Morrowind:Raw Ebony

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Raw Ebony
Raw Ebony
Value 200 Weight 10.0
Alchemy Effects
1st Drain AgilityDrain Agility
2nd Cure PoisonCure Poison
3rd Frost ShieldFrost Shield
4th Restore SpeedRestore Speed
# Samples 162 (+5 cursed)
Ore Raw Ebony % 50x8
# Rocks 94
Raw Ebony
Raw Ebony rocks

"Raw ebony is one of the most precious substances in the Empire, and most of the continent's deposits are here on Vvardenfell. Raw ebony itself is an extremely hard, durable, black glass-like substance, said to be the crystallized blood of the gods. Raw ebony is protected by Imperial law, and may not be mined or exported without an Imperial charter. Ebony smuggling is a profitable but dangerous source of illegal wealth on Vvardenfell."Tendris VedranandAnarenen

Raw Ebonyis a valuable commodity, mostly found in well-guardedmines.It is only sold by two vendors with limited supplies of it*,though all who buy ingredients will purchase it from you, despite such transactions being forbidden without a charter. Raw Ebony can also be found in barrels and other containers inDwemer ruins,though these are less predictable. Mines are the best place to find the substance, though you have to keep an eye out for witnesses when you steal it. The other hindrance to this practice is that Raw Ebony is relatively heavy. However, its comparatively high value can make it worth the effort if you're up to it.

If you have theTribunalexpansion, you can use it to haveEbony Armorcrafted for you byBols Indalenat theCraftsmen's Hall in Godsreach.

There is a special type of Raw Ebony, ID:ingred_Dae_cursed_raw_ebony_01,which can be found as offerings inDaedric shrines.These are identical to standard Raw Ebony in appearance and effects, but they arecursed,and picking one up will cause you to be attacked by aDremora Lord.

Raw Ebony is one of only two ingredients in vanillaMorrowindwhich can be used to createRestore Speedpotions, the other ingredient beingresin.TheTribunalexpansion adds two other ingredients with this effect. However, combining Raw Ebony with its cursed variant leads to a potion containing all four effects of Raw Ebony.


1 Effect[edit]

Desired Effect Combine with:
Drain AgilityDrain Agility Ash Salts,Black Anther,Daedra's Heart,Diamond,Emerald,Hypha Facia,Pearl,Ruby
Cure PoisonCure Poison Black Lichen,Ghoul Heart,Meteor Slime,Rat Meat,Roobrush,Scathecraw,Scrib Jelly
Frost ShieldFrost Shield Frost Salts,Holly Berries,Large Kwama Egg,Willow Anther
Restore SpeedRestore Speed Meadow Rye,Nirthfly Stalks,Resin


*Both vendors,Anis SelothandNivos Drivam,have 4 non-restocking units for sale and keep them in chests. Additionally, Nivos Drivam displays three more on a table.


  • In real life, ebony is a type of hard, dark wood, traditionally used to make piano keys and other such items. This is in no way related to the ebony in the Elder Scrolls series, which is a volcanic glass. A closer real-world equivalent would be obsidian, though ebony's use in making armor and weapons suggest that it is far less brittle than obsidian.


Raw Ebony rocks may contain up to 8 units each, though they average around 4. They can be found in the following locations:

*These ebony mines are unguarded, aside from hostile creatures, and may be looted at your convenience.

Raw Ebony may also be found in chests and crates, usually in mines, smugglers ships, and shipwrecks. Each container yields 4 units of Raw Ebony, and can be found in the following locations:

Loose samples of Raw Ebony can be found in the following locations:

Cursed Raw Ebony can be found in the following locations:

Finally, two other abundant locations are added by official expansions and plugins:

  • TheSiege at Firemothofficial pluginadds a large amount of Raw Ebony (16 rocks and 22 loose pieces). Its isolation from the mainland is a logistical problem;Mark and Recallmay help.
  • TheRaven Rockmine, added by theBloodmoonexpansion, is the single most abundant source of Raw Ebony in the game, (24 rocks and 6 crates, not counting the 5 quest-related pieces you must turn over earlier in theEast Empire Companyquestline). The mine is unguarded immediately after it is completed and its doors will open before additional quests send you into it.