Online:Divine Favor

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Quick Summary:written byanonymous user,checked byMolagBallet

Walkthrough:written byMolagBallet,not checked

Quest Stages:written byJeancey,checked byMolagBallet
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Seek the Tribunal's aid against a band of renegade Ashlanders.
Zone: Stonefalls
Objective: Iliath Temple — Help defend Iliath Temple from Ashlanders.
Quest Giver: Curate Brethis
Location(s): Iliath Temple
Prerequisite Quest: From the Wastes
Next Quest: Undermined
Reward: LowLeveledGold
XP Gain: LowExperience
Curate Brethis knows his monks cannot defend Iliath Temple against a determined assault from the Kasgesh Ashlanders. He's asked me to appeal to the Tribunal for aid.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Pray at the altar.
  2. Speak to the servant of Almalexia.
  3. Collect the ashes of the Ordinators.
  4. Burn the ashes and defeat their spirits in battle.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

When you speak with the Curate at the Iliath Temple Shrine, he tells you that no one here could possibly send aid to the isolated temple complex. He asks you to pray to the Tribunal for aid, though he's not sure they will answer to you.
Enter the room to your right after speaking with the Curate. There is a small basin where you can pray. Do so, and aservant of Almalexiawill appear before you as a messenger. She tells you how you can help.
Go to the chapel below the temple, and take the ashes ofNerathrenandFaryonfrom their urns. Then you must take the ashes and scatter them in the eternal flames beneath the northern and southern towers, and earn the ancient Ordinators' respect by defeating them in combat. Doing so will allow them to help you in defending Iliath Temple.
Go downstairs and retrieve the ashes. The urns are on wall shelves on both sides ofSalver Thiran.The towers are on each side of Iliath Temple's courtyard. Scatter the ashes and defeat the long-dead Ordinators, then speak with the Curate once more.

Quest Stages[edit]

Divine Favor
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I should pray at the shrine on the main floor of the temple sanctuary. If the Tribunal sends a messenger, it will tell me what I must do next.
Objective:Pray to the Tribunal
Almalexia's messenger told me I must first collect dust from the urns in the crypt below the temple. The urns contain the ashes of the honored dead: the remains of two Ordinators who defended Iliath.
Objective:Collect Ash from Nerathren's Urn
Objective:Collect Ash from Faryon's Urn
To win the cooperation of Guard-Captain Nerathren and Guard-Captain Faryon, I must defeat both in duels.
Objective:Defeat Guard-Captain Nerathren
Objective:Defeat Guard Captain Faryon
Objective Hint:I need to scatter the ashes I gathered into the eternal flame braziers, so I can summon the spirits of Guard-Captain Nerathren and Guard-Captain Faryon.
Objective Hint:Scatter Ashes Into Eternal Flames
Finishes quest☑ Both Ashlanders swore oaths to lead their soldiers in the defense of Iliath's walls. As Curate Brethis desired, the Tribunal has provided aid against the A shlander siege. I should return and tell him the news.
Objective:Talk to Curate Brethis
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,<Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.