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<Lore:Races(Redirected fromLore:Argonians)

"Saxhleel" redirects here. This article is about the race. For the month, seeSun's Dusk.

Illustration of a typical Argonian male

Argonians(Saxhleel,[1]orPeople of the Root[2][3]in their native language ofJel) are the reptilian natives ofBlack Marsh,a vast swampland province in southeasternTamriel.The other races often refer to them aslizardsor theLizard Folkinstead, especially when meaning to be derogatory. They are known as the foremost experts in guerrilla warfare throughout Tamriel, a reputation brought upon them by defending their borders from enemies for countless centuries.[4][5]They have a connection to theHist,a race of sentient trees.[6]

Agile and cunning,[7]they possess natural immunity to poison and disease, a trait that serves them well in their treacherous homeland.[8]Argonians are swift swimmers[9]and can breathe underwater.[10]They are also naturally adept spellcasters[2]and excel in the art of stealth.[11]

Foreign racial categorization labels them as "beasts",or" Betmeri ", as opposed to the humanoid races ofMerandMen.[12]The Argonians' alien nature is often commented on; they are called strange,[13]expressionless, reserved peoples, slow to trust and hard to know.[14]This is a sentiment shared even by lukiul, or "assimilated" Argonians, who were raised far away from the Hist and often have significant trouble fully understanding the emotions, body language, or motivations of their estranged brethren.[15]

While most of Tamriel refers to them as the "Argonians", many Argonians prefer the term "Saxhleel" when referring to their kind;[16]:58[17]"Argonian" is an Imperial term.[18]Some Argonians opt to take on a more Cyrodiilicized name outside of Black Marsh.[1]Taking on Imperial dress, name, and customs makes things easier for Argonians in Cyrodiil.[19]

According to the First Era Scholar Brendan the Persistent,"The Argonian people have, throughout Tamrielic history, been perhaps the most misunderstood, vilified, and reviled of all the sentient races. Yet, those who have taken the time to experience Argonian culture have gained a greater appreciation for this noble and beautiful people."[20][17]


"We are all connected at the root. It is a connection that can be severed, but also made whole once more. A root mended by they who are chosen."

The Argonians were created by the Hist, a race of sapient spore trees. The Argonians were given life, form, and purpose by these creators. Their roots run deep beneath the soil and soft white limestone of Black Marsh, connecting them all, and thus connecting the Saxhleel. As the Hist are all connected at the roots, they have a collective consciousness, and can communicate with each other.[21]:34Ancient cave paintings depict half-tree, half-Argonian figures—some of which appear to be more tree-like than Argonian.[21]:54

Stone-Nest Period[edit]

A Xanmeer

Long ago, Argonians lived in giant stonepyramids(called xanmeers)[17]that extended all across Black Marsh. This era is known to scholars as the "stone-nest period".[22]During this time, Argonian society was ruled by influential priest-kings.[23]

→ See the main article:Nisswo

The ancient Argonians (sometimes referred to as "the Old Ones" by the Saxhleel)[24]were capable of great feats, creating magical defenses that remained both functional and effective well into the Second Era.[25]It is theorized ancient Argonian society was more advanced and unified prior to Duskfall. However, a competing theory has been proposed that the ancient Argonians' trade connections simply reached farther than what was previously believed. The ancient Argonians were adept at metalworking and often used volcanic glass in their weaponry, the latter of which suggests they frequently ventured into what is now Morrowind. Some of their work was possibly even inspired byDwemerdesigns.[26]The ancient Argonians usedvakka stonesto power some of their relics and devices.[19]

Pre-Duskfall era Argonian armor and weapons (ESO)

The ancient Argonians viewedSithisas a destroyer. They feared change and Sithis' destructive force.[27]As a representation of this ideology, they built vast stone pyramids, known asxanmeers,to withstand the test of time. Fearing Sithis to this extent could explain why the old priests of Sithis were able to retain a position of power in Argonian society in the pre-Duskfall period.[27]Sithis had a more central role in this old society, and the ceremonies dedicated to Sithis were also different, including blood sacrifices.[26][28]Unsurprisingly, there was resistance to Duskfall among the priesthood, with some of them taking extreme measures to halt the approaching change. One priestess namedShuxaltseimanaged to return briefly in2E 582and attempted to reclaim her temple inMurkmire.[29]

An ancient carving with arboreal and Saxhleel features

The ruins withinTsofeer Cavern,theTomb of Many Spears,theXinchei-Konu Monumentand theTeeth of Sithisare examples of buildings from the pre-Duskfall era. The Xinchei-Konu was an ancient calendar that shows how the Argonians viewed time and tried to fight against change by manipulating the weather. The Teeth of Sithis is one of the largest known temples of Sithis.[30][27][31]Modern Argonians consider both the construction of the stone xanmeers and their predecessors' fearful devotion to Sithis as a result of a flawed belief system, as it only saw Sithis as a destroyer and not a creator as well.[27]Eventually, this society collapsed in a period known asDuskfall.


An Argonian temple to Sithis

What Duskfall was, exactly, is largely unclear. Sources largely describe it poetically, such as"The Hist led the way"and"the Hist revealed the true path",implying the Hist trees were involved in some way with the event.[32][27]Interestingly, the Hist seemed to have some forewarning of the events to come prior to Duskfall, and not all were in agreement of how best to handle the approaching change. At least one Hist tree sought to keep their tribe safe from these changes by forming a pact withMolag Balto wait out Duskfall withinColdharbourand preserve its people's traditions.[33]TheHist treeofMazzatundisagreed with its bretheren, and instructed its children to build a sprawling city of stone forever instead of teaching them to adapt to the changes.[34]

The Hist trees that remained ceased all communication with the Argonian people for an indeterminate amount of time following Duskfall. It wasn't until the Argonian Jaraleet rediscovered a method of communication that communion between the Argonians and the Hist finally resumed.[35]Unfortunately, the secrets of Duskfall remained lost even after this, with the Hist trees either having lost the knowledge of Argonians from that era of their history, or simply refusing to share it.[36]

Argonian culture went through a paradigm shift as a result of Duskfall. Having previously viewed Sithis as a destructive force and living in fear of it, the Saxhleel now started to recognize Sithis not only as destruction, but also change. Simultaneously, they adapted a more cyclical view of time. The Argonians believed that the fear of death and impermanence, which they call "shunatei", is the reason both the ancient Argonians and the other civilizations insist on building giant stone cities.[3]Modern Argonians believe that by building impermanent structures, they conquer shunatei and become one with Change, or Sithis.[34][37]

→ See the main article:Duskfall

Exactly when and how this ancient society collapsed is unknown, but they were already living in established preliterate tribal communities around the time theAldmerfirst began exploring Tamriel.[38][20][39]The ancient Argonians were swiftly displaced by the more technologically and magically advanced Elder Folk, and were driven back into the swamps of their homeland. Black Marsh in those times was inhabited by a multitude of races, from the diverseKothringitribes to the CantemiricVelothi(and much later, theBarsaebic Ayleids) to the vulpineLilmothiit,and they held the Lizard Folk in an almost myth-like sense. For some they were wandering curiosities, for others they were heroes that nobly saved non-reptilian inhabitants from horrors of the marsh, and for others still they were terrifying savages.[39]

First Era[edit]

Black Marsh,the land of the Argonians

Argonians only occasionally left their homeland during the early years of the First Era, though there are accounts of individuals being found in other parts of Tamriel during that time.[20]According to a Saxhleel ghost encountered inStonefallsin2E 582,the ancientChimerutilized the Lizard Folk as slaves centuries before their descendants theDunmerwould do the same.[40]

Red Bramman the Bandit King

The races' standard contempt for outside peoples originated in the latter years of theAlessian Empire,when pirates and other criminals often exploited Black Marsh's treacherous landscape to evadeImperialLaw. The entirety of the eastern coastline of theTopal Baywas infamous for piracy, and in1E 1033EmpressHestraordered for the head of "Red Bramman"(the most notorious of these criminals) to be brought to her in order to end the bandit activity.[20]The Imperial Navy was forced to enter Argonia through the Bay and traveled deeper into the swamps than anyone else had before, and finally beheaded the redheaded pirate-king in his bandit kingdom near the modern city ofBlackrose.[17]The pillaging and slavery Bramman introduced into the Marsh made Argonians resentful towards the races of men, and their resistance to the continued use of the old pirate routes led to decreased exploration as the First Empire's influence waned.[20][17]

Despite this bitterness, the Argonians still allied with and aided the Empire when the deadlyThrassian Plagueravaged Tamriel in1E 2200.Argonian freebooters joined alongsideRedguardcorsairs, Colovian galleys,Bretonwarships, and even Aldmeri cutters in theAll Flags Navy—the greatest allied naval force in Tamriel history—to enact revenge against theSload,a species hated by all the races of Tamriel. The Tamrielics succeeded in their mission, sinkingThrasto the bottom of theSea of Pearls(although it would later rise again), but a great number of their ships were unfortunately pulled intoColdharbourby a magical whirlpool.[41][42]

The Saxhleel were never conquered by the Alessian Empire. TheReman Dynasty,on the other hand, took great interest in incorporating Black Marsh as a province during their reign. In1E 2811the last army of the Lizard Folk was defeated by the armies ofCyrodiil,but Black Marsh itself continued to lay largely outside of Imperial control.[20]WhenReman IIascended to the Ruby Throne, the unconquered territories ofMorrowindand Black Marsh weighed heavily on his mind. He rashly decided to conquer Argonia in1E 2830,and nearly lost as many men from the swamps as he did from the Argonians that resisted him.[43]

In1E 2828,theBlackwater Warwas in full swing. One of General Sardecus's most trusted legates ordered a troop of sappers to set fire to a peat bog just outside Stormhold, unwary of the fact it was part of a larger underground network. This act was the catalyst for the Great Burn of 1E 2828. Months later, random fires were noticed as far as Soulrest and Gideon. The entire swamp was on fire, and it raged underfoot for over three years. The Legion was forced to stand down, as choking fumes and vents of burning swamp gas began erupting from the earth below. As the gas below the surface burned, it would eventually explode. Black Marsh was nigh-uninhabitable, even for the Argonians. Entire tribes were lost, and countless species of native flora and fauna were driven to extinction.[44]

The infamous Blackrose Prison, located in Murkmire

The war suddenly and inexplicably seemed to end in1E 2836,when the Argonians stopped fighting and went to living life in the swamps.[45]Reman II eventually managed to gain control of the northern and eastern sections of the territory, and declared those parts the Imperial Province of Black Marsh in1E 2837.[43][6][46]Imperial scholars are unsure of why Argonian hostility ceased, but they speculated that it had something to do with their Hist worship.[45]Unsure of how to make use of the region's resources, the Imperials built several prisons in Black Marsh, thinking it was a good place for prisoners to be sent to and be forgotten.[47]Criminals not trusted in conventional dungeons and anyone deemed a political enemy by the Imperial government[48]could be relocated to one of several prisons, such as White Rose Prison andBlackrose Prison.[6][49]

Second Era[edit]

For thousands of years before2E 582,the Dunmer had raided the land for slave labor, and in the process picked up and took with them anything else that was portable and might be valuable, including livestock.[50]Entire tribes were dragged off in chains toStonefalls,Vvardenfell,andDeshaan.[49][20]The Dunmeri Great HouseDreshad been cemented as a Great House in times long past when its progenitorThalthil Dresconducted a slave-raid on the city ofThorn,becoming the primary providers for the slave trade in their homeland.[51][52][53]While some Dark Elves saw the enslavement of the Argonians as a great uplifting and betterment for the race in general, the Lizard Folk themselves detested their so-called masters and resisted them constantly.[49][20]

The Argonians are rumored to be the creators of the deadlyKnahaten Fluin2E 560,which originated in the city ofStormholdand then spread throughout Tamriel like wildfire.[54]This claim has never been proven, but since the Argonians proved to be immune to the contagion, the other races quickly came to believe that an Argonian shaman manipulated theirHisttree into creating the plague in retaliation for the constant oppression of their people by the other races (specifically the Dunmer).[20][55]The Flu soured Tamrielic opinion of Argonians, who were thought to be carriers of the disease.[49]Many Khajiit blamed the Argonians for the Knahaten Flu.[56]

A mage from the Black Fin Legion

The Second Era also saw the rise of Keshu the Black Fin, an individual from the village ofSeekhat-Yolin the greater marsh.[57]When she matured, she went on to befriend Prince Jorunn of Skyrim in Stormhold before returning home.[24]Witnessing Dark Elven slavery had a profound effect on her, so she gathered many volunteers from the greater marsh to form an army, which came to be known as theBlack Fin Legion.[58]With them, Keshu waged war against the slavers of House Dres. As her victories mounted, her reputation grew, as did her militia.[59]

The Akaviri Invasion and the Formation of the Ebonheart Pact[edit]

Perhaps the greatest—and most surprising—historical event the Argonians took part in during the Second Era was theLiberation War,better remembered as the Second Akaviri Invasion. In2E 572,a strongAkaviriforce led byAda'Soom Dir-KamalattackedWindhelmin EasternSkyrim,killing QueenMabjaarn Flame-Hairand PrincessNurnhilde.Leaving the ruined city behind, the eastern army continued on their way toRiftenbut found it heavily fortified by theNords,who were led byJorunnthe Skald-King andWulfharththe Ash-King, the latter of whom was called back toNirnfromSovngardeby theGreybeards.[60][61]

The Ebonheart Pact is sealed

The invaders decided to bypass the Nordic city and entered Morrowind instead, where the Dunmeri army led byAlmalexiafought hard, but were forced to retreat into Stonefalls (although it is rumored that Mother Morrowind and the Skald-Prince collaborated with one another to set this up despite their races' ancient enmity).[62]With their backs towards the Inner Sea, the Akaviri fought viciously against the combined Nord-Dunmer force, but with the rest of the Akaviri fleet on the horizon it seemed that the Tamrielics would be overrun and slaughtered.[62][63]

Sometime prior to the initial invasion, an Argonian slave namedHeita-Meenescaped from the Dres plantation she was being forced to work upon alongside several of her compatriots, but was captured by the Dunmer-alignedArchein tribeand taken back to their village. During her captivity, she received a vision from the Archein Hist tree, which showed the Nords and Dunmer dying at the hands of the Akaviri. In this, she saw an opportunity. When she was taken back to Thorn, she killed her slavemaster and took control of the Archein guards by way of duel. She headed to Stormhold, where she was able to gain the support of a majority of the Shellbacks there, then made haste to aid the Dunmer and Nords in Stonefalls.[64]Jorunn sent a call for help to Keshu after Windhelm fell, and the Black Fin Legion assisted in driving the Akaviri from Morrowind.[59]

Vicecanon Heita-Meen in Loriasel with the Mnemic Egg

At first, the Dark Elves were alarmed to see a force of armed Argonians heading towards them; some even attacked the Argonians out of fear.[62]However, the three races were able to get over their mutual animosity, and resoundingly drove the invaders into the Sea to drown. At that moment, theEbonheart Pactwas formed and would continue to exist all the way through thePlanemeldten years later in2E 582.Unlike the other three factions in theAlliance War,the Ebonheart Pact focused largely on wiping away the rashness of Imperial rule as well as ending mortal scheming with higher powers from beyond Nirn.[65]

As a show of thanks for the Argonians' timely intervention, the Dunmer formally ended the enslavement of Lizard Folk. The practice of slavery itself did not end, despite the Argonians' liberation.[66]Some Dunmer refused to accept these terms and therefore withdrew from the Pact, notablyHouse Telvanni.Likewise, many Argonians felt that the Dunmer deserved retribution for their crimes,[67]and only the regions ofShadowfen,Thornmarsh,and Murkmire in Black Marsh joined the Ebonheart Pact.[64]Some Argonians left their homeland entirely and settled in other provinces.[68][69]Eventually, the Great Moot that ruled over Morrowind, Black Marsh, and Skyrim consolidated their provinces into a single nation.[70]

During theThree Banners War,an anomaly known as theMnemic Eggcame to the attention of the Pact's leaders. The Mnemic Egg is a powerful artifact that is the physical manifestation of the Argonian-Hist link, and if severed can prove fatal to both. The Egg fell into the interests of theFirst Aldmeri Dominion,who attempted to use the Mnemic Egg to sever the link between the Argonians and the Hist, but were thwarted by Vicecanon Heita-Meen and theVestige.[71][72][73]

It is unknown what became of the Ebonheart Pact, but by the time of theTiber Warit no longer existed, and the Argonians were once again the sole authority in Black Marsh. Saxhleel slavery was also revitalized in full by the Dunmer at some point, and despite the fear of the Knahaten Flu, House Dres continued sending slavers into the north of Black Marsh.[20]It is said that evenTiber Septimhimself thought twice before attacking Black Marsh in his conquests, and it is implied inA Short History of Morrowindthat the Argonian homeland was acquired by way of treaty instead.[74]Despite this, the borders of their province fell quite easily to his forces and he avoided much loss by neglecting to attack the almost impenetrable inner swamps.[20]The Argonian homeland was assimilated into Tiber's growing Empire sometime after theFirst Treaty of Stros M'Kai.[75]

Third Era[edit]

An An-Xileel soldier during the invasion of Morrowind

During the Third Empire, the homeland of the Argonians continued to function mostly as a prison state, and the Emperors were content with holding on to the strategic regions on the coastline instead of annexing the heart of Black Marsh, which remained outside of Imperial governance.[20]

In3E 396,during theImperial Simulacrum,a slave revolt escalated into theArnesian Warwith Black Marsh being defeated by Morrowind, which took a significant amount of territory (and undoubtedly many new slaves) when the Argonians lost.[20][76]Although the enslavement of any civilized race was illegal in the rest of the Empire, the Dark Elves were allowed to continue the practice due to the favorable conditions of theArmisticeunder which Morrowind joined theSeptim Dynasty,which allowed the Dunmer to follow their ancient traditions and maintain great autonomy in their domestic affairs. KingHelsetheventually abolished slavery in Morrowind for a wide variety of reasons.[77][78]With the abolition of slavery, the Argonians' relationship with the Dunmer vastly improved, although violent attempts to reclaim the lands stolen from them during the Arnesian War continued.[20]

While Imperial governors ruled over the coastal cities in the province, many of them had Argonian advisors from the Archein tribe (whom other Argonians regarded as "pompous, assimilated slaver kleptocrats" ).[79]The Archeins, in turn, ruled over the rural areas that made up most of Black Marsh. Beyond the reach of the Emperor, there was little to no governance in the innermost swamps, and it was unknown if the inhabitants of those areas even recognized Imperial rule.[20]

WhenMehrunes Dagonattempted to invade Tamriel during theOblivion Crisisin3E 433,theHisttrees foresaw his coming and called many Argonians back to defend their homeland.[78]The Argonians were altered by the Hist in order to combat theDaedra,becoming faster, stronger, and able to endure harsher punishment.[16]:59When the Oblivion Gates were opened in Black Marsh, the Lizard Folk charged into them so viciously that the Daedra themselves were forced to close them in order to avoid being overrun. Because of this, the Argonians emerged from the Oblivion Crisis more united and stronger than ever before compared to the other Tamrielic races, who were devastated by Dagon's plot.[21]:19

Fourth Era[edit]

The Argonians were among the first of the races to secede from the weakening Empire, alongside theKhajiitofElsweyr.[21]Shortly after the eruption ofRed Mountaindevastated Vvardenfell, the Argonians attacked Morrowind in an event known as theAccession War.Sources vary on why it was started. Some claim that it was incited by theThalmor.[80]Others say that it was the years of slavery that caused them to attack, or that it was an attempt at expansion.[81]


Whatever the case may be, they had early success in invading southern Morrowind, sacking many cities (includingMournhold) and advancing as far as the ruins of Vivec City.[21]However, the Argonians were eventually repelled by the army ofHouse Redoran,who stopped the Argonians from invading the rest of Morrowind.[21][81]Though Mournhold was reclaimed by Morrowind and is presently undergoing restoration efforts, the status of all lands invaded by the Argonians remains ambiguous.[82]The Argonians are known to have patrols as far north as Skyrim's border,[83]and control areas as far inland as the mainland portion of theScathing Bay,[21]:259bringing House Redoran's claim of total victory into question.[84]Some Argonian tribes hold territory in regions that border Black Marsh.[85]

"The tree, It was talking to me, filling me up. I couldn't hear anything else... I've never felt like that. There were a lot of us, all walking in the same direction, all with the same mind."

Sometime in the early Fourth Era the Argonians came to be governed by a political party known as theAn-Xileel,whose views were completely nationalistic. In 4E 48, the An-Xileel were able to use the rogue Hist of Lilmoth to summon the floating city ofUmbrielfromClavicus Vile's realm inOblivionin order to exterminate all foreign taint in Black Marsh.[21]:36The An-Xileel and the Wild Ones went away, intending to come back when the ordeal was all over and the Imperial taint had been scrubbed from the province.[21]:62When Umbriel finally arrived in Black Marsh, the rogue city tree reached out to all Argonians within range of the floating city, compelling them to walk beneath it and relent to the undead horde it controlled, giving their souls to fuel the ingenium.[21]:59

The city did this for them, but soon began following its own agenda after the An-Xileel lost control over it. Umbriel started on a northwestern path towardsWhite-Gold Towerin the Imperial City, moving through Black Marsh and Morrowind in the process; those slain by the floating city were resurrected as an invincible undead horde to aid the city's dark goal. The Argonian cities of Stormhold and Gideon were overrun by the undead army of Umbriel despite not being beneath Umbriel's shadow. It was through the efforts of the Breton girl Annaïg Hoïnart, an Argonian named Mere-Glim, PrinceAttrebus Medeand the Dunmer mage Sul (along with a few others) that Umbriel was finally destroyed and its threat to Tamriel eliminated.[16]

Saxhleel history has remained largely quiet for the rest of the current era. In4E 150,a small force of Argonian raiders landed onSolstheimto stir up trouble, but were repelled by the Redoran ofRaven Rock.[84]Smugglers in Skyrim's southernmost hold,the Rift,regularly complain about Argonian patrols along the border to Morrowind, implying the Lizard Folk have retained some land up north.[83][86]In spite of these patrols, the Dunmer have since managed to reclaim the area surrounding Mournhold.[82]


An Argonian warrior

Marsh-born Argonians enjoy wallowing in cool mud[87]and water[88][89][90][91]and basking in the sun.[92][93]Some Argonians appear as though they're sleeping when they bask.[94]Contrary to what some foreign scholars believe, Argonians do not worship the sun. Rather, they enjoy its warmth[95]and bask in its light.[96]Wallowing helps to cool their scales and keep them from drying out on hot, sunny days.[97][98]When they wallow, one might find an Argonian with their nose barely poking out of the mud.[99]Black Marsh has just the right climate to suit their scales: the dampness of the marsh keeps it from being too dry, there are plenty of trees to provide shade, and it's not too open.[100]

Argonians hatched in places outside Black Marsh cannot hear the Hist.[101][19]These individuals are referred to aslukiul,orassimilatedpeople. The term is used to describe Argonians that have assimilated into a non-Argonian culture.[96]Argonians who leave the swamp to live among non-Argonians are also considered lukiul.[102]An Argonian born as a slave onVvardenfellwould be considered lukiul, and would have no connection to the Hist.[101][19]Lukiul have difficulty understanding the body language of marsh-born Argonians,[15]and they are often treated as outsiders by the natives of Black Marsh.[96]

Traditional Black Marsh inhabitants refer to themselves as the Saxhleel, and they are suspicious of visitors.[17][103]Despite the distrust shown by the locals, lukiul are more or less left well alone. Those who've never left the swamp pity the lukiul, as they cannot imagine a life away from the Hist. Those who leave Black Marsh and return may feel greater longing for the Hist than when they left.[102]

Cultural Mindset[edit]

Argonians possess the most alien personalities in all of Tamriel from a human or meric perspective. They tend to speak with a certain detachment that might seem particularly strange to individuals with a formal upbringing centered around manners. Argonians do not facially express their emotions as much as men and mer do, though anger is fairly easy to detect through bared teeth and narrowed eyes.[17]Argonians are fiercely loyal and will fight to the death for those they have named as friends. Their allies have long since learned that there is always a reason for everything they do.[66]

A jekka-wass changing the weather with the Xinchei-Konu

Something remarkable about the Argonian people is that their culture seems to easily forgive the slights committed between tribes. This is due in part to their belief in reincarnation. A Bright-Throat may be reincarnated as a Black-Tongue after death, a Miredancer may return as one of the Root-House People, so on and so forth. For the Argonians, to hate each other is to hate themselves because they are all people of the root: it is better to forget and move on.[104]Because of this, the Saxhleel, like theBosmer,prefer to live in theAurbicalNow–not dwelling on the past or the future, but simply the present.[105]The concepts of "past" and "future" are foreign to them.[106]They pay little heed to the passing of days.[34]

Moreover, they care little about the relics within the ancient xanmeers dotting the marsh unless they have to. Some xanmeers contain powerful relics or cursed antiquities, and the Argonians would prefer not to have objects such as those floating around. They also have no use for the more benign trinkets found within the ruins. They do not want or need the relics within their people's ancient ruins; they would rather have more practical things, such as fresh slugs to feed themselves, and sturdy tools to hunthackwingsor repair their reed houses.[3]Some Argonians, likeKeshu the Black Fin,aspire to great things. Keshu in particular wanted to resurrect the advanced Saxhleel society of old, an uncommon, but not unheard of, aspiration. The elders, sap-speakers, and tree-minders struggled with the notion at first, but they did not stop her. To the Argonians, if someone succeeds in their goals, then those plans were meant to come to fruition. Those who fail disappear into the marsh, never to be heard from again. That is the way things are in Black Marsh.[58]

While the concept of time is foreign to them, the passage of time is not meaningless. The months on the Argonian calendar do have significance to the people of Black Marsh. The Saxhleel recognize that the passage of days is inevitable and part of a perpetual cycle. Marking the progression of that cycle is sacred.[107]A book titledThe Seasons of Argoniaexplains the months and their significance in detail. Argonians who pay heed to the passage of time are calledjekka-wats.[34]A jekka-wass is assigned to be the keeper of an ancient Argonian monument known as theXinchei-Konu,a giant stone calendar located inMurkmire.The Xinchei-Konu is not just a calendar, it is a catalyst of change; it can be used to change the weather.[30]

Change, or "vastei", is perhaps the greatest driving force behind the Saxhleel's motivation. To the Saxhleel, defying change is the greatest folly.[96]


The Argonian calendar, read clockwise, with Vakka at the top

The Argonians have different names for the months of the year than the rest of Tamriel. The following is a synopsis of the months and their meaning, in chronological order:

Vakka:The first month represents origins. Tribes are encouraged to show respect to their elders during this time.
Xeech:A month of planting, hopeful, but also melancholy. The First Mourning (out of three) occurs during Xeech: once a thing it is planted, it is hidden and gone. What emerges will not be something new: the nut is lost forever.
Sisei:Celebrates youth and possibility. Sports, competitions, and hatchling festivals take place during Sisei. Strength, speed, and willpower are also celebrated. This season is a time for romance and renewal. Bright colors are typically worn this time of year.[108]
Hist-Deek:A month dedicated to challenging authority. Injustices are brought to light, conflict between tribes occurs, and individuals reflect on their agency as well as their bond with the Hist.
Hist-Dooka:Family, tradition, and obligation are celebrated. Youngsters are given more responsibility, and many adolescents undergo their Chukka-Sei. The month typically ends in celebration.
Hist-Tsoko:The holiest month of the year, dedicated to the ideas of knowledge, wisdom, and fullness of potential. Gatherings are often solemn. Hist-Tsoko represents the Second Mourning: the Hist has stopped growing, and its full potential has been reached.
Thtithil-Gah:Wonder and simple joy are celebrated. Traveling entertainers make most of their money during this month, and festivals and feasts are constant.
Thtithil:Associated with anticipation, mystery, and finality. Thtithil is a time when many tribes begin laying eggs.
Nushmeeko:This month celebrates hard, thankless, everyday work. The entire tribe labors near-constantly during this month, doing whatever needs to be done around the village.
Shaja-Nushmeeko:Another month of mystery and debate. Unifying concepts such as change, becoming, and shifting values are all contemplated. Adolescent gatherings often happen during this time, and many young ones dip their tails in romance.
Saxhleel:Tribe members are free to pursue their creative passions, such as pottery and woodcarving. In many tribes, a large gathering of elders is held to prepare them and the community for the impending deaths to come. Saxhleel encompasses a sense of things coming to a close, as it's the second to last month of the year.
Xulomaht:Xulomaht is associated with the Third Mourning, which is the most significant of the three given the end of the year. Communities reflect on the past year and mourn its passing. They also look forward to the next year. Festivals are held to remember those who have died.


A grave-stake memorial site
A Naga-Kur kaal attempting to read a grave-stake with the aid of a grave-singer

When an Argoniandies,their corpse is laid to rest in the marsh to return to the Hist, so their soul may be incarnated once more. Burying the bodies, or at least allowing them to be among nature, allows them to return to the Hist. Argonians that have died away from the Hist, even in stone prisons such as White Rose, can return to the Hist by bringing their bones to the dirt.

Traditionally, the deceased is fitted with a wooden funerary mask and buried in the ground. A xul-vaat, or grave-stake, is used to pin the corpse into the mud (whether it's buried or not) so it doesn't float up to the surface when the marsh inevitably floods. This also prevents corpses from rising as an undeadbog blight.

The xul-vaat don't just prevent the corpses from floating to the surface of the bog: the deceased's story is carved upon their stake. Tales of their victories and defeats, tales from childhood, names of friends, dreams, and nightmares—a grave-stake tells those who see it about the corpse it impales. Each stake planted into the mud tells a story, some as old as the marsh itself. Sometimes they are laid at the roots of the Hist. Others are buried in graveyards or a place that held sentimental value for the deceased, and for some the body is staked where it fell. The stake marks the burial site and serves as a remembrance until it is claimed by the swamp.

A Naga kaal fighting bog blights

When death arrives to a tribe, the tribe's grave-singer is called upon to tend the corpse and stake it. The grave-singer is tasked with reading their tribe's stakes, and when someone dies, they sing the fallen one's final song. Grave-Singers care for the bodies of the fallen and deal with death, however it may appear to the tribe. The grave-singer of the Naga-Kur has an additional task: harvesting scales, skin, bones and other parts from the bodies of the fallen as needed, so the tribe can make weapons and armor. Argonian spirits return to the Hist when they die; the Naga-Kur do not bind their spirits to the weapons they make with the bones of their fallen kin.

Sometimes, grave-stakes come loose, usually by being pulled from the mud by an unsuspecting or malicious individual. When this happens, a formerly staked corpse can rise from the dead as a bog blight. They have been described as "dead-and-not-dead things that eat Nagas whole", and are dangerous in large numbers. Bog blights can be kept at bay with the use of pahnjees (or "fumers" ), racks of oily, spoiled meat that mask a living person's scent from bog blights. Life energy clings to grave-stakes. This powerful force can be used to fuel necromantic rituals.

Argonian Souls[edit]

An Argonian's soul being torn from his body as he dies

Argoniansoulsare different from those of other races due to their connection to the Hist.[109]Argonian souls return to the Hist after death because of this connection. A Hist tree's sap is its soul. When an Argonian is created, the Hist's sap becomes the Argonian's blood, essence, and soul. Argonian spirits are made from the essence of their Hist tree, which is the sap. If a Hist tree were drained of its sap, the souls of the tree's tribe will have nowhere to go after death. They may linger in the world of the living, trapped in madness. If the sap were to be boiled or distilled by whoever took it, the Hist would be in great anguish, an unbearable sensation that the souls of its tribe would feel. If the tribe's tree-minder possesses a relic gifted to the tribe by the Hist, such as a staff made from one of its branches, the relic can be used to call the tribe's spirits and the tree's sap back to the Hist. In that case, the souls would pass on, and the tree would survive.[110]

Those who commit blasphemies against the Saxhleel are punished by denying them the ability to return to the Hist. This can be done by binding them to an urn. None of the Argonians buried following the rites of the Hist are anointed with Arkay's Blessing, which in the very least prevents the souls of other races from being used without their consent. Even so, it is uncommon for foreignnecromancersto come to Black Marsh to practice their art, because corpses decay very quickly.

Art and Architecture[edit]

A mud hut, which can be easily rebuilt if destroyed

Long ago, the Lizard Folk built and lived in grandiose pyramid structures they referred to as xanmeers and hadwayshrinesdedicated to the stars.[111][112]However, these were consequently abandoned following Duskfall, and the Saxhleel themselves do not recall much about life in those times.[112]During the Second Era the Argonians of Shadowfen lived in huts made from mud,[17]while those in Murkmire constructed settlements woven from reeds.[113][114]Because of this alarming change, some scholars doubt that the xanmeers were built by the Argonians, who in their opinion merely claimed ownership of them. Feathers, bright colors, and lizard hides decorate the majority of their buildings and works of art.[17]

Reptilian symbolism is prevalent in Argonian art.Turtles,lizards, crocodiles, and other scaly creatures are often the subject of artistic expression.[115]Turtle shells are often used to craft dishes, such as platters[116]or mugs. Particularly fancy products might be inlaid with mother-of-pearl.[117]Argonians use hide from giant snakes to protect delicate textiles.[118]

An Argonian Village comprised of reed houses

Modern Argonian architecture is shaped by the concept of conquering shunatei: "the pain caused by holding on too tightly to that which has come to pass", also described as the "Fear of Death and Forgetting". Argonians feel that building stone structures in the belief that they will endure the centuries is foolish, and point to the countless other ruins that dot other provinces as proof of the inevitability of their destruction. Because of this, they instead build structures that are intended to be temporary.[119]

Argonians are said to be masters of jewelry making, which is sought after in many provinces.[120]The Argonians also seemed to be the pioneers in the arts of alchemy, as their alchemists in Black Marsh have long held that the moon phases dictate the precise positioning of calcinators.[121]

Ceramic art is commonplace in Black Marsh. The Argonians make pots, bowls, spice shakers, and other dishes and utensils out of clay.[122]Glass and bone are also used in Argonian crafts.[123]Though wood is destined to rot in the humid swamps, Argonians don't shy away from using wood in their crafts.[124][125][126]The art of weaving grass and other fibers is commonplace in Black Marsh. Argonians are known for their sturdy weaving techniques, secrets which they guard closely.[127]Specialized bronze tools called "bone-workers" are used to carve bone, horn, and chitin for Argonian art. The tool performs the functions of a knife, pick, and chisel.[128]

In Murkmire, some of the locals use razor-sharp pieces of volcanic glass to skin their beasts.[129]The inhabitants of Xal-Ithix use barbed, four-tined spears with double-hinged folding hafts made of bamboo to hunt frogs.[130]


Interregnum fashion trends

Argonians occasionally dress up their tails, whether they have a practical reason to do so or not. A colorful band of leather makes for a simple accent on the tail, and some Argonians spruce it up by attaching bells or other decorative elements to such garments.[131]Specialized stockings with pockets to place hot stones in can be worn on the tail to keep it warm.[132]

Argonians often decorate themselves with spines and plumes.[133][134]Horn adornments are also common: copper horn caps were popular during the "capping" trend of the Second Era.[135]In the Second Era, lukiul started a trend of using fashionable silver clips to hold their frills in place.[136]

Naheesh elders are often adorned with feathers from thebetva-hen.[137]


An Argonian sport

Their tendency to go with the flow and shrug off the loss of worldly things doesn't make the Argonians averse to fun. They have invented several sports, some of which involve the use of a ball, or "teeba".

  • Teeba-Hatsei:Teeba-Hatsei(meaning "Hip and Tail Ball" ) is a uniquelyArgoniansport that makes use of their tails. Hands and feet are not used to hit the ball; only hips, elbows, and tails.
  • Teeba-Enoo:Teeba-Enoois an Argonian pastime that is both a ritual and a sport. There are many rules, and they are always changing. The rules are very confusing to outsiders. Plenty ofSaxhleelalso have trouble understanding the rules.

There are also several Argonian board games. Shells and Stones[138]is played on a small, flat reed mat with strange markings on it.[139]


A vossa-satl player

The Argonians have invented an instrument called the vossa-satl (also called "frog pipes" ). The instrument resembles a polished wooden clam shell with a series of valves along the top. Each "segment" of the shell is a small, hollow compartment with a mouth like a bugle; each chamber is a different size and produces a different tone. The musician places a live frog into each compartment. There are many kinds of vossa-satls: some are as small as a jaw harp, and some are as large as a pipe organ.[140]To tune their instrument, the vossa-satl player twists a tuning key to alter the size of the frog containment chambers.[141]Tuning a vossa-satl requires a good deal of patience, especially when the frogs are in mating season.[142]Musicians wear pouches full of wriggling frog treats on a cord around their neck.[143]There are nests in each of the frog compartments, and the frogs are kept happy and well-fed so they sing at their best.[144]The happier the frogs are, the better the music is.[145]

Before each performance, the musician squirts a few drops of frog musk into each compartment to goad the frogs into singing. By pushing the valves on the instrument's neck, the musician muffles some chambers while leaving others open. The pipes produce a sound of their own, which is supplemented by the frogs' croaking.[140]The vossa-satl is one of the most difficult instruments for foreign musicians to master.[146]Instrument crafters go out and catch frogs that produce pleasing tones for their vossa-satls.[147][148]

The Fredas Night Stingaree is a tradition in Stormhold. Some participants wear fancy, lacquered wasp thoraxes on their tails,[149]while a musician plays "Dancing on Eggs", a traditional jig, on a uniquely styled slide flute. These flutes are usually made of silver.[150]


"Much of the nuance of Argonian conversation blooms from heavy metaphor and subtle body movements."– Lights-the-Way, Mystic of the Mages Guild[96]

Jelis the language of the Argonian people, and is unique among the other Tamrielic races by being unrelated to ancientEhlnofex.It came from the Hist, the creators of the Argonian people. It also has no past tense or future tense verbs, only present tense. There is less emphasis on past and future, and more emphasis on the now, the recent past and the close future. Aside from the purely verbal communication, Argonians also utilize body movements to express their attitude to the subject they're speaking about.[151]

Argonians spear fishing

While many Argonians can speak other languages, even the most skilled linguists from other races struggle to gain even a basic grasp of Jel. With its use of hisses and other noises, it is described by some as impossible to be spoken correctly by other races, though it is still advised that visitors learn at least a few key phrases.[96]The throats of non-Argonians can't make all the proper sounds.[21]:33Jel can be described as "the closest speech to real thought". Some Argonians feel that languages comprised merely of words only serve to limit the expression of thought[21]:33—true thought is close to theroot.[21]:34Some of the more isolated tribes of Black Marsh will commonly speak in this manner, with phrases such as "I bare my teeth" or "I roll my eyes" being commonplace during discussions.[151]People from other races often have difficulty reading Argonians' facial expressions.[99]

Jel is occasionally referred to as the swamp-tongue[3]or the root's tongue by native speakers. People who do not speak Jel are referred to as "ojel", literally meaning "Not of Argonian Tongue" or "Non-Speaker of Jel". It is often used to refer to outsiders, but isn't a derogatory term.[152]

Medicine and Grooming[edit]

In Murkmire, pickled frogs eyes are used to settle a sour stomach. Some tribes consider them to be a delicacy.[153]Dried tree bark may be chewed to relieve headaches or minor aches and pains.[154]

Argonians also have many products used for moisturizing scales and frills. Soothing balms derived from palm oil can be used to keep spines healthy and moist.[155]Polish can keep the spines looking suave.[156]Clay lotion may be used to soften thick, rough scales,[157]and some folks lacquer their scales to improve their luster.[158]Creams derived from substances like kwama wax can be applied to the scales to keep them shiny and moist.[159]Herbal moisturizers intended for Argonian scales are known to irritate the skin of every other race.[160]Some oils intended for use on leather can be used to keep Argonians scales smooth and shiny.[161]Argonian ladies may carry a parasol to keep their scales from drying out in the hot sun.[162]

Small metal blades are designed for Argonians to use to clean their bodies. These specialized blades help scrap mites, dirt, and residual buildup off the scales.[163]Brushes with rigid bristles serve a similar purpose in getting dirt out from beneath the scales.[164]Clam shell claw files can help the discerning Argonian dull or sharpen their claws.[165]Thin, elongated whetstones are ideal for sharpening the horns.[166]Cylindrical sharpening stones with a hollow center are used to sharpen the teeth for defensive or cosmetic purposes.[167]Argonians of high status keep Corimont Mouth-Plovers (a kind of bird) to clean their fangs after meals.[168]A mixture of ground, ultra-hard bug shells can also be used to clean debris out from between one's fangs.[169]

Smooth, waxy fin polish is used to enhance the health and appearance of one's fins.[170]Some Argonians use ridge liner in an attempt to elongate the apparent size or depth of their facial and head ridges. This is comparable to the purpose of contouring or mascara in makeup used by men and mer: the gel is supposed to make their ridges seem more pronounced.[171]Argonians can make use of specialized polish for their horns. Expensive varieties can be made from valuable reagents, such as gold.[172]Cosmetic fragrances developed by the Saxhleel tend to follow trends that may seem odd at first glance, such as the bladder-aged "snake sweat" perfume.[173]Some Argonian colognes smell so strong that only the Saxhleel could find them alluring.[174]

Argonians moult; they shed their scales every now and then to make way for new ones.[175]Sometimes, they have difficulty losing their old scales, which may cling to their bodies.[176]Thick brushes are designed for rubbing off shedding scales, but are detrimental to the dermal health of other races.[177]


A meeting with traditional fare on the table, including bowls of grubs and guts
→ See the main article:Argonian Cuisine

Argonian cuisineis perhaps the most impenetrable for outsiders. Composed largely of raw fish and swamp plants collected throughout the marshes, Argonian dishes are often difficult for outsiders to acclimate to. Argonian chefs make use of ingredients that cooks of other cultures would shy away from, such as maggots and fermented pond scum. Fish and small creatures that are harvested in nets and traps are often seasoned with spices and rich sauces, then eaten raw.


Daril,literally meaning "seeing everything in ecstasy" in Jel, is a dangerous substance[178]derived from moon adder venom. The aforementioned venom is instantaneously fatal to all but Argonians, and is transformed by an agent in Argonian blood. Those who use daril can see sounds, hear tastes, and smell sights. Daril unfolds in stages, each unlike the last, and confuses the senses.[21]:131It cannot be safely taken by non-Argonians.[178][179][180]Daril is very difficult to acquire; the venom is usually fermented in a swamp jelly gas bladder.[181]Some Argonian users coat tiny quills in daril and insert them into the skin around their eyes for an intense sensory experience.[182]The use of daril dates back thousands of years. In ancient times, stone mortars were used in the process of fabricating the drug.[183]

Some Argonians, especially Bright-Throat elders, enjoy smoking dried marshweed.[184]

The Argonians' natural resistance to poison also makes them resistant to the effects of drugs likeAlcohol,requiring higher doses than other races for the effects to kick in.[185]


The following is a list of miscellaneous aspects of Argonian culture:

  • Some Argonians fill their pillows with livecentipedesbecause they enjoy the pleasant wriggling sensation.[186]
  • A sentimental Argonian may press and preserve a leaf from their Hist tree to remind them of their tribe and family.[187]
  • Heavy, inlaid wooden boards set in a series of octagonal patterns may be used in meditative exercises.[188]
  • Argonian effigies reported to ward off nightmares are sold to people in other provinces by foreign traders.[189]
  • Enterprising scam artists sell imitation Hist seeds to gullible foreigners seeking their reputed fertile properties.[190]


A Hist

Most, if not all Argonian tribes revere and build their lives around aHisttree. They ingest its sap during rituals, lay their eggs among its roots, and often live according to the Hist's will. Tribes that build their lives around a Hist often do so literally, as they construct their settlements around the Hist.[191][192][193]The Hist guides them, and its people serve it in kind.[3]

The Argonian way of solving disputes differs from that of the Imperial province. Murkmire, for instance, doesn't have laws; at least not in a sense understood by outsiders. Small disputes are handled by an arbitrator of both parties' choosing. This can be anyone, though it tends to be the tribe's tree-minder.[194]

Tribal Leaders[edit]

A tree-minder caring for the Hist

Argonian leaders known as tree-minders tend to the tribe's Hist and seek its wisdom through communication with the tree. On rare occasions, the Hist may speak directly with an individual, though most tree-minders can interpret signs sent by the Hist.[195]Tree-minders can feel when something is wrong with their Tree. Occasionally, that something may be physically harming the Hist, such as sapthief beetles, but other times, it can be something deeper.[196]If something is wrong with the eggs in the uxith or the Tree senses an issue with members of the tribe, the tree-minder will feel it.[195]The tree-minder interprets the Hist's will so the tribe may carry it out.[197]

Some tribes possess a sap-speaker, who is a direct intermediary with the Hist. The sap-speaker will spend days or weeks at a time among the roots and canopy of the Hist; ingesting sap, eating the otherwise forbidden fruit of the tree, and using many hours of the day to indulge in solitary contemplation. The sap-speaker emerges from their solitude with the knowledge they've acquired from the Hist during their long bouts of study.[138]Sap-speakers have been described by Argonians as "Saxhleel blessed by the Hist with second-eyes and second-ears".[198]

Many tribes have an individual known as a root-herald, who works to protect their tribe's interests. While some tribesmen hunt forwamasu,the root-herald hunts for information and fruitful relationships.[3]They foster relationships that benefit their tribe, such as negotiating trade agreements.[199]They also gather information from townsfolk and associates, such as stories and rumors from outside the tribe. Some outsiders may liken their behavior to that of a spy, but such a concept is foreign to the Saxhleel. A root-herald cannot serve their tribe without gathering stories and rumors. Their purpose lies not in subterfuge or espionage. Rather, the root-herald's purpose is closer to that of an ambassador, or someone who brings in news to the tribe from the outside world.[3]

Life in the perilous swamp warrants the existence of kaal—war-captains.[200][201]The more war-like the tribe, the more this title is revered.[96]Some tribes also have a raj-kaal, or war-chief.[201][202]The name is self-explanatory: the raj-kaal is a war leader. Tribes that value their warriors may have a ka-deelith, or war-teacher, who trains novices to become full-fledged fighters.[202]Argonian tribes also place great emphasis on their naheesh: their tribal elders. They are the wisest members of the tribe, who carry the Root Talk and know all the sacred croaks and Chukka-Sei naming secrets.[113]The Root Talk is a solemn affair that usually occurs during the month of Hist-Tsoko, a time dedicated to wisdom and knowledge. During Root Talk, the tribal elders recite the history of the Saxhleel.[107]Though the naheesh are greatly respected, their title does not indicate that they are in a position of power. Another honorable title is that of the deelith: one who passes wisdom to another.[96]There is also the raj-nassa—an elder leader, and raj-deelith—an elder teacher. A tribe's elder leaders may determine what young Argonians must do to complete their rites of maturity, and the raj-deelith prepares the hatchlings for the rite.[203][204]

Naga-Kur warriors, who wear the skins and bones of the fallen to protect themselves


Argonian arms and armor differ between tribes, and designs have changed with the passage of time. Ancient Argonians from pre-Duskfalltimes used volcanic glass, elaborately layered cloth, leather, bone and bronze to arm and protect themselves. Their weapons and armor were often adorned with feathers, dyed yarns, jewels, bronze emblems, and gold. The use of metal is almost unheard of in many post-Duskfall aspects of Argonian craftsmanship.[26]

Xit-Xaht tribe armaments, modeled by a human

The Naga-Kur of Murkmire craft weapons and armor from the bodies of their deceased. Scales, hide and bones from their dead are fashioned to protect the living. Frills and spines from the deceased may serve as decoration, while bones often make up the handles and business-ends of Dead-Water weapons.[205]

The Xit-Xaht of Mazzatun crafted lightweight armor that relied on sturdy leather and bone to protect the flesh of the wearer. Armor and weapons were designed to allow the Xit-Xaht to move swiftly in the marsh and hit their targets hard. Layers of bone are constructed to deflect blows, though Mazzatun craftwork often leaves the midriff exposed. Plumes, avian and reptilian skulls, and the spiraling path sigil of the city of Mazzatun often adorn the Xit-Xaht's arms and armor, making them easily identifiable from other tribes.[206]Argonian armor from the Shadowfen region, dated to the Second Era, often utilized bones, tortoise shell, shells and snakeskin to protect the wearer. Feathers, jagged teeth, turquoise, and jade often made up the adornments on crafted pieces, with spiral and geometric designs featuring prominently in ornamentation.[99]

The heavy infantry of the Argonians are known as Shellbacks.[17]Kaals may rally their own units of elite shellback warriors.[207]Argonian shields are sometimes made from turtle shells. If not the entire shield, a turtle shell may instead serve as a decorative boss for one.[208]Argonian blacksmiths make use of vises composed of hard shells and metal.[209]


It was merely exciting at first, but after a few moments, he began to feel the trees, their own joy in their existence, in the process of merely being, and he felt himself gently tugged into a state of pure thought, where no words existed to constrain his feelings, where no logic tried to make sense and order of the world, and there was only color, smell, touch, motion.[16]:108

Except for the more deeply assimilated, the Argonians do not formally recognize or worship any type of Tamrielic deity.[210]They revere their creators, the Hist.[110]Marsh-born Argonians can hear the Hist—when they place their hands on its bark or rest beneath its boughs, they hear whispers or songs, and can perceive faint smells or soothing tones.[3]

This relationship is not one of bondage, but rather a bond—the Hist care for the Saxhleel,[3]and they in turn care for the Hist. The Argonians have agency apart from the Hist; their servitude is voluntary.[107]Marsh-born Argonians are capable of wieldingHist-magic,which doesn't operate on the same rules as conventional spellcraft.[211]Practicioners can summon a cloud of spores to incapacitate a target.[17]Lukiul cannot hear the Hist.[101]

The Argonians also revereSithis,a being that even the Hist acknowledges.[212]TheClutch of Nisswois a group of priests dedicated to Sithis who wander across Murkmire to collect the 'many truths' of each tribe and share each tribes beliefs with other tribes.[213][214]Z'en,theBosmeriGod of Toil, is thought to have originated in Argonian and Akaviri mythologies before being introduced toValenwoodbyKothringisailors.[111][112]

An Argonian priest collecting Hist sap

A religious practice Argonians share across many tribes involves entering the dream-wallow, which is said to be between the lines of a vision and reality,[215]and is capable of physically manifesting objects into the physical world.[216]The methods involved to enter the dream-wallow and what it consists of differ. It typically involves a period of isolation and exposure to potent mind-altering herbs so the participant may see beyond the physical realm.[217]Dream-wallows take a toll on the mind and are hard on the stomach.[218]

A pool of deep sap

Members of theBright-Throat Tribeenter the dream-wallow by ingesting deep sap, hist sap collected from deep beneath the ground. One Bright-Throat reported seeing in his vision a clam challenging him to a game of riddles, where all the words turned to orange mud, and in the end the clam was feasted on.[218]TheNaga-Kurpaint their faces red and inhale the fumes from burningStarblossoms.Inside the dream-wallow, they face a kaju, a dream-beast chosen by their chief that must be killed unassisted. Tree-minders and naheesh dream-talkers are consulted for questions regarding the dream-wallow.[219]

A heresy relating toY'ffreemerged among the refugees who fled to Valenwood fromBlack Marshafter the creation of theEbonheart Pact.Having severed their ties to theHist,many of these Argonians turned to Y'ffre and the trees of Valenwood in the hope that he could allow them to reproduce. This heresy was potentially ended in2E 582when ex-Shadowscalerefugees assassinated those responsible for abandoning the Hist.[220]

Creation Myth[edit]

The Adzi-Kostleel tribe of Argonians believe that the world was created in a struggle between two spirits. Originally, there wasAtak,theGreat Root.As Atak grew, its roots "formed new roots, and those roots took names, and they wanted space of their own to grow." Soon, it discovered the serpent spirit,Kota,who had been born from theNothingand hungered. Atak and Kota fought and ate at each other until they became something new and indistinguishable, Atakota. They shed theirskin and Shadowand went to sleep. The Shadow ate therootsand was changed by them, keeping them safe and telling them the secrets before releasing them instead of devouring them, letting itself sleep as well. The secrets changed the roots, making them realize they were now temporary and could change.

Many of the spirits learned to fear this change, calling it Death. The chaos that ensued awoke Atakota and split them once more, leading to Atak and Kota and their roots going to war over the existence of Death. Some of the roots drank of Atakota's blood and sap untilthey grew scales, fangs, and wings.Other rootswere protected by aForest Spirit,singing with her and becoming one with the forest. In the chaos of the war, the Shadow awoke and ate both Atak and Kota, shedding the skin of Atakota and covering all of the roots, promising to keep them safe.[221]


A Shadowscale

TheShadowscalesare a longstanding monastic order of Argonian assassins that worshipSithis,theVoid,and consists of Saxhleel born underneath the sign ofThe Shadow.According to some sources, the downfall of the ancient Argonians was because their "scales were darkened" by the touch of Sithis. Shadowscales also serve as a type of law enforcement in Black Marsh, bringing down "swamp law" on unruly foreigners and natives alike. They are offered at birth to theDark Brotherhood,a guild of assassins that also follows Sithis, to be trained in stealth and assassination. A lone Shadowscale located in Skyrim stated that their order was no longer a fully functioning group by4E 201.[222]

Shadowscales are referred to as "ku-vastei": that which brings necessary change. They believe death is not just an end. Death is a form of change, and can be a beginning: "a cycle turned again". As assassins, they are called upon to spark change by bringing death,[223]but Shadowscales serve Black Marsh in many ways. Shadowscales who are fortunate enough to live to an advanced age learn to serve as ku-vastei beyond killing, such as sharing their wisdom with Black Marsh's inhabitants. The people of Murkmire believe the Shadowscales keep the natural order of things.[194]

Daedra Worship[edit]

A few tribes (such as the Sul-Xan) worshipDaedra,but Argonian society at large does not partake in the veneration of powers from Oblivion. In fact, there are no Jel words to describe any of the Daedra. As explained by a native speaker during the Interregnum, the Argonians do not "taint their language with words for abominations from Oblivion". Instead, they use common words from other more widely-spoken languages to refer to the beasts.[224]

Appearance and Physiology[edit]

The Ancestor Lizard, the reptile that Argonians are allegedly descended from

The Argonian allegory known as the Parable of Becoming states that the Hist found the humanoid forms of Men and Mer useful, molding the form of the swamp's lizards after them to create Argonians.[225]Some scholars believe that theAncestor Lizardsare what Argonians were uplifted from.[226][227]Adding to this theory, the Argonian Mere-Glim had a vision while on Umbriel; in this vision, Mere-Glim experienced the life of a lizard every day until the root and the taste of Hist sap came, transforming both his body and mind.[16]:266-267Similarly, theories exist that state that the Hist also mimicked the forms of the mounts of bothmenandmer,creatinglizard-steedsfor the purpose of being used by Argonians to ride long distances through the Marsh.[228]

Argonians believe that their souls were given to them by theHist[21]:34–according to the Lizard Folk, there was nothing before the Hist.[35]Because of this the souls of the Saxhleel contain unique qualities that sets them apart from the souls of men and mer.[229]Most Argonians are able to feel the presence of the Hist in their minds at all times, but the further they travel from Black Marsh, the weaker the connection gets.[21]:59Some Argonians can even be born without this connection, and are viewed by others of their kind as disadvantaged because they can't understand the most simple of Argonian gestures.[15]

An Argonian with a spiked wattle

Physical Traits[edit]

Although Argonians appear reptilian in nature at first glance, they also exhibit qualities of fish, amphibians, and even birds: they are able to breathe underwater through gills,[230][231]some swim using the same method as that of a tadpole or eel by moving their tail side-to-side to propel through the water,[232]and they are capable of growing feathers.[233]Some Argonians have webbed hands[21]:35and feet,[21]:34which serve to propel them through the water while swimming.[21]:93The membranes that connect these individuals' fingers are translucent.[21]:12Argonians don't sweat.[21]:196Because of their gills, Saxhleel cannot drown.[152]Argonians have tough snake-like skin, though it is not as strong asalligatorskin or armor.[UOL 1]They occasionally undergo moulting, the process of shedding their scales to make way for new ones.[175]

Horns and fins are examples of cosmetic traits that are endemic to Saxhleel anatomy.[234]Their fins can vibrate, and make a low humming sound if they move fast enough. Argonians put on a threatening display by expanding their fins and hissing.[235]Their fins can be drawn back tight to reduce their visibility to hostile entities, allowing for more effective sneaking.[113]Some fins assist the individual in swift swimming.[236]The Saxhleel have spines above their brow, which they raise for various reasons.[99]Argonians use their spines to express their emotions.[155]

An elderly Argonian from the Bright-Throat tribe

Sensory organs are also an aspect of Argonian anatomy that differs from that of Tamriel's other inhabitants. Some Argonians have membranes with which they use to blink, as opposed to using eyelids.[16]:115Argonians secrete pheromones whose scent can indicate their mood.[16]:85For instance, one who is incited to anger may emit a sharp, sulfurous scent that raises the heart rate of those in close proximity.[21]:19When tickled under the chin, they will reflexively open their jaws.[21]:56Argonians have a crop from which they can regurgitate food hours after consumption.[237]


Argonians have a lifespan similar to that ofhumans.[238]Exceedingly old Argonians will find patches of their scales becoming translucent.[21]:46They also develop wrinkles when they grow old, not unlike other sapient races.[21]:49As they age, their snouts turn grey; very old Argonians have white noses.[239][240]Argonian voices tend to be gravelly, and some speak slowly. Particularly old individuals may speak with a voice like creaking leather.[99]


Saxhleel genders are sometimes referred to as life-phases. The "female" life-phase is highly intelligent, and gifted in the magical arts. The more aggressive "male" phase reportedly embodies the traits of a hunter: stealth, speed, and agility.[8]It can be difficult for people of other races to discern the gender of their Argonian cohorts.[241][242]

It is said that upon exiting the juvenile stage of life, an Argonian will lickHist sapfrom the tree's bole in order to stimulate the hormonal glands, which will cause them to sprout sexual organs.[17]However, this is unconfirmed,[243]and Argonian hatchlings may apparently be of any gender.[244]Argonians can ask their Hist Tree to change their gender, which is typically followed by a celebratory ceremony.[245][246]Female Argonians can have protrusions that resemble mammalian breasts, but at the same time are able to lay eggs.[247][248]Argonians do not have nipples.[249]Unlike the rest of Tamriel's sapient races, the Saxhleel have cloacas.[250]

Gloor-Specific Traits[edit]

Argonian appearances range from reptilian to almost human. This is caused by the Hist sap they ingest as hatchlings, an event which ceremonially takes place on their Naming Day.[244][16]:58An Argonians' appearance and physiology is almost solely determined by their Hist. This leads to some Argonian tribes differing widely in appearance from their neighbors. For example, the Bright-Throats of Murkmire have brightly colored scales of many hues. Their neighbors, the Naga-Kur, have dark, sometimes iridescent scales and red eyes. Additionally, the Naga-Kur Tribe consists ofNaga,a subspecies of Argonian with elongated heads and large mouths.[251]Certain argonians are said to resemble gray-spottedgeckos.[UOL 2]

An Argonian Behemoth

Argonians are adaptable-by-induction to their Hist's gloor—the pervasive will/desire/need of the Hist to engender multiple inevitabilities.[50]Though an Argonian can have ancestry from a wildly different tribe, they will always display the characteristics of the tribe that they were born into. An example that illustrates adaptability-by-induction can be found in the Ghost People tribe, known in Jel as theVeeskhleel.All Veeskhleel are impotent and cannot have children of their own,[252]but by stealing eggs and hatching them under their own Hist Tree, all Veeskhleel display the same traits.[253][254]Certain traits (such as the bright colors on a Bright-Throat's wattle) may fade the further an Argonian is from their respective Hist, though they will also come back once the Argonian returns to their tribe.[50]Reclusive Argonians that live in places away from sunlight (such as subterranean caverns) will lose the color in their scales.[255]

Though the Saxhleel seem to generally be cold-blooded, they can apparently regulate their body temperatures just as effectively as their mammalian counterparts. Thanks to this, they can be found wandering the cold environments ofSolstheimandSkyrimwithout any negative repercussions. Some scholars believe this is possible because of the powerful magicks that lie within Hist sap, which the reptilian race ingests throughout their lives.[212]

→ See also:Xal-Krona

"They are sentient trees, and we are—connected to them. They are many and they are one, all attached at the root, and we, too, are joined at that root. Some say we were created by the Hist, to see for them the world where they cannot walk. They can call us or send us away. When we are named, we take of the sap of the Hist, and we are changed—sometimes a little, sometimes very much."


Argonian physical traits differ from tribe to tribe, but some of these starkly different traits are shared across tribal borders. There are different general body shapes Argonians can take on.Agacephs,Hapsleet,Nagas,Naka-Desh,Paatru,andSarpaare breeds of Argonian described as being physiologically distinct. Some Argonians draw a distinction between the Saxhleel and the Naga. Nagas tend to be taller and have wider faces than the Saxhleel.[18]Described as having "huge mouths filled with dripping needle-like fangs", they reside within the inner regions of Argonia and are usually seven to eight feet tall. They have beady eyes,[256]are not friendly towards outsiders,[79]and tend to be more inclined to engage in violence and warfare.[18]The majority of the native brigands and highwaymen are tribeless Naga.[20]

The Nagas' proclivity for cruelty does not make them "evil", nor are they universally reviled by the rest of the Argonians because of it.[257][258]The Naga-Kur of Murkmire may be rather unfriendly to foreigners, but for the most part, they remain at peace with the rest of Murkmire, and do not go out of their way to destroy other tribes.[259]There are indeed cruel tribes of Naga, such as the Sul-Xan, who are more than willing to harm their fellow Argonian for one reason or another,[18]but the Nagas are not a monolith.

Reproduction and Child-Rearing[edit]

A nest of Argonian eggs

Argonian life begins with a clutch of eggsconceivedby a mated pair. The tribes of Black Marsh all have their own customs for choosing mates. Some pick each other out of love[260]or attraction,[261]and some, like the Bright-Throat tribe, bond with members of other tribes to improve tribal relations.[262]The concept of procreational partnership varies from tribe to tribe. Each group's pattern of affection sharing and egg-quickening depend on the will of their Hist. Uvastuxith (nest-becoming), tumjum (allegorical house-weaving), and thtithatei (egg-stomach) are all examples of such concepts and practices.[225]Argonians can display ovoviviparity and due to their humanoid structure, they can have live births where the eggs hatch internally.[UOL 3][UOL 4]Argonians born in cold foreign provinces or to small nomadic tribes tend to have live births without the use of egg nests, while those in warmer climates with established, stable, and permanent communities would likely see a great number of eggs.[UOL 1]

In any case, eggs are laid and transferred to an uxith (or "nest" ), where they are tended to by midwives until they hatch. While the Argonians take care of their eggs, the Hist guides their development and determines what shape the hatchlings will take.[263]Argonians are born with an egg-tooth, which the newborns use to hatch from their eggs. A cracked egg-tooth on a newborn Argonian is seen as a good omen.[247]For some tribes, much of the egg-laying happens during the month of Thtithil.[107]

The Bright-Throat tribe from Murkmire has egg-tenders who perform this task. On top of attending the needs of the eggs and discerning which ones are fertile and which ones are not destined to hatch, the tenders also read nursery rhymes and play the flute for their eggs.[264][265]Those who tend the eggs beneath the Hist at the Hatching Pools inShadowfenare known as the Keepers of the Shell.[266]The Keepers keep meticulous record of every egg that enters the uxith; the pairs they were born to, how many hatchlings emerge, when the eggs hatch and which star signs the hatchlings are born under are just some of the things recorded in their logs.[267][247]They perform the usual tasks one would expect from someone who tends and protects eggs, such as monitoring the eggs and crushing biting bugs that may harm them.[268]There are signs to look for in an unhealthy egg, including dry shells, lack of luster, a thin membrane, and an empty shadow. If an Argonian egg is not destined to hatch, it returns to the Hist, sinking into the roots and fading away.[263]

An uxith, where Argonian children are born

Unlike the children of other races, who must be constantly cared for by their parents in order to survive, Argonian hatchlings are born with the ability to walk.[259]Hatchlings are fed licorice worms,[269]and those who are teething are given pacifiers made of hardened Hist sap to chew.[270]Some parents carry their small hatchlings arround on their backs in swaddle-skins.[271]Eventually, their Naming Day comes. The hatchling licks the Hist and is granted a name.[204]

Unlike Imperial children, Argonian hatchlings from the greater marsh don't generally play with rag dolls.[272]However, figurines shaped like animals and Argonians are often carved for children.[273]Argonian moppet dolls also exist, and they are quite a rare sight outside of Murkmire.[274]Hatchlings can be easily amused by frog-shaped squeaky toys.[275]Another example of a toy created for Argonian children is that of a wooden box which launches a spring-loaded snake when opened.[276]

When a hatchling comes of age, they undergo their Chukka-Sei, a trial of maturity, in order to prove themselves worthy of being called an adult.[271]These trials are typically designed to test one's skill and bravery, and may be conducted over the course of several days. Some of these tests are set, and used throughout the greater marsh, though there are innumerable local customs. Some of these rites change depending on the location, time of season, or the raj-nassa's preference,[203]and some tests are catered to the individual.[271]Those who pass the trials gain full tribal membership. These trials typically occur during the month of Hist-Dooka, which usually ends with a great celebration.[107]Some wear special clothing during their trials, such as crocodile tooth necklaces.[277]The tribe's neiweets and root-nurses may prepare a feast for when the trial-goer completes their maturation rite.[278]


Argonians usually live in tribes, each having their own customs as well as differing appearances. In fact, the name "Argonian" itself seems to be more of a catch-all term that refers to all the different tribes of lizard folk that dwell within Black Marsh.[6]There are a number of known tribes.

The tribe of Murkmire that claimed to be the bearer of an oral tradition of the Argonian creation myth, collected by researcher Solis Aduro.[221]
Most have needle-like faces and vary in color from bright green to orange. They reside in inner Argonia, near the Hist.[79]
During the time when other races tried to put plantations in Black Marsh, Archeins were very powerful and made fortunes by selling other Argonians into slavery at the expense of being branded as traitors.[64]They also served as the advisors of Imperial governors in Black Marsh, and were in charge of the more rural districts as well. Since other races have realized that Argonia is unfit for plantations, they have gone bankrupt.[79][6]
A tribe native to Blackwood. They take care of the xanmeer at Krona-Konu (known to outsiders as "Rockgrove" ), which comes with the advantage of the structure's stone walls providing protection for the tribe.[279]Most of the tribe lives in a village just outside the xanmeer. Krona-Konu stands upon a network of steam vents, which can damage the xanmeer's foundation when they erupt. The Ca-Uxith maintain the ruin's structural integrity. The tribe also has a stone-talker: one who serves as conduit between the Hist and Rockgrove's xanmeer. The stone-talker knows much about the ancient city's secrets.[280]
A tribe native to Murkmire, they fell victim to the depredations ofMazzatun.[281]
An introspective and pious tribe. They have a deep connection to the Hist, naming a "Sap-Speaker" who is said to work as a direct intermediary between the Hist and the Argonian people. They are also obsessed with games and inveterate gamblers.[138]
Described as being physiologically different from other tribes such as the Sarpa, Nagas, and Paatru.[282]
A Moss-Skin
A tribe that raises crops which the Black-Tongues use in their alchemical brews.[104]
HutsleelorRed-Dream People
A tribe native to Blackwood. They partake in sap rituals and "dream" over historical artifacts to learn their stories, and repurpose these objects for daily use in creative ways.[283]
A tribe native to Murkmire. They are accomplished alchemists and ardent Sithis worshippers, able to modify the hatching time of their eggs so that most hatch under the sign of the Shadow, providing a large amount of Shadowscales.[284]
Lut-Eileel[285]orSharp-Eyed People
A petty tribe that preys and leeches off of other tribes to survive.[286]
A tribe native to Murkmire and long-time allies of the Bright-Throats.[281]They have a tendency to follow the path of least resistance.[287]
A Naga-Kur war-chief
A warlike tribe of Nagas native to Murkmire. They use the bones of their fallen in weapons and armor.[288]
A tribe native to Blackwood, described as having "wide faces, large eyes, and broad webs adorning their forearms and throats". Outsiders perceive them as secretive and mysterious, but this is a misconception caused by the Naka-Desh seeing little benefit in traveling beyond the boundaries of their Hist's roots. These Argonians aren't curious, and don't care for cultural exchange, with the exception of riddles.[282]
Described as "toad-like", they live in the inner regions of Argonia and are hostile to outsiders.[79]
Root-Whisper Tribe
A tribe native to Murkmire and responsible for the creation of theRemnant of Argon.They were nearly wiped out by theBarsaebicAyleids,but their Hist sacrificed itself in order to save the tribe by preserving their souls in the Remnant.[289]In theSecond Era,the Rootmenderhelped to restore the tribe by freeing the souls from the artifact.[290]
A tribe that fought on the Empire's side during the Blackwater War.[46]
A Veeskhleel
A tribe of winged Argonians that is hostile to outsiders. They live in the interior of Black Marsh.[79]
Stone-Pile People
A tribe native to Murkmire. They never participate in the Bright-Throats' bonding ritual.[281]
A peaceful tribe from Shadowfen that were abducted and pressed into slavery by the Xit-Xaht tribe.[291]
A tribe of Naga native to Blackwood that worshipsMehrunes Dagon.[292]They perform ritual sacrifices with the intent to bring about the end of the world.[18]Sul-Xan warlords with a romantic interest in someone may resort to drastic measures to propose their union, such as kidnapping the object of their affection and offering the heads of that person's neighbors as a dowry.[293]
Three Waters Tribe
Native toShadowfen,this tribe possesses knowledge ofsoul magic.[294]
Tum-TaleelorRoot-House People
A tribe native to Murkmire. They do not create anything on their own, relying solely on other tribes to provide for their needs.[295]This even applies to residence, leading them to often raze entire towns for themselves. They destroy what they no longer need to keep the other tribes creating things.[296]
VeeskhleelorGhost People
A tribe native to Murkmire. They have pale white scales, and are known to steal the dead of other tribes and perform necromantic rituals on them.[253]They are unable to lay eggs themselves, and are forced to steal them from other tribes.[252]
A tribe native to Murkmire. Their tribe is composed of cheerful artisans who have enjoyed a fruitful relationship with both outsiders and deep-swamp Argonians. The Bright-Throats are famous for their rich music and dance tradition, as well as their preternatural talent as woodcarvers.[297]
A tribe of warrior fanatics in Shadowfen that were driven mad by theirHist.[291]They wield magic to manipulate stones[298]and roots.[299][300]
A long gone tribe of Murkmire that used to inhabit the Blight Bog Sump.[301]


Eye of Argonia[edit]

TheEye of Argoniais a treasured artifact described as the "priceless king's jewel of ancientBlack Marsh".Little is known of the eye, other than along with being an invaluable gem it acted as a key to the" lost city of Black Marsh "and it was a highly sought after relic for treasure hunters.Cyrusthe Redguard and the Cyro-Nordic captain Tobias both wished to attain the prized artifact, although it's unknown if either of them ever succeeded in doing so. An archeologist and author by the name of Rolard Nordssen aspired to claim the fabled eye, a potential accomplishment which he considered even greater than his prior feats. Circa3E 427,theNerevarinementioned the legendary jewel as a means to cover for his true intentions to infiltrate the chambers of the Common Tongue press printers. There exists dubious tales about the jewel's discovery.

Fang of Haynekhtnamet

Fang of Haynekhtnamet[edit]

TheFang of Haynekhtnametis a literal fang which was carved into a blade and fashioned into a small dagger in an exquisiteArgonianstyle. It is named afterHaynekhtnamet,a mythicalwamasufromBlack Marsh.According to the bookTamrielic Lore,the artifact was created by a score ofNordswho fought Haynekhtnamet for seven days and nights before finally bringing the creature down, believing it to be adragon.One of the survivors took a fang as a trophy, and it was later carved into a dagger which mysteriously houses some of the beast'smagicalproperties. The dagger grants the wielder the ability to shock an opponent. Other reports indicate the dagger was taken from the eponymous wamasu in theShadowfenregion of Black Marsh in2E 582,This jagged blade was heavily befouled and would cause disease in anyone it struck. The Fang of Haynekhtnamet has been seen occasionally by traveling heroes throughout history.

Fangs of Sithis[edit]

TheFangs of Sithisare a set ofpre-Duskfallweapons, taking the form of either two large eggs, or a set of dual daggers.

The Fangs were gifted to theNight Motherby Sithis, the Dark Husband, who in turn gifted them to theShadowscales.It is said that a single Shadowscale wielding the Fangs could lay waste to entire cities not just via mass killings, but also by causing crop-failures and famine. However, most are unable to safely wield the Fangs, as they feed upon the wielder's mind and soul, causing the weak-minded either to go mad, or become mindless agents of Sithis who are devoid of free will.

Gaze of Sithis

Gaze of Sithis[edit]

TheGaze of Sithisis a well-preserved ancientArgonianhelm artifact dating back to before theDuskfallperiod, whose eye sockets fill even the bravest with a sense of dread. The enchantment makes it so the user can no longer mitigate damage taken from blocking an attack, but this is alleviated by increasing the user's sturdiness and overall health and recovery time.

The artifact's power comes from the various components that make up the helm's anatomy, though their functions are speculated by scholars. The hand-etchedmalachiteskull mask perhaps representsSithisand it contains reservoirs of chaotic energy that indicates some sort of trade needed in exchange for power. TheNisswofabric wraps secures the mask to the wearer's head, reminiscent in a way done to aBog Blight.These pristine fabrics may have been used for an Argonian warrior of high status, indicated by the fabric's patterns. Crowning the helmet is the ritual metal circlet of an unknown heavy material that was perhaps imported. Pad-sa shark teeth line the bottom of the circlet, perhaps intended to channel the shark's resilience or hunger. Enveloping the top and back of the mask are feathers from the extinctWraxubird that may have had a cultural connection to Sithis.

Mnemic Egg Replica

Mnemic Egg[edit]

TheMnemic Eggis anArgonianrelic that can act as the physical link between the Argonians and theHist.It is a sacred symbol of birth and life, containing the memories and wisdom of the Hist. The Mnemic Egg takes the form of a seed infused withHist sap,which visibly flows and pulsates throughout the Egg.

When a Hist tree dies, the death is described as the tree being "born backwards." That is to say, the death of a Hist creates a Mnemic Egg. The memories of that Hist and its Argonians are all contained within the Mnemic Egg. The Hist share a collective consciousness; they have the ability to communicate with one another, and to feel what another Hist is feeling. As a result of the Hist's shared connection, and the fact that the Mnemic Egg is a physical vessel for all of the memories of the dead Hist that birthed it, the Mnemic Egg can be used as a gateway into the collective consciousness of all Hist Trees. This also means that in the wrong hands, a Mnemic Egg can be used to sever the Argonian connection to the Hist.

The Remnant of Argon in a vision showing its creation

Remnant of Argon[edit]

TheRemnant of Argonis an artifact created by the ArgonianRoot-Whisper Tribein a last ditch effort to save both themselves and theirHistfrom the invadingBarsaebicAyleids.The invading Ayleids had been harvesting the souls of their tribe at an alarming rate, and so the Root-Whisper Hist sacrificed itself to create the Remnant of Argon, an amber artifact that could contain the souls of the entire tribe until the Ayleid incursion had passed. The Barsaebic Ayleids attempted to stop its creation, but were held back long enough for the Remnant to be completed.

Though the Remnant of Argon was meant to only be a temporary measure, it was slowly lost to time. The Ayleid occupation lasted far longer than anticipated thanks to their leader Myndhal's efforts. With the Root-Whisper Hist cut off from the rest of its kind and the Root-Whisper tribe all but dead, there was no clear way for them to pass along the Remnant's location. Eventually, all knowledge the Remnant of Argon faded into obscurity, only remembered by the Hist and the Argonians of Murkmire as something that invoked immense sadness.

The souls trapped within the remnant were eventually released by a hero known as the Rootmender with the aid of a Bright-Throat root-herald and a Naga-Kur warrior, one of whom sacrificed their lives to guide the souls of the Root-Whisper Tribe back to the Hist. With this act, the dreaming Hist of the Root-Whisper was awakened, and the remaining Saxhleel envoy went on to lead the new tribe.[290]




Concept Art[edit]


  • Lizard Menwere once thought to be distant cousins of Argonians but only appeared in the game where Argonians were depicted as being more humanoid.[302]In later games, lizard men is sometimes a term synonymous with Argonians.[6][303][304]
  • ThePocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Editionincorrectly describes theHistas a "relatively intelligent strain of Argonian".[6]
  • The egg (thtithil) is a very important part of Saxhleel culture.[96]Some Argonians inscribe the shells of their hatched eggs with sentimental verses.[305]
  • When the Dark Elves were not allied with the Argonians, they often made use of Argonian parts in crafts, such as plates made of Argonian scales.[306]Fashion-forward Dunmer were finding ways to use Argonian horns to enhance their own appearance. One such use for extracted horns was bone blush, an ivory powder applied to the face. It was especially popular at the height of the Argonian-horn fashion trend of the Second Era, but became much rarer after the Ebonheart Pact was formed.[307]
  • The Game Director ofArena,Vijay Lakshman,explains the origins of the Argonian race: "I used to love the oldSinbad moviesand fondly recalled some of thestop-motion creaturesthey would fight. For some reason, the word Argonian stuck with me fromJason and the Argonautsand I equated that to exploration. What's at the farthest reach of your mind and the world? In my mind, there be dragons, hence the Argonians being reptilian. "[UOL 5]

See Also[edit]



  1. ^abMadesi's dialogue regarding his name and the term "Saxhleel" inSkyrim
  2. ^abGeneric dialogueon the topic of "Argonians" inMorrowind
  3. ^abcdefghiXukas' dialogue at the Gathering Hut duringSunken TreasureinESO:Murkmire
  4. ^The Elder Scrolls: Legends – Exploring the Races
  5. ^Ebonheart Pactpage on the official ESO website
  6. ^abcdefgPocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: The Wild RegionsImperial Geographical Society,2E 864
  7. ^In-game description for theArgonianrace inShadowkey
  8. ^abIn-game description for theArgonianrace inMorrowind
  9. ^In-game description for theArgonianrace inESO
  10. ^In-game description for theArgonianrace inOblivion
  11. ^In-game description for theArgonianrace inDaggerfall
  12. ^Notes on Racial Phylogenythe Council of Healers,Imperial University
  13. ^Argonianrace description on page 11 of theDaggerfall User's Guide
  14. ^"Argonian" race description in theCodex Scientia
  15. ^abcThe Strange Case of Ja-Reet
  16. ^abcdefghiKeyes, Greg.Lord of Souls.Del Rey Books, 2011.
  17. ^abcdefghijklThe Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Black MarshFlaccus Terentius,2E 581
  18. ^abcdeJela's dialogue duringIdol ThreatsinESO:Blackwood
  19. ^abcdKassandra's dialogue duringWhispers in the WoodinESO:Murkmire
  20. ^abcdefghijklmnopPocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The War with the Trees: Argonia and the Black MarshImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  21. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzKeyes, Greg.The Infernal City.Del Rey Books, 2009.
  22. ^Nisswo's Soul Tenderantiquity codex entries inESO
  23. ^Xukas' dialogue in Xul-Thuxis duringThe Swamp and the SerpentinESO:Murkmire
  24. ^abKeshu: Travels Beyond the Village, Part 3Peek-Ereel,Friend and Confidant to Keshu the Black Fin
  25. ^Dreams From the Histquest inESO
  26. ^abcCrafting Motif 70: Elder Argonian StyleConcordia Mercius
  27. ^abcdeNisswo Xode's dialogue duringShe Who Eats the LightinESO:Murkmire
  28. ^Sacrificial Sithis Daggeritem description inESO
  29. ^She Who Eats the Lightquest inESO
  30. ^abJekka-Wass Vozei's dialogue duringMonument of ChangeinESO:Murkmire
  31. ^Nisswo Uaxal's dialogue inESO
  32. ^Concordia Mercius' dialogue in duringRuthless CompetitioninESO
  33. ^How We Came to Coldharbour
  34. ^abcdCaptive's Journal
  35. ^abThe Lost Communion
  36. ^Interview with Three Argonians in ShadowfenHeita-Meen,Hides-the-Ashes,andHeem-Jas
  37. ^Na-Kesh's JournalTree-Minder Na-Kesh
  38. ^Father of the NibenFlorin Jaliil
  39. ^abBefore the Ages of ManAicantar ofShimerene
  40. ^Ix-Utha's dialogue duringEnslaved in DeathinESO
  41. ^Journal of Tsona-EiTsona-Ei
  42. ^Tsona-Ei's dialogue duringA Graveyard of ShipsinESO
  43. ^abReman II: The Limits of AmbitionHigh King Emeric
  44. ^The Blackwater War, Volume 6Valenca Arvina,Historian-in-Residence atGwylim University
  45. ^abThe Blackwater War, Volume 7Valenca Arvina,Historian-in-Residence atGwylim University
  46. ^abThe Blackwater WarValenca Arvina,Historian-in-Residence atGwylim University
  47. ^White Rose Prisonloading screentext inESO
  48. ^A History of Blackrose PrisonTyrrya Len,The Wayrest Wanderer
  49. ^abcdArgonians Among UsSil Rothril
  50. ^abcLoremaster's Archive: Murkmire Q&AJee-Lar
  51. ^Dres Grandmaster Memorial Medalitem description inESO
  52. ^Understanding House DresSolamar Dres,Grand Historian for the House
  53. ^Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: MorrowindImperial Geographical Society,2E 864
  54. ^Stormhold, City of ShadowfenCirantille
  55. ^On the Knahaten FluArchivist Neleminduure
  56. ^Keeaz's dialogue inESO:Elsweyr
  57. ^Keshu: Travels Beyond the Village, Part 1Peek-Ereel,Friend and Confidant to Keshu the Black Fin
  58. ^abKeshu: The Black Fin Goes to War, Part 1Peek-Ereel,Friend and Confidant to Keshu the Black Fin
  59. ^abKeshu: The Black Fin Goes to War, Part 2Peek-Ereel,Friend and Confidant to Keshu the Black Fin
  60. ^Jorunn the Skald-KingHelgreir Lute-Voice,Bard of Windhelm
  61. ^The Second Akaviri InvasionYngmaer Raven-Quill,Historian Royal of theBards' College,Solitude
  62. ^abcAgainst the SnakesDenskar
  63. ^Unexpected Allies
  64. ^abcFrom Argonian to SaxhleelVicecanon Heita-Meen
  65. ^The Time of the Ebonheart PactAlla Llaleth
  66. ^abGuide to the Ebonheart Pact
  67. ^A Free Argonian's Manifesto
  68. ^Uta-Tei's dialogue duringScars Never FadeinESO
  69. ^No-Fingers' dialogue duringScars Never FadeinESO
  70. ^Occurrence of the Great Moot at Skuldafn at the end ofSongs of SovngardeinESO
  71. ^Keeper Uxith-Ei's dialogue duringKeepers of the ShellinESO
  72. ^Events ofThe Dream of the HistinESO
  73. ^Vicecanon Heita-Meen's dialogue when decidingKazdi's fate, and afterRuuvitar's defeat duringThe Dream of the HistinESO
  74. ^A Short History of MorrowindJeanette Sitte
  75. ^Dreekius' dialogue inRedguard
  76. ^Lives of the SaintsTribunal Temple
  77. ^Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Temple: MorrowindImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  78. ^abRumorsinOblivion
  79. ^abcdefThe Argonian Account, Book 4Waughin Jarth
  80. ^Rising Threat, Vol. IVLathenil of Sunhold
  81. ^abAdril Arano's dialogue inSkyrim:Dragonborn
  82. ^abTo Milore from Nilara— Nilara
  83. ^abDelvin Mallory's dialogue inSkyrim
  84. ^abHistory of Raven RockLyrin Telleno
  85. ^Dreyla Alor's dialogue inSkyrim:Dragonborn
  86. ^Smuggler's Trade Notes
  87. ^Six-Spike Tail Trimitem description inESO
  88. ^Veek-Gai Gold-Tail's dialogue towards non-Pact soldiers inESO
  89. ^Neeti-Ra's dialogue inESO:Murkmire
  90. ^Neelo's NotesNeelo
  91. ^Drops-No-Glass's Stage 3 furnisher dialogue inESO:Morrowind
  92. ^Runs-in-Wild's dialogue after helping Captain Rana at the docks duringBreaking the TideinESO
  93. ^Short-Scales' dialogue inESO
  94. ^Lost Tales of the Famed Explorer: Fragment IISolis Aduro
  95. ^Plays-In-Puddles' dialogue inESO:Dark Brotherhood
  96. ^abcdefghiThe Sharper Tongue: A Jel PrimerLights-the-Way,Mystic of the Mages Guild
  97. ^Tar-Makka's dialogue inESO:Summerset
  98. ^Deed-Tei's dialogue after finding the seed-doll duringUnsuitable SuitorsinESO:Murkmire
  99. ^abcdeCrafting Motif 9: Argonian StyleDoctor Alfidia Lupus
  100. ^Walks-in-Ash's dialogue atEbonheartinESO
  101. ^abcEoki's dialogue duringThe Heart of a TelvanniinESO:Morrowind
  102. ^abClaws-the-Ghosts' dialogue inESO:Murkmire
  103. ^Harbormaster Ahkur's dialogue inESO:Murkmire
  104. ^abTribes of Murkmire: Tribal ConnectionsEmmanubeth Hurrent,the Wayfarers' Society ofWayrest
  105. ^Crafting Motif 11: Ancient Elf StyleSeif-ij Hidja
  106. ^Famia Mercius' dialogue duringSunken TreasureinESO:Murkmire
  107. ^abcdeThe Seasons of ArgoniaJekka-Wass Paxalt,Keeper of the Xinchei-Konu
  108. ^Sisei Flowering Dresscostumedescription inESO
  109. ^Haj Uxith Corridorsloading screen text inESO
  110. ^abTree-Minder Deyapa's dialogue duringThe Tree-Minder's FateinESO
  111. ^abKeystones of Loriasel
  112. ^abcSacred PlacesGoes-Here-and-There
  113. ^abcHeem-Jas' dialogue duringSap and StoneinESO:Shadows of the Hist
  114. ^Appearance of reed houses inESO:Murkmire
  115. ^Ancient Saxhleel Statueitem description inESO
  116. ^Pejureel's Party Platteritem description inESO
  117. ^Fancy "I Hate Morndas" Kaveh Mugitem description inESO
  118. ^Ample Serpent Garment Wrapitem description inESO
  119. ^Talen-Jush's dialogue inESOMurkmire
  120. ^Madesi's dialogue duringRingmakerinSkyrim
  121. ^Calcinator Treatise
  122. ^Argonian Spice Shakeritem description inESO
  123. ^Argonian Reading Glassitem description inESO
  124. ^Argonian Fruit Bowlitem description inESO
  125. ^Argonian Darkwood Tabletopitem description inESO
  126. ^Argonian Alchemist Rackitem description inESO
  127. ^Stout Grass Ropeitem description inESO
  128. ^Scrimshaw Bone-Workeritem description inESO
  129. ^Skinning Stoneitem description inESO
  130. ^Frog Gig with Folding Haftitem description inESO
  131. ^Argonian Tail Banditem description inESO
  132. ^Argonian Tail Stockingitem description inESO
  133. ^Feathered Headdresshair style description inESO
  134. ^Sabre Cat Ear Spikeadornment description inESO
  135. ^Copper Horn Capsitem description inESO
  136. ^Frill Clipsitem description inESO
  137. ^Preserved Wraxu FeathersAntiquityCodex entries inESO
  138. ^abcTribes of Murkmire: MiredancersEmmanubeth Hurrent,the Wayfarers' Society ofWayrest
  139. ^Shells and Stones Boarditem description inESO
  140. ^abOn Playing the Frogs— Toralf
  141. ^Vossa-Satl Tuning Keyitem description inESO
  142. ^Chelni's dialogue inESO:Murkmire
  143. ^Vossa-Satl Frog Treats Pouchitem description inESO
  144. ^Nesh-Deeka's dialogue duringThe Sounds of HomeinESO:Murkmire
  145. ^Hokatsei's dialogue duringIn Need of a BathinESO:Blackwood
  146. ^Shriek-of-Silk
  147. ^Deet-Loh's NotesDeet-Loh
  148. ^A Guide to Gathering FrogsNesh-Deeka
  149. ^Stormhold "Stingaree" Tail Prosthesisitem description inESO
  150. ^Stormhold-Style Silver Slide-Fluteitem description inESO
  151. ^abJaxsik-Orrn's dialogue and mannerisms inESO:Murkmire
  152. ^abXukas' dialogue at Alten Meerhleel duringMissing in MurkmireinESO:Murkmire
  153. ^Jar of Pickled Frog Eyesitem description inESO:Murkmire
  154. ^Chewbark Headache Remedyitem description inESO:Murkmire
  155. ^abPalm Oil Spine Balmitem description inESO
  156. ^Spine Polishitem description inESO
  157. ^Clay Face Lotionitem description inESO
  158. ^Deepmurk Scale Lacqueritem description inESO
  159. ^Kwama Wax Scale Creamitem description inESO
  160. ^Herbal Moisturizeritem description inESO
  161. ^Ranic's Leather Oilitem description inESO
  162. ^Panther Skin Sun Parasolitem description inESO
  163. ^Argonian Scale Scraperitem description inESO
  164. ^Deep Scaling Brushitem description inESO
  165. ^Clam-Shell Fileitem description inESO
  166. ^Horn Sharpeneritem description inESO
  167. ^Argonian Tooth Sharpeneritem description inESO
  168. ^Corimont Mouth-Plover Cageitem description inESO
  169. ^Bug Shell Fang Cleaneritem description inESO
  170. ^Fin Polishitem description inESO
  171. ^Gee-Lo's Ridge Lineritem description inESO
  172. ^Healer Jaxit's Gold Horn Polishitem description inESO
  173. ^Vintage Snake Sweat Perfumeitem description inESO
  174. ^Argonian Cologneitem description inESO
  175. ^abWalks-Softly's dialogue duringShell GameinESO:Thieves Guild
  176. ^Chukka-Li's dialogue during a brawl inESO:Dark Brotherhood
  177. ^Scale Scrubberitem description inESO
  178. ^abLaughs-at-Danger's dialogue duringBath TimeinESO
  179. ^Argonian bandit dialogueinESO:"The dryskin fool saw me taking daril, so I gave him some. It's poison to their kind! Ha!"
  180. ^Grida's Note to DralofGrida Meadmoon
  181. ^Loremaster's Archive: Murkmire Q&A Part 2Jee-Lar
  182. ^Daril Spinesitem description inESO
  183. ^Ancient Daril Mortaritem description inESO
  184. ^Pouch of Dried Marshweeditem description inESO
  185. ^Fallen-Knives' dialogue duringFaded ScarletsinESO
  186. ^Crawling Night Pillowitem description inESO
  187. ^Pressed Hist Leafitem description inESO
  188. ^Argonian Affirmation Boarditem description inESO
  189. ^Argonian Nightmare Trapitem description inESO
  190. ^Sacred Seeds of Black Marshitem description inESO
  191. ^Dominion Troops General Order 719a
  192. ^Appearance of theBright-Throat,Root-WhisperandDead-WaterHist trees inESO:Murkmire
  193. ^Appearance of theHatching PoolsandForsaken HamletHist trees inShadowfeninESO
  194. ^abChuxu's dialogue duringThe Assassin's ArbitrationinESO:Murkmire
  195. ^abTree-Minder Pavu's dialogue during inEmpty NestinESO:Murkmire
  196. ^From the records of Ah-Tee, Tree MinderAh-Tee
  197. ^Tseedasi's dialogue during inEmpty NestinESO:Murkmire
  198. ^Xukas' dialogue at the beginning ofThe Swamp and the SerpentinESO:Murkmire
  199. ^Meet the Character - Xukas— Leonian & Crassus
  200. ^Xukas' dialogue outside the Dragonstar Stockade duringMissing in MurkmireinESO:Murkmire
  201. ^abJaxsik-Orrn's dialogue at the Blackguard Caravan duringMissing in MurkmireinESO:Murkmire
  202. ^abKishi's dialogue duringDeath Among the Dead-WaterinESO:Murkmire
  203. ^abKeshu: The Rites of Maturity, Part 1Peek-Ereel,Friend and Confidant to Keshu the Black Fin
  204. ^abKeshu: From Egg to AdolescencePeek-Ereel,Friend and Confidant to Keshu the Black Fin
  205. ^Crafting Motif 69: Dead-Water StyleBolu,Reel-Ka of theDead-Water Tribe
  206. ^Crafting Motif 45: Mazzatun Style— ArmsmanOmeeta,Stormhold Fighters Guildhall
  207. ^Raj-Kaal Druxith's dialogue duringDeath and DreaminginESO:Murkmire
  208. ^Cracked Argonian Shell Bossitem description inESO
  209. ^Argonian Shell Viseitem description inESO
  210. ^Varieties of FaithBrother Mikhael Karkuxorof the Imperial College
  211. ^Sun-in-Shadow's dialogue duringRising to RetainerinESO:Morrowind
  212. ^abOn ArgoniansCirantille
  213. ^Nisswo Uaxal's dialogue duringArt of the NisswoinESO:Murkmire
  214. ^Art of the Nisswoquest inESO:Murkmire
  215. ^Sap-Speaker Kuzei's dialogue duringDeath and DreaminginESO:Murkmire
  216. ^The Rootmender's Staff appearing in the physical world after the dream-wallow duringDeath and DreaminginESO:Murkmire
  217. ^Famia Mercius' dialogue duringDeath and DreaminginESO:Murkmire
  218. ^abXukas' dialogue duringDeath and DreaminginESO:Murkmire
  219. ^Jaxsik-Orrn's dialogue duringDeath and DreaminginESO:Murkmire
  220. ^Scars Never Fadequest inESO
  221. ^abChildren of the RootSolis Aduro
  222. ^Veezara's dialogue inSkyrim
  223. ^Sulahkeesh's dialogue duringThe Assassin's ArbitrationinESO:Murkmire
  224. ^Kyne's Challenge: A Hunter's Companion:Black Marsh, Daedroth
  225. ^abLoremaster's Archive: Murkmire Q&A Part 2Jee-Lar
  226. ^Helstrom Ancestor Lizardpet description inESO
  227. ^Lilmoth Ancestor Lizardpet description inESO
  228. ^Scaly Steeds of Black MarshUkaspa,Lilmoth Stablemaster
  229. ^Haj Uxith Corridorsloading screeninESO
  230. ^Shahvee's dialogue inSkyrim
  231. ^Justino's dialogue inESO:Orsinium
  232. ^Argonian swimming animation inMorrowind
  233. ^Feathered Headdressitem description inESO
  234. ^Dead-Water Jaw-Fin Fringeitem description inESO
  235. ^Lost Tales of the Famed Explorer: Fragment IIISolis Aduro
  236. ^Walks-Softly's joke about finned underwear duringForever Hold Your PeaceinESO:Thieves Guild
  237. ^Jotep-Liurz's dialogue inESO:Murkmire
  238. ^OfficialESOwebsite:Ask Us Anything: Variety Pack 4
  239. ^Appearance of Argonians on the "elderly" end of the character creator's age slider inESO
  240. ^Wuleen-Weska's appearance inESO:Murkmire
  241. ^Othvild's dialogue inESO
  242. ^Erotic Argonian Etchingsitem description inESO
  243. ^Myths and Legends of the HistCirantille
  244. ^abTravelling-New-Woman's dialogue inMorrowind
  245. ^A Grand TransformationTree-Minder Hleelieek
  246. ^The Elder Scrolls: The Official Survival Guide to TamrielTori Schafer
  247. ^abcMark of Egg-Births
  248. ^Veesk-Olan's 193rd hireling correspondence inESO
  249. ^Physical appearance of shirtless Argonian NPCs and player characters inDaggerfall,MorrowindandESO
  250. ^Ux-Deelith Mezatil's dialogue duringSomething About StibbonsinESO:Murkmire
  251. ^Appearance of theBright-ThroatandDead-Watertribesmen inESO: Murkmire
  252. ^abEgg-Tender's JournalHaxara
  253. ^abTribes of Murkmire: Ghost PeopleEmmanubeth Hurrent,the Wayfarers' Society ofWayrest
  254. ^Empty Nestquest inESO:Murkmire
  255. ^Marshmist Palescaleskin description inESO
  256. ^Xukas' dialogue after finding Jaxsik-Orrn at the Blackguard Encampment duringMissing in MurkmireinESO:Murkmire
  257. ^Xukas' dialogue in response to asking about whereWhiptailwent at the beginning ofThe Swamp and the SerpentinESO:Murkmire
  258. ^Xukas' dialogue in the Hall of Memories duringThe Swamp and the SerpentinESO:Murkmire
  259. ^abThe Strangeness of DryskinsKaal Dreenjeeof theNaga-Kur
    Translated byTyrrya Len,TheWayrestWanderer
  260. ^Kasa-Jeen's dialogue duringDeath and DreaminginESO:Murkmire
  261. ^Chal-Maht's dialogue duringFrog Totem TurnaroundinESO:Murkmire
  262. ^TseedasiandTree-Minder Pavu's dialogue duringEmpty NestinESO:Murkmire
  263. ^abMimme's dialogue duringEmpty NestinESO:Murkmire
  264. ^Egg-Tender Meena's dialogue and schedule inESO:Murkmire
  265. ^Rhymes and ChimesChak-Shushu
  266. ^Keepers of the Shellquest name and the usage of the moniker "keeper" by tenders such asKeeper Uxith-Ei
  267. ^Keeper's Everfount Inkplumeitem description inESO
  268. ^Book of Thoughts
  269. ^Keeper's Licorice Worm Dowsing Roditem description inESO
  270. ^Amber Plasm Pacifieritem description inESO
  271. ^abcKloxu's dialogue duringDeath and DreaminginESO:Murkmire
  272. ^Argonian Ragamuffin Dollitem description inESO
  273. ^Argonian Seed Toysitem description inESO
  274. ^Sap-Speaker Moppet Dollitem description inESO
  275. ^Squeaky Tsonashapitem description inESO
  276. ^Spring-Loaded Thuxisitem description inESO
  277. ^Chukka Sei Necklaceitem description inESO
  278. ^Weegam's dialogue duringDeath and DreaminginESO:Murkmire
  279. ^Im-Makka's dialogue duringA Plea from the FlamesinESO:Blackwood
  280. ^Malosza's dialogue duringA Plea from the FlamesinESO:Blackwood
  281. ^abcBond-Guru Topeth's dialogue duringUnsuitable SuitorsinESO:Murkmire
  282. ^abTribes of Blackwood: RiverbacksEmmanubeth Hurrent,the Wayfarers' Society of Wayrest
  283. ^Tribes of Blackwood: Red-Dream PeopleEmmanubeth Hurrent,the Wayfarers' Society of Wayrest
  284. ^Tribes of Murkmire: Black-TonguesEmmanubeth Hurrent,the Wayfarers' Society ofWayrest
  285. ^Drowaj's dialogue prior to the completion ofThe Rising WindsinESO:Blackwood
  286. ^Nuxul's dialogue duringThe Rising WindsinESO:Blackwood
  287. ^Deed-Tei's dialogue duringUnsuitable SuitorsinESO:Murkmire
  288. ^Bolu's dialogue duringGrave MementosinESO:Murkmire
  289. ^Death and Dreamingquest inESO
  290. ^abBy River and Rootquest inESO
  291. ^abSap and Stonequest inESO:Shadows of the Hist
  292. ^Blackwood Preview—Rockgrove Trialon the official ESO website
  293. ^Tertia Falto's dialogue duringDog DaysinESO:Blackwood
  294. ^Dimik-ei's dialogue inESO
  295. ^Tribes of Murkmire: Root-House PeopleEmmanubeth Hurrent,the Wayfarers' Society ofWayrest
  296. ^Beehuna's dialogue duringUnsuitable SuitorsinESO:Murkmire
  297. ^Tribes of Murkmire: Bright-ThroatsEmmanubeth Hurrent,the Wayfarers' Society ofWayrest
  298. ^Abilities ofXit-Xaht StoneshapersinESO:Shadows of the Hist
  299. ^Abilities ofXit-Xaht Root-MasonsinESO:Shadows of the Hist
  300. ^Tree-Minder Na-Kesh's abilities inESO:Shadows of the Hist:Root Slam, Lashing Vines, and Thorn Scourge
  301. ^Blight Bog Sumploading screentext inESO
  302. ^Lizard Menbestiary description on page 79 of theArena Player's Guide
  303. ^The SeedMarobar Sul
  304. ^Of Men and MerHennabear
  305. ^Argonian Shell Verseitem description inESO
  306. ^Argonian Scale Beetle Cheese Plateitem description inESO
  307. ^Bone Blushitem description inESO

Note:The following references are considered to beunofficial sources.They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.