Lore:Heimlyn Keep

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Heimlyn Keep
Type Settlement
Continent Tamriel
Province Morrowind
Region Stonefalls
Appears in Arena,ESO
Heimlyn Keep ca. 2E 582

Heimlyn Keep(sometimes simply calledHeimlyn)[1]is a fortified settlement built on a mesa overlooking theZabamatregion in the province ofMorrowind.Despite its location far from their main settlements, it is a foothold owned byHouse Telvanniin central Morrowind. The town serves primarily as a research center where they study ancientmagic,weapons, and relics that are too dangerous for circulation. These items are stored in a reliquary underneath it and its guardians have been ages ago from their knowledge.[1][2]


When Heimlyn Keep was founded is unknown, however, it reportedly predated the nearby city ofKragenmoor.[UOL 1]In an unspecified time, when theChimerconflicted with theDwemer,two mendicant worshippers ofNamira,Rendrasa Malena and Adras Velae developed a deadly curse called the Spellplague that proved to dangerous and uncontrollable for use. The Chimer lords bound the weapon in a vault, killed and imprisoned its creators with it. The vault became the Heimlyn Keep Reliquary and its guardian was Keeper Vildras Telvanni.[3]

For generations, members of House Telvanni have chosen caretakers of the keep who also oversee a group of assistants. By2E 582,the reliquary was cared for by the couple, Beron and Merarii Telvanni.[1]At that time, theDaggerfall Covenantinvaded the Stonefalls region and launched an attack on Heimlyn Keep. Though the Telvanni mages held them back as much as they could, the Covenant entered the vault and smashed a relic, unleashing the spellplague. By doing so, people in town became afflicted and after death, they were resurrected as cursedspirits.The caretakers were able to create a potion to cure them but ran out.[1]

Anadventurerhappened upon the settlement and offered their help. They gathered the potion ingredients for Merarii and created an Etheric Totem, which allowed any remaining assistants and citizens to escape.[4]The adventurer later approached the spirit of Keeper Vildras, who gave them the mission of destroying the mendicant mages and the source of the spellplague, Mendicant Sulinor. After a battle in the reliquary, the threat to Heimlyn Keep was destroyed and the town was saved.[5]

During theImperial Simulacrumin the lateThird Era,the village of Heimlyn Keep was an active settlement. It was ruled by Lady Shelelle and had a rivalry withRiverbridge.[6]Heimlyn Keep was neighbored by several settlements, such asNarsisto the southeast andOaktownto the west.[7]

Known Rulers[edit]



  • In an early concept map ofMorrowind,the town of Heimlyn Keep is shown as an occupied territory ofHouse Hlaalu.[UOL 2]
  • According to unused text in earlier versions ofESO,Heimlyn Keep was originally a trading settlement owned byHouse Dresand it was embroiled in corruption. It shared its name with an active volcano to the east known as Mount Heimlyn.[UOL 1]

See Also[edit]


Note:The following references are considered to beunofficial sources.They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.