care of the flagship and return to shore where Jimila will be standing among several dead sea elves:

Captain Jimila:"Sure, now everyone arrives. After I've already taken out the pirates. Typical."
Quartermaster Oblan:"Did you see that shot? A thing of beauty, that's what it was!"
Adwig Racicot:"Wait till the lads hear about this! Ho ho!"
Captain Jimila:"Yes, yes, we're all very happy. We'll have time to celebrate after we weigh anchor. Unlock the wheel, my friend, and let's get out of here!"

Once aboard, she'll simply say:

"Get us out of here, quick!"

Free the Prowler and she'll remark:

Captain Jimila:"Great work, now get us out of this cove and to a nearby shore!"

Once you've made it to safety, she'll thank you for your help:

"Well, that was exhilarating, right?
Finally, my ship is back where it belongs. In the hands of her loving captain. And we have you and this strange hermit to thank! "
You're welcome.
"I promise, I will never let the Prowler out of my sight again. Oblan, though? If Oblan wanders off again, he is on his own.
Here. For your trouble. And if you're ever looking for somewhere to share a drink and a song, you're always welcome aboard. "

After accepting her gift, she'll turn to Adwig:

Captain Jimila:"You were a real help out there, Adwig. I could use a smelly, resourceful Breton on the Prowler."
Adwig Racicot:"Truly? Mara's mercy, it would be good to get off this rock. But… my crew…."
Captain Jimila:"Saying goodbye is never easy. But I am certain that… your crew will understand."
Adwig Racicot:"You're right, Jimila. Donel and Watkins can see to the others. It's time. Time to move on."

If you speak to her again, she'll say:

"We set sail with the tide! Just have to make sure no one else bumbles their way onto the island."
Are you serious about Adwig joining the crew?
"Of course I am! Adwig is strange, yes, but no stranger than other members of the crew. My boatswain wakes up twice a night screaming about sharks in the larder, and the purser can barely remember my name half the time.
We call this Prowler charm! "

A Chance for Peace[edit]

If you assisted Captain Jimila in Amenos, she will attend the ceremony inGonfalon Palace.Speaking with her before completing the quest:

"Are you surprised to see a simple sea captain like me in the company of aristocracy? It seems my service to the Dominion lifted the Prowler's name to Queen Ayrenn's ears.
Go speak to Lady Arabelle. We'll catch up after. "
Where will you go next?
"Wherever I please! That's the joy of the sailing life. We have a few jobs lined up. Sailors must eat, after all. But I think we can afford some shore leave.
And Queen Ayrenn asked to talk later. I sense more dangerous cargo in the near future. "
Was Oblan not invited to come here?
"Oh, I asked that sour cat to come and thank you. But, he turned me down. Something about needing to count the crates another time. He never stops working, that one.
But I know for a certainty that he's grateful for everything you've done. "

Speaking with her again after completing the quest:

"So, when not busy fighting pirates, I guess you're off saving royalty. Perhaps you just travel where the winds blow.
Everyone here owes you a great debt. Especially myself. The Prowler remains safe and ready to serve the Dominion. "
Where will you go next?(Rest of dialogue is identical)
Was Oblan not invited to come here?(Rest of dialogue is identical)


  • Captain Jimila only appears in Lilmoth once The Sounds of Home reaches the right quest stage.
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