Lore:Wyrd Covens

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Glenmoril Wyress

Wyrd Covens(also known asWyresses,[1]Wyrd Women,[2][3]Wyrd Sisters,[4]theWyrd,[5][6]Ward-Sisters,[1]Name-Daughters[2],andnature-witches[7][8]) are female-only, animistic[9]witchcovens that serve as wardens ofthe Green.[2]They draw their power from the Earthbones, and revere nature and the elements.[10]The leader of a coven is referred to as a "beldam".[11]

The Wyrd originated from the ancient people that dwelled inHigh Rockwho are referred to by retroactive nomenclature as theDruids of Galen.[12][5][13][14]A religious schism brought about the Wyrd's separation from theirdruidbrethren.[13]The Wyrd abandoned civilization in favor of living in the wilds,[13]and believe that they are nature itself: the forest, the plants and beasts within it, and even the weather.[15][13]In contrast, while ancient druids revered nature, they were not keen to isolate themselves and worship the untamed wilds.[13][12]The druids accepted what they interpreted as their "proper place" as people, and embraced the idea that civilization can coexist alongside nature.[13][12][5][16]

Wyrd witches are primarilyBreton,[5]though membership also extends to outsiders,[17][18]even those from other races.[19]Once a singular entity, the Wyrd split into subgroups by the time of thelast Druid King's voyage tothe Systres.[16][20]These sisterhoods remained behind on the mainland to safeguard the forests ofHigh Rock,[5]with some of the dozen or so covens even spreading throughoutTamriel.[1]

The Wyress covens face persecution by those who live in urbanized societies.[21][4]The various Wyrd covens are regarded by outsiders as dangerous and a force to be placated, with contributing factors such as (but not limited to) their reclusiveness, the nature of their moral codes, and the lack of men to replenish their ranks.[1][4]In remote regions of High Rock, such asGlenpointand theWrothgarian Mountains,witches and medicine men are held in high regard by the superstitious country-folk because of their impressive magical feats.[22]

The Wyrd tend to gather around megaliths, and their architecture is similar on a surface level to that of modern Systrean druids in that both dwell in stone huts.[23]Wyrd patterns of symbology are distinct from those of druids:[24]different patterns or colors on stones are intended for different purposes.[25]


Beldama Wyress (ESO)

According to a myth, duringJephre's Naming (which gave all creatures ofNirntheir shape)[26]in theDawn Era,Jephre entrusted the Earthbones with the task to designate those worthy of becoming Wyrd, who were the wards of nature.[2]In the modern day, beliefs among the various Wyrd Covens vary. The Beldama Coven for example still reveres Jephre and believe they are descendants of the Ehlnofey,[1]while the various branches of the Glenmoril Wyrd lean more towardsDaedraworship.[4]

The Wyrd and the druids have teachings and practices that share common roots,[5]for the history of the druids and the Wyrd is the same up to a certain point.[13]Some sources indicate that the Nedic ancestors of the druids and the wyrd were already following a Druid King figure when the Aldmer arrived to High Rock,[27]but "druid" as a distinct identity was not introduced until shortly after the Breton race first came into existence.[13][28]This was further warranted when the Wyrd diverged from Y'ffre's True Way (what is now known as Druidism)[29],ultimately driven away by the "excesses of the Elves".[13]

In druidic belief, Bretons[13](and others) were not meant to separate themselves from nature, as through it, one can rejuvenate and enjoy Y'ffre's bounty.[30][5]However, this does not mean they simply retreat into isolation and worship wild, unmarred nature:[13][12]the Druids of Galen embraced civilization,[16]believing it should coexist alongside nature.[5]They found the Wyrd's abandonment of civilization "unsavory",[16]while the Wyrd in turn saw the ancient druids as "barons in ivy robes" who were just as bad as city-dwellers.[16]However, modern druids share similarities to the Wyrd in that they practice self-isolation to varying degrees.[5][31][32]

Symbols representing the Druid King (top), the Beldama Wyrd (left), the Glenmoril Wyrd (right), and Frii (center)

Believing that civilization should live alongside nature and not tame it, eventually the Druids of Galen's tolerance for their Elven overlords would wane, and they would find themselves fighting for the soul of High Rock, a battle they would lose.[5]Before the exiled Druids of Galen set forth to the Systres circa1E 330,Druid King Kasoraynforesawa coming disaster to his people in a prophecy now known as the Dream of Kasorayn.[33]Kasorayn visited both the Beldama[34]and Glenmoril Wyrd Covens in preparation.[33]Together, they nurtured the nature spirit known as Frii from the dream of the Green.[35][20]Frii was the Sower, the entity that was to create sacred seeds which were to contain the regalia of the Druid King, royal symbols to be passed onto the future druidic circles.[35]

Circa2E 582,theFiresong Circleassaulted both the Beldama and Glenmoril Wyrd, seeking the location of Frii. They abducted elders of both covens, needing them to open the way to the spirit. This led them to the Sunken Road inBangkorai,where Archdruid Michiel of the Firesong located Frii's sapling. The archdruid was slain, and Frii was taken to the island of Galen to be among theStonelore Circle.[20]

The kingdom ofShornhelmis known for its discrimination against the Wyrd. They initiated the Purge of the Wyrd-Hags, which saw local Wyresses imprisoned and slain.[36]Prompted to action by the event known asSun's Death,they believed this slaughter restoredMagnusto the sky.[37]In theFourth Era,due to a misunderstanding, purges were carried out by Shornhelm's Order of the Crypt against the Beldama Wyrd, their wrath extending beyond their borders.[38]


The two major Wyrd Covens include:

  • Beldama Wyrd:The all-female Beldama Wyrd live beneath theWyrd Treein the dense forests ofDaenia,in the least-populated region in High Rock. The Beldama Wyrd believe they are descendants of theEhlnofey,and see themselves as wardens of the forest. They worshipJephre,the God of the Forest.[1]

Other witch covens of unknown origins exist in High Rock:

TheSkeffington Covenis a notable group ofwitchesthat live in the Barony ofPhrygias,within the province ofHigh Rock.The Skeffington Coven has been active as far as the lateFirst Era,all the way into3E 417.The Skeffington operates atOld Barbyn's Farm,deep in the wilderness of Phrygias, somewhere near theWrothgarian Mountains.



  1. ^ Druids were united under the banner of the Druids of Galen until they separated into druidic circles on the Systres Archipelago.[UOL 1]


  1. ^abcdefWitch Cults of Northern High RockWafimeles Masteret(Lorekeeper)
  2. ^abcdWyresses: The Name-DaughtersGlargargil the Speaking Oak
  3. ^Opusculus Lamae Bal ta MezzamortieMabei Aywenil,Scribe
  4. ^abcdeThe Glenmoril WyrdLady CinnabarofTaneth
  5. ^abcdefghijDruid Ryvana's dialogue inESO
  6. ^Dhulef's dialogue inESO
  7. ^Archdruid Michiel's Orders— Archdruid Orlaith
  8. ^Lionne Ondre's dialogue inESO
  9. ^Draoife StorystoneinESO
  10. ^Vanus Galerion's dialogue inESO
  11. ^Informationon covens inDaggerfall
  12. ^abcdLoremaster's Archive - Bretons & High IsleLady Arabelle
  13. ^abcdefghijkWyrd and Druid— Archdruid Barnabe's Discourse with Mainlanders, 2E 553
  14. ^Loremaster's Archive - Tamriel's DungeonsDhulef
  15. ^Wyress DemaraandWyress Linnae's dialogue inESO
  16. ^abcdeWyress Matilde's dialogue inESO
  17. ^Wyress Gwen's dialogue inESO
  18. ^Wyress Rafelen's dialogue inESO
  19. ^Initiate Lamur's dialogue inESO
  20. ^abcSojourn of the Druid Kingquest inESO
  21. ^Wyrd Root TattoosBody Marking description inESO
  22. ^Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: High RockImperial Geographical Society,2E 864
  23. ^Appearance of Wyrd and Druidic architecture inESO
  24. ^Stonelore Circle EffigyinESO
  25. ^WyrdstoneandGlenmoril Wyrd StoneinESO
  26. ^Wild Hunt Crown Crateseason description inESO
  27. ^Modern Day Bretons: Man or Mer?— Vastyr HistorianFilibert Beauchamp
  28. ^Legacy of the BretonsStefan Mornard
  29. ^Meet the Character - Sir Stefan MornardKnight Commander Jourvel
  30. ^Druid Farel's dialogue inESO
  31. ^Druid Peeska's dialogue inESO
  32. ^Sir Stefan Mornard's dialogue inESO
  33. ^abDruid Laurel's dialogue inESO
  34. ^Logbook of Druid AnwasDruid Anwas
  35. ^abFrii's dialogue inESO
  36. ^Lorkrata Hills's loading screen inESO
  37. ^Shornhelm, Crown City of the NorthLord Wylon,39th BaronMontclair
  38. ^Crypt of the Heart - Draft— Ariana Dumas
  39. ^abcdeWitch CovensinDaggerfall

Note:The following references are considered to beunofficial sources.They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.

  1. ^https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1604662466Twitch Stream ofESO Live Legacy of the Bretons Autumn Event,time stamp 59:10-59:26