
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
Type Settlement
Continent Tamriel
Province Summerset Isles
Region Auridon
Appears in Arena,ESO
Firsthold ca.2E 582
Map of the Summerset Isles
"When High Lord Torinaan came to this isle, our city sprang from his first step onto its rocky shores. Be welcome to First Hold, birthplace of the High Elves who carry our past..." —In-game description inArena

Firsthold(also spelled asFirst Hold)[1]is one of the eight major cities in the province of theSummerset Islesand is located on the northernmost tip ofAuridon,the second-largest island of the archipelago.[2]Just as the name references, Firsthold is the oldest city in the province and was founded by the firstAldmeriinhabitants of Tamriel, who had previously sailed across theEltheric Oceanto escape the destruction of their homeland,Aldmeris.[3][4]The city is also where the mageVanus Galerionfounded the originalMages Guildcharter and thus provided the common people with access tomagicand other arcane pursuits.[5]

Layout and Geography[edit]

The Firsthold wayshrine
The Mages Guild of Firsthold

Firsthold is located on the highest point of Auridon, in theVaferegion.[2]From here, the city looks across theAbecean Seato the north. Just off the coast is the small island ofCalluis Lar,where local pirates congregate and organize raids on royal ships.[6]Though the city is not built on its shore, Firsthold's position on the peak of Auridon accents the northern end of theAuridon Strait,the body of water between Auridon andSummerset Isle.[2]

Firsthold, in particular, sits at the top of a hill, at the base of a mountain right on the tip of Auridon. It sits in a well-defended spot, surrounded by mountains and separated from the northern Vafe coast by a large river. It also sits above sea level, behind a vast and imposing wall of craggy cliffs.[7]The land around it is heavily forested withmaple,laurelandlarchtrees, and the city itself is at the end of Auridon's roadways.[2]

The southern gate leads to the lower coast on the Auridon Strait. The eastern entrance is a river bridge leading into the greater Vafe region. Firsthold is neighbored by several settlements, one of which includes West Guard to the far southeast. On an island just southwest of the city isBelport Run,which has no road connections to any other part of the province.[8]

Firsthold is noted for its beautiful and clean cityscape. Its docks are described as pristine[7]and their streets are supposedly made from crystals and silk, and shine like mirrors.[UOL 1]The central city section is centered around a river canal that forms a Y-shape and divides the area into threes. The western section of Firsthold is an open parkland with a cave entrance and a winding road to the southwest gate. The eastern section between rivers is filled with homes and the local Mages Guild, while the north section is the Firsthold castle grounds.[2]

TheDicetois a great river that runs through the city's royal parks andKanthleavesgrow around the area.[9]Overlooking the Abecean Sea are the city's high cliff palaces, of which includes Firsthold's palace, where the royal family lives.[6]The palace is described as enormous and shines bright like a whitediamond.[UOL 1]Underneath the cliffside wall is the port town, built into a tightly protected hollow that is big enough to fit large ships.[7]

Notable Locales[edit]


  • Port Town[7]
  • Urban Center of Firsthold[5]


The Lay of Firsthold and the Odyssey of Topal[edit]

The Lay of Firsthold
The Nine-Prow Landing

Firsthold was founded sometime in theMerethic Eraby the original Altmer ancestors of Auridon, theAncients.The northernmost shore of the island, known now as Nine Prows Landing, is considered by tradition the first place where these ancestors first landed.[4]As the story goes, from their lost home of Aldmeris, High LordTorinaanled the Ancients across the Eltheric Ocean to this very spot.[3]

Scholars give different dates when the Aldmer specifically arrived on Tamriel. Fenlil the Wayfarer's research leaves him to believe it was in the middle of the early Merethic Era,[4]butAicantar of Shimmerenestates it to be the middle Merethic Era, which by then, the aboriginalbeastfolkof the mainland had already built preliterate communities.[13]In any case, Torinaan proclaimed himself Kinlord of the land and named it Auridon, enchanted by the golden dawn. He swore an oath to never depart from his new kinhold and built his home.[3]

Since then, the Ancients had spread themselves out across the Summerset Isles, and although more kinholds were founded since, Torinaan's home will always be the "first among holds", hence the name.[3][14]Some years later, by the time the Aldmer had settled Summerset Isle, Firsthold was a port. TheThird Eraauthor, Florin Jaliil was able to translate theAldmerisepic ofTopal the Pilot,known as theUdhendra Nibenuand thus provide context for his Merethic Era voyages. The book describes three ships who were tasked with finding a way back to Aldmeris, using Firsthold as their launch site. While the first ship and its pilot are unknown, the second was the Pasquiniel helmed by Illio, and the third was the Niben, helmed by Topal himself.[15]

After traveling northeast to present-day Tamriel, only the Niben returned to Firsthold and it was laden with all sorts of items, fromgold,spice, furs, and strange creatures. Sometime later, Topal leaves again for Tamriel and roughly eighty months later, according to Florin Jaliil, he is on the eastern Tamrielic coast, between theNecromregion andBlack Marsh,looking for a passage back to Firsthold. In a miscalcuation, Topal had inadvertently discovered the eponymousTopal Bay,theNiben Rivernamed after his ship, andLake Rumare.Florin Jaliil further theorizes that after coming back down the river and traveling southward, Topal and the Niben were able to return back home to Firsthold.[15]

House Rilis and the Mages Guild[edit]

High Kinlord Rilis I
Vanus Galerion, First Mage of Firsthold

Sometime after Torinaan's reign over Firsthold, the city came under the control ofHouse Rilis,starting from High Kinlord Rilis I. They were described as a line of proud warriors[16]and have fought in conflicts of the past, like when Rilis III fought in the Battle of Ten Maws.[17]

Though much of Summerset's history throughout the First and Second Eras is largely unknown to the mainland, what is known is that internal conflicts occurred between the cities, likeSkywatchand Firsthold, and they often sparked to full-out war.[18]The legacy of House Rilis, however, went untouched until the reign ofRilis XII,who in his youth was a hero of the people but hid a darker side that proved to be his ultimate downfall.[19]

During his rule, thePsijicstudent,Vanus Galerionbegan to assemble like-minded magic users to his new enterprise based in Firsthold's urban center,[5]at the time known as "Galerion's Folly".[20]At that point, magic was something that only the upper echelon of society and academia could use, and it was only something practiced out in secluded areas. But Vanus Galerion hoped to introduce the arcane arts to the common folk and even provide services for anyone in need.[5]

The Master of Incunabula,Valastewrites in her essay discussing the Kinlord's role in the guild's founding, that Rilis XII saw this enterprise as an opportunity to play mages and commoners against each other[20]and in2E 230,initiated theCharter Conclave,a meeting between him, Vanus Galerion and the Ritemaster of the Psijic Order,Iachesisto formally lay out Galerion's intentions. Though no records exist of this meeting, the Mages Guild was formally approved and was spread out across Tamriel,[5][20]at the time Galerion even gained the title of "First Mage of Firsthold".[16]By then, Rilis XII was already interested in daedric affairs, making pacts and dealing in evil magic.[16][20]In his pursuit of power, he ordered the Great Orrery's disassembly and fired the Varmaster when it could notpredicthis future in2E 235.[21]

Rilis XII's downfall came when he presented his powers and its possibilities to other nobles. But in fear, he was sentenced to theBanished Cells[22]however his immense power and daedric pact proved to be too much to sustain him.[19]Upon his death, his son,Rilis XIIIsealed his spirit within a binding stone and enlisted theKeeperswith the life-long task of guarding him.[19][23]With his father left in prison, Prince Rilis XIII takes up his throne as the High Kinlord of Firsthold.[19][24]

Rilis XIII's reign and the Daedric Invasion[edit]

High Kinlord Rilis XIII
An Oblivion Gate in the Castle Courtyard

Rilis XIII continued his governance of Auridon many years later. With his father's death, he decided to leave behindCastle Rilisand instead lived in Firsthold Castle within the city limits. Even though Skywatch was still the region's capital, he saw fit to remain close to his ancestral home.[25]Rilis XIII was High Kinlord when High KingHidellithpassed away in2E 580.Upon the news, PrincessAyrennreturned to the Summerset Isles via the city docks in Firsthold, where she was greeted by the Court ofAlinor,her friends and family.[7][26]

In the short time since her ascension to the throne, Queen Ayrenn formed theAldmeri Dominionwith theBosmerofValenwoodand theKhajiitofElsweyr.[26]To familiarize herself with the newly united realm, Ayrenn and her court took a tour across the Aldmeri Dominion, and in2E 582,she traveled through Auridon.[27][28]However, a radical group of Altmer called theVeiled Heritancesprung their attack against the Dominion. After High KinladyEstreof Skywatch revealed herself to be the group's leader, the Veiled Heritance began their large-scale attack on Auridon, beginning with the town ofDawnbreak.[29][30]

Rilis XIII expressed to Estre his decision to remain neutral and would rather have Auridon's best interests in mind.[31]Ultimately, however, Firsthold was the most important stronghold in turning the tides of this war.[30]After she escaped from Skywatch, Estre arrived and was accepted into Firsthold with open arms by Rilis XIII, who was completely unaware of her treachery. Without a moment's notice, Estre summonedoblivion gatesto theDeadlandsand daedra poured into the city.[32]Estre sealed Firsthold Castle with a powerful barrier, powered by wards and guarded byDremora.Ayrenn's battlereeve,Urcelmoled the counterattack from the Mages Guild and commanded a militia made from theEyes of the Queenand theEagle's Talons.[33][34]

AnAgentof the Dominion rendezvoused with Urcelmo and began their plan to retake the city. While mages of the guild were performing a ritual to break the barrier, the Agent was out in Firsthold, dispelling the wards with a talisman.[34]With the barrier broken, a final push toward Firsthold Castle was made. Before confronting High Kinlady Estre, the Agent destroyed oblivion gates around the castle and entered the final one in Firsthold Castle with their companions,Razum-dar,Battlereeve Urcelmo, and the mage Sinien. In the caldera of the Refuge of Dread, they had their final battle with the High Kinlady and saved Firsthold. High Kinlord Rilis XIII was saved and Queen Ayrenn finished her tour through Auridon in the aftermath of the battle. The Queen sent the Agent across the sea toElden Rootto assist theKingof the Wood Elves.[35]

Firsthold and Auridon had been saved from a daedric invasion but it took some time for the city to recover fully. Text and reference works were lost from the Firsthold Royal Library and so the High Kinlord asked leading experts across the region to replace old text with new accounts. The skilledblacksmithfromVulkhel Guard,Vandalion Brightsteel provided his definitive description to making Summersetglassarmor.[11]

Firsthold in the Third Era and onward[edit]

Queen Morgiah

Sovereigns of the Kingdom

Are proud to announce The Engagement
of Morgiah, Princess of Wayrest
To Karoodil,

King of Firsthold
In the Isle of Sumurset.

—Wayrest's announcement of Morgiah
and Karoodil's wedding

According to the historical-fictionThe Wolf Queen,in3E 80,PrinceAmielof theSeptimfamily visited Firsthold to meet the Archmagister of the Mages Guild.[36]In3E 110,the kings of the Summerset Isles formed a unified alliance to combat theMaormer[37]in their last-known invasion of the province, theWar of the Isle.[38]Despite having assistance from EmperorAntiochusand theImperial Navy,the Maormer were defeated because of a supernatural storm accredited to thePsijic Order.[37][39]

WhenPelagiusbecame the King ofSolitude,he was visited by the Princess of Firsthold who famously wrote to her brother that "the king's gripped my hand and it felt like I was being clutched by a skeleton. Pelagius is greatly emaciated, indeed." Even though just five months earlier, he was described as a "hale and hearty soul with a heart so big, it widens his waist".[40]

During theImperial Simulacrumin the lateThird Era,the city-state of Firsthold was an active settlement. It was ruled by King Kalalian and had a rivalry withCloudrest.[1]By the turn of the fifth century, Firsthold was ruled by KingReman Karoodil,whose son later died around3E 405.At around this time, he was encountered by the King of Worms,Mannimarco,who provided Reman the means to communicate with him for a short time. In exchange for this service, however, the King became engaged with the Princess ofWayrest,Morgiahand officially married three years later in3E 408.[41]

Morgiah's arrival to the otherwise insular Summerset Isles brought her contempt from many locals and peasants. Many of them took to calling her "the Black Queen" but King Karoodil paid no mind to it. This resentment also resided in nobility, most notably with Lady Gialene, King Karoodil's chief concubine and daughter of the King of Skywatch, who partnered with theTrebbite Monksto coordinate Morgiah's downfall.[6]

While the King was away dealing with pirates on Calluis Lar, the Trebbite Monks revolted in a well-coordinated attack on the city. But Morgiah was able to outsmart her detractors by feeding Gialene false intel and thus convincing the Trebbite Monks to usemysticismto cast reflective spells on themselves. On the dawn of the siege, however, Morgiah, instead of using battlemages as believed, used archers to shoot them down. And with the reflective spell, denied them magicalhealing.The monks were defeated and forced to retreat, while Lady Gialene was sent back to her father's court in Skywatch.[6]

As the years went by, the royal couple bore children, Prince Goranthir and Princess Rinnala who despite their Altmer ancestry, were fullyDunmerin appearance.[18]Though many people in Firsthold could not bear the idea of non-Altmer inheriting the throne,[6]the two were eligible by the late years of the Third Era. At that time, the younger generation of Altmer in the province had grown accustomed to and gained respect for mainland Tamriel's foreign cultures and races, while also heavily criticizing the rigid hierarchy and xenophobia of their people.[18]When the two children inherited their parents' throne is unknown, but after the death of PotentateOcato of Firstholdand the subsequentStormcrown Interregnum,theThalmorwere quick to claim power over the province. Not only did they overthrow the monarchy across the isles but they also conducted one of their many pogroms against those who were not "of the blood of the Aldmer" as well as dissidents.[42]

Known Rulers[edit]

Firsthold Castle

Firsthold is an important city on the island of Auridon. For much of history, it was the seat of power for House Rilis, the royal family that ruled all over the island for many generations.[25]Though other places likeDawnbreakandSilsailenare administrated by their local canonreeve,[29][43]the general Firsthold region was under their control.[16]Despite its position in the region's politics, it was neither the capital nor where the family lived until much later. The southern city of Skywatch is considered Auridon's capital while the Rilis family lived in the eponymous Castle Rilis until after Rilis XII's reign. Rilis XIII was the first to make Firsthold his home and the seat of his power.[25]

Historically, Firsthold's rulers went by the title of High Kinlord[24]or High Lord,[1][44]thus the land is recognized as a kinhold.[3]The family is generally known as theRoyal House of Firsthold[UOL 1]or more simply thehigh family.[16]By the Third Era, Firsthold was the capital of the eponymousKingdom of Firstholdand its ruler held the title of King/Queen.[1][41][45]Though the size of the kingdom is currently unknown, the Trebbite Monks are recognized as citizens and their monastery fell within its borders. The city of Skywatch was also the seat of a King[6]but it is unknown if they were a sovereign state or still part of Firsthold.

For the longest time, the Psijic Order served as counselors to the rulers of the Summerset Isles. If anyone wanted their counsel, their best method was either through a select few places or the kings themselves. They continued this service up until their island ofArtaeumfirst vanished in the Second Era, around when the Mages Guild was formed. When they returned several years later for the Third Era, they continued where they left off[46]until Artaeum disappeared a second time sometime in theFourth Erafor whatever reason.[47]

Castle Rilis

Culture and Society[edit]

High Chancellor Ocato of Firsthold
The Great Orrery of Firsthold
For more information, see theCultureandSocietysections on the Altmer page.

TheLay of Firstholdis a ballad about the Aldmer's journey across the sea, and Torinaan's discovery of Firsthold and the land around it.[3][49]The Altmer that live in Firsthold help keep ancient traditions and customs alive in the changing modern world.[1]Firsthold has some notable places of interest, such as displayed mosaics[50]and royal parks.[9]

But one of its most iconic landmarks is theGreat Orrery.[12]It is overseen by the Varmaster[21]and it remains as the legacy of theSun Birds of Alinor,attempted explorers ofAetheriusfrom the Merethic Era. The orrery's spheres are made of celestial minerals that were gathered by them.[12][21]AFruit and Cheese Platedish originates from Firsthold.[51]

As per tradition across the province, Firsthold holds a Cotillion throughout the week, and in the city, it marks the start of the social season. Nobles are emphasized to wear all-white clothing but anyone can sport any style.[UOL 1]Firsthold also has a masquerade season, in which people wear costumes and masks for the celebration.[UOL 2][UOL 3]Firsthold became a primary stop in theEast Empire Trading Company's shipping lines and connected to other cities likeStros M'KaiandWoodhearth.[52]

Many notable figures have either lived in Firsthold or were born there. The notable scholar, Ahrtabazus lived in Firsthold in2E 456when he did an in-depth study on the nature ofFaeriesand proposed a controversial theory in his book calledthe Faerie Chain.[53]Olpion of Firsthold was a mage of theCrystal Towerthat attempted to break theliminal bridgesto the Deadlands of Oblivion but failed in his ritual.[54]Perhaps Firsthold's most accomplished citizen was Ocato of Firsthold, the former High Chancellor of theElder Councilin the latter years of the Third Era, and later the Potentate of the Third Empire after the death of the Septim Dynasty. He served alongsideUriel Septim VIIfor many years and was both his closest confidant and chief advisor.[55]:4[56]



  • Arenawas originally conceived as a fighting game featuring a tournament that took the player to each of Tamriel's cities to challenge different gladiatorial teams. According to a file from that stage of development left behind in the final game, Firsthold's gladiatorial team would have been called "the Reapers".[UOL 4]

See Also[edit]



  1. ^abcdefgFirstholdlocation and rumors inArena
  2. ^abcdefghFirstholdinESO
  3. ^abcdefgThe Lay of Firsthold
  4. ^abcdeAuridon Explored, Chapter XIIFenlil the Wayfarer
  5. ^abcdefgOrigin of the Mages GuildThe Archmage Salarth
  6. ^abcdefgThe Firsthold RevoltMaveus Cie
  7. ^abcdefgThe Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: The Summerset Isles: AuridonFlaccus Terentius,2E 581
  8. ^Map of Summurset Isle –The Elder Scrolls: Arena
  9. ^abcWords and Philosophy
  10. ^Feyfolken IIWaughin Jarth
  11. ^abCrafting Motif 16: Glass StyleVandalion Brightsteel,Armorsmith Peerless ofVulkhel Guard
  12. ^abcPocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: Arena Supermundus: The Tapestry of HeavenImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  13. ^Before the Ages of ManAicantar ofShimerene
  14. ^Ode to Auridon
  15. ^abFather Of The NibenFlorin Jaliil
  16. ^abcdeLady Elanwe's dialogue inESO
  17. ^High Kinlord Rilis III's dialogue inESO
  18. ^abcPocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Blessed Isle: Alinor and the SummersetsImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  19. ^abcdeKeeper Cirion's dialogue inESO
  20. ^abcdKinlord Rilis and the Mages GuildHigh Incunabulist Valasteof theMages Guild
  21. ^abcdLoremaster's Episode of ESO-RP ZOS Interview — The Elder Scrolls Online Roleplaying Community
  22. ^Manifesto of Kinlord Rilis XIIHigh Kinlord Rilis XII
  23. ^ab4th Manifesto of Kinlord Rilis XIIHigh Kinlord Rilis XII
  24. ^abcdHigh Kinlord Rilis XIII's dialogue inESO
  25. ^abcRothondothrin's dialogue inESO
  26. ^abAyrenn: The Unforeseen QueenHeadmaster Tanionof the College of Aldmeri Propriety
  27. ^Firtorel's dialogue inESO
  28. ^Queen's Tour Scheduletreasure text inESO
  29. ^abCanonreeve Sinyon's dialogue inESO
  30. ^abThe Gift of Arson
  31. ^Letter to EstreHigh Kinlord Rilis
  32. ^Curime's dialogue inESO
  33. ^Battlereeve Urcelmo's dialogue inESO
  34. ^abBreaking the Barrierstory quest inESO
  35. ^Sever All Tiesstory quest inESO
  36. ^The Wolf Queen, v1Waughin Jarth
  37. ^abBrief History of the Empire v 1Stronach k'Thojj III
  38. ^Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: Other LandsImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  39. ^The Wolf Queen, v5Waughin Jarth
  40. ^The Madness of PelagiusTsathenes
  41. ^abcdMorgiah's Weddingstory quest inDaggerfall
  42. ^abcRising Threat, Vol. IVLathenil of Sunhold
  43. ^Canonreeve Valano's dialogue inESO
  44. ^Despot's ShoulderplatesinESO
  45. ^A Game at Dinner— An Anonymous Spy
  46. ^Fragment: On ArtaeumTaurce il-Anselma,3E 400
  47. ^Tolfdir's dialogue inSkyrim
  48. ^abcdefghijkThe Vault of ExileinESO
  49. ^"Lay of Firsthold" Music Boxtreasure text inESO
  50. ^Music Box, In Dreams and Memoriesantiquity codex entries inESO:Greymoor
  51. ^Firsthold Fruit and Cheese PlateinESO
  52. ^Map of the East Empire Company –The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  53. ^The FaerieSzun Triop
  54. ^Tome of Daedric Portalsthe Sinistral Apprentice
  55. ^Daggerfall User's Guide
  56. ^Rising Threat, Vol. IIILathenil of Sunhold

Note:The following references are considered to beunofficial sources.They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.

  1. ^abcdefTed Peterson's Postsin Campaign 12/Playing Houses –Loranna's RP
  2. ^Ted Peterson's Postsin Campaign 11/Hearthfire Hearthfires –Loranna's RP
  3. ^Ted Peterson's Postsin Campaign 13/War of the Wormgod –Loranna's RP
  4. ^Original TES: Arena texts at the Imperial Library