Lore:Bestiary M

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<Lore:Bestiary(Redirected fromLore:Mule)


A Moorpecker Magpie

Magpies are trainablebirdsthat are kept as pets. Moorpecker Magpies are an intelligent and vain species prized by scholars and mages alike for their keen instincts and trainability. The birds can be huffy and prone to temper tantrums when not rewarded with shiny objects for their work.[1]

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A Maligraphy in base form

MaligraphiesareDaedriccreatures composed of vivified ink. They are described as being myths from books come to life, and as such can take on virtually any form. These forms can include mortals of different races and affiliations, other daedric entities,animals,nature spirits,dragons,shades,celestials,undead,and evenDwemerorclockworkconstructs.They can replicate not only the physical appearance of the forms they copy but also the accompanying equipment, including powerfulartifacts.They were summoned byTho'at Replicanumin theInfinite Archive.Each maligraphy's strength depended on the page they were created from, translating the power in the contents of the page to physical prowess.

Though classified as Daedra nominally, they are truly pieces of Tho'at without individuality. They were created from fragments of hernymiccombined with the ink of the archive's tomes via Daedricmagic.Due to the nature of the archive, a potentially infinite amount of maligraphies may have formed, though they are normally unable to sustain themselves outside of the archive, some have found a way to escape its confines.

Commonly, a variety of maligraphies are found alongside their specific stronger subtype, the Fabled.

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A mammoth

Mammothsare large woolly beasts that are generally non-hostile unless provoked, they are most commonly found neargiantsin herds. Their distribution varies, with them being a common sight across the tundras ofSkyrim,theWrothgarian Mountains,northernCyrodiil,and the western regions ofValenwood.The common Tundra Mammoths of Skyrim and Cyrodiil possess two or four tusks, though they only have two when young. The Timber Mammoths of Valenwood and miniature Pocket Mammoths of the Orcs only have two tusks.

While it's commonly believed that giants herd mammoths, scholars have observed that their relationship is based more on mutual respect. They are seemingly able to communicate with mammoths, and protect them fiercely. In return, giants receive companionship and milk, which they process into cheese. Mammoths belonging to giants have markings on their tusks. The two have a protective relationship, with giants protecting them from anything that would do harm to the mammoths, and conversely, tamed mammoths will attack anything that threatens the giant.

They are commonly hunted for their meat and ivory tusks, with the tusks being very valuable. The meat of one mammoth can feed many for a whole month.Powdered mammoth tuskcan be used in alchemy, but only the giants know how to grind the incredibly hard tusks down into powder, making the ingredient rare. During the mid-Second Era, baby mammoth fur was said to be much sought after in Morrowind, but exporting it from Skyrim was illegal.Reachfolkwere known to utilize mammoths in siege warfare and as mounts.


A Man-Beast

Man-Beasts are individuals afflicted with a kind ofLycanthropyof which very little is known. Those afflicted with this condition appear beast-like, even when they are not in beast form. Their bodies are covered in light brown fur, and they have orange eyes. Man-Beasts are observed to be more intelligent and less primal than those in beast form, and are able to cast spells and use weapons. They lurk in the shadows waiting for their victims, and have vicious claws for tearing at their prey. The term man beast (without the dash) is used to describe werebeasts as a whole.

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A Mantikora

Mantikorasare unnatural composite creatures, artificially created to serve as soldiers by theScaled Courtcirca2E 572.They were created via their experiments withnirncrux,alchemy,and ritualisticmagics.They combine the traits of numerous predators, such ascrocodiles,welwas,scorpions,and specially bredwamasu.Additionally, captured Men and Mer were also utilized to give the creatures their sapience. Mantikoras were created to be used inthe Serpent's plot to revertTamrielback to the chaos of theDawn Era.One was even possessed by him to battle his enemies.

Mantikoras are large, powerful, and exceptionally intelligent - and that makes them extremely dangerous. They are intelligent enough to communicate and barter with other races. They are aggressive creatures that like the thrill of the hunt, and they never kill their victim quickly to enjoy their fun. They typically wield huge javelins in combat, though they are also capable of producing a deadly venom. Their venom can cook their victims from the inside, leaving them as venom-charred husks. The venom of a specific Mantikora,Tapupezu Azzida,was used as a supplement in an illegal narcotic known as Daze inFargrave.While Daedra could survive it, it is lethal to mortals, though regular Mantikora venom is devasting even to Daedra.

Only certain Mantikoras, known as progenitors, are created with the ability to breed.

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Mantises are a species of carnivorous insects.Lantern Mantisplants are named after them due to their close resemblance to the insects.[2]Elytraare an insectoid species that also ressemble mantises.

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Marmots are rodents native to the cliffs and escarpments of east centralElsweyr.They share this habitat withgoatsandsenche-cougars,the latter of which preys upon them.[3]

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Marsh Giant[edit]

Marsh Giantsare agiant-likeracenative toBlack Marsh.These manifestations of nature are a form ofwoodland spiritcomparable tospriggans.They are not related to the common giants ofSkyrim,but they do share their size and pastoral activities. Their exact level of intelligence is unknown due to limited interactions. However, theHistapparently have a long and acrimonious history with the Marsh Giants, and urge theArgoniansto avoid the creatures if they can.

They play an important role inBlackwood's ecosystem by knocking down dead trees, turning the soil and making room for younger vegetation to grow. This encourages the growth of mosses and suppresses the development of invasive fungi. Marsh giants also hinder loggers, contribute toaviandiversity and ward off certain predators, such as feralcats.

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The Melusanae is a mythical feminine creature said to inhabitStros M'Kai.According to legend, they lure ships to wreck on jagged shoals, then consume thesoulsof those aboard. Scholars regard them as fictitious folk tales, particularly when compared to the similar, credibly accountedWispmotherofSkyrim.[4]

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Meridian Guardian[edit]

A Meridian guardian

Meridian guardians(also referred to astemple guardiansor simplyguardians) areDaedricservants of theDaedric PrinceMeridia.They take the form of anAuroransuit of armor with two or four arms and blades. In certain circumstances, thePurifiedmay be turned into Meridian Guardians, though the nature of transformed guardians is different from those who are proper Daedra.

They wield powers of ice, lighting, fire and light, and commandAuroransin battle. They are more powerful in theColored Rooms,and can transport people there against their will.

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The Mermaid of Anvil

Mermaids(also called theSelkie) are mythical creatures with a presence in theAbecean Sea.They resemble young women with a long fish tail instead of legs, but the nature of these creatures is unknown.

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Mimics are winged creatures that inhabitValenwood,they are capable of regurgitating any words that they overhear. They are described by famed authorWaughin Jarthas legless creatures with crimson eyes and plump bellies, darting through the air like sparks from a fire.[5]TheBosmeruse spells to attract them as part of the process for brewingbeerfrom meat.[6][UOL 1]

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A Mindshriven

Mind-Shrivenare mortals orDaedrawho have had their will and mentality stolen byMolag Bal,the Daedric Prince of Domination and Enslavement. They are not to be confused withSoul-Shriven,dead mortals whosesoulshave been stolen by Bal and replaced by a Daedricvestige.Unlike these "vestiges",Mind-Shriven are not dead and have retained their mortal bodies.

Becoming a Mind-Shriven involves drinking a poison known as theBlood of Coldharbour,which will slowly begin to rob the imbiber of their willpower. This process can be delayed through alchemy, but not halted. Mind-Shriven can be identified by the wispy blue veins of cold fire that emanate from their veins, and their glowing blue eyes. Once the transformation is complete, the victim takes on a lifeless, pallid grey tone and becomes mindlessly aggressive. Some of the afflicted experience side effects apart from the intended effect, such as their vision being tinted blue as their eyes change. The process is not just effective on the mortalraces,ashorsesandwolveshave been transformed into Mind-Shriven. Even lesser Daedra can become Mind-Shriven, as in the case of Mind-ShrivenScamps,unusual specimens that are often found in the company of other Mind-Shriven creatures.

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Mind Terror[edit]

A Mind Terror

Mind Terrors (also known asWalking Nightmares) are powerfulDaedrathat serveVaermina.They are said to be made of warped dreams incarnate, with some being said to be the dreams of aDaedric Princemade manifest.[7]They have insectoid legs and eyeless skulls.

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A minotaur

Minotaurs,also calledman-bullsorbull-men,are a species ofbeastfolknative toCyrodiilwith the body of amanand the head of abull.During theFirst Era,they were said to have symbolized theAlessian Empire,but in later eras became more commonly perceived as savage monsters by the people ofTamriel.

They have thick grey or sometimes brown or red hide and fur, and large curved horns. Some Minotaurs clothe themselves in a simple loincloth and shawl or wear nose-rings. Others wear intricate leather armor, and some prefer to be completely naked. They are most commonly found in theBlackwood,Colovian Highlands,Great Forestand theGold Coastregions ofCyrodiil,as well asThe ScarofElsweyr,theReach,and in ancient times acrossBangkoraiandValenwood.

For more information, see themain lore article.


A miregaunt

Miregauntsare large tree-like creatures that can be found acrossMurkmire.According toArgonianfolklore, they have existed as long as the Argonians themselves. Some believe them to be the "wrath of Murkmire". Most Argonians believe them to be related to theHistin some way. Some tribes believe that the Hist trees call forth a portion of the swamp to accomplish a specific task, either guarding an area, defending a place, or taking vengeance on someone or something that hurt or hampered the Hist in some way. Others seem to indicate that a miregaunt is an unintended by-product of some unknown Hist activity, called forth by accident and set loose with no specific purpose in mind.

Although they consist mainly of plant substance, they sometimes incorporate other materials into their shape, including mud, stone, vines, and even pieces of ancient architecture. They bear some small resemblance tolurchersand similar creatures found in other parts of Tamriel, but in all other respects they appear totally unique creatures.

Every miregaunt has a large cavity in its mid-section. Sometimes an encountered miregaunt's cavity is empty. Other times a random piece of stone or other detritus fills the empty space. In rare cases, something valuable rests within the miregaunt, such as a precious stone, an ancient relic, or even a living creature. The local Argonians believe that these valuable objects have been taken into the miregaunt to purposely protect or imprison them. Miregaunts are part of the land: when one is struck down, it will inevitably come back later.

They have some small resemblance to certain aspects oflurchersand similar creatures found in other parts of Tamriel, but in all other respects they appear totally unique creatures. Trellis sentinels, tree-like creatures that ressemble Miregaunts, are found onEarthen Root Enclave.They were responsible for the protection and preservation of anature spiritknown as theSpirit of Root,and the Deeproot within the Earthen Root Enclave. Woodenconstructsressembling miregaunts or trellis sentinels are also known to exist.

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A Mirrorplasm

Mirrorplasms are a type of crystallineDaedrathat appear as blobs of living glass, similar in shape tovoriplasms.They are servants of the lostDaedric PrinceIthelia,and can generally be found anywhere she or the forces ofMirrormoorhave exerted their influence.

See also:Crystal Atronach

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A Mirrorworm

Mirrorworms are small, harmless blueDaedrathat resemble largeslugs.They are native toMirrormoor,a lost Daedric realm. They can also be found inFargrave,a shattered fragment of that realm. They are creations ofIthelia,and can generally be found wherever she has exerted her influence. Mirrorworms could be found throughout theWest Wealdcirca2E 582during Mirrormoor's attempted invasion.

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A mistman

Mistmen are the floating,ghostlyundeadof theSoul Guardfound within theSoul Cairn.Mistmen have the ability to cast elemental destruction magic, though they will resort to punching should they run out of magicka. They are described as collective manifestations of happy spirits that are in service to the Ideal Masters.


An Armored Mite (concept art)

Mites are tiny parasitic arachnids that live in dirt.[8]Druidsare known to put mites in their ale.[9]Ash mites can be found inMorrowindand are known to infestNix-HoundsandKwama.[10][11]Bog mites can be found inBlack Marshand can infestArgonians.[12]Argonians are known to use scale scrapers to remove them.[13]Armored mites are a giant variety from theShivering Islesthat were used as mounts byKnights of Order.[UOL 2]

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Mock Turtle[edit]

A Mock Turtle

TheMock Turtleis a rare species of horned giant GreatTurtlethat have been known to exist since at least2E 582,in a place beyond theWeir Gate.The species is the source of the famous Mock Turtle soup, the "Soup of Kings". Despite the evidence, however, most scholars have dismissed the existence of Mock Turtles as "pure nonsense".

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Moles are subterranean animals known for having poor eyesight. Moles were the namesake of various inns and taverns in the lateThird Era.[14]Mud-moles are a species of mole native toBlack Marsh.[15]

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TheMolmorwas the most powerful of the numerous colossal sea creatures unleashed by theSloadsupon theSystres Archipelagoduring the Thrassian War, a fierce conflict between theSloadsofThrasand theAll Flags Navy.Tales describe the Molmor in various ways, recounting that it resembled a massivewhale,anoctopuswith grasping tentacles, or even "veritable forests of sharp spines, each longer than the lance of a knight".

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A monkey

Monkeys are small forest-dwelling simians that are kept as exotic pets throughoutTamriel.They have a fondness forbananas.[16]Imgakinare one species of monkey, whilebaboonsare another. TheTang Mohave been described as a "monkey-folk", but it is unknown if they are in any way related. Similarly,Hobshave been regularly described as monkey-like.

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A moose

Moose are large animals with tough but dull horns.[17]They are deemed an impressive hunting kill, their remains are used for leather or mounted taxidermy.[18]

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Morphoid Daedra[edit]

A morphoid daedra

Morphoid Daedra are race of hornedLesser Daedra.They are described as unimaginative thugs of average or feeble intelligence. Being trusting and lovable in a bestial sort of way.[19]They have been known to serveMehrunes Dagon,with many being members ofXivilai Moath'sclan.Many were stationed in theSoul Cairnduring Mehrunes Dagon's campaign to invade theBattlespire.Morphoid Daedra see themselves as superior toScampsandVermai.[20]

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Mosquitoes are minuscule insects which can be found acrossTamriel.[21][22][23]They possess delicate eyebrows,[24]a thorax, and a proboscis[25]which they use to bite.[26]Kotu Gavaare a giant species of mosquito.[25][27]

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A Mote

Motesare entities that take on the shape of orbs composed ofmagicalenergies. They were thought to possess varying degrees of autonomy, with some being described as bolder than others. Motes can exhibit heightened aggression when specific magics disrupt them or the spirit who commands them. Motes are attracted to locations linked with magical energies, likeTor Draioch.Certain motes possess the capability to change the appearance of individuals and animals usingillusionmagic, while others can actively control minds and change their actual shapes. In certain stories, motes are described as remnants of ancient spirits.

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A Bright Moons Lunar Moth

Mothsare a type of flying insect similar tobutterfliesthat are valued for both alchemical reasons and cultural reasons. Their larvae are known ascaterpillars.

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Mountain Lion[edit]

A mountain lion

Mountain lions (also known aspumas)[28]are fast and viciousfelinepredators that roam the wilderness ofCyrodiil.The valleyLion's DeninSkyrimwas a historical breeding ground for mountain lions, which theNedesof the lateMerethic Eraoften hunted for pelts. Over the years, locals avoided the area in favor of harvesting furs from domestic livestock.[29]Mountain lion pelts are still quite valuable, and can be used in rituals to summonMolag Bal.They are also captured for use in gladiatorial arenas, such as in the famousImperial CityArena.[30]

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Mournful Aegis[edit]

A Mournful Aegis

Mournful Aegises are giant suits of armoranimatedwithspiritsby powerfulYokudannecromancy.They are similar in appearance to certainAtronachs.Larger aegises will split smaller Mournful Aegises off of them when damaged sufficiently.[31]They are called spirits by some.[32]Some of them were employed as tomb guardians, possessing the ability to engage in basic speech. At least one such guardian was specifically crafted to challenge intruders with specific passphrases or maxims, attacking those who were unable to articulate the correct command.[33]

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A mouse

Mice are small, harmless rodents closely related torats.[34][35]Like rats, they are often hunted bycats,[36]or kept as pets themselves.[37]Field mice are a common variety.[38]

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A mudcrab

TheMudcrab(orMud Crab) is a common variety ofcrabcapable of camouflaging itself as a small rock. They can be found along every shore and waterway ofTamriel,and are also a common sight underground. They are not typically aggressive unless cornered or provoked. However, if a mudcrab ever gets a taste of meat it becomes a hunter, and may be a threat to livestock. Mudcrabs are usually not dangerous unless they swarm, as they rely solely on their pincers and burrowing abilities in combat. Mudcrabs are capable of stripping a corpse down to its bones in days, which usually takes weeks for lesser crabs. Some mudcrabs can grow to enormous sizes, and rare albino variants are known to exist.

Although they are inquisitive by nature and can be kept as pets, most citizens of Tamriel regard mudcrabs as disgusting vermin. Many different varieties of mudcrab exist; two known species are the Nibenay Mudcrab and the Rufous Mudcrab. Mudcrabs are prized for their sweet crab meat and legs, and their chitin is sometimes used inalchemy.


Mules (orpack mules) are equine animals that are ridden and used for carrying large amounts of supplies.[39]They have a reputation for being stubborn and kicking.[40][41]They are thehybridoffspring of adonkeyand ahorse,and like donkeys, they are also known as asses.[42]

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A mummy

Mummiesare a powerful form ofundead.The practice of mummification of the honored dead is common in many cultures acrossTamriel.This often involves covering the preserved corpse in distinctive cloth wraps; suchmummy wrappingscan be used inalchemy.Sometimes the body is also fitted with a death mask. Bodies preserved in such a manner are liable to rise from the dead, either due to an inability to pass on or due to the actions of anecromancer.The process of mummification is believed to protect a corpse's ligaments and muscle from the detrimental effects of rot, thereby greatly increasing its durability, stability, and mobility once reanimated.

The first step to creating a mummy is to soak the decaying corpse in a bath ofsaltor natron for at least one month to halt decay and remove unpleasant odors. More salts may need to be applied in moist climates such asArgoniaorThrasif the salt bath becomes saturated. A wide variety of embalming tools can be used to remove the vital organs before or after this process, although some necromancers skip this step as there is little practical reason to do so. The next step is to wrap the body in cloth or linen to preserve and protect it. The wrappings and the corpse's desiccation results in a greater stiffness of the body in comparison tozombies,requiring proper necromantic rituals to imbue the mummy with enough strength to move itself. However, the result is a much stronger undead servant who can follow commands with more independence and understanding.

Undead mummies require asilveror betterweaponto be harmed, and often carry horriblediseases.Those who take a body part from a mummy can be subjected to a "mummy's curse", and will receive nightly hauntings until the mummy is destroyed.

Musk Ox[edit]

A possible musk ox horn

A breed of musk ox was once native toMarkarth,but was extinct by theSecond Era.Its large horns may have been used byReachmenas warhorns.[43]

Not to be confused with the commonOxor theNix-Ox.

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Muskrats are a type of rodent that were the namesake of various inns and taverns in the lateThird Era.[14]

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Muskrey are a species of animal said to inhabitSolstheim'sEnsleth Valley.They are commonly hunted by theSkaal.They share their habitat withelkanddeer,as they all lick salt by the valley's river.[44]

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  1. ^Moorpecker Magpiepet description inESO
  2. ^The Elder Scrolls: The Official Survival Guide to TamrielTori Schafer
  3. ^Senche-Cougarmount description inESO
  4. ^The WispmotherMathias Etienne
  5. ^A Dance in Fire, Chapter 5Waughin Jarth
  6. ^On the Brewing of Dark Meat BeerAnonymous Bosmeri Brewer
  7. ^Ordinator Nelyn's dialogue duringTracking Nightmaresquest inESO
  8. ^Luna Beriel's dialogue inESO
  9. ^Haidouna's dialogue inESO
  10. ^Nix-Hounds: A Manual for New Owners
  11. ^Ridena Devani's dialogue inESO
  12. ^Corporal Ghetul's dialogue inESO
  13. ^Argonian Scale Scraperdescription inESO
  14. ^abThe names of variousTavernsinDaggerfall
  15. ^Xukas' dialogue at Alten Meerhleel duringMissing in MurkmireinESO:Murkmire
  16. ^MonkeysinESO
  17. ^Bolga's Guide to Galen BeastsBolga gra-Bur,Huntswoman of Mistral
  18. ^Abandoned Fortpathway prompts inSkyrim Very Special Edition
  19. ^Morphoid Daedra description fromElderscrolls.com Archive/Battlespire: Monsters
  20. ^Morphoid Daedradialogue inBattlespire
  21. ^Grash's dialogue inESO
  22. ^Captain Rana's dialogue inESO
  23. ^Dungeon Type messagesinDaggerfall
  24. ^The Armorer's ChallengeMymophonus
  25. ^abGilded Toku Gava Ink Pentreasure description inESO
  26. ^Isobel Veloise's dialogue inESO:High Isle
  27. ^ESO Patch Notes
  28. ^Body MarkingsinESO
  29. ^Into the Lion's Den
  30. ^Arena CombatantsinOblivion
  31. ^Mournful AegisinESO
  32. ^Naryu's Journal/Hew's BaneNaryu Virian
  33. ^Lakayd the Repentant's dialogue inESO:Thieves Guild
  34. ^The Piper
  35. ^Rulingstext inCastles
  36. ^Zhasim's dialogue inESO
  37. ^Detu-Meeus' dialogue inESO
  38. ^SugarbellyAzmu-ra
  39. ^Condier Ergend's dialogue inESO
  40. ^Jaflinna Snow-bornl's dialogue inESO
  41. ^Ghakorz gro-Morkul's dialogue inESO
  42. ^Vyctorelle's dialogue inESO
  43. ^Horn of the Reachclansdescription
  44. ^Lord of SoulsGreg Keyes

Note:The following references are considered to beunofficial sources.They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.