Lore:Factions I

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Icereach Coven[edit]

TheIcereach Coven(orIcereach Clan) was a coven of witches active in the 6th century of the Second Era, primarily - though not only - composed of Reachfolk and a clan that serves under the leadership of the witches. They resided onIcereach,a frozen island in theSea of Ghostsand served as advisors of the Emperor during the times of theLonghouse Dynastyand after the fall of the dynasty as allies of the army of Vampires and Werewolves known as theGray Host.

Igrun Clan[edit]

TheIgrun(or sometimes spelledIgron) was a little-knownOrcishclan, which was notable during the Classical Period of the First Era, where its chieftainTorug gro-Igronwas the founder of one of the earliest and greatest incarnations of a true Orcish nation and the city ofOrsinium.

Immortal Eight[edit]

TheImmortal Eightwas a group of immortal loyalistlegionsoldiers led by CaptainAnatolius Caudex,who protected theNobles Districtof theImperial Cityduring thePlanemeldin2E 582.They also played a part in stopping Bal's plans to snuff out theDragonfires.

Imperial Academy of Alchemists[edit]

TheImperial Academy of Alchemistswas anImperialacademic institution devoted to the research ofalchemyactive during theInterregnumin theSecond Era.Little is known of the academy, except that they were addressed by a known scholarHerminius Sophusin his text devoted to the nature ofTel Var Stones,On the Tel Var Stonesin which he shares his recipes and findings with the academy.

Imperial Academy of Records and Histories[edit]

TheImperial Academy of Records and Historieswas anImperialacademic institution devoted to the research of the history active during theInterregnumin theSecond Era.Little is known of the academy, except that one of its associate historiansAugusta PurusiusauthoredThe Sublime Brazier,a text devoted to the legend ofSublime Brazierhidden beneath theImperial Cityand published at some point before2E 582.

Imperial Archaeological Society[edit]

TheImperial Archaeological Societyis anImperialacademic institution devoted to archaeological study. It was contemporary with theTiber War.

In2E 864,the society was present onStros M'Kaias part of theImperialoccupation of the island. It had taken possession of theDwemerruinsofBthzarkas an archaeological site under the Dwarven Reclamation Act of 2E 864.

Imperial Battlemages[edit]

An Imperial Legion battlemage

This article is about Imperial Legion battlemages. For the head of the Elder Council, seeImperial Battlemage of Tamriel.

TheCohort of Imperial Battlemagesare a group of well trained war mages serving in theImperial Legion.They had close ties to theMages Guildbefore the Guild's dissolution. While the Guild had the authority to send battlemages onto the field, often to deal with violent rogue mages, the battlemages ultimately obeyed the orders of their superiors in the Legion. Imperial Battlemages areNibenesein origin, and members of their ranks make up an age-old aristrocracy in the region ofNibenay.They are trained by theImperial Battle College.

Imperial City Archives[edit]

TheImperial City Archives(also referred to as theImperial Archives) is anImperialinstitution based in theImperial City.It served as a repository of valuable Imperial records, such as deeds to holdings and estates within the Empire's bounds, court proceedings for a military tribunal, and records of the Imperial noble houses.

One of its branches, the Documents Division, handled matters regarding documents of ownership. Bearers of appropriate ownership documents could amend them to rename the official names of their residence by submitting the proper forms and payments to the appropriate Construction Charter (such as the Anvil Construction Charter or Cyrodiil Construction Charter) and by filing duplicate forms with the Documents Division. It is unknown when the institution was founded, but it was active during theSecond,Third,andFourth Era.

Imperial College[edit]

TheImperial Collegeis anImperialacademic institution. Little is known of the academy, except that it publishes books on topics of the research ofmagic,, philosophy, and religious beliefs. One of its elective courses was Cyrodilic philosophy. Its upper-level course is described as rather esoteric in nature. Books published by the scholars of the academy were widely available during theSecond,Third,andFourth Eras.One of the titles of the College was Praeceptor, a title shared with theImperial BattlemagesofBattlespire.

Imperial College of the Voice[edit]

The Imperial College of the Voice was anImperialinstitution devoted to the restoration of the art ofThu'umestablished byTiber SeptiminMarkarthat some point during his rule in theThird Erain an attempt to turn theWay of the Voiceto warfare. According to theElvencommentary the Grand Master of the College was said to be a former street performer inWindhelm.Some of theNordicfamilies loyal to the Empire sent some of their own children to the academy.[1]

Imperial Commission of the Occupation[edit]

TheImperial Commission of the Occupationwas anImperialadministrative institution active in theThird Era.It was responsible for law enforcement within theprovincesthat constituted parts of theEmpire.Although the Commission was generally tolerant of various cults, it outlawed practices and groups deemed hostile to theEmperorand the Empire. It was authorized to imprison and execute members of such faiths. InMorrowind,the Imperial Commission of the Occupation allowed theOrdinatorsto serve as religious law enforcers themselves. AlthoughDaedraworship was legal under Imperial law at that time, certain other cults, such as theNerevarine Cult,were prosecuted.

Imperial Cult[edit]

The main religion of theEmpirecan trace its origins backSaint Alessia's institution of worship of theEight Divinesas a synthesis between theAldmerigods and theNordic pantheon.Although known as theImperial Cultin the provinces, strictly speaking this term refers the missionary arm of the religion, present in provinces such asMorrowind.As the majority religion inCyrodiil,it is more commonly known in that province simply asthe Churchorthe Chapel.After the apotheosis ofTiber Septim,Imperialsbegan to spread belief in theNine Divines,incorporating worship of the Empire's god-heroTalos.However, theThird Empirewas forced to sign theWhite-Gold Concordatin4E 175,which outlawed Talos worship.

Imperial Geographical Society[edit]

TheImperial Geographical Society(orImperial Geographic Society) is a long-standing outfit responsible for the outlining and preservation of historical accounts within the whole of the Empire.

The Society has thrice been given the respected assignment of penning the Pocket Guide to the Empire, a broad overview of the history of the Tamrielic Empire. These guides, by definition of the Society, are to "paint a portrait of our known world at this moment in history for the edification of our readers [...] wide in scope".

The Society works on behalf of the Empire and in2E 864,under the new united Tamriel and by authority of Tiber Septim, the first edition of the Pocket Guide to the Empire was published. The guide was largely used as an educational and informative tool to reassure the inhabitants of the new Empire. Parts of the guide were considered propagandist to emphasize this reassurance. The Society published the second version in3E 331and the propagandist tone was removed. The third edition appeared in3E 432.

The Society also publishedGathering Force: Arms and Armor of TamrielandThe Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamrielin2E 578,before the first pocket guide. An apparent branch of the Society, theImperial Geographic Survey,published a census on theDaedra Lordsaround the same time as the third edition pocket guide was released.

Imperial Legion[edit]

TheImperial Legion,also known as theRed Legion,Imperial Army,Dragon-Tribe of the Emperor,and theRuby Ranks,is the main fighting force of theEmpire of Tamriel.It is often pluralized as the Imperial Legions. Headquartered in theImperial City Prison,they operate under the auspices and authority of the Emperor himself. With its vast numbers, quality training, and rigid discipline, the Legion is considered one of the best armies ever assembled in history. The primary mission of the Imperial Legion is to preserve the peace and rule of law in the Empire. Those who protect the Emperor and the Imperial Province are sometimes called theImperial Guardand theImperial Watch.A Legion Centurion is typically in command of thePalace Guardof theWhite Gold Tower.The Legion's administration is known as theImperial War Office.

In peacetime, the Legion serves primarily as a garrison force — manning forts, patrolling roads, and providing guardsmen for towns, cities, counties, and nobles. They are empowered to arrest criminals and seize their property, among other things. In wartime, the Legion's responsibilities and powers are greatly increased. During conflicts, the Legion serves as an invading and occupying force, overwhelming opposition with numerical superiority and strict economy of force. The aquatic equivalent of the Imperial Legion is theImperial Navy,with the two often overlapping.

For more information, see themain lore article.

Imperial Navy[edit]

TheImperial Navy,also known as theImperial Fleet,is the Empire's aquatic force, complementing the land-basedImperial Legion.It is active during both wartime and peacetime, dealing with provinces such asSummersetin various wars and dealing with pirates in peacetime. The Navy's home port is the city ofAnvil.The Imperial Navy also has an Imperial Naval Consortium, where many scholars work, with one known study there being vexillology.

Imperial Saints[edit]

TheImperial Saintsare pious individuals venerated bythe Church,the majority religion amongImperials.Devotions are often made to them as a group, known collectively as theCommunion of Saints.

Many saints are historical figures who continue to be revered long after death. The Church also veneratesLiving Saints,individuals who have received a calling to live by the commands of their chosen Divine as an example to others. It is believed that saints are blessed by theDivineswith a secondsightand that they do not view the world as other mortals do. Saints are buried in the graves ofGreen Emperor Wayamong other important figures in theEmpire.

The practice of saint-eating was popular in theFirst Erabefore it was banned at some point prior to1E 2877.This involved the disinterring of a saint's body for use as an ingredient in the preparation of food. However, apocryphal accounts suggest the practice did not immediately cease. An ancient text called the "Scroll of Precursor Saints" was supposedly discovered byAbnur Tharnin the vaults of theWhite-Gold Towerin2E 541.


TheIndarysfamily is a clan ofDunmeroriginally from the province ofMorrowind.Since the Dunmer first moved to Cheydinhal in the late Third Era, they have cemented themselves inCounty Cheydinhalin northeasternCyrodiil.The county's symbol under their rule comprised of thorns and vines, which matched two of their prized family heirlooms, the Staff of Indarys and the Thornblade. The county'sknightly order,theKnights of Thornadopted these symbols as their coat of arms.

Invisible College of Daggerfall[edit]

TheInvisible College of Daggerfallwas aBretonacademic institution devoted to the scholarly pursuits active during theInterregnumin theSecond Era.Little is known of the academy, except that it was based inDaggerfalland one of its members,Landal Gevontwas the foremost authority onGoblinculture. He cooperated withNordicinstitution, theCoterie of Organized Scholarsduring his research.

Iron Orcs[edit]

Iron Orcs,also known as theOsh Ornim,are an isolatedOrcishcivilization native to theDragontail MountainsofCraglorn.They are known for their stone worship and their savage brutality, and are based in theNordicruins of theValley of Scars.They tameWelwas,WamasuandTrollsas war beasts, and primarily use iron arms and armor. They were also adept atalchemyand usage ofnirncrux.They are culturally separate from other Orcs, and tend to cling to theold wordsmore than most other Orcish cultures.

Iron Wheel[edit]

TheIron Wheelwas an organization of bailiffs headquartered inTanethduring theSecond Era.Originating from the Taneth branch of theBailiffs Guild,when it and the rest of the guild collapsed followingImperialunrest, an inspector named Rhanbiq argued to retain the guild's former structure within the newly formed Iron Wheel. Despite the idealism of some of their members, the Iron Wheel had a reputation for zealotry and brutality.

The Wheel earned income by transporting prisoners to Taneth and transferring them into the custody of either the Taneth guard captain or an Iron Wheel bailiff to be held until trial. The Iron Wheel received payment upon delivering the prisoner, and the funds were used for the transport of personnel and supplies. Additionally, officers could officiate weddings. Members of the Iron Wheel did not make all of their own equipment, and at least some of their weapons and armor were supplied by the Merchant Lord Orahan at-Addin.

Ivory Brigade[edit]

TheIvory Brigadewas a military force based out ofLeyawiinduring theThree Banners War.They were established to protectBlackwoodagainst the three great alliances. The Ivory Brigade was founded byRian Liore,a former legionary. He selected an ivoryhorseon a field of green, the ancient symbol of Leyawiin, to be the group's coat of arms. After being debated by Leyawiin's Chamber of Legates, the Brigade's name and function were officially implemented. After the fall of theEmpire,the Brigade rose to replace itslegions,recruiting veterans of the Three Banners War, native Blackwooders, and former legionaires, as well as using their armaments.
