Lore:Bestiary L

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<Lore:Bestiary(Redirected fromLore:Lemur)

Lame Corprus[edit]

A lame corprus

Lame corprus are deformed and deranged victims in the advanced stages of the dreadedCorprus Disease.They are more dangerous than theirCorprus Stalkercounterparts. The disease greatly increases the victim's strength and abilities which makes them dangerous opponents, in addition to the fact that you can catch the incurable disease from them. They are able to regenerate themselves.

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A lamia

Lamias(orLamiae) are a species of amphibiousbeastfolk.They have a serpentine appearance, with the torso of a woman and the tail of asnake.Despite appearing to be exclusively female, it is assumed they are hermaphroditic. They are initially incredibly protective of their eggs, though they later abandon them and leave the immature Lamiae to fend for themselves. Found in various parts ofTamriel,they can live in water or on land, although they rarely venture far from the water, and are known to take up residence in abandoned ruins. Some desert Lamias also reside inHammerfell.Lamias are larger than most other mortalraces,and according to one unconfirmed fable, are capable of interbreeding with them. They appear to be cold-blooded and are known to lounge in the sun.

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Land Coral[edit]

Several Bioluminescent, possibly sentient Land Coral

Land Coral is a bizarre, bioluminescent, and possibly sentientcoralspecies that grows on land. They can very rarely be found on land along the Inner Sea on both innerMorrowindandVvardenfell.They come shaped as Antler Coral of a variety of sizes, with the potential to grow large enough to tower above the landscape. They give off a natural firelike bioluminescent glow.

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Land Dreugh[edit]

A land dreugh

Land Dreugh arecrab-like creatures that are a common but dangerous target for hunters after their armored hide and the uniquewaxfrom their shells. Sometimes called "billies", Land Dreugh are more aggressive and territorial than aquaticdreugh.The Land Dreugh are commonly accepted to be a unique stage in the life-cycle of the normally aquatic dreugh, which undergokarvinasimfor a single year and emerge onto land to breed.[1]After the year ofkarvinasim,the dreugh return to the sea, shedding their air organs in a process known asmeff.[2]However, other scholars are of the opinion that Land Dreugh are a completely separate species, only distantly related to the intelligent aquatic Dreugh.[3]


A Leech

Leeches are blood sucking parasiticwormsthat can found in swamps and marshes, often in stagnant water.[4]The Shadowfen Creeping Leech is a type of leech that can be found inShadowfenat certain times of the year. The Moray Leech can be found in the waters ofColdharbour.[5]

TheEbony Bladeis sometimes known as "the Sword of Leeches",[6]or simply "the Leech".[7]


A Lemur

Lemurs are a type of primate,[8]very similar tomonkeys.Sugarsnow Monkeys are a species of lemur known for stealingmoon sugar.[9]Lemurs are the namesake of certain enchanted fur helmets found inCyrodiil.[8]

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A lich

Lichesare undeadnecromancerswhich have embraced the power of lichdom, the most sophisticated form of Undeath. It is commonly done by transferring theirsoulinto an object called a 'Phylactery', which is usually a jar or a chest. They are typically selfish and power-hungry, destroying all in their search for souls to repair the Phylactery. Extremely intelligent and powerful, a commonly held myth is that if the Phylactery is destroyed the lich will also be destroyed; however, the Phylactery simply serves as a vessel during the transference, and once the necromancer has transcended the Phylactery is of no consequence.


A Lion

Lions are large, predatoryfelinesfound mainly inCyrodiil,Hew's Bane,Bangkorai,andReaper's March.A female lion is known as a lioness.[10]Desert lions are a species found in theAlik'r Desert.[11]The Black Mane lion is evidently named after the black mane their species has. They are used by theBi-Lunar Guardas mounts at the Palace of the Mane nearTorval,and riding one near them is considered taboo.[12]

The name lion is sometimes used interchangeably withSenche-lions,a type ofSenche-cat.[13]

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A lizard

Lizards are small reptiles that can often be seen basking in the sun, their habitats include deserts or more tropical environs.[14]Lizards are typically harmless, living on a diet of small bugs, but some are poisonous, or feast on live flesh. It can be nearly impossible to tell harmless ones apart from the deadly species.[15]Lizards are able to smell with their tongues and can make good trackers.[16]Xaht lizards are very small lizards that inhabit Blackwood.[17]Other species of lizard includeancestor lizards,chameleons,geckos,andskinks.

Lizard Bull[edit]

TheLizard Bullsare a mysteriousraceofbeastsindigenous to the islands along the coast ofPyandonea.They were accidentally discovered during theInterregnumon an ill-fated expedition to Pyandonea by a crew of pirates, who were led by the infamous Captain Wereshark. Due to both the immediate hostility between the two parties and their sheer remoteness from Tamriel, little is known about them beyond what was documented during this expedition.

Captain Wereshark's first mate described them as massive quadrupedal monstrosities, wielding "glittering trident(s) shiny as one you'd see carried by some stuffyAltmerQueensguard ". The first mate theorized that they may have killed the inhabitants of the island who lived within the stick huts scattered throughout, though whether any other race ever truly lived there was left unclear.

Lizard Bulls are extremely durable and skilled at combat, with just eight of them of defeating an entireMaormeriarmada. Their level of intelligence is unfortunately unknown, as Wereshark's crew never had a chance to speak to them prior to their mage assaulting one with a fireball to the face.

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A Senche-Lizard

Lizard-Steeds(sometimes spelledLizard Steeds) areUseful Lizardsshaped by theHistto look like large animals commonly used as mounts by the people ofTamriel.The Hist shaped them as such to allow theArgonianpeople to travel long distances in the swamps.Horses,wolves,and other creatures traditionally used as mounts are not suited for long travel through the deep swamp; these mounts can get stuck in the mud, catchsloughskinfromfleshflies,or eat poisonous flora and die. Lizard-Steeds do not have such issues.

The origin of the Lizard-Steeds is similar to the Argonians' own origins. The Argonian Parable of Becoming states that the Hist found the humanoid forms of Men and Mer useful, molding the form of the swamp's lizards after them to create Argonians.

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Lizard Man[edit]

A lizard man

Lizard men (orlizardmen), though once thought to be distant cousins of theArgonians,evidently possess nothing human within them whatsoever. They are a race of carnivorous reptiles, whose use of language stretches only far enough to communicate the location of their prey to the rest of their hunting party, which then move in to attack and feed.[18]

During theImperial Simulacrum,lizard men were among the beasts that infestedStonekeepduring its occupation bygoblinsworking forGolthog the Dark.[19]One was also among the creatures in the animal pens of theCrystal Tower.[20]

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A lobster dish

Lobsters are clawed crustaceans known for their use inImperialcuisine.[21]Deadrock Lobsters are a species found only in the lake waters of theTelvanni Peninsula.[5]Dreughmeat apparently smells like lobster.[22]Hadolidsare sometimes compared to lobsters.[23][24]

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Locusts are a type of swarming insect,[25]known to eat crops.[26]In ancient times, the "Chase Away" song was used to ward off cane-locusts.[27]Certainspriggansuse aspellknown as "Locust Rain".[28]

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Lice are tiny parasitic insects that infest fur,[29]hair,[30][31]and feathers.[32][33]They are also known to commonly infest the beds in taverns and inns.[34][35][36][37]One particularly stingy innkeeper who charged for keeping pets in their rooms, would count lice as pets.[38]Some people dismiss groups of people they consider unclean as "lice-ridden".[39][29][40]Kwam-lice are a species found inMorrowind.[UOL 1]

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A Lurcher

Lurchers are woodengolemsof multiple origins, they are described as constructs made from bark, moss, and evil magic.[41]InValenwood,theBosmeruse the local flora as a base, and other ingredients are added to the mix, such as bug parts to give their lurchers special qualities.[42]TheShimmering Kollopi Treehas seeds can be planted and turn into a vengeful lurchers. InGreenshade,the tribal bosmer see lurchers as gifts from theWilderking,and "embodiments of the raw energy of the forest".[43]TheBloodthorn Cultperforms a perverted ritual usingSpriggansas a base, twisting the creatures into lurchers and leaving them a shell of their former selves.[44][45]

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A lurker

Lurkersare largedaedriccreatures that come from the murky waters ofApocrypha.They appear as tall,fishlikeamphibious humanoids with gaping mouths and needle-like teeth described as "towering monstrosities". They have what appears to be armor or thick scales lining their lower arms and legs.


A lynx

Lynxes are small wildcatsfound inCyrodiilandSkyrim.They are usually found either sitting or resting on top of bigger rocks and cliffs, often alone or in pairs. They can even be found in the tops of large trees. Lynxes are common in the snow banks east ofMorthal.

There are large species of lynxes that can be used as mounts.[46][47]Most notably, tiger-lynxes that can be found in theWest Weald.The cubs of these species are the size of normal adult lynxes.[48]

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  1. ^2920, Sun's DawnCarlovac Townway
  2. ^Revolting Life Cycle of the DreughFronto Maecilius
  3. ^Brenus Astis' JournalBrenus Astis
  4. ^The Pig ChildrenTyston Bane
  5. ^abFishinginESO
  6. ^Divayth Fyr's dialogue inESO:The Deadlands
  7. ^Item description inArena
  8. ^abHelmet of the LemurinOblivion
  9. ^Sugarsnow Monkeypet description inESO
  10. ^LionsandLionessesinESO
  11. ^Desert LionandDesert LionessesinESO
  12. ^Black Mane Lionmount description inESO
  13. ^Haras' dialogue inESO
  14. ^LizardsinESO
  15. ^LizardsHatiha
  16. ^Vena's dialogue inESO
  17. ^Ioxi-Tulm's dialogue inESO:Blackwood
  18. ^Lizard Mendescription fromArena's manual
  19. ^Fang Lairquest inArena
  20. ^Events ofCrystal Towerquest inArena
  21. ^Appearance ofLeyawiin Meal, LobsterinESO:Blackwood
  22. ^Maj al-Ragath's dialogue duringPledge: Fungal Grotto IinESO
  23. ^High Isle Preview—The Zone
  24. ^Lobster CrackerAchievementinESO
  25. ^Dust-On-Scales,Watch Captain Rama,andWyress Elain's dialogue inESO
  26. ^Fa'zin's dialogue inESO
  27. ^Twilight Rites and Hymns
  28. ^Nazaray's abilities inESO
  29. ^abCaptain One-Eye's dialogue inESO
  30. ^Sheogorath's dialogue inDaggerfall
  31. ^A Tale of KieranVegepythicus,editor
  32. ^Crowfeather Crownitem description inESO
  33. ^A Feast Among the Dead, Chapter IIISeveria Quasitto,renowned traveler
  34. ^Inn Patrondialogue inArena
  35. ^The Inescapable HelmGhrash
  36. ^Contumeliorus Florius' dialogue inOblivion
  37. ^Scipion Averno's dialogue inESO
  38. ^Abadarun's dialogue inESO
  39. ^Talerion's dialogue inESO
  40. ^Eyewitness to the Wall
  41. ^The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: High RockFlaccus Terentius,2E 581
  42. ^Handmade Guardianquest inESO
  43. ^Frighten the Fearsomequest inESO
  44. ^Wyress Ileana's dialogue inESO
  45. ^Elder Scrolls Online - Crown Store Showcase
  46. ^Falkreath Riding-Lynxmount description inESO
  47. ^Highland Spotted Lynxmount description inESO
  48. ^Highland Spotted Lynx Cubpet description inESO

Note:The following references are considered to beunofficial sources.They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.