Lore:First Era

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Note:The First Era of Tamriel is also sometimes referred to as theFirst Age.[1][2]The early-to-middle part is known as theClassical Period.[3]

First Century[edit]

1E 0— TheCamoran Dynastyis founded byKing Eplear.
1E 20— ThePsijic Orderfirst appears in recorded history.
  • TheBretonsage and authorVoernetwrites of his trip to the Isle ofArtaeumto meet withIachesis,the Ritemaster of the Psijics, the counselors of kings and proponents of the "Elder Way," taught to them by theoriginal racethat inhabitedTamriel.The historical account makes Voernet one of the earliest known Bretons in history.[6]
1E 68— The lastAtmoran"invasion" arrives inTamriel.
  • Two Atmoran ships laden with corpses beg to make port in Tamriel, marking the final hostile action from the continent.[7]

Second Century[edit]

1E 113Haraldis born.[nb 1]
1E 140Harald's forces stumble upon and attackForelhost,the last stronghold of theDragon Cult.
  • When Harald's army breaches the stronghold, most of the cultists commit suicide by poisoning the stronghold's water supply, which also ends up killing much of the attacking force.[8]
1E 143Haraldis crowned High King of the Nords.
  • Harald, the 13th descendant of the legendaryYsgramor's line, relinquishes his ancestral holdings in Atmora, and consolidates Skyrim as an independent kingdom withWindhelmas its capital. He is later recognized as the first historical ruler of the Nords.[9][10]
1E 184— KingHaraldestablishes the first Moot of the Nords.[11]
1E 198— The Scouring of Wendelbek.

Third Century[edit]

1E 200Khoseywrites theTamrilean Tractates.
  • Khosey transcribes a firsthand account of the discovery of theBretonsby aNordichunting party.[13]The Tractates also mention what is believed to be the earliest recorded ancestor ofHouse Tharn,one "Tharanus Ye Redde-Hand",who historians assert may have served the Ayleids as a clerk.[14]
1E 221— High KingHaralddies at the age of 108.
  • With Harald's death, his eldest sonHjalmerbecomes the next High King of Skyrim.[9][15]
1E 222— High KingHjalmerdies.
1E 227— The Gradual Massacre occurs.
  • One of the participants in the massacre was the notoriousTharhanthe Mutilant. Later scholars theorized that Tharhan and theTharnancestor Tharanus Ye Redde-Hand were one and the same.[14]
1E 240— TheSkyrimConquests occur.
1E 242— TheAlessian Slave Rebellionerupts inCyrodiil.
  • Alessia,also known as the Slave Queen, leads the predominantly human slaves against theAyleidEmpire, with the help of theNordsand some rebel Ayleid rulers. They eventually conquer all of Cyrodiil.[19][20][21][22]
1E 243— Taking of theWhite-Gold Tower.[23]
  • TheWhite-Gold Towerfinally falls into the hands of the rebels, marking the end of Ayleid supremacy in Cyrodiil, and the Slave QueenAlessiafounds theAlessian Empire.The remaining Ayleids that opposed Alessia seek refuge withValenwood'sCamoran Dynastyand theDirenniinHigh Rock,while the rebel Ayleid lords who sided with Alessia continue to rule parts of Cyrodiil as vassals of the new Empress Alessia.[22]Some famous human heroes areMorihaus,who leads the attack of White-Gold Tower, andPelinal Whitestrake,who single-handedly defeats many of the Ayleid kings, including the Ayleids' demigod championUmaril the Unfeathered.[21]
  • From 1E 243 to498,the new kingdom of humans, under the rule of Empress Alessia and her descendants, prospers and rules the nearest kingdoms ofColovia.They build a strong national identity as they gradually become more united. The Empress Alessia creates the new religion of theEight Divines,fusing the pantheons of theNordsand Cyrodiilic tribes, who followedAltmerideities.[19]
1E 244Kyne's Aegisis founded byFuldimar Hookhand.[24]
1E 246Daggerfall Cityis founded.
  • The north half of theIliac Bay,including the current province ofHigh Rock,is conquered by invadingNords,who bring a rough sort of civilization with them. One of the Nords' first civilized acts is a census - theBook of Life.Listed on page 933 of the book is this entry: "North of the Highest bluffs, south of the moors, west of the hills, and east of the sea is called DAGGERFALL. 110 men, 93 women, 13 children under 8 years of age, 58 cows, 7 bulls, 63 chickens, 11 cocks, 38 hogs live here."[25]
1E 266— Empress Alessia dies.[26]

Fourth Century[edit]

1E 330— TheDruids of GalenfleeHigh Rock
1E 340Valenwoodforms a trade treaty with theAlessian Empire.[4]
1E 355— ClanDirennirises to prominence.
  • Clan Direnni, the only knownHigh Elvenruling family remaining in human lands, claims power inHigh Rockthrough political maneuvering and various machinations.[15]However, some consider their rule in the years leading up to its establishment as part of the Direnni Hegemony as well.[30][31][32]
1E 358— Skyrim attacks the Western Reach
  • Emperor Ami-El ofCyrodiillends his forces to Skyrim in a military campaign against the Direnni Hegemony in theWestern Reach.Anti-Aldmer sentiments rise as Skyrim loses more and more of Greater Bretony to the Direnni.[UOL 1]
1E 361— TheAlessian Doctrinesare enforced.
  • TheAlessian Orderbecomes the dominant political factor in theAlessian Empire,and their doctrines are enforced throughoutCyrodiiland northernTamriel.[22]The doctrines impose the very strict religious teachings of the prophetMarukh,who, after reportedly receiving visions from the ghost of the Slave QueenAlessia,begins to question Elven rule, calling for a suppression of Elven elements within the pantheon of theEight Divines.[33]The Order enforces strict codes of behavior which preclude most forms of entertainment.[34]The remainingAyleidlordships, once tolerated by the Alessian Empire, are abolished.[22]
1E 369— High KingBorgasdies.
1E 374— The Ayleid vassal-state ofNenalatais massacred by theAlessian Order.
  • Nenalata, the last remaining Ayleid city in Cyrodiil is given an ultimatum to leave the province or face extermination. KingLaloriaran Dynargathers those who wished to leave and begins an exodus to the lands of theDirenni Hegemony.Shortly afterwards the Alessian Army arrives at Nenalata and massacres all who choose to stay behind.[22][35]
1E 376— The traditionalYokudanemperors are overthrown.
  • The traditional tenets of the Yokudan Empire are overthrown, and although each successive emperor remains a figurehead for the empire, his powers are very much reduced. TheRedguardpeople see 300 years of almost continuous civil war between provincial lords, warrior monks, and brigands, all fighting each other for land and power before the appearance of the heroHunding.[36][nb 3]
1E 393— TheAlessian OrdersacksMalada,an ancientAyleidtemple.[26]

Fifth Century[edit]

1E 416— TheNordsare driven out ofMorrowind.
  • The unitedChimerandDwemerdrive the Nords out of modern-day Morrowind, which was then calledResdayn.NerevarandDumacbecome leaders of theFirst Councilof Resdayn, and it flourishes under their leadership. Peace among the Chimer and the Dwemer brings unprecedented prosperity to their land.[23][37][nb 2]
  • The Dwemer clanRourkenrebel against this alliance with the Chimer and self-exile themselves. According to legend, "the Rourken chieftain threw his mighty hammer,Volendrung,acrossTamriel,promising to lead his clansmer to 'wherever it should fall.' "The land where they would arrive was thus called Volenfell (i.e.,Hammerfell).[38]
1E 420— TheSkyrimWar of Successionends.
  • The Skyrim War of Succession ends with the Pact of Chieftains. The war resulted in Skyrim losing control of the other provinces in northernTamriel,and though their borders continue to shift occasionally, they never regain their former stature.[17]
  • Olaf One-Eyeis crowned High King ofSkyrim.[39]
1E 420— Clan Rourken settles in Volenfell.[40]
1E 448Rislav Larichis born.[34]
1E 452— Olaf One-Eye dies.[39]
1E 461— Coronation of EmperorGorieusof theAlessian Empire.
After 1E 461— Ryain Direnni buys Balfiera and begins a process of gradually conquering vast parts of High Rock, Hammerfell and Skyrim.[34]
1E 463— The destruction ofCorinthe's Grand Archive
1E 470— Approximate date of the discovery of theFlask of Lillandril.
  • A group of elves living in the port city ofLillandrildiscover a magical flask with the ability to absorb all magic cast at it.[42]
1E 472SkingradandKvatchcease feuding.
  • After decades of skirmishing over common territory, Skingrad and Kvatch reach a peaceful resolution, presumably due to a royal marriage.[34]
1E 477— After years of fighting, ClanDirenniconquersHigh Rockand large parts ofSkyrimandHammerfell.[15][34]
1E 478Kjoric the Whitedies.
1E 478— KingRislav LarichofSkingradrouts anAlessianarmy led by EmperorGorieus.
  • Following a plague that swept through WesternCyrodiil,King Mhorus Larich of Skingrad dies and the throne of Skingrad passes to his eldest surviving son, Dorald, an Alessian priest who immediately cedes the kingdom to the Empire. Outraged, Dorald's younger brother, Rislav, executes Dorald and is crowned the new king. Emperor Gorieus mobilizes his army to reclaim Skingrad for the Empire, but his forces are ultimately routed by Rislav's well-positioned archers and the timely assistance of King Justinius of Kvatch. Rislav's feat inspires additional acts of defiance against the Empire: the other kings of the Colovian West form an alliance with Skingrad and Kvatch, Ryain Direnni outlaws the Alessian Reform in High Rock and mounts incursions into Imperial territory, andSkyrimunder High KingHoag Merkillerjoins the resistance.[34]
1E 480Ysmir Wulfharthtakes the throne inWindhelm.[43]
1E 480— TheDirennipush back theAlessians.
1E 482— TheBattle of Glenumbria Moors
1E 484The Hollow Cityis created.
  • After a trap byMolag Bal,a city near Nenalata is pushed throughNirnand intoColdharbour.Wards fromMeridiaprevent Bal from interfering with the city, creating a permanent pocket free of his influence within Bal's own realm.[35][46]
1E 498— Elven power inHigh Rockis ended.

Sixth Century[edit]

1E 500— The reign ofHigh King Ysmir Wulfharth.
  • The approximate date for the earliest legends of King Wulfharth[45](he actually first appeared in the history books in1E 480).
1E 533High King Ysmir Wulfharthdies.[43]
1E 580— A great fire occurs on the fortieth birthday of Baron Montclair.[50]
  • Stoneglow Enchantments crafted Sparkle Sticks for the occasion, which had inadvertently caused the fire.

Seventh Century[edit]

1E 609— KingThagoredefeatsGlenpoint.
  • King Thagore ofDaggerfalldefeats the army of Glenpoint and becomes the preeminent economic, cultural, and military force in southernHigh Rock,a position the kingdom has precariously kept ever since.[25]
1E 609Mansel Sesnitbecomes Elden Yokeda.
  • Mansel Sesnit comes to the fore as the Elden Yokeda, or military dictator of theYokudans,and for eight years successfully gains control of nearly the whole empire.[36]
1E 617Mansel Sesnitis assassinated.
  • Sesnit, the military dictator ofYokuda,is assassinated and a commoner,Randic Torn,takes over the government of the Yokudans. He rules for 120 years.[36]
1E 660— TheLefthanded ElvesinvadeThe Systresarchipelago.
  • The Lefthanded Elves arrive fromYokudaand began their conquest of the archipelago.[51][52]
1E 660Battle of Dragon Wall
1E 668The War of the First Council;Vvardenfellerupts.
  • The first eruption of Morrowind's gigantic volcano, since known asRed Mountain.Ash spews into the sky and hides the sun for a year. This year is also called Sun's Death or the Year of Winter in Summer.[53][54]
1E 670— Iliath Temple is converted to worship theTribunal.[55]
1E 676Mount Firesongerrupts.

Eighth Century[edit]

1E 700Battle of Red Mountain.
1E 700— The Dwemer disappear.
1E 720Frandar Hundingis born.
1E 734— Frandar Hunding's father dies.
  • At the age of 14, Frandar loses his father in one of many insurrections, and is left to support his mother and four brothers.[36]
1E 737— EmperorRandic TornofYokudadies.
  • Torn's death comes after 120 years of rule. After his death, a vicious civil war breaks out.[36]
1E 760Divad Hundingis born.
1E 776— Divad Hunding becomes an acrobat.
  • Divad Hunding, frustrated by his father's absence, quits his training at theHall of the Virtues of Warand becomes a circus acrobat (and later a notable bard).[60]
1E 780— Frandar Hunding writes theBooks of Circles.
  • Frandar Hunding,thinking himself invincible, becomes a hermit retiring to a cave in the mountains of high desert to write his philosophy ofthe Way of the Swordin theBook of Circles.[36]
1E 780— TheWar of the Singers.
  • EmperorHiraattempts to wrestle control of the empire from the people by exterminating the sword-singers. Frandar Hunding leads the resistance and crushes his army at the foot of Mount Hattu. Shortly after, Frandar, his son, and his army migrate to Hammerfell as the first warrior wave - theRa Gada.[36]
1E 785— TheRa Gadaexterminate theLefthanded Elvesof Y'ffelon.
  • Warriors of the First Ra Gada arrived in the Systres and annihilated the starving remnants of the invading force before sailing east to claim Hammerfell.[51][52]
1E 792— Defeat ofHiradirge.
  • A renegade band ofAnseicalled the Hiradirge were defeated in battle.[7]
1E 792— The destruction ofYokuda.
  • Yokudasinks,supposedly at the hands of the Hiradirge.[40]The bulk of the refugees flee east to the islandHerne,while the rest continue on to Hammerfell.[38]There isn't much left of the continent except for several islands.

Ninth Century[edit]

1E 800— Earliest date ofWayrestCity
  • It is difficult for historians to declare a certain date for the foundation of Wayrest. A settlement of some variety had been existent where theBjoulsae Riverfeeds theIliac Bay,possibly since the 800th year of the First Era. The traders and fishermen of Wayrest were surrounded by hostile parties: theOrccapital ofOrsiniumhad grown powerful to the north, and theAkaviripirates and raiders crowded the islands to the west. There is no mystery to Wayrest's name. After the fighting most travelers had to endure passing through the eastern end of the Iliac Bay, the little fishing village on the Bjoulsae was a welcome rest.[61]
1E 808Ra Gadaarrive again inHammerfell.[62]
  • A second warrior wave ofYokudans,theRa Gada,drives thebeastfolkandNedicpeoples fromVolenfell.Over time, the name "Ra Gada" becomes corrupted into "Redguard", and the race claims Hammerfell as their homeland. The beastfolk refugees escape from Hammerfell and join the Orcs atOrsinium.[7]
  • These Ra Gada are predated by those belonging to theSilverhoof Horsemen,who arrived in the early Sixth Century of the First Era.[63]
1E 853— TheCorelanya Clanare exterminated by Yokudan colonists
  • Led by KingXakhwanofYath,the Yokudans face the Corelanya clan at the Ash'abah Pass and finally drive them from Hammerfell. King Xakhwan was killed during the conflict and was succeeded by one of his sons.[64][65]
1E 874— WarlordThulgeg's army ofOrcsandGoblinsare driven from Hammerfell by the Yokudans

Tenth Century[edit]

1E 900Northpointis founded
  • Captain Yric Flowdys establishes Northpoint around 1E 900[67]as a waystation to accommodate trade route vessels, although some sources state it was established during the 9th century.[68]
1E 907— TheDirennirepel an attemptedRedguardinvasion.
  • Vilified by their former vassals, the remnants of the Direnni clan repel an attack on theIsle of Balfiera.[48]
1E 946— Creation of Shinji's Credo
1E 948King Joilewrites toGaiden Shinjiproposing an assault onOrsinium.
  • Recorded in the Annals of Daggerfall, the letter contains the following reference:"TheOrcshave been much plaguing the Wayresters and impeding traffic to the heart of the land. ".[61]
1E 950— Assault onOrsiniumbegins.
1E 973— The Memory Stone ofMakela Lekiis found.
1E 980Orsiniumis defeated.
  • The annihilation of theOrcishcapital Orsinium by a joint effort ofDaggerfall,the new kingdom ofSentinel,and the now extinctOrder of the Diagna.[70][71]The scattering of the Orcs from southeastern High Rock made the river route to the Bay more accessible.[61]Over the next several years, with theBjoulsae Riveropened, inter-provincial trade flourishes. Within a decade, the village ofWayrestis transformed into a major city.[15]
1E 983Evermoreis founded.

Eleventh Century[edit]

1E 1029High Rockis admitted into theAlessian Empire.
  • After the legions of EmpressHestradeposed King Styriche of Verkarth, Styriche fled west with his infamous Gray Host of vampires and werewolves, pillaging along the way. The Gray Host was halted by the Bangkorai Garrison of High Rock, and Hestra's forces killed the survivors. Impressed by the Bangkorai Garrison's actions, Hestra allowed High Rock to be admitted into the Empire.[66]House DorellofNorthpointandHouse Montclairare granted a barony.[68][74]
1E 1030The Legend of Red Eagle.
1E 1033Alessianstake on piracy inBlack Marsh.
  • EmpressHestra,fed up with the pirates hiding in the depths ofBlack Marsh,calls for the head of the most famous brigand,"Red" Bramman,as part of a larger campaign. Their incursion provided some of the first outsider accounts on the true culture of the land of theArgonians.[76]
1E 1051— Vinicius Imbrex becomes Archbishop ofChorrol.
  • During his 36 year tenure, he authors a list of "abominations" that should be slain in the name ofStendarr.[77]
1E 1085— Earliest known appearance ofSkingradin genealogical records.
  • Though it is certainly much older, Skingrad is first mentioned in ancient genealogical records around this time.[78]

Twelfth Century[edit]

1E 1100— The kingdom ofWayrestis founded.
  • Wayrest's rapid expansion following the defeat ofOrsiniumin1E 980culminates the merchant power earning the right to be called a kingdom.[61]
1E 1102— WarlordCeyrandies
  • A minorAyleidwarlord rumored to be a devotee ofMolag Bal,he is best known for building and losing three separate dominions during his long life. He was killed by an unknown assassin.[79]
1E 1152— Earliest known appearance ofBravilin records.
  • Though theAyleidshad long settled the Bravil region,[80]and humans presumably settled the area soon after displacing them, Bravil is first mentioned in genealogical records around this time.[78]
1E 1167— Earliest known appearance ofBrumain records.
  • Though it is likely much older, Bruma is first mentioned in ancient genealogical records around this time.[78]
1E 1188Fervidius Tharnbecomes Arch-Prelate of theAlessian Order.[14]

Thirteenth Century[edit]

1E 1261— Astia Hexos of the ImperialHouse Hexosprepares a report onMadam Whim,aMazkentrader and information broker from the newly discovered realm ofFargrave.[81]
  • House Hexos establishes a business relationship with this Mazken and soon begins trading operations within the realm.[81]
1E 1270— Merchant-LordEtien Lenacclaims the throne ofWayrestby supposedly bribing the nobility.[82]

Fourteenth Century[edit]

1E 1301— Sack ofSkywatch
1E 1306— Hyperagonal Collapse Incident
  • Twenty-sevenPsijic Monksare converted into thin films of glistening liminal particles after an incident at the Eldbur Monastery for Mystic Inquiry onSummerset Isle.[84]

Fifteenth Century[edit]

1E 1427Battle of Duncreigh Bridge
  • The battle betweenAnticlereand the neighboring hamlet ofSensford.It is celebrated each year by Anticlere with a march down Sensford's main street, usually resulting in many injuries and sometimes brief wars between the towns' knightly orders. The battle ultimately achieves nothing, as both sides continue to boast of their own antique lineage.[13]

TheDragon Break[edit]

The longest Dragon Break ever known, sometimes called the Middle Dawn, is said to taken place acrossTamrielfor one thousand and eight years.[85]Some scholars think the whole matter was the result of an error in a timeline.[86]

Twenty-Third Century[edit]

1E 2200— TheSloadrelease theThrassian Plague.[33][87]
  • For the next several centuries, this brutal plague devastates more than half ofTamriel's population, concentrated along the western coast nearest toThras.[7]
1E 2241Bendu Oloproclaims his intent to punishThrasfor theThrassian Plague.
  • The Colovian Sailor-King of Anvil petitions theAlessian Empirefor commission and received it in short order. With the blessing of the emperor, Olo claimed the title of baron-admiral of the Imperial fleet and began assembling an armada of retaliation.[88]
1E 2243— Bendu Olo begins building the All Flags Navy fleet of ships.
  • Within two years of his proclamation, the baron-admiral and the founding members of the All Flags Navy arrive in theSystresArchipelago and begin assembling the Systres Shipyards inGonfalon Bay.[88]
1E 2249— Bendu Olo completes his first compliment of All Flags Navy ships
  • The naval base and the All Flags fleet stand ready to make war upon the Sload.[88]
1E 2250— The All Flags Navy wages war on the Sload
  • What began as skirmishes in the early 1E 2250s transitioned to all-out war by 1E 2258.[88]
1E 2260— TheAll Flags Navylaunch their final assault on Thras
  • After claiming several major victories at sea against the Sload and their great sea beasts, Olo and his great fleet (comprising ships from every nation of Tamriel) sails against the Sload in retribution for the Thrassian Plague, sinking their kingdom with mighty magics.[88][73][89]

Twenty-Fourth Century[edit]

1E 2305High Rocksecedes from theAlessian Empire.
  • In response to the excesses of theAlessian Order,High Rock secedes from the Alessian Empire, over a thousand years after being admitted. TheBangkorai Garrisonsuccessfully fends off the wrathful Legions of Piety and Grace under Abbot-GeneralPriscus Mactator,who had been sent to forcibly reclaim the wayward region.[66]
1E 2321— TheWar of Righteousnessbegins.
1E 2327— TheSystres Islesis purchased by a consortium of High Rock coin-barons.
  • TheColovian Estates' wealth was completely exhausted by 1E 2326. To raise additional capital for the war, Colovian kings began selling non-essential territory, including the Systres Isles. Led by Duchess Martinne Guimard, coin-barons purchased the archipelago for an undisclosed sum.[90]
1E 2331— The War of Righteousness ends.
  • After a decade of conflict, the War of Righteousness concludes and the Alessian Order and Empire are dissolved. The Empire's former territories solidify their independence, and its heartland, Cyrodiil, splits into Eastern and Western halves that continue to diverge culturally over the following centuries.[33]

Twenty-Fifth Century[edit]

1E 2484Mount Firesongerupts for the second time in recorded history.
  • The catastrophic explosion shattered the ancient shipyards ofHigh Isle,completely destroyed a burgeoning settlement onAmenos,cracked theAll Flags Navymonument, and claimed the lives of nearly one-third of the archipelago's inhabitants.[91]
post-1E 2484— The Green Years
  • A short but significant renaissance ofdruidicfaith in theSystresfollowing the eruption of Mount Firesong. TheStonelore Circlesaved the island folk from the brink of death and helped them create a sprawling pastoral and agricultural community that supplanted the rule of the noble class and coin-barons.[91]

Twenty-Eighth Century[edit]

1E 2702Wayrestmoves to Gardners Estate.
  • The entire population of the city is forced to move into the walled estate of the Gardners as protection against pirates,Akaviriraiders, and theThrassian Plague.[61]
1E 2703— The FirstAkaviriInvasion occurs
1E 2703— TheSecond Empireis established
  • Following the defeat of the Akaviri byRemanI, the Cyrodiils find themselves not only united as a nation, but responsible for the further protection of the northern human kingdoms at large.[33]
1E 2704— EmperorRemanI dividesthe ReachbetweenHigh RockandSkyrim
  • In an attempt to limit the possibility of theReachmenuniting against him, Emperor Reman Cyrodiil divided their territory between the provinces of Skyrim and High Rock. The natives resisted fiercely, and there was never a decade when the troops of Solitude or Evermore wouldn't be sent in an attempt to pacify them.[93]
1E 2704— The Green Years are abolished by EmperorRemanI
  • On 11 Sun's Dusk, emissaries of the newly formedReman Empirearrive on the shores ofGonfalon Bayand decree that the archipelago is once again the lawful property of Cyrodiil before and reinstating Breton coin-barons as the rulers.[94]
1E 2714Valenwoodis conquered by theSecond Empire.
  • After centuries of unrelenting warfare along the border withCyrodiiland a plague fromThras,the land of theBosmerfinally falls to the Second Empire.[4]Although the province became occupied by theImperial Legionand the Kingdom of Grahtwood was established, they continued to experience resistance from some natives for several years.[95][96]
1E 2729— The city-state ofSouthpointwas founded on the 1st of Rain's Hand.
  • After GovernorZantoniushad fought a raid ofWood OrcsatReman's Bluff,he was awarded a plot of land for a fort. But he converted it into a fortified settlement, which later became Southpoint.[97]
1E 2762— EmperorRemanI dies.[98]
1E 2762— EmperorKastavis crowned.[99]
1E 2790Tjurhane Fyrreis born.
  • The great Ayleid (Wild Elf) sage Tjurhane Fyrre is born.[100]
1E 2794— Reman II is born.[98]

Twenty-Ninth Century[edit]

1E 2801— EmperorKastavtakes hostages inSkyrim.
  • Emperor Kastav orders theDragonguardto seize hostages fromMarkarthandHroldanto ensure that the jarls would meet their conscription quotas. This is the latest in a series of such orders, and the official objections of the Master atSky Haven Templeare denied per usual.[101]
1E 2804— TheWinterhold Rebellionbegins.
  • A rebellion breaks out in Winterhold. TheDragonguardrefuses orders to be sent to suppress the revolt, as it violates their Oath of Allegiance.[101]
1E 2804— EmperorReman IIassumes the throne of Cyrodiil.
  • Reman II deposes the incompetentKastavand is credited with negotiating an end to the Winterhold Rebellion and leading the Second Empire into a golden age. He would later begin a war of conquest against Argonia and Morrowind.[102]His coronation took place later in 1E 2812.[98]
1E 2805Sky Haven Templeis besieged.
  • AnAkaviricommander namedKalien,rejected from theDragonguard,is sent to suppress the Winterhold Rebellion. The locals soon besiege the Dragonguard's temple inthe Reach,as they do not distinguish between Akaviri. The siege is lifted one year later.[101]
1E 2811— TheBlackwater Warbegins.
1E 2812— Kastav dies.
  • After living in exile for several years, the deposed emperor dies in theMurkmireregion of Black Marsh.[104]
1E 2812— Construction ofAlduin's Wallbegins.
1E 2813— Cyrodilic replacesHigh Elven.
  • AcrossTamriel,Cyrodilic, the precursor to the modern Tamrielic language, replaces High Elven as the language of all legal documents.[15]
1E 2815— Reports ofdragonspersist inSkyrim.
1E 2818— Construction of Alduin's Wall is completed.
1E 2820Eric of Guislives among theAltmer.
  • The emissary of theSecond Empirewrote many vitriolic rants against the denizens ofSummerset Isleduring his time there. These were later accepted as "reliable" accounts by human scholars of theThird Era.[105]
1E 2820— Governor Pomptinus is appointed the ruler ofCraglornbyReman II
  • During his administration he built the sewers beneathElinhir,considered to one of his greatest public works undertaken.[106]
1E 2837— The province ofBlack Marshis created.
  • TheSecond Empiresucceeds in seizing a large part of the swamplands of Argonia to create the province of Black Marsh. Its provincial status was revoked after the dissolution of the Second Empire.[87]
1E 2840— TheFour-Score Warbegins.
1E 2843— EmperorReman IIdies.
  • According to the inscription on his tomb in Sancre Tor, he dies "in battle against theDark Elves".[98]
1E 2843— EmperorBrazollus Doris crowned.
  • The little-known Brazollus Dor disdains the responsibilities of governing, preferring to spend his time at his country estate nearSkingradwhile his Potentate,Sidri-Ashak,handled all matters of state. This is said to be the emperor's wisest decision, as Sidri-Ashak proved to be a gifted administrator and man of integrity.[99]
1E 2871Dragonguardslay thedragonKrahjotdaanin the southernJerall Mountains.[107]
1E 2877— EmperorReman IIIis crowned.[98]
1E 2899— EmpressTaviais accused of treason and imprisoned inBlack Marsh.

Thirtieth Century[edit]

1E 2902— Reign of Jinninji-ri,ManeofElsweyr.[108]
1E 2906— The Khuras mines collapse.
  • The extensive mines inGlenumbra,once famous as a source of crystals and gems, are abandoned after a ceiling collapse renders most of the tunnels inaccessible.[109]
1E 2911— TheWar of the Uvichilbegins.[83]
1E 2917— The War of the Uvichil ends.[83]
1E 2920Gilverdaleis destroyed byMolag Bal.
1E 2920— The last year of the First Era.


  • 1. Several sources conflate Harald's reign with his entire life. The bookFrontier, Conquestaccredits the years1E 113to 221 to him (108 years), and both theDaggerfall Chroniclesand1st Edition Pocket Guidestate that he died at the age of 108, meaning that 1E 113 must have been the year of his birth. The3rd Edition Pocket Guidealso states "In the 113th year of the First Era, the entirety of modern Skyrim was under the reign of King Harald", suggesting his birth and reign coincided. Astone etchinginWindhelmstates that his rule inWindhelmbegan in 1E 143.
  • 2. The Daggerfall Chronicleshas some differences in its timeline. It refers to Vrage as the youngest son of Hjalmer. In the light of the clear statement inKing Edward, Part X,it seems this is a mistake and both were sons of Harald. It also traces the Nords' expulsion from Morrowind and High Rock to 1E 401.
  • 3. Yokudan dates are usually given in books in "the old way of reckoning". Using information fromDestri Melarg's bookDivad the Singer,however, any Yokudan date can be translated to its Tamrielic equivalent by subtracting 1636. It should be noted that these dates may not be completely accurate, since Melarg isn't exact in his statement.
  • 4. There's some suggestion that the events surrounding Gaiden Shinji and the Siege of Orsinium occurred several centuries before the tenth century.A loading screen in Skyrimdates Shinji's Credo back to 1E 490, not 946.The Poison Song, Book Itakes place in 1E 675, but treats the Siege of Orsinium as having already occurred.


  1. ^Ennbjof's Nord Burialquest inMorrowind
  2. ^Hasphat Antabolis' dialogue inMorrowind
  3. ^Honor's Restloading screen
  4. ^abcPocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Wilds Remain: ValenwoodImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  5. ^Before the Ages of ManAicantar ofShimerene
  6. ^Fragment: On ArtaeumTaurce il-Anselma,3E 400
  7. ^abcdePocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: Other LandsImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  8. ^Skorm Snow-Strider's JournalSkorm Snow-Strider
  9. ^abcFrontier, ConquestUniversity of Gwylim Press,3E 344
  10. ^Memorial plaqueinWindhelm
  11. ^King's Belt Plateantiquity description
  12. ^Ayleid Survivals in ValenwoodCuinur of Cloudrest,4th Tier Scholar of Tamrielic Minutiae
  13. ^abcPocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: High RockImperial Geographical Society,2E 864
  14. ^abcHouse Tharn of NibenayCount Opius Voteporix
  15. ^abcdefghThe Daggerfall Chronicles— Ronald Wartow
  16. ^abKing Edward, Part X— Anonymous
  17. ^abcPocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: SkyrimImperial Geographical Society,2E 864
  18. ^abThe Legendary Sancre TorMatera Chapel
  19. ^abShezarr and the DivinesFaustillus Junius
  20. ^Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Seat of Sundered Kings: CyrodiilImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  21. ^abcThe Song of Pelinal
  22. ^abcdefgThe Last King of the AyleidsHerminia Cinna
  23. ^abPocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: All the Eras of Man, A Comprehensive History of our HistoryImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  24. ^Kyne's Aegisloading screeninESO
  25. ^abcA History of DaggerfallOdiva Gallwood
  26. ^abcCleansing of the Fane
  27. ^Trials of St. Alessia
  28. ^The Amulet of KingsWenengrus Monhona
  29. ^Wyrd and Druid— Archdruid Barnabe's Discourse with Mainlanders, 2E 553
  30. ^abSystres History: Volume 1Trilam Heladren,Associate Dean of Eltheric History,University of Gwylim
  31. ^Exodus of the DruidsDruid Laurelof the Stonelore Circle
  32. ^Druid Ryvana's dialogue inESO
  33. ^abcdePocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: CyrodiilImperial Geographical Society,2E 864
  34. ^abcdefghRislav The RighteousSinjin
  35. ^abA Life of Strife and StruggleKing Laloriaran Dynar
  36. ^abcdefghRedguards, History and HeroesDestri Melarg
  37. ^Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: MorrowindImperial Geographical Society,2E 864
  38. ^abcPocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: HammerfellImperial Geographical Society,2E 864
  39. ^abAstone etchinginWindhelm
  40. ^abPocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Ra Gada: HammerfellImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  41. ^Origins of the Khajiiti Martial TraditionTendwuayne,Sapiarch of Foreign Customs
  42. ^Elven Artifacts vIIIIth-Mok
  43. ^abMemorial plaqueinWindhelm
  44. ^The Final LessonAegrothius Goth
  45. ^abFive Songs of King Wulfharth
  46. ^The Groundskeeper's dialogue inESO
  47. ^A Warning to the Aldmeri DominionErystera Ligen
  48. ^abThe Bretons: Mongrels or Paragons?Phrastus of Elinhir
  49. ^OnceBeredalmo the Signifier
  50. ^The description ofHouse Montclair Celebratory Sparkle StickinESO
  51. ^abcSecrets of AmenosMiramel Charascel,Chairperson of the Gonfalon Bay Historical and Social Society
  52. ^abSystres History: Volume 2Trilam Heladren,Associate Dean of Eltheric History,University of Gwylim
  53. ^abVarieties of Faith...Brother Mikhael Karkuxorof the Imperial College
  54. ^The Nirnroot MissiveSinderion
  55. ^Iliath Templeloading screeninESO
  56. ^The Battle of Red MountainVivec
  57. ^Nerevar at Red Mountainthe Tribunal Temple
  58. ^Dwemer Inquiries Vol IThelwe Ghelein,Scholar
  59. ^The Falmer: A StudyUrsa Uthrax
  60. ^abDivad the SingerDestri Melarg
  61. ^abcdeWayrest, Jewel of the BaySathyr Longleat
  62. ^Holidays of the Iliac BayTheth-i
  63. ^The Horse-Folk of SilverhoofDoctor Nabeth al-Gilane,KhefremAcademy of Yokudan Heritage
  64. ^Prince Haqmir's dialogue inESO
  65. ^The Initiationquest inESO
  66. ^abcBangkorai, Shield of High Rock— KingEamond
  67. ^Northpoint Founding Coinantiquity codex entry inESO
  68. ^abNorthpoint: An AssessmentChancellor Regina Troivois
  69. ^Acisternin theImperial CityArena
  70. ^abThe War of BetonyVulper Newgate,3E 404
  71. ^abPocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: OrsiniumImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  72. ^From The Memory Stone of Makela LekiMakela Leki
  73. ^abThe Royal House of King EamondSeneschal Derric AndrasofCastle Evermore
  74. ^Hildune's Secret Refugeloading screeninESO
  75. ^The Legend of Red EagleTredayn Dren
  76. ^abcPocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The War with the Trees: Argonia and the Black MarshImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  77. ^The Four AbominationsVinicius Imbrex,Archbishop ofChorrol,1E 10511087
  78. ^abcImbel Genealogy
  79. ^Ceyran, Warlord of Rulanyil's FallMerethic Society
  80. ^Daughter of the NibenSathyr Longleat
  81. ^abMeet the Character - Madam WhimAstia Hexos
  82. ^Kingmaker's Troveantiquity codex entry inESO
  83. ^abcPocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Blessed Isle: Alinor and the SummersetsImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  84. ^Eldbur Ruinsloading screeninESO
  85. ^Where Were You... Dragon Broke— Various
  86. ^The Dragon Break Re-ExaminedFal Droon
  87. ^abPocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: The Wild RegionsImperial Geographical Society,2E 864
  88. ^abcdeSystres History: Volume 3Trilam Heladren,Associate Dean of Eltheric History,University of Gwylim
  89. ^Journal of Tsona-EiTsona-Ei
  90. ^Systres History: Volume 4Trilam Heladren,Associate Dean of Eltheric History,University of Gwylim
  91. ^abSystres History: Volume 5Trilam Heladren,Associate Dean of Eltheric History,University of Gwylim
  92. ^Legacy of the DragonguardKiasa-Veda,the Chronicler ofBlades
  93. ^The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Northern Bangkorai and the MountainsFlaccus Terentius,2E 581
  94. ^Systres History: Volume 6Trilam Heladren,Associate Dean of Eltheric History,University of Gwylim
  95. ^The Fall and Rise of Reman's BluffPraetor Aemilianus Lector
  96. ^Cathedral of the Golden Pathloading screeninESO
  97. ^The Founding of Southpointthe Provincial Office of Governor Zantonius
  98. ^abcdefEpitaph on a tomb inSancre Tor
  99. ^abHigh King Emeric Answers Your QuestionsHigh King Emeric
  100. ^The Wild ElvesKier-Jo Chorvak
  101. ^abcdefAnnals of the DragonguardBrother Annulus
  102. ^Reman II: The Limits of AmbitionHigh King Emeric
  103. ^The Blackwater WarValenca Arvina,Historian-in-Residence atGwylim University
  104. ^Emperor Kastav's Epitaph— Honor Guard CaptainSadineras-Kor
  105. ^Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: Aldmeri DominionImperial Geographical Society,2E 864
  106. ^Elinhir Sewerworksloading screeninESO
  107. ^Atlas of DragonsBrother Mathnan
  108. ^Shazah's dialogue inESO
  109. ^Mines of Khurasloading screeninESO
  110. ^abc2920, The Last Year of the First EraCarlovac Townway

Note:The following references are considered to beunofficial sources.They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.