Lore:Alchemy R

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Racer Plumes

A Cliff Racer
MW-icon-ingredient-Racer Plumes.png Morrowind
Drain Willpower


Radish plants in Oblivion
Radish plants in Oblivion
Radishes in Elder Scrolls Online
Radishes in Elder Scrolls Online
OB-icon-ingredient-Radish.png Oblivion
Restore Fatigue
Damage Endurance
ON-icon-food-Radish.png Elder Scrolls Online
Increase Maximum Stamina
This is used for crafting food, not in alchemy.

Raider Chew

SK-icon-consumable-Potion.png Shadowkey
Increase Strength
Damage Intelligence
Damage Agility

Rain water

Rat Meat

A Rat in Morrowind
A Rat in Morrowind
A Rat in Oblivion
A Rat in Oblivion
MW-icon-ingredient-Rat Meat.png Morrowind
Drain Magicka
Cure Poison
Resist Poison
OB-icon-ingredient-Ham.png Oblivion
Damage Fatigue
Detect Life
Damage Magicka

Rat Poison

OB-icon-ingredient-Vampire Dust.png Oblivion
Rat Poison

Rat's Eye

SK-icon-consumable-Potion.png Shadowkey
Casts Mystic Might

Raw Ebony

Ebony Veins in Morrowind
Ebony Veins in Morrowind
In Skyrim
In Skyrim
In Elder Scrolls Online
In Elder Scrolls Online
MW-icon-ingredient-Raw Ebony.png Morrowind
Drain Agility
Cure Poison
Frost Shield
Restore Speed
SR-icon-ore-Ebony Ore.pngSR-icon-ingot-Ebony Ingot.png Skyrim
(Ebony Ore and
Ebony Ingot)
ON-icon-ore-Ebony Ore.pngON-icon-ingot-Ebony Ingot.png Elder Scrolls Online
(Ebony Ore and
Ebony Ingot)
BL-icon-material-Ebony Ingot.png Blades
(Ebony Ingot)

These are used in crafting armor and weapons, not in alchemy.

  • For background information, seeEbony.

Raw Glass

Glass Veins
MW-icon-ingredient-Raw Glass.png Morrowind
Drain Intelligence
Drain Strength
Drain Speed
Fire Shield

Raw Stalhrim

A Stalhrim deposit in Bloodmoon
A Stalhrim deposit in Bloodmoon
In Dragonborn
In Dragonborn
BM-icon-ingredient-Raw Stalhrim.png Bloodmoon
Resist Frost
Frost Damage
Restore Health
SR-icon-misc-Stalhrim.png Skyrim(DB)
ON-icon-style material-Stalhrim Shard.png Elder Scrolls Online
(Stalhrim Shard)
BL-icon-material-Stalhrim.png Blades

These are used in crafting armor and weapons, not in alchemy.
This is used for crafting, but is not an alchemy ingredient.

  • For background information, seeStalhrim.

Red berries

DF-icon-ingredient-Red berries.png Daggerfall
Resist Fire

Red flowers

DF-icon-ingredient-Red flowers.png Daggerfall
Damage Stamina

Red Kelp Gas Bladder

Red Kelp
SI-icon-ingredient-Gas Bladder.png Shivering Isles
Restore Speed
Water Breathing
Cure Disease
Fortify Magicka
SR-icon-ingredient-Red Kelp Gas Bladder.png Skyrim(CC)
Regenerate Stamina
Cure Disease
Fortify Magicka

Red Lichen

Red Lichen
MW-icon-ingredient-Red Lichen.png Morrowind
Drain Speed
Cure Common Disease
Drain Magicka

Red Mountain Flower

Red Mountain Flower plant
SR-icon-ingredient-Red Mountain Flower.png Skyrim
Restore Magicka
Ravage Magicka
Fortify Magicka
Damage Health

Red Mushroom

SK-icon-consumable-Food.png Shadowkey
Increases health

Red poppy

DF-icon-ingredient-Red poppy.png Daggerfall
Drain Strength

Red rose

DF-icon-ingredient-Red rose.png Daggerfall
Detect Magic
ON-icon-food-Rose.png Elder Scrolls Online
Increase Magicka Recovery
This is used for crafting beverages, not in alchemy.

Redwort Flower

Domica Redwort
OB-icon-ingredient-Redwort Flower.png Oblivion
Resist Frost
Cure Poison
Damage Health
SR-icon-ingredient-Redwort Flower.png Skyrim(CC)
Resist Frost
Cure Poison
Damage Health

Refined Frost Salts[edit]


MW-icon-ingredient-Resin.png Morrowind
Restore Health
Restore Speed
Resist Common Disease


OB-icon-ingredient-Rice.png Oblivion
Restore Fatigue
Shock Shield
Damage Agility
ON-icon-food-Rice.png Elder Scrolls
Increase Health Recovery
This is used for crafting beverages, not in alchemy.

River Betty

River Betty
SR-icon-ingredient-River Betty.png Skyrim
Damage Health
Fortify Alteration
Fortify Carry Weight

Rock Warbler Egg

Rock Warbler nest
SR-icon-ingredient-Rock Warbler Egg.png Skyrim
Restore Health
Fortify One-handed
Damage Stamina
Weakness to Magic

Roland's Tear[edit]


MW-icon-ingredient-Roobrush.png Morrowind
Drain Willpower
Fortify Agility
Drain Health
Cure Poison
SR-icon-ingredient-Roobrush.png Skyrim(CC)
Weakness to Magic
Fortify Sneak
Lingering Damage Health
Cure Poison

Root bulb

DF-icon-ingredient-Root bulb.png Daggerfall
Regenerate Health

Root Pulp

OB-icon-ingredient-Root Pulp.png Oblivion
Cure Disease
Damage Willpower
Fortify Strength
Damage Intelligence

Root tendrils

DF-icon-ingredient-Root tendrils.png Daggerfall

Rot Scale

Rot Scale plants
SI-icon-ingredient-Rot Scale.png Shivering Isles
Damage Health
SR-icon-ingredient-Rot Scale.png Skyrim(CC)
Lingering Damage Health


DF-icon-ingredient-Ruby.png Daggerfall
Spell Absorption
MW-icon-ingredient-Ruby.png Morrowind
Drain Health
Restore Intelligence
Drain Agility
OB-icon-misc-Ruby.pngOB-icon-misc-FlawlessRuby.png Oblivion
SR-icon-misc-Ruby.pngSR-icon-misc-FlawlessRuby.png Skyrim
ON-icon-trait material-Ruby.png Elder Scrolls Online*
BL-icon-material-Ruby.png Blades^

Rubies in Oblivion are not alchemical ingredients, but only valuable as loot to be sold for gold.
Skyrim are also not used in alchemy, but can be used to craft jewelry.
*Rubies in Elder Scrolls Online are used for enhancing weapons, rather than in alchemy.

^In Blades, Rubies are used for tempering gear or crafting jewelry, not in alchemy.

Rumare Slaughterfish Scales[edit]