Lore:Bestiary D

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Daedra Count[edit]

A Daedra Count

A Daedra Count is a formidable, and highly intelligent greaterDaedricbeing. Described as middle nobility of the Daedra,[1]:63they have command over manyLesser Daedra.They are known to have a strong sense of honor, and even show respect to mortals. They can cast a variety of spells, but also are proficient in close quarters combat. Many of these high-ranking Daedra are known to serveMehrunes Dagon.[2]

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Daedra Lord[edit]

A Daedra Lord

ADaedra Lord(also spelledDaedric LordorDaedroth Lord)[nb 1]is a greaterDaedricbeing who occupies a rarefied space near the top of Daedric society, just one rung down from the Daedric Princes themselves, maintaining great power and hierarchy overOblivionthat is matched only by theDemiprinces,and exceeded only by theDaedric Princes.The powers of the Daedra Lords are varied in scope, with some embodying their own individual spheres, and others being servants of the Daedric Princes who help maintain sub-spheres. Many of the more powerful Lords also rule over their own realms and demi-planes within the infinite swirling void of Oblivion.

Daedra Lords are one of the most powerful Daedra to be commonly seen inTamriel,and are to be feared by all but the most experienced adventurers. They are known to be powerful fighters and spell casters, and can only be harmed bymithrilor betterweapons.Mehrunes Dagonhas many Daedra Lords in his service.


Daedmites are a type ofDaedricvermin, creatures similar to pests of themortal world.Daedmites are considered particularly unpleasant to speak of. They are known to be found inApocrypha.[3]

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A Daedrat

DaedratsareDaedricvermin resembling large, raggedratswith glowing blue eyes. SomeDremoraconsider them cute despite the fact that Daedrats are considered vermin.[4][5]Their meat is known to upsetdogs'stomachs.[6]Their appearance varies depending on their plane of origin.[5]

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Daedric Horse[edit]

A Daedric Horse

Daedric Horses are a type ofDaedraresembling fiery glowing redhorsescovered in black tattoos. Usually hostile, the beasts possess a flaming body and leave behindfire saltswhen banished. Instead of hair, the creature's tail consists of several spiked flails. Daedric Horses are used as mounts by theDremoraof theDeadlands,and can also besummonedtoTamriel.

Daedric Titan[edit]

A Daedric Titan

Daedric Titans,commonly referred to simply asTitans,are giant wingedDaedrathat serveMolag Balas war-slaves. They were first created in imitation of theDragonsofNirnwhen Bal's interrogation ofBoziikkodstrunproved fruitless. After modifying Boziikkodstrun's skeleton and substituting hissoulfor a Daedricvestige,Bal created the first Titan. Daedric Titans are anatomically similar to Dragons, although with dark black skin and prehensile frontal limbs. They have the ability to speak a spell of flaming essence-drain that can debilitate an opponent with a single word, similar to the power of thethu'um.They are notoriously difficult to kill.

They serve Molag Bal as the guardians of souls, and therefore the keepers of black soul gems. However, they are also posted to guard other strategic resources. According to some sources, Titans were released uponTamrielfor the first time[nb 1]during the attemptedPlanemeldof theSecond Era.Specifically, Molag Bal released them into the skies over theImperial Citywhen a portal toColdharbourwas opened above theWhite-Gold Towerin2E 582.

Daedric Titans eventually came to serve otherDaedric Princes,such asBoethiah,who had them summoned to fight mortals for her amusement.Mehrunes DagonhasAsh Titansin his army. Unlike their blue cousins, Ash Titans have red skin, and breathe regular flames rather than blue cold-fire.

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A Daedroth

Daedrothsarecrocodile-headed bipedalDaedra,associated withMolag BalandMehrunes Dagon.They are a strong, animalistic type of Daedra, but still a dangerous foe with powerful clawed arms and moderate magical ability. Though some have been known to use weapons and wear simple armor, most attack with bare claws. Some are man-sized and spit poison or shock magic, while others tend to be larger and belch firebolts instead. These larger Daedroths initiate battle by shaking themselves, invoking a protective shield.

Linguists will point out that "Daedroth" is also the proper singular form of "Daedra", but for these creatures the common usage is Daedroth (singular) and Daedroths (plural), with Daedra (both singular and plural) being used as the generic term. The more proper, specific name for them is "Daedralings". The term "Lesser Daedra" is sometimes used (again, both singular and plural), though this appellation technically refers to Daedra of all types beneath the Daedric Princes.


A Daggerback

Daggerbacks are a type ofboarwith quills found along their backs. They can be found in many places throughoutTamriel,includingCraglorn,Elsweyr,theGold CoastandWrothgar.Their meat is said to have a strong taste, and is said to be the best in stew.[7]

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Dark Seducer[edit]

A Dark Seducer

Dark Seducers (or simply Seducers) are a type ofDaedrathat typically resemble scantily clad women. They are intelligent but many of them normally refuse communication with anyone fromMundus.Dark Seducers are both powerful spell casters and melee fighters. Those in service toSheogorathcall themselves the "Mazken", and are usually friendlier to mortals. Those in service toMehrunes Dagontypically have wings and are sometimes referred to as Daedra Seducers.

Death Hopper[edit]

A Death Hopper

Death hoppers are giant, carnivorousfrogsthat can be found in the swamps ofBlackwoodand theWest Weald.They are typically green, but can also be black. Death hoppers are generally found in packs. They hunt by lurking beneath the surface of water, waiting for their prey to wander above them. They can swallow large prey whole.[8]Death hoppers are extremely poisonous, and can spit globs of toxic matter over great distances.[8]TheSul-Xantribe is known to use death hopper vocal sacs when making armor.[9]They are known to spawn in the foul waters of the West Weald, their tadpoles are known as Death Hopper Nymphs.[10]

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Death Hound[edit]

A Death Hound

Death Houndsare monstrous, undeadcanineswho can often be found in the company ofvampires.They have a bite as cold as the grave, which freezes its prey's flesh. Their meat is edible, and they often wear valuable collars.


A doe

Deer are herbivorous mammals seen in the forests ofCyrodiilandSkyrim.They are often hunted for their meat and pelts. They are very skittish and will quickly flee potential danger.[11]A male deer is called a stag, and a female deer is a doe. Stags have antlers, and does lack them.[12]A baby deer is called a fawn.[13]

Vale deer are a species of deer that are only found in theForgotten Valeand in some areas ofBlackreach.In life, these deer have a unique greenish glow in their eyes and hide, but it fades upon death. Other more distinct species of deer include theelk,moose,andreindeer.Antelopesare a similar type of animal.

Dew Bug[edit]

A Dew Bug

Dew Bugs are soft, fatbeetlesresemblingtorchbugsthat reside withinGreenshadeinValenwood.They can be found fluttering nearrain flowers.They collect moisture in their abdomens, and can be used by theBosmerofBramblebreachto create elementalLurcherguardians, which protect their village.[14]They are apparently similar toreekers,another kind of beetle also found in Valenwood.[15]

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Dire Wolf[edit]

A Dire Wolf

Dire Wolves are large aggressive canines found in many parts ofTamriel.Despite having many similarities to truewolves,dire wolves are an entirely different species.[16]They are considered cousins of true wolves and are capable of interbreeding with them.[16][17]They are much harder to train than true wolves, though some are capable of doing so.[16]Their coloration differs depending on where they are, with striped varieties having a tendency to be found in the south. The Blackwood dire wolf carries some features of the extinct long-legged swamp wolf due to possible cross-breeding.[17]

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A Djinn (cut content)

A Djinn is an obscuremagicalcreature.[UOL 1][nb 2]In the lateThird Erathey were the namesake of various inns and taverns,[18]and of a type of gin called the Djinn 'n Tonic.[19]

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A Dog

Dogs are domestic animals common in most ofTamriel.They are often held as pets, guarding and protecting their owner's property. Bandits will often train their dogs to protect camps and attack intruders. There are many breeds of dog, including theHusky.


Dolphins north of Stros M'Kai

Dolphins are playful aquatic mammals, often seen off the coast ofStros M'Kai.Dolphin calf simmered in its mother's milk is adishwith roots in theImperialaristocracy. It was notably served at the Feast of Saint Coellicia during the reign of EmperorBrazollus Dor.[20]

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A donkey

Donkeys (orasses)[21]are short, strong equines that are often used as beasts of burden by the people ofTamriel.[22]They are similar in build tohorses,and have long ears.

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A Doppelganger

Doppelgangers aredaedricspirits that assume the guise of their fallen victims. They are believed to portend certain death.[23]They were used to tortureSai Sahanin theHalls of Torment.[24]Following the Restoration in the lateThird Era,rumors circulated that the three legitimate sons of EmperorUriel Septim VIIwere actually doppelgangers placed in the household during theImperial Simulacrum.[25]


Dormice are a species of meek rodents.[26]They are known to beeatenbyImperialnobles, the dormice are fattened on a diet ofgoosefat to the point where, when eaten, even the bones of the creatures dissolve on the tongue.[27]

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A dragon

Dragons(also known asdrakes,wyrmsorworms,dovordovahintheir native language,drah-gkonordov-rhato the ancientNords,orAkainEhlnofex) are a rarely-seen race of large reptilian beasts ofAedricnature. They are rumored to be fromAkavir(which literally means "Dragon Land" ), though there are ancient tales of Dragons also coming fromAtmora.They are large, scaled creatures, easily several times larger than a human or elf. They have long, slender extremities, with thin bat-like wings and ridges of spikes along their back. Dragons have three sharp talons and one vestigial digit known as a dewclaw on each of their feet, as evidenced by the way theiralphabetis written. They are regularly said to breathe fire, but more accurately, they speak it. They speak words in their language a certain way, known as aThu'umor "Shout", to cause many effects, including elemental breaths such as fire or frost.

Dragons are well-known for their affinity formagic.It is unknown how they possess the ability to speak and fly despite their lack of lips or the fact that their wings are not naturally strong enough to support such heavy torsos. There are several varieties of Dragon that come in a range of colors. As the immortal children ofAkatosh,they are specially attuned to the flow of time, and they feel an innate urge to dominate others that is near-impossible to overcome. Some sources suggest both dragons andDragonbornare fragments of Akatosh's soul.

For more information, see themain lore article.

  • Variations: Blood Dragon, Frost Dragon, Elder Dragon, Ancient Dragon, Revered Dragon, Legendary Dragon, Serpentine Dragon,Skeletal Dragon

Dragon Frog[edit]

A dragon frog

Dragon Frogsare a unique variety offrognative to certain areas ofHammerfellandBlack Marsh,where they are commonly kept as pets for their striking appearance and pest control attributes. They are so named for their small wings and breath abilities; the Hammerfell varieties spitting fire, while those of Black Marsh spew a poisonous gas, which both species use to kill flying insects or other small prey before consumption. When they are ready to mate, female dragon frogs emit an odor that attracts the males, which can result in large gatherings as every frog nearby homes in on the scent.

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Dragon Priest[edit]

A Dragon Priest

Dragon Priestswere once the loyal servants of the ancientdragonsofSkyrim.They ruled over countless armies of men in their gods' names. They are now found residing in coffins throughout areas of prominent dragon worship. If their sleep is disturbed, the dragon priest will burst out of its coffin with considerable force and prepare to destroy whomsoever intruded upon their resting place.


A blue dartwing

Dragonflies,sometimes calledDartwingsorDovah-Flies,are small flying insects commonly found in southernSkyrimand around bodies of water in theAzura's Coast,Bitter Coast,andWest Gashregions ofVvardenfell.A number of varieties exist, such as the Blue and Orange Dartwings, white Regal Dovah-Flies, and a number of mechanicalFabricantvariants from theClockwork City.It is unknown whether the fly variants are different breeds or merely color variations. Dartwings are prized for their use in alchemy. If hand-raised from larval form, they can become devoted companion, and a common children's sport in Vvardenfell called "dodge-dovah" involves dragonflies.


A dragonling

Native to theIliac BayandWrothgarian Mountains,[28]the dragonling is a worthy opponent for any adventurer. Although they have no spell casting ability, they can still breathe fire and pose a fair challenge. Those who speak their language,Dragonish,say that beneath a veneer of maddening riddles and non sequiturs are minds of great wisdom. Despite all their merits, dragonlings are less grand than their lineage would suggest. In theThird Eratheir relation to the greatDragonsof legends was unknown,[29]with some believing them to be young dragons or at least kin of true dragons.[30][31]By theFourth Erascholars had concluded that they were merely "oversizedlizards".[32]The relation, if any, of their language to theDragon Languageis unknown.


A draugr

Draugrare a form of ancientNorddeadfound inSkyrimandSolstheim.Their bodies weremummifiedprior to reanimation, protecting their ligaments and muscle from the detrimental effects of rot.

Draugr retain many of their former human skills and thus can greatly differ in their combat preferences, much like living humans. Some draugr will charge in on intruders wielding their battleaxes or greatswords, while others keep their distance and use their bow and arrows, yet others are very proficient with magic and can sometimes even be seen summoning high-levelAtronachs.Draugr speak using theDragon Language,and are also known to have the ability to use theThu'um.


A Draugulf

Draugulfs are undeadwolves,presumably named afterdraugr.They are rather rare; only theFirst EraIcehammer ClanofEastmarchare known to be buried with them. Draugulfs patrol the clan's vault alongside the Draugr that walk there.[33]

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A Dremnaken

Dremnakenare quadruped bestialDaedrathat somewhat resemble reptilianwelwa,with red scales, pointed ears, two sets of front-facing eyes, sharp fangs, and a long tail. These creatures are native to theDeadlands,invasive toApocrypha,and rarely seen onTamriel.Dremnaken are intelligent hunters that are capable of extreme cruelty, and have a desire to quite literally consume knowledge. They gore their prey and have been known to use magic to steal the victim's life spirit. Despite their bestial appearance, Dremnaken are capable of speech. They are known to hunt in packs.

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A Dremora

Dremora(also known asthe Kyn) are a warlikeDaedricraceprimarily associated with theDaedric Princeof Destruction,Mehrunes Dagon.They are often found in the service of other Daedra lords, such asMolag Bal.They are commonly encountered throughout the planes ofOblivion.Dremora are known to be highly intelligent beings, and make capable warriors and mages.Notable features include horned faces that range from grotesque to resembling tattooedDunmer,deep ashen grey, blue, purple or red complexions, and voices that are deep, watery and guttural. They can also vary widely in height, with some populations being similar to regular humans while other groups stand as tall or even taller thanAltmer.Dremora society is a class-based clan system that upholds values of oaths, pride, honor and loyalty, both to the clan and to the Daedric lord they serve, whom they also venerate as a god. Dremora culture appears to focus on training and preparing for battle and war.


A dreugh


) are an ancient species of aquatic,octopus-likebeastfolk,commonly hunted for their hide and thewaxscraped from their shells. They are sometimes known aswater dreughorcepholomer,with a known variant being thedreugh man o'war.The dreugh live on land and in water during different stages of their lives.

Dreugh are known to be immune to paralysis, poison and disease and resistant to magic, but have a low tolerance to frost. They can regenerate health in darkness and in water, but cannot enter holy places. Their infamous shock attacks are unique to land dreugh, and those in the water must rely on melee attacks.

For more information, see themain lore article.


A Dro-m'Athra

Thedro-m'Athra(sometimes capitalized as Dro-m'Athra; meaning dark spirits ofElsweyr) are a very dangerous and seductive reflection of theKhajiit.They are Khajiiti individuals who become corrupted in life, resulting in their souls being claimed byNamiira.Upon death these souls are ultimately lost to the Daedric PrinceNamiira.

Dro-m'Athra have fur that is completely black, crossed by lines of glowing blue lightning. Their eyes glow pale blue. They pour into Nirni from theDark Behind the World,where they dance to the pounding of theDark Heartof Lorkhaj. They correspond to the inverse phases ofMasserandSecunda,revealed be aspects of the more universal Daedric powers. They are comparable toShades,also creations of the Dark Heart.

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Ducks arewaterfowlwho typically reside in lakes among the reeds.[34]Their young are known as 'ducklings', and have yellow feet.[35]They are common game birds, with their feathers being used for pillows[36]and, in conjunction with their leather, high-end coats.[37]They are also hunted for food, with duck breast, tongue, and eyes being high class meals inImperial cuisine.[38][39]One method of hunting involves the usage of duck calls, whistles made to emulate the sounds of ducks.[40]

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A Duneracer

Duneracers are large, aggressive, terrestrial reptiles suited to hot climates where they can burrow beneath the sand. They are comparable in appearance toDunerippersand are known to live in the region ofCraglorn.

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A Duneripper

Dunerippersare carnivorous desert-dwelling reptiles with protective scales on their backs. A duneripper can reach the length of three horses, and its armored tail is covered in chitinous scales. Dunerippers are ambush predators, and have a digestion system that requires only a modicum of food to sustain their large bodies. The duneripper burrows beneath the sand, sometimes lying motionless for days, waiting to strike its victim.

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A Durzog

Durzogs,sometimes calledsludgepuppies,are carnivorous animals not dissimilar to reptilian dogs. They have scaly skin, six eyes, spines and large teeth designed for tearing. Some wild durzogs can spreadRotbone.They are often domesticated by the variousgoblintribes for hunting, although their own intelligence can rival that of their handlers.Warzogsare a larger breed of durzog, specially bred by goblins for use as war mounts.

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Dwarven Architon[edit]

A Dwarven Architon

Dwarven Architons are humanoid automatons located inBlackreach,mostly withinThe Reach.They protect the ancient Dwemer ruins.Aetheriumcrystals are embedded in their armored plating.[41]

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Dwarven Ballista[edit]

A Dwarven Ballista

Dwarven Ballistaeareanimunculicommonly found inSkyrimandSolstheim.They are squat, four-legged constructs and can shoot bolts at enemies for significant, armor-penetrating damage.

Dwarven Colossus[edit]

A Dwarven Colossus

TheDwarven Colossus(orDwarven Colossiin plural) is a giantautomatonofDwemerdesign. They are a very powerful, and are larger and more robust thanCenturions.They possess blades on one arm and a cannon on the other. They can be found in few dwemer ruins, such as the assembly lines ofBthungthumz.

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Dwarven Centurion[edit]

A Dwarven Centurion

Dwarven Centurions(also known asSteam Centurions) are heavily armoredconstructswith either an extendable mace or hammer on one arm and a spring-loaded blade in the other. Some are able to emit a scalding blast of steam. They are not as common of a sight as lesser constructs in Dwarven ruins.Ruins of Kemel-Zeimplies that the centurions have a weakness to frost and magic attacks, due to the steam that drives them, although they are highly resistant against fire, frost, and shock. They are sometimes found attached to a charging gantry when not in use.

A massive version of the centurion, the Dwarven Mechanical Giant, has an extendable mace on one arm. It is very deadly and can only be killed if attacked on its heel. A Mechanical Giant was located inBthzark,but was defeated byCyrusin2E 864when he attacked its only weak point.

Dwarven Delver[edit]

Dwarven Delversare largeDwemerexcavation machines used to dig through subterranean areas. An inactive one was found in theFrostvault,briefly brought back by Tharayya to open up a door during an excavation. They are equipped with a laser on one arm and a drill in another arm.

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Dwarven Drone Fly[edit]

A Dwarven Drone Fly

Dwarven Drone Fliesare miniature metal insects that can be found in the Dwemer ruins ofVardnknd.They were created for the purpose of protecting against pollen, mold, anddiseasewithin the facility. They are designed to follow an individual and aerate nearby spaces, granting resistances to poisons and improving stamina.

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Dwarven Dynastor[edit]

A Dwarven Dynastor

Dwarven Dynastors (also known asDwarven Carriers) are massiveDwemerConstructswhich resemblehorned behemoth-shalks.The Dynastor served as a carriage of sorts; severalDwarven Sphereswere housed in the central carapace. At the appropriate time, they would spring from a concealed chute and presumably operate in tandem to defeat whatever foe they encountered.[42]

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Dwarven Scarab[edit]

Dwemer Scarab

Dwemer Scarabsare animunculi that vary in size, with the most notable example being in the Dwemer ruins ofBthzarkonStros M'Kai.Various Dwemer Scarab schematics were discovered in Bthzark, and in Mzuleft, located in the island ofVvardenfell.[43]Many Dwarven Scarabs are also known to be located aroundthe Reachand underneath it inBlackreach.

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Dwarven Sentry[edit]

A Dwarven Sentry

Dwarven Sentries(also referred to asDwarven Theodolites) are sphericalanimunculifound inWrothgar,Vvardenfell,andEastmarch.Sentries patrol ruins in a similar fashion toDwarven spheres,extending their necks to emit an electrical shock designed to incapacitate intruders. They were primarily used as an automated measuring device designed to explore and survey subterranean areas. They can also generate a barrier to protect nearby animunculi. Sentries have been observed to lock themselves into mechanical frames to become fixed long-range attackers. Although they are robotic in nature, they have been observed to show intelligent movement, as if reacting with emotions.

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Dwarven Spectre[edit]

A Dwarven Spectre

Dwarven Spectres areGhostsof the ancientDwemerwhich can still be found haunting the halls of their ruins. Like all other ghosts,silverweapons are required to harm them.

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Dwarven Sphere[edit]

A Dwarven Sphere

Dwarven Spheres(also known asCenturion SpheresandDwarven Centurions) are a common form ofDwemer animunculusthat have proven to be agile fighters, and are much stronger than the smallerDwarven Spider.Dwarven Spheres patrol ruins in a spherical form until they encounter an opponent. At this point, they will emerge from their "shells" to attack.

Dwarven Spheres can be armed with different tools. Some are armed with an extendable sword and a shield, while others, such as the Centurion Archers ofBamz-Amschend,are equipped with crossbows. A specialized version of the sphere known as the Dwarven Arquebus has a lightning cannon in place of blades.

Dwarven Spider[edit]

A Dwarven Spider

Dwarven Spiders(also known asDwemer SpidersandCenturion Spiders) are smallconstructsresemblingspidersthat are very common inDwemerruins. They are versatile automatons and perform a variety of functions, such as guarding locations. They can often be found scuttling around ruins, sometimes repairing things. Swarming spiders are present in some ruins, where they burst out of pressure vaults to attack intruders.

Dwarven Turtle[edit]

Dwarven Turtle Plastron repurposed into a Shield

DwarvenTurtlesfunction as cargo animunculi. The plastron from the construct's shell can easily be made into excellent shields. Sometime in the mid-First Era,Sotha Sildiscovered a storage site containing Dwarven Turtles, and brought in stacks of their parts for use in his creations.[44]A number of Dwarven Turtle plastron shields were notably used byRefabricants,Sotha Sil's proto-factotums constructed from both Dwarven and clockwork parts.[45][46]

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  1. ^Battlespire Athenaeum— Ronald Wartow
  2. ^Daedra Countdialogue inBattlespire
  3. ^Denizens of ApocryphaCipher Plautis
  4. ^Ambient DialoguefromDremorafromESO
  5. ^abJackdaw Daedratpet description inESO
  6. ^Kharzolga's dialogue inESO
  7. ^Anequina Animal Identification and TastingHrodkir Mincemeat
  8. ^abTerror of the Death HopperRemius Volsonus
  9. ^Death Hopper Vocal Sacstyle material inESO
  10. ^FishinginESO
  11. ^Deerbehavior inSkyrim
  12. ^Appearance of deer inESO
  13. ^Fawnpet description inESO
  14. ^Dew Bugs' appearance and role duringHandmade GuardianinESO
  15. ^Eveli Sharp-Arrow's dialogue duringA Mysterious EventinESO:Blackwood
  16. ^abcGuide to Taming Dire WolvesShelga gra-Bur,Beastmaster ofKvatch
  17. ^abWolf-Tail Sashantiquity codex entry inESO:Blackwood
  18. ^The names of variousTavernsinDaggerfall
  19. ^Djinn 'n TonicinArena
  20. ^The Feast of Saint Coellicia IIArfons Jellicandante,Expert on Nibenese Cuisine
  21. ^Ass-Ears Jester Capitem description inESO
  22. ^Shobob gro-Rugdush's dialogue inOblivion
  23. ^Mystery of Talara, v 1Mera Llykith
  24. ^Abnur Tharn's dialogue
  25. ^Unrest in Cyrodiil City latest rumorsinMorrowind
  26. ^Dialogue during the questEternal RestinDaggerfall
  27. ^The Feast of Saint Coellicia IVArfons Jellicandante,Expert on Nibenese Cuisine
  28. ^Fools' Ebony, Part the TwothFrincheps
  29. ^Daggerfall User's Guide
  30. ^The Dragonslayerquest inDaggerfall
  31. ^Player Background HistoryinDaggerfall
  32. ^There Be DragonsTorhal Bjorik
  33. ^DraugulfsinESO
  34. ^A Gift of Sanctuary
  35. ^Augur of the Obscure's dialogue inESO:Summerset
  36. ^Elder Down Pillowtreasure description inESO
  37. ^Lathdanvir's dialogue inESO:Orsinium
  38. ^The Feast of Saint CoelliciaArfons Jellicandante,Expert on Nibenese Cuisine
  39. ^Noblemandialogue inSkyrim
  40. ^Brass Duck Calltreasure description inESO
  41. ^Crafting Motif 96: Arkthzand Armory StyleMathinn Palard,University of Gwylim
  42. ^On Dwarven DynastorsRaynor Vanos,Scholar of Dwemer Antiquities
  43. ^Dialogue in the missionScarab Plans in MzuleftinMorrowind
  44. ^Crafting Motif 79: Refabricated StyleDreyla Indavel,Halls of Fabrication
  45. ^Factotumsfound in theHalls of FabricationinESO
  46. ^The Precursor's dialogue inESO

Note:The following references are considered to beunofficial sources.They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.