Online:Shock Damage

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This article is about The effect in combat. For Scribing script, see Shock Damage (script).

Shock Damage is a type of magical damage. It is mainly used by Sorcerers, but can be found in other ways. A few enemies, notably Storm Atronachs, use it. Can cause the Status Effect Concussed.



  • All Lightning Staves.
  • All weapons enchanted with a Glyph of Shock (using a Meip runestone). Note that staves may be enchanted with a different elemental damage, so a single staff could do both Shock and another type of damage.


Name Line Rank Cast Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost
ON-icon-skill-Daedric Summoning-Summon Storm Atronach.png Summon Storm Atronach 12 Instant Ground 28 meters 6 meters 15 seconds 200 Ultimate
Cost: [275 / 250 / 225 / 200] Ultimate.
Summon an immobile storm atronach at the target location. Its arrival deals 6149 Shock Damage and stuns enemies for 3 seconds. The atronach zaps the closest enemy, dealing 3073 Shock Damage every 1 second. An ally near the atronach can activate the ON-icon-synergy-Charged Lightning.png Charged Lightning synergy, granting nearby allies Major Berserk for 10 seconds, increasing their damage done by 10%.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Daedric Summoning-Greater Storm Atronach.png Greater Storm Atronach Increases the health and damage of the atronach.
Summon an immobile storm atronach at the target location. Its arrival deals 6149 Shock Damage and stuns enemies for 3 seconds. The atronach zaps the closest enemy, dealing [3997 / 4040 / 4084 / 4128] Shock Damage every 1 second. An ally near the atronach can activate the ON-icon-synergy-Charged Lightning.png Charged Lightning synergy, granting nearby allies Major Berserk for 10 seconds, increasing their damage done by 10%.
ON-icon-skill-Daedric Summoning-Summon Charged Atronach.png Summon Charged Atronach The atronach now uses a powerful area of effect attack, which always applies Concussion.
Radius: 8 meters.
Summon an immobile storm atronach at the target location. Its arrival deals [6149 / 6215 / 6283 / 6352] Shock Damage and stuns enemies for 3 seconds. The atronach calls upon a lightning storm every 2 seconds, dealing [6149 / 6215 / 6283 / 6352] Shock Damage to enemies around it. Enemies hit are afflicted with the Concussion status effect. An ally near the atronach can activate the ON-icon-synergy-Charged Lightning.png Charged Lightning synergy, granting nearby allies Major Berserk for 10 seconds, increasing their damage done by 10%.
ON-icon-skill-Daedric Summoning-Summon Unstable Familiar.png Summon Unstable Familiar 1 1.5 seconds Self 3510 Magicka
Command the powers of Oblivion to send a Daedric familiar to fight at your side. The familiar's attacks deal [923 / 932 / 942 / 953] Shock Damage. Once summoned, you can activate the familiar's special ability for 3510 Magicka, dealing [1118 / 1130 / 1143 / 1155] Shock Damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds to enemies near them. The familiar remains until killed or unsummoned.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Daedric Summoning-Summon Unstable Clannfear.png Summon Unstable Clannfear Summons a clannfear instead of a familiar. Once summoned, you can activate the clannfear's special ability to heal you and the clannfear based on your Max Health. The clannfear's basic attacks deal Physical Damage.
Command the powers of Oblivion to send a Daedric clannfear to fight at your side. The clannfear's headbutt deals [953 / 963 / 974 / 984] Physical Damage, while its tail spike hits nearby enemies for [953 / 963 / 974 / 984] Physical Damage after 1 second. Once summoned, you can activate the clannfear's special ability for 4320 Magicka, healing you for [4958 / 5012 / 5067 / 5121] and the clannfear for [2479 / 2506 / 2533 / 2560]. The clannfear remains until killed or unsummoned.
ON-icon-skill-Daedric Summoning-Summon Volatile Familiar.png Summon Volatile Familiar You summon a volatile familiar. Once summoned, you can activate the familiar's special ability to pulse area damage and stun enemies.
Command the powers of Oblivion to send a Daedric familiar to fight at your side. The familiar's attacks deal [953 / 963 / 974 / 984] Shock Damage. Once summoned, you can activate the familiar's special ability for 3510 Magicka, dealing [1154 / 1165 / 1178 / 1191] Shock Damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds to enemies near them. The second hit stuns enemies hit for 3 seconds. The familiar remains until killed or unsummoned.
ON-icon-skill-Daedric Summoning-Summon Winged Twilight.png Summon Winged Twilight 20 1.5 seconds Area 28 meters 3510 Magicka
Call on Azura to send a winged twilight to fight at your side. The winged twilight's zap deals [923 / 932 / 942 / 953] Shock Damage and its kick deals [923 / 932 / 942 / 953] Shock Damage. Once summoned, you can activate the winged twilight's special ability for 4590 Magicka, causing it to heal a friendly target for [9223 / 9324 / 9426 / 9528] and itself for [4610 / 4660 / 4711 / 4761]. The winged twilight remains until killed or unsummoned.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Daedric Summoning-Summon Twilight Tormentor.png Summon Twilight Tormentor You summon a twilight tormentor, which deals higher damage. Once summoned, you can activate the twilight's special ability to grant it a damage bonus to high health enemies.
Target: Self.
Call on Azura to send a twilight tormentor to fight at your side. The twilight tormentor's zap deals [1269 / 1282 / 1296 / 1310] Shock Damage and its kick deals [1269 / 1282 / 1296 / 1310] Shock Damage. Once summoned, you can activate the twilight tormentor's special ability for 2700 Magicka, causing it to deal 60% more damage to enemies above 50% Health for 20 seconds. The twilight tormentor remains until killed or unsummoned.
ON-icon-skill-Daedric Summoning-Summon Twilight Matriarch.png Summon Twilight Matriarch You summon a twilight matriarch. Once summoned, you can activate the twilight's special ability to heal the matriarch and up to 2 other friendly targets.
Call on Azura to send a twilight matriarch to fight at your side. The twilight matriarch's zap deals 953 Shock Damage and its kick deals 953 Shock Damage. Once summoned, you can activate the twilight matriarch's special ability for 4590 Magicka, causing it to heal 2 friendly targets for [9528 / 9633 / 9737 / 9842] and itself for [4765 / 4816 / 4869 / 4921]. The twilight matriarch remains until killed or unsummoned.
ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Overload.png Overload 12 Instant Self 25 Ultimate
Charge your fists with the power of the storm, replacing your Light and Heavy Attacks with new, stronger abilities. Light Attacks become lightning bolts, dealing [6149 / 6215 / 6283 / 6352] Shock Damage to an enemy up to 28 meters away. Heavy Attacks blast enemies in a 4 x 6 area for [5533 / 5594 / 5654 / 5715] Shock Damage. Attacks deplete Ultimate until you run out, or the ability is toggled off.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Power Overload.png Power Overload Increase range of Light Attacks and radius of Heavy Attacks. Increases damage.
Charge your fists with the power of the storm, replacing your Light and Heavy Attacks with new, stronger abilities. Light Attacks become lightning bolts, dealing [6988 / 7065 / 7141 / 7218] Shock Damage to an enemy up to 32 meters away. Heavy Attacks blast enemies in a 6 x 8 area for [6289 / 6358 / 6427 / 6496] Shock Damage. Attacks deplete Ultimate until you run out, or the ability is toggled off.
ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Energy Overload.png Energy Overload While active your Light and Heavy Attacks restore Magicka and Stamina.
Charge your fists with the power of the storm, replacing your Light and Heavy Attacks with new, stronger abilities. Light Attacks become lightning bolts, dealing [6352 / 6421 / 6491 / 6560] Shock Damage to an enemy up to 28 meters away. Heavy Attacks blast enemies in a 4 x 6 area for [5716 / 5779 / 5842 / 5905] Shock Damage. The attacks restore [1110 / 1140 / 1170 / 1200] Magicka and Stamina, and deplete Ultimate until you run out, or the ability is toggled off.
ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Mages' Fury.png Mages' Fury 1 Instant Enemy 28 meters 4 meters 2430 Magicka
Call down lightning to strike an enemy, dealing [2304 / 2328 / 2354 / 2379] Shock Damage. If the enemy falls to or below 20% Health within 4 seconds of being struck, an explosion deals an additional [8455 / 8548 / 8641 / 8734] Shock Damage to them and [1844 / 1864 / 1884 / 1905] Shock Damage to other enemies nearby.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Mages' Wrath.png Mages' Wrath Significantly increases the damage dealt to other enemies nearby.
Call down lightning to strike an enemy, dealing 2381 Shock Damage. If the enemy falls to or below 20% Health within 4 seconds of being struck, an explosion deals an additional 8735 Shock Damage to them and all nearby enemies.
ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Endless Fury.png Endless Fury Reduces the cost and restores Magicka if the target dies after this ability dealt damage to them.
Cost: 2160 Magicka.
Call down lightning to strike an enemy, dealing 2381 Shock Damage. If the enemy falls to or below 20% Health within 4 seconds of being struck, an explosion deals an additional 8735 Shock Damage to them and 1906 Shock Damage to other enemies nearby. If any enemy is killed within 5 seconds of being hit with this ability, you restore [2430 / 3240 / 4050 / 4860] Magicka.
ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Lightning Form.png Lightning Form 4 Instant Area 5 meters 20 seconds 2700 Magicka
Manifest yourself as pure lightning, zapping nearby enemies with electricity dealing [1228 / 1241 / 1254 / 1268] Shock Damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds. While in this form you also gain Major Resolve, increasing your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by 5948.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Hurricane.png Hurricane Converts into a Stamina ability and deals Physical Damage. Increases in size and damage the longer it is active. Grants Minor Expedition while active, increasing your Movement Speed.
Cost: 2295 Stamina.
Manifest yourself as pure air, buffeting nearby enemies with wind dealing [1269 / 1282 / 1296 / 1310] Physical Damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds. The winds grow in damage and size, increasing up to 120% more damage and up to 9 meters in size. While in this form you gain Major Resolve and Minor Expedition, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 5948 and your Movement Speed by 15%.
ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Boundless Storm.png Boundless Storm Increases the duration, and you gain Major Expedition for brief period after activation, increasing your Movement Speed.
Duration: [27 / 28 / 29 / 30] seconds.
Manifest yourself as pure lightning, zapping nearby enemies with electricity dealing 1269 Shock Damage every 2 seconds for [27 / 28 / 29 / 30] seconds. While in this form you also gain Major Resolve, increasing your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by 5948. Activating this grants you Major Expedition, increasing your Movement Speed by 30% for 4 seconds.
ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Lightning Splash.png Lightning Splash 20 Instant Ground 28 meters 4 meters 10 seconds 2970 Magicka
Create a nexus of storm energy at the target location, dealing [745 / 752 / 759 / 769] Shock Damage to enemies in the area every 1 second for 10 seconds. An ally standing within the nexus can activate the ON-icon-synergy-Conduit.png Conduit synergy, dealing 7378 Shock Damage to enemies around them.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Liquid Lightning.png Liquid Lightning Increases the duration.
Duration: [12 / 13 / 14 / 15] seconds.
Create a nexus of storm energy at the target location, dealing 769 Shock Damage to enemies in the area every 1 second for [12 / 13 / 14 / 15] seconds. An ally standing within the nexus can activate the ON-icon-synergy-Conduit.png Conduit synergy, dealing 7378 Shock Damage to enemies around them.
ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Lightning Flood.png Lightning Flood Increases the radius and damage.
Radius: 8 meters.
Create a nexus of storm energy at the target location, dealing [1000 / 1010 / 1021 / 1032] Shock Damage to enemies in the area every 1 second for 10 seconds. An ally standing within the nexus can activate the ON-icon-synergy-Conduit.png Conduit synergy, dealing 7378 Shock Damage to enemies around them.
ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Bolt Escape.png Bolt Escape 42 Instant Area 15 meters 6 meters 3780 Magicka
Transform yourself into pure energy and flash forward, stunning enemies near your final location for [1 / 1.7 / 2.3 / 3] seconds. This effect cannot be blocked. Casting again within 4 seconds costs 33% more Magicka.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Streak.png Streak Now deals damage and stuns enemies between your beginning and final location.
Target: Self.
Transform yourself into pure energy and flash forward, dealing [3811 / 3853 / 3895 / 3936] Shock Damage to enemies in your wake and stunning them for 3 seconds. This effect cannot be blocked. Casting again within 4 seconds costs 33% more Magicka.
ON-icon-skill-Storm Calling-Ball of Lightning.png Ball of Lightning Summons a ball of lightning that protects you from projectiles, but no longer stuns enemies. Grants brief snare and immobilization immunity after casting.
Transform yourself into pure energy and flash forward. After reaching your location, you become immune to snare and immobilize effects for 2 seconds. A ball of lightning is summoned at your end point, which intercepts up to 1 projectile attack made against you every 1 second for [2 / 2.3 / 2.7 / 3] seconds. Casting again within 4 seconds costs 33% more Magicka.
ON-icon-skill-Grave Lord-Skeletal Mage.png Skeletal Mage 30 Instant Self 20 seconds 2970 Magicka
CRIMINAL ACT Unearth a skeletal mage from the dirt to fight by your side for 20 seconds, while granting you Major Brutality and Sorcery, increasing your Weapon and Spell Damage by 20%. The mage attacks the closest enemy every 2 seconds, dealing [1228 / 1241 / 1254 / 1268] Shock Damage. Creates a corpse on death if you are in combat.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Grave Lord-Skeletal Archer.png Skeletal Archer Converts into a Stamina ability and deals Physical Damage. The archer deals more damage with each attack.
Cost: 2525 Stamina.
CRIMINAL ACT Unearth a skeletal archer from the dirt to fight by your side for 20 seconds, while granting you Major Brutality and Sorcery, increasing your Weapon and Spell Damage by 20%. The archer attacks the closest enemy every 2 seconds, dealing 1269 Physical Damage. Each time the archer deals damage, it deals [12 / 13 / 14 / 15]% more damage than the previous attack. Creates a corpse on death if you are in combat.
ON-icon-skill-Grave Lord-Skeletal Arcanist.png Skeletal Arcanist The mage deals damage to all enemies around the initial target.
Area: 5 meters, Target: Area.
CRIMINAL ACT Unearth a skeletal mage from the dirt to fight by your side for 20 seconds, while granting you Major Brutality and Sorcery, increasing your Weapon and Spell Damage by 20%. The mage attacks the closest enemy every 2 seconds, dealing [1269 / 1282 / 1296 / 1310] Shock Damage to them and all other enemies nearby. Creates a corpse on death if you are in combat.
ON-icon-skill-Grave Lord-Shocking Siphon.png Shocking Siphon 42 Instant {{{target}}} 28 meters 5 meters 20 seconds Free
Violently drain the last spark of life from a corpse, dealing [16399 / 16570 / 16755 / 16922] Shock Damage over 20 seconds to all enemies around the corpse and between you and the corpse. You also gain Major Savagery and Prophecy for 20 seconds, increasing your Weapon Critical and Spell Critical rating by 2629. While slotted, your damage done is increased by 3%.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Grave Lord-Detonating Siphon.png Detonating Siphon Ability now deals Disease Damage. The corpse explodes at the end of the siphon, dealing additional damage.
Violently drain the last spark of life from a corpse, dealing 16871 Disease Damage over 20 seconds to all enemies around the corpse and between you and the corpse. You also gain Major Savagery and Prophecy for 20 seconds, increasing your Weapon Critical and Spell Critical rating by 2629. When the siphon ends the corpse explodes, dealing an additional [4765 / 4816 / 4869 / 4921] Disease Damage to all enemies nearby. While slotted, your damage done is increased by 3%.
ON-icon-skill-Grave Lord-Mystic Siphon.png Mystic Siphon Your Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery increases while siphoning the corpse.
Violently drain the last spark of life from a corpse, dealing 16871 Shock Damage over 20 seconds to all enemies around the corpse and between you and the corpse. You also gain Major Savagery and Prophecy for 20 seconds, increasing your Weapon Critical and Spell Critical rating by 2629. While siphoning the corpse you gain [120 / 130 / 140 / 150] Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery. While slotted, your damage done is increased by 3%.
ON-icon-skill-Destruction Staff-Force Shock.png Force Shock 2 Instant Enemy 28 meters 2700 Magicka
Focus all the elemental energies with your staff and blast an enemy for [1844 / 1864 / 1884 / 1905] Flame Damage, [1844 / 1864 / 1884 / 1905] Frost Damage, and [1844 / 1864 / 1884 / 1905] Shock Damage.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Destruction Staff-Crushing Shock.png Crushing Shock Interrupts spells, putting the caster Off Balance. Reduces cost as ability ranks up.
Cost: [2700 / 2610 / 2520 / 2430] Magicka.
Focus all the elemental energies with your staff and blast an enemy for 1906 Flame Damage, 1906 Frost Damage, and 1906 Shock Damage. Enemies hit while casting are interrupted, set Off Balance, and stunned for 3 seconds.
ON-icon-skill-Destruction Staff-Force Pulse.png Force Pulse Damages nearby enemies if they are under the effects of a status effect.
Area: 8 meters.
Focus all the elemental energies with your staff and blast an enemy for 1906 Flame Damage, 1906 Frost Damage, and 1906 Shock Damage. Up to 2 nearby enemies will take [6352 / 6421 / 6491 / 6560] Magic Damage if they were already afflicted with a status effect.


The following sets either cause or synergize with Shock Damage:

Set Weight 5 piece bonus
Auroran's Thunder Light Armor Dealing direct damage with a single target attack summons a cone of lightning from your chest for 3 seconds, dealing 265 Shock Damage every 0.5 seconds to enemies in the cone. This effect can occur every 6 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Caluurion's Legacy Light Armor When you deal direct Critical Damage with a single target attack, you launch a projectile at your target that deals 2674 Flame, 2674 Frost, 2674 Shock, or 2674 Disease damage and applies the respective status effect. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Elemental Catalyst Light Armor Whenever you deal Flame, Shock, or Frost Damage, you apply a stack of Flame, Shock, or Frost Weakness to the enemy for 3 seconds. Each stack of an Elemental Weakness increases their Critical Damage taken by 5%. An enemy can only have one stack of each Elemental Weakness at a time.
Elemental Succession Light Armor Whenever you deal Flame, Shock, or Frost Damage, you gain 11-492 Spell Damage for that element for 4 seconds. This effect can occur every 4 seconds per element. Each effect can occur every 4 seconds, and multiple effects can be active at once.
Ilambris Any When you deal Flame or Shock Damage, you have a 33% chance to summon a meteor shower that deals 189 Flame damage and 189 Shock damage to all enemies within 4 meters every 1 second for 5 seconds. This effect can occur once every 8 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Mad Tinkerer Light Armor When you deal damage, you summon a Verminous Fabricant that charges the nearest enemy, dealing 1956 Shock Damage to all enemies in its path, knocking them into the air, and stunning them for 2 seconds. This effect can occur once every 8 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Netch's Touch Light Armor Adds 9-400 Spell Damage to your Shock Damage abilities.
Overwhelming Surge Light Armor When you deal damage with a Class ability, you surround yourself with a torrent that deals 191 Shock Damage to enemies within 8 meters of you every 1 second for 6 seconds. 15% of the damage you deal this way is restored to you as Magicka. This effect can occur every 7 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Storm Knight's Plate Heavy Armor When you take non-Physical Damage, you deal 464 Shock damage to all enemies within 5 meters of you every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Storm-Cursed's Revenge Light Armor When you deal Shock damage, you have a 15% chance to deal 536 Shock damage to the enemy and up to two other enemies within 5 meters. This effect scales off the higher of your Weapon and Spell Damage.
Stormfist Any When you deal damage, you have a 10% chance to create a thunderfist to crush the enemy, dealing 360 Shock damage every 1 second for 3 seconds to all enemies within 4 meters and a final 1639-9913 Physical damage when the fist closes. This effect can occur once every 8 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.

The Shock Damage dealt from this set bypasses Spell Resistance.

Syrabane's Grip Light Armor When you block a Flame, Frost, Shock, or Magic Damage ability, you restore 18-805 Magicka. This effect can occur once every 1 second.
Thunderbug's Carapace Heavy Armor When you take Physical Damage, you deal 928 Shock Damage in a 5 meter radius around you. This effect can occur once every 3 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Wild Impulse Weapon Reduce the cost of Impulse by 10%. Impulse places lingering elemental damage on your targets, dealing 787 Flame, 787 Shock, and 787 Frost Damage over 8 seconds. Each element ticks once over the duration. The damage scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Wrath of Elements Weapon Casting Weakness to Elements on a target within 15 meters of you causes a surge of elemental energy to tether between you for 10 seconds. While the tether persists, enemies touching the tether take 410 Flame Damage, 410 Shock Damage, or 410 Frost Damage every 1 second, which increases by 1% each time it deals damage, up to 20%. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds, and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.

Champion Points[edit]


There are several ways of protecting yourself against Shock Damage.

  • A Glyph of Shock Resist, created with a Meip Essence rune and a negative Potency rune, can be applied to jewelry.
  • Any effect which increases your Spell Resistance will also reduce Shock Damage in addition to several other elemental types.
  • Elemental Aegis in the Staving Death subconstellation of Warfare reduces Shock Damage taken.