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Location Dranil Kir
Vulkhel Guard,Auridon(post-quest)
Clockwork Crossroads WayshrineClockwork City
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Psijic Order
Lilatha and her self-steering boat

Lilathais aHigh Elfmage and member of thePsijic Orderwho has been looking into the sameDaedric artifactthat theOrder of the Eyehave seen.

She will appear before you once the threeOrder of the Eyescryers have been located. She will explain that she has been trying to find the same artifact and that there is a piece of equipment known as the Obscuros that could help. However, the components were scattered by her order, and that you will have to retrieve them. Lilatha leaves instructions for you to head toVulkhel Guardand travel by a self-navigating boat of her own design, stressing that you must be alone.

Once you arrive at the island ofDranil Kir,you will find her sitting around a campfire. Lilatha will lead you up from the beach to the ruin where the Obscuros is housed. Unfortunately, before you can repair the machine,Lilatha's Shadowtries to kill her. After defeating her,Bonafrydrushes into the ruin and summons the shadow again. Lilatha will provide healing during this battle.

After the fight, you can finally repair the Obscuros and watch the projections. Lilatha will be shocked at what you've both seen and discuss the visions with you. Once the quest has been completed, she will stay by her boat atVulkhel Guard.

Once you have completed the prologue quest, her projection can be encountered at theClockwork Crossroads Wayshrinein theClockwork City,theCity CenterinMournhold,theTreasuryinWayrest,or theTreasury of the TreeinElden Root,where she will give you the questTo The Clockwork City.She will appear onArtaeumif you have theSummersetchapter.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Of Knives and Long Shadows[edit]

After finding all three scryers she will appear before you as a projection,

Lilatha:"You, who would unravel the secret of these murderous shadows. Approach me."
"Do not be alarmed. Only you can see me. I am Lilatha, Psijic master of the gazing glass.
I have watched you from afar, and I believe we share the same goal. You seek to destroy these vengeful shadows, yes? I believe we can help each other. "
What are you asking me to do?
"All the shadows' victims were seeking a Daedric artifact - an extraplanar antiquity that remains hidden from my sight. To solve these murders we must first locate the artifact.
I require two objects to find it - an Anuic Lantern and a Liminal Lens. "
Where are these objects?
"I believe the lantern lies hidden in a sunken ship nearKhenarthi's Roost.The lens rests in a coffer, deep withinthe Howling Sepulchers.
Recover the items, then seek out my boat nearVulkhel Guard.Trust no one. Our enemies are very well-hidden. "
All right. But before I do this, I have questions.
"I am sorry we can't have this conversation in person. I fear that I'm too tempting a target for this shadowy killer. I must remain hidden.
You have questions? I urge you to keep them brief. There's no telling when our enemy will strike again. "
You mentioned the Psijics?
"Yes. I take it that you're unfamiliar with our order? That's hardly a surprise. We once served as advisors and teachers to the greatest kings and emperors, but no longer.
We retreated to our hidden isle ofArtaeum,content to study in seclusion. "
"Indeed. It's an island beyond Tamriel's borders where we can research the truths of theAurbiswithout interruption. That is the purpose of thePsijic Order,after all - to study magic for the betterment of all. "
If that's true, why aren't you on Artaeum now?
"There are... worrying signs. Portents that cannot be ignored.
I fear that a Daedric threat looms over Tamriel. Nothing so crude and obvious as thePlanemeld.No. It's something hidden, and I suspect this Daedric artifact may hold some answers. "
What do you plan to do with this lantern and the lens?
"They are critical components of an ancient Psijic mechanism known as the Obscuros."
What's an Obscuros?
"The Obscuros is a scrying device. It magnifies a mage's perception and projects their visions for all to see. a powerful tool indeed.
When my order retreated to Artaeum, we scattered the device's components to prevent it from being misused. "
Where is this device now?
"I'm afraid i can't say. The forces arrayed against us are too mysterious. They may have found a way to listen in. I can't risk divulging the Obscuro's location.
Collect the items and I promise, my boat will be waiting for you in Vulkhel Guard. "
Just your boat?
"Indeed. A self-steering vessel of my own design. Climb aboard, and the enchantment I've placed on it will bring you to me directly. It's quite safe, I assure you."
What do you know about this Daedric artifact?
"Very little.
Daedric artifacts are notoriously difficult to track. Some misguided soul may discover one and wield it for a time, but it always vanishes eventually - sometimes for a week, sometimes for centuries. "
Are they dangerous?
"Oh yes.
Items of power always introduce some measure of peril to the world. This is doubly true with Daedric artifacts. They exist to carry out the dark intentions of their creators, you see? They turn even the best intentions to malice eventually. "
Why do you think this one is so good at hiding from you?
"That is the question, isn't it? I trained for centuries on the isle of Artaeum, briefly underSotha Silhimself. Yet still this artifact eludes me. Vexing is the word.
Either this artifact is shrouded by a powerful ward, or it isn't here. "
Isn't here?
"It might be tucked away in a pocket plane, or caught in some aurbic gyre - bouncing between worlds. Impossible to say. That's why I need the lantern and the lens."

You will not speak with her again until arriving atDranil Kir,where she is warming herself at a fire. She will lead you up to where the Obscuros is kept, talking to you all the way. Unfortunately her shadow tries to kill you just before you get a chance to repair the machine:

"Campfire on the beach... I still don't see the appeal." '
"Ah, you've arrived! Welcome to Dranil Kir. Let's get out of the rain, shall we?"
"I trust you brought the items I requested. The scrying chamber is just up the hill. Follow me."
"The weather here is always poor. A side effect of the Obscuro's presence, I'm told. Come. It's just through here."
"I'm confident that the components you brought will it, but the Obscuro's device has been dormant for centuries."
"Let's hope the genius of my forebears has stood the test of time. Affix the lantern and the lens. The answers we seek are... within our grasp."
"Do you feel that chill? It's like... oh no."
"What's happening to me?"
"You must... kill the shadow. Hurry!"

During combat she will yell,

"Slay them! I'll mend your wounds!"

When her shadow and the betrayer are dead, she will continue on with the plan, and the Obscuros is repaired. Images of averminous fabricant,aShrike Crowcaller,and the Clockwork City itself are projected.

"Victory at last.'
"Set the lens and the lantern in the Obscuros. Time to see what this has all been about."
"A fabricant? I don't..."
"No, this cannot be. The city was sealed long ago."
"What is this creature? Some new Daedric beast?"
"TheClockwork City.Could it be, after all this time...? "

She will then talk to you.

"The images revealed by the Obscuros leave little room for doubt - the Daedric artifact we seek is somewhere inside the Clockwork City. Why would Sotha Sil allow such an item to enter his domain?
I fear that something terrible has happened. "

If you haven't started the Clockwork City main quest:

Can you tell me more about this Clockwork City?
"Yes, of course. I sometimes forget that this is not common knowledge. Sotha Sil, brother toVivecand magus of theTribunal,created the Clockwork City long ago. He rarely speaks of it, but scholars believe this city has the power to remake Tamriel. "
Remake Tamriel? What do you mean?
"The city functions as a simulacrum of the corporeal plane. Making a change to the Clockwork City may well change some aspect of Tamriel itself. This is all speculative, but I've studied under Sotha Sil. I have no doubt that this is within his power."
So if someone took over Clockwork City, they could change or even destroy Tamriel?
"Indeed. An unwelcome prospect, to be sure. Normally I would assure you that Sotha Sil has the situation well in hand. He is a friend to the Psijics, and to the people of Tamriel. But the presence of this Daedric artifact gives me pause."
So what do you plan to do?
"I must inform the Psijic Ritemaster. If Daedra have breached the gates of the Clockwork City, we must move swiftly. As for you, I would counsel vigilance. Whoever set these events in motion no doubt sees you as a threat. Take this, and my thanks."

If you've started, but not completed, the Clockwork City main quest:

You're right to be worried.Divayth Fyrand I are investigating a Daedric plot in Clockwork City.
"Then my worst fears have been realized. I cannot overstate the magnitude of this threat, my friend.
Our adversary - it'sNocturnalisn't it? Shadows and conspiracy are her stock-in-trade. How could I have been so blind? "
Yes, it's Nocturnal. Do you have any counsel to offer?
"Only that you keep your intentions hidden and your eyes open. The Night Mistress is Ur-dra - perhaps the eldest and most powerful of the Daedric Princes. And your ally, Divayth Fyr, is no saint.
Your path is fraught with peril. Be wary. "
What will you do now?
"I must inform the Psijic Ritemaster. If Daedra have breached the gates of the Clockwork City, anything is possible. We must be prepared.
Please, take this as a token of the Psijic Order's appreciation - and mine. "
Complete quest.
"I meant what I said before. Be cautious around Divayth Fyr.
As a student of the Old Ways, I certainly respect Fyr's dedication to learning. The breadth of his knowledge is as vast as the oceans. But knowledge without prudence breeds catastrophe. "

If you've completed the Clockwork City:

I recently disrupted a Daedric plot in the Clockwork City.
"You did? Then all of creation owes you a debt, my friend. It was Nocturnal, wasn't it? The shadows and conspiracy... I should have seen it sooner.
The Daedric artifact - is it safe? "
It was theSkeleton Key.Sotha Sil gave it to Divayth Fyr for safekeeping.
"Divayth Fyr? I would not have expected that. That Telvanni mage cares little for anyone besides himself. The again, I know Sotha Sil to be both wise and prudent. He would not give Fyr the artifact without cause. I must trust in Seht's judgment."
What will you do now?
"I will inform the Psijic Ritemaster. Nocturnal's intrigues in the Clockwork City cannot be the end of her plot. A greater scheme is brewing, I know it. We must be prepared.
In the meantime, please take this, and my thanks. "

You can then talk to her:

You sound tired. Are you all right?
"I wish I could say yes. I fear that in destroying my shadow, we've destroyed some vital part of my animus. I feel... thin. Diminished.
A weakened Psijic is still a formidable mage, but something is definitely broken. Best not to think about it. "
I guessBonafrydwas a powerful mage after all.
"So, you knew our attacker? Hmm. She was powerful indeed, and yet I sense that the strength was not her own. Her form was clumsy, but she struck with the power of a master wizard.
Usually I'd suspect possession. But with her? I'm not so certain. "
What do you mean?
"Someone granted her powers beyond her ken. An agent ofOblivion,no doubt.
Bonafryd was clearly filled with hatred. Consumed by jealousy or resentment, perhaps? The Daedra can twist those passions into untold horrors. I pity her. "
How do you know so much about Sotha Sil?
"Well, no one really knows Sotha Sil - not even other members of theTribunal.I studied under him for a time. He was patient, surprisingly attentive - the perfect teachers in many respects.
Even so, I never really felt that I knew him. "
What can you tell me about him?
"Beyond the obvious? Not much.
I can tell you he's nothing likeVivec.He never spoke about himself or theDark Elffaith. I always got the sense that he... well, resented isn't the right word. He just seemed ambivalent about that part of his life. "
And the Clockwork city? Did he talk about that?
"Only obliquely, and mostly in metaphor. It's his primary pursuit now. Some say it's his obsession.
You see, despite all his power, there is a melancholy to him. It's unfortunate, but not surprising. True wisdom always brings some measure of despair. "
You mentioned a Psijic Ritemaster. Who is that?
"I must admit, I am unaccustomed to discussing such matters with people outside our order, but I think you've more than earned the privilege.
RitemasterIachesisdirects the Psijics. He rivals Sotha Sil in wisdom, if not power. "
Isn't Sotha Sil something like a god?
"Something like... yes. The Old Ways give little credence to such titles. What is a god other than an exceptionally powerful agent? Anyway, power is overrated. Wisdom is the true measure of a person. In that regard, Iachesis is great indeed."
Could I meet him?
"Someday, perhaps. The Psijic Order's isle of Artaeum is no longer here. It may return in time, but for now you'd probably have an easier time reachingAetheriusor realms beyond.
The order values solitude, much like Sotha Sil. "

To The Clockwork City[edit]

While still onDranil Kir,you can begin the next quest:

"We employ the most powerful scrying device in Tamriel, and all it yields is more questions. Hmm. A perfect metaphor for the scholarly life, I suppose."
Is there anything we can do now?
"There is one who might be able to help—the ancient Dark Elf mage,Divayth Fyr.Though we rarely see eye to eye, I must admit that his grasp of Daedric lore is unparalleled.
If anyone would know more, it's Fyr. "
Where can I find him?
"Fyr casts a long Aetherial shadow—it makes him difficult to miss. I sense… yes, he is inMournhold.The Tribunal Temple. Conferring withAlmalexia,perhaps?
Find Divayth and tell him what is at stake. With any luck, we will find common cause. "
I'll look for Divayth Fyr in Mournhold.
Lilatha's projection in the Clockwork City

If you have completed Of Knives and Long Shadows but leave Dranil Kir before starting the next quest, Lilatha will take the place ofEldrasea Derasand appear in the aforementioned locations via projection. When she arrives, she will say"Come shadowslayer, we have much to discuss."and you can speak to her:

"Greetings, my friend. I come bearing news. I've learned more about the unknown enemy we faced on the isle of Dranil Kir."
What have you learned?
"Ever since our confrontation with the shadow summoner, I've been reaching out with the Obscuros—trying to find our mysterious Daedric artifact.
I have not located it yet, but I did discover something interesting. Divayth Fyr is looking for it too. "
Divayth Fyr?
"Yes, the ancient Dark Elf sorcerer.
While Divayth and I do not always see eye to eye, he does not deserve to be slaughtered by his own shadow. My visions tell me that he is currently inMournhold."
I'll find Divayth and warn him.
"Divayth Fyr wields tremendous power. If our enemy unleasheshis shadowon the world, the results could be catastrophic.
You must warn him before it's too late. "

After accepting the quest, you can speak to Lilatha's projection some more, but if you leave the area where it is found, she will disappear when you come back.

What else can you tell me about Divayth Fyr?
"Just remain watchful. Divayth is far from scrupulous. While we Psijics study magic for the benefit of all, Lord Fyr only studies it to satisfy his personal ambitions.
When our interests align, he can be a powerful ally. When they don't…. "
He becomes your enemy?
"Enemy is too strong a word. He just resolves to make our lives as difficult as possible. He knows that opposing the order directly would go very poorly for him.
For now, I think he will prove very useful. I advise vigilance, nonetheless. "


Lilatha on Artaeum

Lilatha can be found reading in one of the alcoves on the island of Artaeum:

"And so we meet again, on Artaeum, my home. I knew you would find your way here eventually. Yours is a will not easily constrained."
What have you been up to since we stopped that Shadow on Dranil Kir?
"Helping the order in the only way I still can—with tutoring and research.
I will never recover the power I lost when my shadow died on that island. But mercifully, I've retained my wits and memories. To my great surprise, I'm an excellent teacher! "
Can't the other Psijics help you regain your power?
"All have tried—from the Ritemaster on down to the initiates I train. None have succeeded.
It is not a matter of unlocking power hidden from view. The power is simply gone. One cannot unlock something that no longer exists. "
So you'll never regain the power you lost?
"Do not mourn its passing, my friend.
In truth, arcane power is the least of the Psijics' gifts. The true might of the order is found in wisdom, prudence, and right action. I can pass that on to the next generation of mages no matter what. "
I saved Clockwork City from Nocturnal. I even saved Sotha Sil.
"Then my sacrifice on Dranil Kir was vital and worthwhile. Had you not defeated Bonafryd and my shadow, you may never have reached the Clockwork City.
Tell me—what occurred in Sotha Sil's realm? "
Nocturnal created a shadow Sotha Sil to usurp his throne. I freed the real Seht and foiled her plan.
"Fascinating. If Nocturnal's shadow magic can confound even the great Sotha Sil, I bear no shame for falling victim to it on Dranil Kir. Even a veteran member of our order cannot stand alone against a Daedric Prince.
Thank you for telling me this. "
Have you been to Clockwork City since the way opened?
"I have not, nor do I intend to go. The power required to travel there and back is beyond me now—and honestly, I find the hubris of it more than a little unsettling.
The tales of your adventures are enough for me, my friend. Artaeum is enough. "

If you have not met her before:

"Tranquil greetings. We do not see many newcomers here on the island. Welcome."
What do you do here?
"In truth, I do very little here on Artaeum. I am one of the order's few travelers. When matters in Tamriel demand the Psijics' attention, I often serve as the Ritemaster's canvaroth... a scout, as it were."
What kind of matters require you to leave the island?
"Oh, dangerous relics gone missing. Sorcerers wielding magicks far beyond their ken. The occasional Daedric incursion. Many Psijics fear the outside world, but I find my journeys beyond the mists invigorating. We cannot live in our books alone."
Good luck, and be careful.
"Thank you. It is always a pleasure to converse with new members. Perhaps we will work together one day soon. I do hope I remember you, if that is the case. My memory for faces is far from exemplary. May the Old Ways guide your steps."
