
Online:Mizzik Thunderboots

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Mizzik Thunderboots
Home Settlement Riverhold
Location Market of Fresh Delights, Banished Regrets Inn, Smuggler's Hideout, Rimmen Palace
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower During The Riverhold Abduction, Where There's a Will
Mizzik Thunderboots

Mizzik Thunderboots is a Khajiit private investigator with fancy boots who can encountered in Riverhold's Market of Fresh Delights who requests assistance with his current case into a mysterious disappearance.

He can also be encountered at the Weatherleah Estate in West Weald, where he will be helping as an executor of the late Lady Weatherleah's will.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Riverhold Abduction[edit]

Mizzik is initially met in the marketplace, near Thadarra

Normal Greeting:
Completed The Battle for Riverhold:
"A crowded marketplace, a chance meeting. Unexpected, unannounced … and perhaps just the thing this one needs to solve a most curious investigation.
Mizzik Thunderboots, at your service."
"By Mara's thighs, if it's not the hero of Riverhold.
Mizzik Thunderboots, at your service. This one would offer to buy you a drink, but he has caught the scent of a most curious investigation. No time for taverns while this one's on duty."
Greetings. You mentioned an investigation?
"An abduction, to be precise. No ransom, no demands. No obvious suspects or motives. Just a heartbroken father and a missing young lady.
But that is why Mizzik was hired, yes? He steps in when all other justice fails."
So you've been hired to find someone?
"Correct. This one searches for Zinthia, daughter of Ishu.
However, Mizzik's inquiries have led to nothing but dead ends. And with a young lady's safety on the line, the sooner this investigation is solved the better."
I can help you with your investigation.
"A chance meeting turned fated partnership. Fortuitous for this one, yes?
You should speak to Ishu first, see if he has any new information for us. His house is just south of the marketplace. Can't miss it."

After you agree to help, you can ask him about the investigation and himself.

Tell me about being an investigator./Tell me about your career as an investigator.
"Mizzik Thunderboots is a Khajiit of action. He does not wish to merely boast of his prowess. This one aims to prove such skill.
Just as soon as we have a little more to go on, of course."
You seem pretty confident. Why do you need my assistance?/Moving on. You seem pretty confident. Why do you need my help?
"This one will confess, while Mizzik is confident in his skills of investigation, he struggles with the more … alarming situations his line of work often entails.
Such as when large people threaten him with very sharp daggers."
Someone threatened you?
"Not this investigation, thank the Moons. Well, not yet.
That is where your expertise comes along, yes? Your bravery, this one's cunning, and a few good leads are all we need to solve this mystery."
Quite the interesting name you got there./Fair enough. I was also curious about your rather interesting name.
"It is a good name, no? Mizzik Thunderboots! When scoundrels hear the footsteps of his boots, they will quake in fear."
Doesn't seem like the best quality for an investigator to have ….
"Oh. Well … perhaps you are right. Not very subtle, is it?"
I want to know more about our client, Ishu.
"He is a humble Khajiit of moderate wealth. Seems to keep to himself. No enemies, no debts. No reason why he would be targeted.
Yet just a few days ago, his daughter Zinthia was taken in the dead of night."
And you mentioned there's been no ransom?
"Most strange, no?
If Mizzik did not know better, he would say that it was an intimidation tactic. Perhaps even an act of revenge against Ishu. But who would wish this cruelty against such a kind Khajiit?"
And the town guards have been no help?
"They outright dismissed Ishu's claim, believing that the young lady has merely run away.
A most vexing call, truth be told. From all that Ishu has told this one, Zinthia is a most sweet ja'khajiit. Not one to make her father worry."

After your investigation leads you to a note found behind the Riverhold Stables, Mizzik will arrive on the scene.

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Saw you heading this way. Find anything of interest?"

You can then tell about what you have learnt so far.

"The stables, hmm? Developed a sudden interest in horsemanship, walker?"
I found this hidden note. I suspect the gambler Tajirri wrote it.
"Looks to be a code. A napping badger, eh? Sounds familiar ….
Ah, yes! The Sleeping Badger is a rock formation, just south of Riverhold. But this bit about the sweet trip, that Mizzik doesn't understand."
Could be worth investigating this rock formation, at the very least.
"Mizzik will mark it on your map, walker. Feel free to lead the way.
And perhaps this is a good time to mention that this one is not so skilled in … violent situations. Should trouble find us. But that is where your expertise comes in handy, yes?"
Got it. Let's head to the Sleeping Badger rock formation.

At this point, Mizzik will become your follower. If you talk to him he will comment on the name.

"The Sleeping Badger. Eh. To Mizzik, it always looked more like a stretching rabbit."

While he is following you, he will try to stay out of any fighting, but he will make remarks at the start and end of each fight.

Start of Fight
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Oh, dear."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Ah …!"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Feeling a bit …."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Dark moons."
End of Fight
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Mizzik … is all right."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Mizzik needs to stop doing that."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Feeling a bit …."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Ah, apologies. This one is fine."

Once at the Ruddy Fangs camp, Mizzik will comment on what you discover.

Finding Skooma Bottles:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Skooma. These vagrants must be smugglers!"

Finding the Gold Necklace:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "That necklace must belong to Zinthia!"

He will then run back down to the road, where you can talk to him.

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Come, let us speak away from this place."
"A missing daughter, a hidden note, and now a band of skooma smugglers. This investigation becomes messier with every step we take."
What would smugglers want with Ishu?
"This one is unsure, though it is possible Ishu may be hiding something.
Still, our priority should be to investigate the gambler who wrote that note. Tajirri was her name, yes? That does ring a bell or two."
Where should we search?
"If Tajirri's a gambler, it is likely we can find her at the local tavern. Mizzik will head there at once and see what he can dig up.
Meet this one at the Banished Regrets Inn."
All right, I'll meet you there.

Mizzik will then head back to town. Once you arrive at the inn, a mysterious Khajiit will warn you and Mizzik to stop the investigation. You can then head upstairs and talk to the investigator in his room.

"Bright Moons look over us today, walker.
Tajirri has just settled down for a round of gambling. While Mizzik distracts her, you can sneak into her home and search for another clue. It's just a bit north of the tavern."
Before we do that, a stranger spoke to me. She said Ishu's daughter left town years ago.
"Hmm. Forgive this one if he is … skeptical.
Even if this stranger spoke truly, why then would Ishu hire Mizzik? Why would Tajirri have written that note? Why would we find a gold necklace in the smuggler's camp?"
I'm not sure. She also wants us to stop investigating.
"Then perhaps this stranger simply wishes to confuse us. Throw us off the scent.
Besides, we cannot stop now. Not when an innocent young lady may still be at risk. Let us investigate Tajirri before she retires for the night."
All right, I'll head to Tajirri's home and search for clues.

He will then head out to the lounge area to distract Tajirri.

Tajirri: "Why hello, sweetmeat. Care to play a game with old Tajiiri?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Of course! Though this one will admit, he is not very skillful."

If you try and talk to him, he will be quick to remind you that you need to go.

"Quickly, head to Tajirri's house. This one does not know how long he can delay her."

Once you have found the note to Tajirri, and left her home, Mizzik will run out of the inn.

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Psst! Over here."
"This one hopes you have found something of interest, walker. Mizzik cannot afford to keep Tajirri distracted any longer. And he means that most literally."
I found another note. This one has a poem written on it.
"Blue serpents, four pointed paint …. If Mizzik had to guess, this poem describes drop off locations for illicit goods. Smugglers often hide them in plain sight.
First a sleeping badger, now a blue serpent. Must represent another landmark."
Perhaps the nearby river is the blue serpent?
"That's it! The river is often busy with trade. A perfect place to smuggle goods.
Let us search along the river and see if we find any barrels or crates with markings. Hopefully, we'll find something that will lead us to Zinthia."
All right, let's start searching along the river.

Mizzik will become your follower again and can be asked questions on the way.

"Mizzik will admit, this case is heading in a rather … unexpected direction. Which is a bit worrisome, if he's being honest."
Why would smugglers target Ishu?
"It is strange, isn't it? With an operation as intricate as this, it seems odd that these smugglers would target a Khajiit of such limited wealth."
Perhaps we should speak to Ishu again?
"This one agrees, but let us first check these smuggler caches. The note said that the goods were leaving town today, yes? That could include Zinthia."

Several smuggler caches can be found around the river. They will be guarded by Ruddy Fangs and Mizzik will point out the marked barrels he sees.

Sighting a Marked Barrel
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Could that be the painted mark we seek?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Mizzik sees a painted barrel ahead."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "That painted mark seems curious, no?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "That mark has four points, like the note says."

He will also comment on what you find in the caches.

Summerset Wine:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Summerset wine, eh? Not illegal, but incredibly taxed. Mizzik has a feeling this bottle didn't find its way to Riverhold through virtuous means."

Mammoth Cheese:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Ugh! If that cheese isn't illegal, it should be. What a smell!"

Red Scarf:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "A very pretty scarf for smugglers to wear, yes? Perhaps it belong to Zinthia."

Rotten Moon-Sugar:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "This barrel smells sweet, but also … rotten. What could it be?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Dark Moons! They're smuggling spoiled moon-sugar. Very unsafe for anyone to eat."

After you have searched all the caches:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Speak to Ishu and see what he knows of these smugglers. Then let us meet back at the tavern. We have much to discuss!"

Once you have spoken with Ishu again, you can return to the inn, only to find Rideza threatening Mizzik. She will disappear after giving you an ultimatum and you can talk to Mizzik.

"So, it appears that your stranger friend is Rideza the Rogue. Good to know."
Rideza the Rogue?
"Let us just say that her reputation precedes her.
Well, threats to our life aside, it seems that we finally have our perpetrator. Now we just need to follow her."
And how do you plan on doing that?
"We are investigators, are we not? You must search for a trail. With any luck, she'll lead you straight to Ishu's daughter.
Meanwhile, Mizzik will alert the proper authorities."
All right, I'll see if I can find out where she disappeared to.

After you leave the inn, Mizzik will comment on the trail Rideza inadvertently left.

Mizzik Thunderboots: "There! Rideza must have stepped on the jelly from the sugar claws. You must follow her trail while this one alerts the guards."

When you have tracked down Rideza in the Smuggler's Hideout, she will be intercepted by Guard Captain Kahiri at the side exit. Mizzik and Ishu will be also be there, talk with the investigator after you hear the truth behind the kidnapping of Zinthia.

"Well, it seems that our investigation has come to a successful close. Though not quite in a way that Mizzik was expecting."
So Rideza was Ishu's daughter, and she … stole his cat?
"In hindsight, it makes sense. When you were told that Ishu's daughter left town years ago? Rideza must have been speaking of herself.
Still, to have been chasing Ishu's pet this whole time …."
We also stopped a smuggling operation.
"This is true! Because of our dedication, Riverhold no longer has to deal with these vile smugglers. And let us hope it stays that way, yes?
Mizzik just needs to collect our reward. Why don't we meet at the Banished Regrets?"
All right, I'll meet you at the inn.
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Drinks are on Mizzik! Just as soon as he is paid, of course."

If you speak to him before leaving, he'll add:

"Mizzik just needs to collect our reward from Ishu. And perhaps Captain Kahiri will be feeling generous as well, yes?
Feel free to head to the Banished Regrets. This one will meet you there."

He can be found in the room, after he managed to get a bonus from the Guard Captain.

"A family reunited, a smuggling ring destroyed, and the gratitude of all of Riverhold. Not a bad start to a partnership, yes?
Mizzik was even able to secure a hefty bonus, thanks to the generosity of Captain Kahiri."
A bonus you're willing to share?
"Of course, of course! Your share, as promised. After all, Mizzik would never have been able to solve this investigation without your aid.
Pleasure working with you, walker. Do not be a stranger, yes?"

Once you have received your portion of the reward, you can talk with him some more.

"A safe town, a happy client, and an investigation expertly solved. And a five-claw partnership, if Mizzik does say so himself. What more could this one ask for?"
What's next for you, Thunderboots?
"After such a successful investigation, Mizzik is hopeful that more clients will come forth.
We live in turbulent times, walker. Dragons, tyrants, necromancy. There is no end to Elsweyr's suffering as of late. And yet so much is overlooked."
What do you mean?
"Those in power have priorities. And the petty problems of the common folk? They tend to be on the very bottom of this list.
That is why we must look after each other. If Mizzik does not offer his help, who will?"
Still, that's your job, isn't it?
"Of course. But, first and foremost, it is Mizzik's passion.
That is why this one takes the name Thunderboots. If he cannot work in the name of justice? Then he will not work at all. This, he swears."
Do you live in Riverhold?
"Mizzik's investigations take him many places, so it is hard to call one town home.
But he's enjoyed his time in Riverhold. He has a comfortable tavern room and a steady supply of clients. Well, a steadier supply of clients."
What other cases have you worked on in Riverhold?
"Honestly? Just the one.
A bard's flute was stolen while he was drinking in the tavern. He was very certain another musician had stolen it out of jealousy."
Did you solve the case?
"Quickly. It turned out to be the innkeeper who stole the flute.
This bard could not play in tune to save his life, and it was driving away business. So Mizzik suggested that the bard seek another tavern. A happy solution for everyone involved."

The Heir of Anequina[edit]

He can later be found watching the coronation ceremony in the Rimmen Palace.

"Mizzik can't believe the tales he has heard. Dragons, Moon Gates, eclipses! So much excitement you've seen! And so many heroic things you have accomplished.
Certainly a step up from the work we did, yes?"
How are you doing, Mizzik?
"Mizzik is doing very well, especially after being invited to this ceremony! Never did he think he would be witnessing a Khajiiti coronation in Rimmen Palace.
Is this one's hat on straight? His whiskers burnished and bristly?"
You look fine, don't worry.
"Ah, that is good to hear. Mizzik would hate to make a bad impression! But this one is sure you have many others to talk to. He will not keep you, walker.
Remember, if you are ever in need of an investigator, call on Mizzik."

Where There's a Will[edit]

While in West Weald, you can come across Weatherleah Estate and encounter Mizzik. Speaking with Aquilia Verres outside the estate, she will ask you to talk to with Mizzik. As you approach, you will see Mizzik searching for a dog:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Hmm. It seems Mizzik has been fooled by a four-legged escape artist."
<Mizzk notices you.>
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Ah, greetings traveler! Perhaps you can help Mizzik in his search?"

Talk with him to see what is going on at the Weatherleah Estate

Met Before:
First Time Meeting:
"Ah, an old friend approaches! This one knows there are no coincidences in his line of work. Mizzik could use help solving a curious case. You wouldn't by any chance have seen a beast running about with a mouthful of parchment?"
"Careful now, a cunning and foul beast has made off with an important document and played Mizzik for a fool. Perhaps you can help retrieve it?"
Yes, Aquilia Verres asked me to help you.
"A wonderful idea from dear Aquilia! This one fears there is more afoot to Lady Weatherleah's death, but our first clue is currently in the jowls of a dog—a hairy, stinky thing. Betu is the beast's name, though this one calls him headache."
You're investigating Lady Weatherleah's death?
"Oh yes. Helping with the will is a cover. Not only was her death sudden and mysterious, but now her fortune is missing and her long-lost son has returned. A great many threads for one's claws to get tangled in."
A missing fortune? A long-lost son? (Progresses Quest)
"Yes, yes. Aquilia wishes the question of inheritance be conclusively answered before it becomes fodder for the gossips. Now, dear aide, we must find Betu. This one has already found his tracks.
Let us crouch down and follow his trail."
How have you been, Mizzik? (Appears if you have met before.)
"Mizzik knew he would see you again, friend. Perhaps you share his keen nose for the scent of corruption? A good crime-fighting ally is hard to come by. And he has no doubt there is a crime here. He just has to find it."
How did you find this case?
"Mizzik was a friend of Lady Weatherleah. He worked tirelessly on the case of her missing son when he was just a cub of a crime fighter. It was the one case Mizzik could not solve. Now at the hour of her death, he hears her son has returned."
Lady Weatherleagh's missing son is alive?
"He is there in the manor, waiting to claim his inheritance. But it seems strange, yes? Mizzik thinks so. So does Lady Weatherleah's niece. She hired Mizzik to investigate her aunt's death. But to start his investigation, Mizzik must find the will."

At this point, Mizzik will join you as you track down Betu. You have the option of talking to him again and asking about Lady Weatherleah's death:

"With your aid, Mizzik is confident all questions will be answered!
The dog is affectionately called Betu and was beloved by the late Lady Weatherleah. This one sees tracks on the ground. Let us crouch down and follow them!"
Tell me more about Lady Weatherleah's death.
"Mizzik is not sure what to think. Lady Weatherleah's death appears to be an accident, a simple fall, but she sent for Mizzik in distress just days before. This one believes something happened to her. And there is of course her missing fortune."
How does a fortune go missing?
"Most often it is because of frivolous spending, but records indicate that Lady Weatherleah was frugal with her wealth. She retained only a small staff and requested only minimal upkeep of the estate grounds.
And yet, her safe is empty."
What do you think?
"Theft is a possibility, but this one thinks Lady Weatherleah hid her wealth before her death. Her will, and all those present in and around her death, may shed some light on the situation."

Following the tracks, you will come across a damaged crate and crushed grapes. Paw prints will lead away from it:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "More tracks! The dog definitely went this way."

Further along, you will overhear a discussion between Groundskeeper Otho Florius and Chef Edric Brussiner:

Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Get it together, Edric. You're a mess."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "What's that? Mizzik hears voices. Let us listen in."
Chef Edric Brussiner: "Our dear lady is dead and you still don't believe me."
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Then talk to the investigator. Don't pull me into this."
Chef Edric Brussiner: "Can we even trust him? I don't want to be labeled a suspect."
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Better to talk to an investigator than a gardener, Edric."
Chef Edric Brussiner: "Not a gardener, a friend. You'd do well to leave, Otho. And take Betu with you."
<Edric sits down on the stone garden wall.>

After listening to the conversation, you can continue following the tracks until you reach a stone gazebo and another conversation, this time between Pelena and Uriel Weatherleah:

Pelena Weatherleah: "I don't know what you're playing at, but you were a fool to come here."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "There's Lady Pelena and her husband Uriel, our once long-lost son."
Uriel Weatherleah: "Be angry all you want, dear wife, but don't cause a scene. I'm here to stay."
<Pelena notices Mizzik.>
Pelena Weatherleah: "Oh, Mizzik! I didn't see you there. I believe I saw Betu heading south."

Following Pelena's suggestion, you go south and find Betu with a scroll in his mouth and Chef Edric nearby:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "There's Betu! Quick, grab the will while he is occupied!"
<Betu drops the scroll from his mouth.>
Betu: [Dog Barking]
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Quickly, grab the will!"
Chef Edric Brussiner: "Not now, Betu! Away with you!"

After you grab the Sealed Will, Mizzik will comment:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "With the will secured, let us speak with Edric."

Speaking to Mizzik before Chef Edric:

"Be wary. That man is Edric, the estate's cook, and he seems on edge. One should always worry when the help looks nervous."

Talking to Chef Edric, he says he was close to Lady Weatherleah, and she was not the same after her son's death. He also says he will not stay long at the estate, and tells you to be careful at the manor. After your conversation, Chef Edric will take his leave and gives a warning:

Chef Edric Brussiner: "If you insist on staying, that's your business. Just watch your back."
<Chef Edric leaves.>
Mizzik Thunderboots: "How strange. Come, let us speak, traveler."

Talk with Mizzik about your conversation with Edric and the various people involved:

"It seems the cook knows more than he is willing to let on. How very curious. Mizzik will have to make note of this. At least this confirms that the residents of the estate are keeping their secrets close to their chests."
Will you remind me of who is involved?
"Yes, of course! Along with the cook there's Otho Florius, the gardener. Then of course, Lady Weatherleah's missing son himself, Uriel, back from the dead. And his wife, Pelena, who has long lived at the estate with Lady Weatherleah."
Uriel returned after his mother's death?
"Convenient, yes? Many questions surround Uriel's sudden return. And it should be noted that Pelena seems none too pleased about it. Mizzik has of course investigated a number of failed marriages, but this seems different.
Ah, what of the will?"
Here's the will. Dog slobber and all.
"Excellent. The seal is still intact. We should return to the manor now that we've secured the will. I am certain our roosting vultures are keen to hear what it has to say. Meet Mizzik by the manor house when you are ready to meet the others."
I'll meet you by the manor when I'm ready.

Once you are ready, you can head to the manor where Mizzik will be ready to read the will:

Aquilia Verres: "I hope Betu's return means you retrieved the will, Mizzik?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Yes, the will is returned and intact thanks to my assistant."
Aquilia Verres: "Well, let's get this over with. Read it aloud, Mizzik."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Yes, of course. Weatherleah's walls hide a glittering secret. Safely guarded by four loyal paws."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Do not worry, Mizzik and his assistant will get to the bottom of this."
Aquilia Verres: "I'm sorry, is that … a riddle?"
Pelena Weatherleah: "This must be some sort of joke!"
<Betu wanders around and shies away from Uriel.>
Uriel Weatherleah: "There he is! My faithful friend … oh!"
Aquilia Verres: "Strange. Betu doesn't seem too fond of you, cousin."
Uriel Weatherleah: "Nonsense. I'm sure Betu just needs time to remember me. Isn't that right, boy?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Feel free to speak with the others, but join me in the study when you are ready."
<Mizzik leaves and enters the nearby study.>

Once you have spoken with who you wish, you can meet with Mizzik in the study. He will be sitting at the desk with the will infront of him:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Why would Lady Weatherleah leave a riddle in her will?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Perhaps you can make sense of it."

Talking to Mizzik before reading the Will and Testament of Lady Weatherleah:

"This one has read many wills in his time, but a riddle? And one that hides a fortune? This is a first. Mizzik could use another set of keen eyes. Perhaps you will see something that this one has missed."

When you have read the will, Mizzik will comment:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Could the four paws mean Betu? They certainly are not Mizzik's. Perhaps we can find a clue here in her study?"

Speaking to him before searching the study:

"A glittering secret? Certainly the fortune. Loyal paws? Must mean Betu. But still, clarity eludes this one. How can a dog hide a secret? There must be something this one is missing."

You can find various things around the study, and Mizzik will comment on them:

Lady Weatherleah's Journal:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "It seems Lady Weatherleah lead her own investigation into her son's death."

Letter to Lady Weatherleah:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "It seems Pelena made her feelings about the cook quite clear to Lady Weatherleah."

Searching behind painting of Betu:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "A note peeking out from behind the painting? Excellent eye for detail, friend."

Reading the Letter of Warning:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Interesting. A hidden note guarded by a painted dog. What does it say?"

You can then speak with Mizzik after you have found all the documents:

"Let Mizzik see the note. An anonymous letter warning Lady Weatherleah of a traitor? This one wonders if they were able to meet before her death. It paints a disturbing picture of her final moments."
Why is it disturbing?
"Mizzik was told that Lady Weatherleah died alone in her library; but could she have met with this stranger only to become their victim? We must question the family, but do not mention the note."
Why not?
"Whether this note was sent by the killer or a kind soul close to Lady Weatherleah, it confirms one thing. That there is indeed a traitor among us. And with this letter, Mizzik can do what he does best.
Play cat and mouse."
I will help question the family members.

At this Mizzik will become your follower once more, and follow you outside the study to speak with Weatherleah family. Talking with him at this point:

"While you speak with the family members, Mizzik will observe with his keen senses and fine-tuned whiskers. No deception, however small, will escape this one."

After talking with Aquilia Verres:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "If Aquilia was Lady Weatherleah's last living heir, could she have expected to receive the missing fortune? A motive, perhaps?"

You can then find Pelena and Uriel outside and speak with about Lady Weatherleah's death and recent events. A common link between the three is the mention of Groundskeeper Otho finding Lady Weatherleah's body. Mizzik will suggest speaking with him next:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "The gardener found Lady Weatherleah's body? We should speak to him next."

Groundskeeper Otho will be in front of the stables, having just finished washing Betu, Chef Edric will be nearby. Speaking with Otho, he explains how he found the dead Lady Weatherleah in the library after he heard a crashing noise while he was in the kitchen. He then suggests you to talk to Chef Edric nearby, Edric will explain that Pelena had him kicked after she caught him searching her belongings as he had suspicions about her.

Once this is done, Otho will suggest you go to the library to investigate:

Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "You should take a look at the library. I'll meet you there."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Of course, the scene of Lady Weatherleah's fall. Let us investigate the library."

Speaking with Mizzik after this:

"This one briefly inspected the library before the will became the investigation's focus. We have learned much since then. Perhaps we will discover there's more to the scene than Mizzik once thought."

When you approach the library:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "The library is to the left. Your other left."

Once you are inside the library, Mizzik will have you start searching:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "We must study the scene carefully. Look for anything out of place."

Talking with him during the search:

"We must study the scene carefully. Look for anything that seems out of place. This one's whiskers are already trembling with excitement. Or, perhaps it is the dust?"

Mizzik will comment as you investigate various places:

The damaged bust on the floor near the door:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Certainly a ladder couldn't have caused this much damage to the statue."

The broken window with glass beneath it:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Was that window already broken?"
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "No, it was definitely intact before Lady Weatherleah's death."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Something has broken the glass. Perhaps this was an escape route?"

The pile of books on the ground:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "You are certain this is where you found her body?"
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Yes, I'll never forget the sight of her lying there."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Quite the mess for a simple fall, don't you think?"

Once you have completed your search, you can talk to Mizzik:

"No blood. A broken window. And a fractured statue with no explanation as to how it was damaged. Mizzik feels that there is something just out of reach of this one's claws, but what could it be?"
We must be missing something.
"The details don't add up. Investigations always require some stretch of the imagination, but to make sense of this crime scene would be to dream up a work of fantasy."
There must be some explanation.
"Perhaps the fantasy is the clue? Only a panicked hand could make such messy brush strokes. Could Otho's arrival from the market have startled the suspect? Leading them to block the door and escape out of the broken window?"
Could Otho have staged the scene?
"But then why create such an elaborate scene? A fall is simple enough. A tidy portrait. We should continue to investigate this broken window. Perhaps we can find a trail on the other side?"

After this, Otho will protest:

Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "I would never hurt Lady Weatherleah!"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Until the investigation is complete, everyone is a suspect."

Speaking with Mizzik afterwards:

"Let us look at the window from the outside. Perhaps our suspect was sloppy in their haste to escape."

Mizzik will follow you outside, and comments as you approach the window:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "The library exterior is just around the corner."

When you get there, you will find Betu sniffing at the ground below the window:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Betu? What is he sniffing?"
<Betu digs at the ground and reveals a key.>
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Betu found a key? And look, it seems Betu wants us to follow him."

Speaking with Mizzik before taking the key:

"It seems once again Betu wants us to traipse around the estate grounds. Be sure to pocket that key. It may prove to be useful."

Once you collect the Gilded Key, Betu will run off and you can chase him to a memorial. Chef Edric's body will be next to it:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Moons above! Is that Edric?"

Talking with Mizzik before investigating the area:

"Let us examine the scene. Hopefully something here can explain what befell Edric."

Examining the Poisoned Tankard:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Edric's tankard. There seems to be a suspicious residue inside."

Examining Edric's Confession:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "A confession? And a flowery one at that. Mizzik isn't sure what to make of this."

Examining the Foul-Smelling Tea:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Tea? This one smells ginger, hibiscus, and something else. Something sickly."

Examining Memorial to Uriel Weatherleah:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "So this is the memorial Lady Weatherleah built for her son."

Once you have completed your investigation, you can talk to Mizzik:

"Mizzik's snout wrinkles at the stench of both fresh and old death. Betu led us to the memorial of the lost Uriel Weatherleah and now we find the cook, freshly poisoned. Let this one see the confession letter."
Here is the confession letter.
"Why would Edric lead us to Uriel's memorial and then kill himself? And earlier, the cook warned us of some mysterious danger. Could he have met the fate he was trying to save us from? Too many bodies and cryptic messages for this one's liking."
What about the confession?
"The note says that Edric served Lady Weatherleah poisoned tea the day she died, but the cook had already left the grounds. Otho confirmed that himself. And this letter says that Pelena was present for tea, but she said she was out all morning."
Do you think the note is a forgery?
"A good question, but the memorial may be a greater clue. Lady Weatherleah had gone to great lengths to find her son, but was certain of his death to raise this memorial.
Our Uriel may well be an imposter, but do not give away our upper hand."
What do we know so far?
"We know the real Uriel went to fight in Varen's revolt and that Lady Weatherleah spent a fortune to find his body. We also know from the note in the lady's study that Pelena was against looking into his death."
So what of the imposter?
"Yes, our masquerading rogue. The cook was certain that he was an imposter, but what about the others? Aquilia has her suspicions, but shouldn't Pelena have known? Why hasn't she raised alarm bells and told the others?"
And now the cook is dead.
"And he was the only one who could have ended the imposter's ruse. But then there is Edric's confession. Could it be a forgery to throw us off the trail, or a convenient end to our investigation? I sense another hasty painting is before us."
What's our next move?
"We should question the imposter, but we mustn't let on that we know his gambit. I also have my reservations about the once and again widowed, Pelena. If anyone else was aware of his ruse, it would be her, so why hasn't she said anything?"
Let's go question the imposter Uriel.

If you speak with him again before continuing:

"Steady yourself as we approach the imposter Uriel. This ruse may not be his only crime. It's increasingly likely that he killed Edric to keep his secret."

Entering the manor, you will find Uriel and Aquilia together, with the latter apparently having been questioning Uriel:

Uriel Weatherleah: "What is with all the questions, cousin? Aren't you happy to see me?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "There's our imposter! Talk to him, friend."

Speaking with Uriel you can break the news of Edric's death, he will say it was suicide for the reasons stated in the confession letter, without you mentioning anything about the cause of death or the letter. After this, Mizzik will want to talk to Pelena to see if there are any changes in her story:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Thank you, Uriel. That's all. We should speak to Pelena next, traveler."
Aquilia Verres: "There's been another murder? The killer could come for any one of us next!"
Uriel Weatherleah: "Nonsense. It's clear Edric was a troubled man who killed Lady Weatherleah and took his own life."
Aquilia Verres: "Maybe so, but I'm not leaving this room just yet."

Once you are in the kitchen, you will find Pelena. Speaking with Mizzik beforenhand:

"As Mizzik suspected, the imposter may not know about Lady Weatherleah's search for Uriel. Let us keep it that way. Before we close the curtains on his performance, this one wishes to speak with Pelena about the confession's talk of tea."

Talking with Pelena, inform her of Edric's death and ask about the day of Lady Weatherleah's death as the confession letter says she was home at the time. Pelena says she planning going to have tea with her mother-in-law but it had slipped her mind. She then suggests Otho is the one who has been poisoning people as he was also there that day. At the end of the conversation, Mizzik will thank Pelena for her time:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Thank you, Pelena. We will investigate all lingering threads. Traveler, let's speak with the gardener next."

Speaking with Mizzik afterwards:

"Could Otho have assisted in poisoning Lady Weatherleah? He made no mention of serving tea that day. Another thread to pursue in the search for the truth."

Going outside, you will find Otho searching for Betu again, and he will ask about your progress. You can then inform him of Edric's death and what Pelena accused him of. Otho will say that the mention of ginger in the confession note is strange as her staff knew Lady Pelena did not like ginger in her tea. Additionally, he will mention that on that day, Pelena took over the brewing of Lady Weatherleah's tea for him. You also learn that normally Lady Weatherleah would have tea in her bedroom which has remained locked since this started.

After this Mizzik will mention the Gilded Key you found and Otho will recognize it:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Mizzik recalls a gilded key revealed to us by Betu."
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "If you already found the missing key, you may be able to unlock Lady Weatherleah's bed chambers."

Speaking with Mizzik after your conversation with Otho:

"At first swipe, Otho seems genuine, but one mustn't leap blindly. All evidence must be found and this pot of poisoned tea could be the key. Quickly, let us investigate Lady Weatherleah's room for clues."

When you unlock Lady Weatherleah's room you will find it in disarray:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "If the room has truly been locked this whole time, then not even the killer could reenter."
<Mizzik runs up to the overturned table and crouches down.>
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Let us see if we can find any clues among the mess."

He will comment as you find various things:

The Stained Teacup:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "The residue on that teacup stinks with the same foul smell as the tainted tea we found with Edric's body."

The Scrap of Fabric:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "This scrap of fabric seems to have been torn from an expensive dress."

The Letter to Pelena:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "If this letter is true, then Pelena played a role in Uriel's death! And this signature, is this the name of our resident imposter?"

Once you have finished searching the room:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Mizzik would like to hear your thoughts on what we found."

Talk with Mizzik to go over what you found:

"This note seems to confirm that Pelena Weatherleah had her husband killed while he was away from the estate. Did Lady Weatherleah read it first and confront Pelena with the truth? And what is Pelena left to do when cornered?"
Pelena poisoned Lady Weatherleah.
"Indeed! Pelena may have sensed an end to her cozy life. Killing Lady Weatherleah before the imposter's arrival would secure her the fortune. She couldn't have known it was hidden, and now she can't reveal the imposter without outing herself."
But Lady Weatherleah was found in the library?
"A poisoned cup of tea would bring unwanted attention to Lady Weatherleah's death. Pelena's only option would have been to stage the scene. A fall from a ladder at the Lady's age? Mizzik can already imagine the solemn nods of acceptance."
So Pelena and the imposter Theophan ….
"They must have brokered an agreement. Ride out the storm of Lady Weatherleah's death and come out the other side rich. But they've stumbled along the way thanks to a curious cook and a meddling Mizzik.
It's time we confront our killers."

Your conversation is cut short when you hear screaming from downstairs:

Aquilia Verres: "[Aquilia Screaming]"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Mizzik heard a scream from down the hall! We must hurry!"
<Mizzik runs out of the room and downstairs.>

When you get downstairs, you will find Uriel dead and Betu on the ground nearby and Otho hovering over him:

Aquilia Verres: "He's dead! Someone killed him!"
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Betu? Betu, what's wrong boy?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Nobody leaves until Mizzik finds out what happened! Traveler, there's something by the body, quick."

Speaking with Mizzik before searching the body:

"Quickly, we must look for clues. Whoever did this couldn't have gotten far and any lead will help us track them down."

Searching the body, you will find a letter to Mizzik from Chef Edric. In it Edric explains his suspicions of Pelena and that he found her correspondence with Theophan Pictor who has since been impersonating the true Uriel Weatherleah. He also felt he doomed Lady Weatherleah as he had given her the incriminating letter and Pelena had suspected she had it.

After this, you run over to Betu and find Foul Residue around his mouth which matches the poison that killed Edric and Lady Weatherleah. You can then talk with Otho about this and he will recognize the poison and where to find an antidote. At this Mizzik will urge you to be quick:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Quickly friend, search the pantry! Mizzik hopes we can save at least one life today."

In the kitchen pantry you will find the Medicinal Herbs. If you speak with Mizzik before using the herbs:

"Nothing more can be done for our imposter. Tend to Betu, Mizzik refuses to lose another life under this one's watch."

Once you feed the medical herbs to Betu:

Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Betu! He's recovering. The herbs must be working."
<Betu gets to his feet.>
Betu: "[Dog Barking]"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Wonderful news. Traveler, let's discuss the note you found with our imposter."

You can speak to Mizzik and hand him the letter:

"Our imposter is dead and our killer nearly succeeded in taking Betu's life as well. It is also not lost on Mizzik as to who is missing from this room.
The note you found with imposter Theophan's body, what does it say?"
It's a note from Edric. He discovered Pelena's involvement with Uriel's murder.
"The lengths the cook went to protect Lady Weatherleah. This one hopes she knew how dearly she was loved by her staff.
There is no doubt left in this one's mind as to who our killer is."
Pelena Weatherleah?

At this Betu, will race out of the room:

Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Betu, what is it? Where are you going?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Quickly, follow that dog!"

Talking to him before you continue:

"She must be held accountable for her crimes. She can't have gone far."

You will find Betu scratching at a door in the basement:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Good boy, Betu! Our killer may very well have fled through this door."

Going through the door, you will enter the Weatherleah Cavern and continue running after Betu as he tracks Pelena. Along the way Mizzik will comment:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "These tunnels seem to run under the entire property! Good thing we have Betu's nose to lead us."

As you get close you will overhear Pelena shouting:

Pelena Weatherleah: "Get away from me you beasts!"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "I hear Pelena's voice! She must be nearby."

Eventually Betu will have reached Pelena and she is annoyed that he still lives. Speaking with Mizzik before Pelena:

"There she is, Pelena Weatherleah. Our killer. Quickly, while we have her cornered."

After talking to Pelena, Otho will arrive and you can talk to Mizzik afterwards:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "The Count of Skingrad will decide your fate."
<Groundskeeper Otho arrives.>
Groundskeeper Otho: "Pelena, why would you hurt Betu?"
Pelena Weatherleah: "Because this whole family can rot for all I care!"

Speak with Mizzik to see what he has to say:

"You've done great work today, traveler. The air is heavy with death, but just like the sun, truth will come out. If only Lady Weatherleah could see Pelena beaten at her own game."
What happens now?
"Pelena will be delivered to Skingrad. With the evidence in hand, she should face charges for the deaths of Uriel, Lady Weatherleah, and our imposter. While it's possible Theophan killed Edric, I am certain she played a role."
What of the missing fortune?
"To think this one nearly forgot about our remaining, golden thread. Aquilia is the only living relative. Mizzik supposes she will inherit the fortune. Not that we've found a single coin to give her."
We must have missed something.
"Fortune aside, what we accomplished today is no small feat. If the fortune was to be found, we'd have stumbled upon it during our investigation."

At this, Betu will approach you with something in his mouth:

Groundskeeper Otho: "What have you got there, boy?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "It seems Betu has brought us something."
<Betu drops a Dusty Golden Goblet at your feet.>

Before you pick up the item you can talk to Mizzik:

"See what Betu has brought us."

Once you have picked up the goblet:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Betu, where did you find this? Betu?"
<Betu runs offer down a tunnel.>
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Otho, escort Pelena back to the manor. We will follow the dog!"

Talking with Mizzik after this:

"Truth be told, this one was ready to write the fortune off. Lady Weatherleah spent so long trying to find her son, Mizzik imagined the fortune dried up. A rare instance where Mizzik is glad to be wrong."

While chasing after Betu, Mizzik may be startled by the wildlife in the cave:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Oh, dear!"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Mizzik needs to stop doing that."

Soon you will find Betu in front of various boxes and chests:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Mizzik can't believe it. Is this Lady Weatherleah's missing fortune? Let us investigate."

You can find a Note from Lady Weatherleah and Mizzik will comment:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Lady Weatherleah must have left that note before her death. We should show it to Aquilia."

With the letter in hand, you can return to the manor where you will find Pelena tied up with Aquilia, Otho and Betu around her. Speaking with Mizzik first:

"The murderer has been apprehended and will face justice. You should speak to Aquilia about the family fortune."

When you hand Aquilia the letter, she will announce that Lady Aquilia had willed her fortune to Betu and the staff that cared for her during her time of mourning.

At this announcement, the people around Aquilia will react to what was said:

Pelena Weatherleah: "You have got to be joking, the dog?"
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "I can't believe it. There must be some mistake."
Aquilia Verres: "There's no mistake, Otho. I will help oversee the transfer of ownership. You and Betu will have all your needs seen to."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Excellent work, my friend. Let us speak."

Speak with Mizzik to complete the quest:

"Many lives were lost despite our best efforts. There is certainly joy to be found in our success, but this one will spend many a night wondering if there was more that could be done. Perhaps he is not as good an investigator as he thought."
Lady Weatherleah and her son can rest easy thanks to you.
"Do not downplay your role either, friend! You forget, Mizzik was a bumbling mess chasing a sneeze-inducing beast—ahem, Betu—until you arrived.
You deserve a reward for your work, but know that this one is in your debt."

After you have completed the quest, the following will happen:

Aquilia Verres: "I've always preferred cats, but you've made a good argument for dogs, Betu."
<Betu approaches Aquilia.>
Mizzik Thunderboots: "This one thinks Betu likes you!"
Aquilia Verres: "Oh? Well you do seem like a very good boy! I'll be sure to order a lifetime supply of steak dinners!"

You can continue talking to Mizzik afterwards:

"Mizzik will stay for a while as executor of the estate. But he cannot linger long. There are crimes that require his attention and he must hurry before the trail goes cold."
But we just solved a crime!
"Yes, and Mizzik could not have done it without you. But resting in the shade of one's successes too long dulls the claws. We will meet again, friend. And criminals will tremble at the thunder of our boots!
Mizzik likes saying that part."

In Memory Of[edit]

If you helped out at the Weatherleah Estate, Mizzik will attend the party in Skingrad along with Betu:

"Hello, walker. One needs not be as perceptive as Mizzik Thunderboots to see all the good you have done for West Weald.
But this one is curious about the Recollection … the group's origins sound like a mystery Mizzik should pursue next."
Any new investigations on the horizon, Mizzik?
"Mizzik hopes so! This one intends to stay in West Weald for a while longer. There are many here that could benefit from Mizzik's deductive skills. Of course, this one must make do without your assistance, sadly. Hopefully our paths will cross again."

Speaking with Mizzik again after completing the quest:

"Hello, walker. One does not need to be as perceptive as Mizzik Thunderboots to see all the good you have done for West Weald. And such an impressive list of guests!
Mizzik hopes to someday be worthy of a gala such as this."


With no mysteries for this Khajiit of action to solve, he's at loose ends. Perhaps he can discover some curious doings around your abode? After adding Mizzik to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
Mizzik Thunderboots
ON-icon-houseguest-Mizzik Thunderboots.png
Mizzik Thunderboots
Type Houseguest
Acquired From Daily Rewards
Availability Day 21, November 2023

Mizzik is available as a houseguest. He was distributed as a daily reward for the 21st day of November in 2023.

Houseguest Dialogue[edit]

[verification needed — Datamined dialogue]

"Greetings! This one is Mizzik Thunderboots, investigator of mysteries, solver of crimes. Clients pay well for Mizzik's services. This one's skills at deduction are without peer. It is the violent aspects of the work that make Mizzik's fur crinkle."
"A pleasant abode, a chance meeting, a charming conversation. Just the diversion Mizzik needs to clear his head before his next investigation!"
"Mizzik's mother read him Investigator Vale books when he was small. Reading them since, he realizes she left out so much blood and violence! And … other things, too."
"Mizzik remembers his first mystery well. This one's mother told young Mizzik a thief broke in and stole the spots off his precious pet dragon frog!
Poor little Jazbay was never the same after that. It is a mystery that eludes Mizzik to this day."
"Mizzik is always happy to travel beyond Riverhold. Dragons! In his own homeland! What else must he do but flee?"
"Mizzik shudders to hear of unsolved murders being attributed to a weapon called the Blade of Woe. A summoned blade, never once compounded as evidence.
Surely such a weapon is only a myth, yes? Yes?"
"There are bigger mysteries than just murder. Grand, exciting mysteries! The disappearance of the Dwarves, for example.
On second thought, Mizzik feels fine investigating smaller mysteries for now."
"Do not worry. Mizzik is not as light-fingered as many tend to assume about his kind.
Unless there happens to be a sweetroll left unattended nearby. In that case, Mizzik makes no promises."
"Ah-Choo! You must excuse Mizzik. Is there a dog in here, by chance? Mizzik is quite allergic."
"Do you have a new mystery for Mizzik? No? Perhaps … the mysterious case of how Mizzik came to be in such charming company?
But of course, not every mystery is one that needs to be solved."
"Investigator Vale uses such unconventional methods in her stories. Mizzik has learned the hard way that a glass of wine is not always essential to solving a mystery. In many instances, wine presents far more problems than solutions."
"Mizzik has been thinking about his name. One does not hear thunder until it is already upon you, yes?
So it will be for Mizzik Thunderboots. Scoundrels cannot hide from the sound of thunder! A much better quality than quaking at its approach."
"Some may turn their nose up at gossip and rumors. For Mizzik, they may offer important leads!
And when he is not conducting an investigation, they provide a fine source of amusement."
"Mizzik works hard to keep up his dapper appearance. It is important to remain approachable to any potential clients. Even if it is a nightmare keeping this one's velvet doublet free of stray bits of fur."
"Investigations are similar to hunting antiquities, Mizzik thinks. Both involve leads, insight, patience, focus, finding lost things and speculating at their uses.
And in the most extreme cases, excavation with heavy shovels."
"Playing Tales of Tribute is such a diverting way to pass the time, yes?
The trouble is, Mizzik gets woozy whenever his opponent uses the Black Sacrament on one of his agents! Mizzik did not expect such violence in a game of cards."
"For many people, the allure of correcting someone is far more fragrant than holding one's tongue.
Therefore, Mizzik says that if you ever want to get someone to talk, tell them what you know…but tell it wrong."
"Mizzik likes taking unsolved mysteries. Bringing a new perspective, stirring the pot. Like making jam, things float to the surface, ready to skim off with a spoon so as to leave behind a tasty treat. Yum!
What were we talking about, again?"
"Mizzik must be careful not to cast aside a fact if it does not fit neatly into his developing theory.
Indeed, it is the facts that do not fit that require careful attention, yes?"
"Explanations of crimes are often deceivingly simple. It is the motivations that become devious and complicated. Only by unraveling the two do we finally comprehend the whole tapestry, yes?"
"Mizzik has quite the stomach for sea travel, actually. It is the stomach for violence that he does not possess.
One wonders what might result from combining the two, but…ah, no. Mizzik prefers not to think about that after all."
"Everywhere he goes, Mizzik always asks questions. Some find it very annoying, but aside from solving mysteries, it is how Mizzik shows his interest!
He gets called nosy. But this one supposes there are worse things they might call Mizzik."
"Another mystery is right around the corner. Mizzik can feel it in his little gray hairs."
"The mystery stories Mizzik has read gave him some unrealistic expectations of investigators and their adventures.
Getting lost in the eyes of a captivating suspect, however…that's happened about as much as Mizzik was led to expect."
"Sometimes Mizzik thinks the one who commits a crime makes a victim of themselves. Mizzik imagines the misdeeds weighing upon one's heart. And being forbidden to speak of them must be a unique kind of torment."
"Mizzik may have seen an old acquaintance in the market today. A criminal that Mizzik assumed was still locked in a dungeon. This one was very discreet, but if a large Pahmar-raht named Bitsy comes around, you never saw Mizzik.
Never ever."
"There are many deductions one can make from a person's appearance. But there is so much more one can learn from talking to said person! A good investigator uses all senses at his disposal."
"Mizzik has heard of an aid to memory where one stores facts in a location that is familiar but entirely in one's imagination.
Mizzik tried this, but forgot what place he chose. He fears that all he stored there is lost until he remembers."
"Mizzik has a weak disposition for violence. Some have accused him of playing up this aspect to get others to underestimate him as an investigator.
Oh, if only Mizzik were that good an actor!"
"There is nothing Mizzik would love more on a case than to deliver one final question that completely unravels the logic of a suspect's story.
Those moments don't come by nearly as often as the mystery novels would have us think."
"Since our last adventure, Mizzik has been working on building his confidence and assertiveness!
He thinks. Maybe. Time will tell. Or perhaps it will not. Who can say for certain?"
"If only every perpetrator was as careless as Rideza the Rogue. But if every investigation were as easy as following jelly footprints, one supposes there would be no need for investigators like Mizzik."
"After our adventure in Riverhold, Mizzik has been trying hard not to make hasty assumptions and waste time chasing down false clues.
It is difficult. Mizzik finds conclusions very easy to jump to."
