Dark Brotherhood

Online:A Profitable Venture

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Quick Summary:written byTib,not checked

Walkthrough:not written

Quest Stages:written byTib,not checked
Swindle the pirates that controlAnvil's docks.
Zone: Gold Coast
Quest Giver: Captain Jimila
Location(s): Anvil
Reward: Unidentified Sithis' Touch Equipment
XP Gain: StandardExperience
"Pay what you owe or the Red Sails will seize this ship."
Captain Jimila has been suffering under the oppressive dock fees in Anvil. She asked for my help in stealing the dock master's private stash to pay off her debts.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk toCaptain Jimilaaboard her ship inAnvil.
  2. Find out the location of the hidden stash.
  3. Steal the stash.
  4. Let Captain Jimila "negotiate" withDockmaster Qamar.
  5. Talk to Captain Jimila.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

You can start the quest by speaking withCaptain Jimilaaboard her ship docked outside ofAnvil:

"Well, what have we here? You certainly don't look like one of those Red Sails extortionists that have been bleeding me dry."
The Red Sails have been shaking you down?
"I can abide fees at an honest port, but Anvil presents a non-stop barrage of whatever the Governor's lackeys feel like enforcing! Uneven gangplank fees, loose mooring taxes, barnacle inspection!
Hmm. You're not from around here, are you? "
No, I'm not from Anvil.
"Care to help me turn the tide on these crooks then? I happen to know that their swindler of a Dock Master doesn't trust his gold to Anvil's banks.
If you help me pay the fool out of his own pocket, you can keep the lion's share of the bounty. "
I'm game. What's your plan?
"I don't know precisely whereQamarhides his gold, but I do know the lazy oaf uses a few trusted lackeys to deliver deposits when he can't be bothered. They often dice on the docks.
If you're convincing, I'm sure they'll reveal the location to you. "

You can speak with the captain some more after starting the quest to learn more information. Once ready, head to Anvil's docks and look for some Red Sail pirates playing dice and start asking them some questions. You can pay Ubra to give you an answer, Intimidate Lucky Gurg, or Persuade Knuckle-Bones.

Once you have your answer, head west outside of Anvil and look for a chest in a small cave guarded by a River Troll. Open it, and return to Captain Jimila. As you approach, you will see her and Dockmaster Qamar talking. Talk to Captain Jimila.

"My friend, you've arrived at a bad time. I'm playing host to the king of skeevers and he hasn't the sense to know that he's outstayed his welcome."
I just wanted to see how negotiations were going. <Slip Her Qamar's Stash>
"Ha! Negotiations? Call it what it is! Ransom! Extortion! It would save us so much time if they just dropped the pretenses and robbed me!"
"Good work. Let me pay this fool and get rid of him."
I'll leave you to your business then.

Watch the exchange, and talk to Captain Jimila.

"I almost bit my tongue trying not to laugh! Qamar doesn't so much strut as slosh about like a half-filled waterskin."
"He's completely oblivious to the misfortune that just visited him. It's too much!."
Wasn't it a bit risky to threaten him like that?
"It was what he expected of me. Being too quick to accept defeat may have aroused his suspicion."
"He seemed convinced, so he may not notice the theft for some time, let alone suspect us as the culprits."
I'll take my share now.
"Here. That's what most of what's left after I paid off that walking canker. Thanks to you, I might break even on this voyage."
"Enjoy your time in Anvil, friend. I hope to never see these despicable docks again."

Quest Stages[edit]

A Profitable Venture
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Captain Jimila advised me to find Dock Master Qamar's lackeys dicing on Anvil's docks and get them to tell me the location of his hidden stash.
Objective:Confront Qamar's Lackeys
I convinced a Red Sails pirate to reveal the location of Dock Master Qamar's stash. Now I need to retrieve it from its hiding spot.
Objective:Reach Dock Master Qamar's Stash
I found Dock Master Qamar's hidden stash, but I need to pick the lock to access the contents.
Objective:Pick the Lock and Steal Qamar's Stash
I retrieved Dock Master Qamar's private stash. Now I should get the gold back to Captain Jimila.
Objective:Talk to Captain Jimila
Hidden Objective:Jimila
I slipped Captain Jimila the Dock Master's stolen gold. Now to see how she deals with Qamar.
Objective:Watch Captain Jimila "Negotiate"
Captain Jimila's plan to pay Qamar with his own gold worked. I should confer with her now that he's gone.
Objective:Talk to Captain Jimila
Finishes quest☑ Captain Jimila promised me a split of Qamar's remaining gold. I should speak to her and ask for my share.
Objective:Talk to Captain Jimila
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,<Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.

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