Ascending Tide

Online:Captain Numirril

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Captain Numirril
Location Shipwright's Regret— Derelict Shipyard
Race Maormer Gender Male
Health Normal3,721,609Veteran7,037,554 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Dreadsails
Lead:Rune-scribed Braces
Captain Numirril
Numirril descending from a summoned waterspout

Captain Numirrilis aMaormerpirate and a captain of theDreadsails.He is a powerfulwater magicuser. You will encounter him in the Derelict Shipyard section ofShipwright's Regret,where he acts as the final boss of the dungeon.

He has a rare chance to drop theantiquity leadfor theRune-scribed Bracesmythic itemfragment forSyrabane's Ward.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack dealing moderate physical damage.
Waves and Swell
Captain Numirril rises up on a water spout, then comes swinging down on you with his sword, dealing massive physical damage. This attack can be blocked.
Captain Numirril suddenly dashes across the screen while riding a water spout, indicated by a circular AoE beneath him, dealing high physical damage and staggering you. This often leads into Spout.
Wave Swat
Captain Numirril swats his hand in front of himself, summoning a wave of water in a wide area before him, indicated by a wide conal AoE, dealing high physical damage.
Captain Numirril summons numerous large water spouts back to back close to each other, tracking close behind your movement, indicated by circular AoEs, dealing high physical damage each.
Upon reaching 80%/40%, Captain Numirril dashes outside of the arena and rests on a tall water spout, overlooking the arena, becoming invulnerable to incoming damage. He then summons large roiling water waves across the arena, indicated by massive circular AoEs, dealing very high physical damage and knocking you back if hit.
Summon the Drowned
While still outside of the arena, Captain Numirril summons a horde of drowned enemies, comprising ofDrowned Hulks,the main threat, along withDrowned CorpsesandDrowned Fiends.Captain Numirril will eventually return to the arena even if the adds aren't all killed. The drowned zombies will spew bile all over the arena.
Bile Burst
Captain Numirril causes the lingering bile applied onto the arena from the drowned in the previous summoning to explode in succession, indicated by large growing circular AoEs, dealing high poison damage each.
A column of water will lift the player with aggro up unless blocked or dodged. It cannot be broken free from.


When you reach the square in front of the lighthouse, the Maormer ship will be sailing away.Captain Numirrilwill leave the ship and move towards you in a column of water:

Captain Za'ji:"Come back you scaly scallywags! You take what is rightfully Captain Za'ji's!"
Captain Numirril:"Scavengers? Bah! Take the lodestones to Dreadsail Reef. I'll make sure these wretches can't follow."
<Both Caska and Za'ji rush at the Maormer.>
Caska:"I'd like to see you try—ayyy!"
<With a gesture, Numirril sweeps Caska and Za'ji over the side into the water. Za'ji manages to get out of the water with his grappling bow>
Captain Za'ji:"It will take more than that playful splash to keep Za'ji from his treasure!"

Idling before combat:

Captain Numirril:"Put up a good fight and I might keep your heads as trophies instead of letting the gulls pick out your eyes."
Captain Numirril:"The lodestones were ours the moment we agreed to the bargain."
Captain Numirril:"You'll soon join the rest of the flotsam bobbing on the waves."
Captain Numirril:"Five years hard labor for every Dreadsail you've killed. If the adders don't make a meal of you first."
Captain Numirril:"You picked the wrong salvage to fight for."

Starting combat:

Captain Numirril:"Orgnum'sserpents take your soul! "
Captain Numirril:"You'll soon wish you'd have drowned."

When he summons the first Drowned Hulk:

Captain Numirril:"The deep claims leviathans and holds them in its thrall. Where they are tamed, you shall be crushed!"

Trigger? Line said during first Drowned Hulk fight while Cpt N was in the water. Doesn't replace the previous line, occurs after it.:

Captain Numirril:"You thrash and gasp like fish dumped onto the decks, soon to be snuffed out without ceremony or respect."

When he summons Drowned Corpses to deal with you:

Captain Numirril:"My blood is the tides! The more you spill the more shall rise up to swallow you!"

During combat, when he goes back into the water the second time and summons the second Drowned Hulk:

Captain Numirril:"I am Dreadsail, born of the sea. I cannot be defeated!"

When he is about to cast Drown:

Captain Numirril:"Sibling seas, answer me."

When Drown is not blocked or dodged:

Captain Numirril:"Give in, you're in the serpent's mouth."
Captain Numirril:"That's it, cease your struggles."
Captain Numirril:"Shh. Let the tide take you."

When he casts Spout:

Captain Numirril:"Rise now, seas of Tamriel, wash these pitiful curs away."
Captain Numirril:"The sea obeys my command, what force have you brought to match it?"
Captain Numirril:"Hah, spewed into the drink like the swill you are!"

When he uses Jet:

Captain Numirril:"The current's on my side."
Captain Numirril:"I am the crashing waves!"
Captain Numirril:"Like a shark chasing horkers."

When he casts Bile Burst:

Captain Numirril:"Let the brine fill your lungs and die!"
Captain Numirril:"Soon you'll be nothing but mouldering filth for the harbor rats!"
Captain Numirril:"Join the rest of the sodden rotters in this harbor!"

Near the climax of the battle:

Captain Numirril:"So you land-crawlers do have teeth, but you are nothing but slaughterfish among sharks."
Captain Za'ji:"Hah! You won't catch Za'ji like that!"

Group wipe:

Captain Numirril:"I left my ship for this? Feh."
Captain Numirril:"Fetch the chains! One or two might have survived."
Captain Numirril:"The secret's safe now."
Captain Numirril:"Someone strip this lot of whatever they're worth."

Defeating him:

Captain Numirril:"Curse you all to the deep…!"
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