Lore:Bestiary W

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<Lore:Bestiary(Redirected fromLore:Giant Wasp)


A waft

Wafts are small passive beams of blue light that are commonly found aimlessly floating aroundNocturnal's realm ofEvergloam.Ectoplasmcan be harvested from them, so they may be some form ofspirit.[1]Wafts were among the many beings contained inHermaeus Mora'sFeral Gallery.

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A wamasu

TheWamasu(also calledWamasusand colloquially,Swamp Dragons) are large reptilian beasts that hail from the province ofBlack Marsh,though they also inhabitCraglornand theTelvanni Peninsula.They are known for their lightning powers and tough exterior. Their existence was once largely shrouded in myth to anyone other than theArgonians.

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A warthog

Warthogs are a type ofboarknown to be kept as exotic pets.[2]The witches of theGlenmoril Wyrdsupposedly could turn people into warthogs.[3]

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A giant wasp

Wasps are stinging insects found throughoutTamriel.They are known to vary in size greatly, ordinary wasps are small and only a minor nuisance. Giant wasps are are known to grow to the size ofponies,[4]and they are very protective of their nests. They sting and bite to defend themselves. Wasps are known to have queens,[5]however giant wasps can also reproduce rapidly by injecting eggs into the bodies of other creatures, which quickly emerge as young wasps.[6]

The outer shell of the giant wasp is very durable.[7]The second row of wings on a wasp's back are gossamer-thin and refract light in a pleasing manner, making them desirable trophies.[8]Both ordinary and giant wasp wings are sometimes used byArgoniansto create betrothal veils.[9]Paper wasps are known to infest the docks ofBetony.[10]

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A watchling

Watchers(also calledDoom-Truths) are flying tentacledDaedrawith a large eye in the center of their body. Watchers are quite nimble, and can shoot beams of energy from their large eye. They may be the most intelligent of the Daedra, and are known to have hierarchical ranks. They are knowledge gatherers and minions found in the service ofHermaeus Mora,modeled after the prince's appearance. He often employs them as overseers and guardians, with them tending to

his important concerns. However, they are known to serve otherDaedric Princes,such asMolag Bal,Vaermina,Mephala,andSheogorath.Locking eyes with a Watcher is dangerous; a mortal's soul can be eaten away if one stares too long into their large central eye. Some Watchers have a necrotic gaze, causing the skin on a mortal's face to tear away if they stare too long. They are able separate the lies from the truth, which comes in handy to Mephala, adding to her powers of deception.

The termWatchlingrefers to watchers that are far smaller in size than the average watcher. Some of them consider the term an insulting diminutive. They apparently have a name for themselves, but it is not as commonly known. Another term used to describle small watchers isPocket Watcher.These are occasionally kept as pets or assistants by somewarlocks.

Watchlings or Pocket Watchers are no bigger than a human's fist and are not the offspring of Watchers. They are described as runts of their kind and curiosities as opposed to terrors. It is unknown whether they keep their form forever or eventually transform into the larger versions. Hermaeus Mora frequently employs Watchlings as messengers and recorders, tasking them with obscure clerical duties in the hidden bureaucracy that quietly administersApocrypha.

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Weasels are small mammals known for their erratic defensive reaction when cornered.[11][12]Their bones are used to make small cages.[13]They are the subject of common insults used to label one a coward.[14][15]

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Web Mother[edit]

A web mother

Web Mothers are a powerful type of queenspiderthat can be found rarely inCyrodiilandSkyrim.One Web Mother was was used by the inhabitants of a town in Cyrodiil to produce spiders as livestock. Circa4E 180,the scents that the farmers used to trick the Web Mother into considering them friendly stopped working, and the town was soon overrun with the spiders.[16]The Warriorarrived and slew the queen and her spawn.[17]

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Weevils are a type of troublesome insect that infest crops.[18][19]They are also found infesting sailors' hardtack.[20]Snag-weevils are a species that infested the farmlands ofGlenumbraaround2E 582.They were warded off by Enzo Chatillon's award-winningalchemicalsolution.[21]Leaf-weevils are a species that drove the once abundant Tum'ja plant to near extinction.[22]

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A welwa

Welwaare great four-eyed pack hunting beasts, with thick pelts, tails, and savage teeth. They often serve as war mounts.

According to tapestries in theCrystal Tower,the earlyAldmerisettlers of theSummerset Islesencountered welwa, depicted as strange, holy ravagers, and saviors of the land. Led byTorinaan,the Aldmer ofAuridondrove them back using ancestral magics, and eventually the welwa of Summerset were driven to extinction. InYokudathey were considered myths, and described in their ancient texts as having "the jaws of a bear, and the charging strength of a boar".

Welwa continued to inhabit the wilds ofCraglornon mainlandTamriel,as well as parts of theWest Wealdthat border the region. They are often domesticated and armored by theIron Orcsof the region, who use them as war beasts. History indicates that every pastoral society in Craglorn's long history: Nedes, Yokudans, Goblins, and Orcs has domesticated them at some point. They also have been found in theWest Weald

In theSecond Era,theSapiarchsof the Crystal Tower reintroduced welwa toSummerset Isleby bringing in mated pairs from Craglorn. These welwa quickly spread across the wilderness of Summerset, although many inhabitants of the Isle were displeased with their reintroduction.

Welwa could be transformed into reptilian forms throughNagaArgonianrituals or exposure to specialHistsap.[23][24]

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A werebat

Werebats are a type oflycanthropesfound in the swamps ofValenwood.Werebats formed part of theGray Host,and were seen living near theKeerilthvampireclan within Shademist Moors in2E 582.[25][26]Not much else is known about them.

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A werebear

Werebears are largelycanthropessaid to be prominent in the northern tundras ofTamriel.They are almost thought to be folklore in Nordic cultures. Legend holds that smearingcanis rooton the trees surrounding one's home wards off werebears.[27]Hunting packs of werebears have been found onSolstheim.[28]Despite this, some doubt their existence.[29]


A wereboar

Wereboars arelycanthropesof theboarishpersuasion which attack with both forearms as well as their long teeth.Silverweapons are very effective against them, and anyone bitten has a small chance of becoming a wereboar themselves. The wereboar is found almost exclusively inHigh Rock.

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Werecrocodiles arelycanthropesknown to lurk in isolated swamps ofBlack Marshand southernMorrowind,[30]though their existence is doubted by some.

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Werelions arelycanthropesfound inElsweyr,Black Marsh,andCyrodiil.[30]

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Weresharks are mysteriouslycanthropeswith no reputable first account sightings, but that are claimed to exist.[30]

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Werevultures are wingedlycanthropesfound inValenwood.[30]According toLentulus Inventiusof theOrder of the Thorn,they were enough of a threat inValenwoodthat he sought outwerebearsto help deal with the issue, lest the werevultures became a threat to other areas of Tamriel.[29]

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A werewolf

Werewolves are the most common oflycanthropesfound in Tamriel. They are monstrous,wolf-like creatures taller and broader than man and mer, and are capable of moving on two limbs or sprinting on all four. They can attack with both their claws and teeth, inflicting lycanthropy with their bite. Those with the beast blood are prone to violence, whether accidental or intentional, as they live with a constant bloodlust which drives them to kill and devour their enemies. Werewolves are widely feared and hated in Tamriel, and will be attacked on sight if spotted in beast form. WhileSanies Lupinuscauses all werewolves to transform under the influences of the moons, the members ofthe Circlecan control their beast forms. In return they must serveHircinein the afterlife. Silver weaponry is very effective against werewolves.

Werewolf Lord[edit]

Vykosa, a khajiit werewolf lord

The Werewolf Lord is a powerfullycanthropethat maintains a humanoid form with bestial qualities. Unlike traditional lycanthropes, a Werewolf Lord's form blends racial characteristics of the individual with that of the wolf. AnArgonianwill still look like an Argonian, but withwolf-like features.[31]One of the most notable Werewolf Lords wasVykosa the Ascendant,who was so powerful that she could bend the will of other werewolves.[32]She was rumored to be one of the first werewolves, and was promised glory and power byHircine.[33]

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Werewolf Behemoth[edit]

A Werewolf Behemoth

The Werewolf Behemoth was a form oflycanthropediscovered circa2E 582byArchivist Ernardeof theSilver Dawnat the behest ofVykosathe Ascendant. During his efforts, to strengthen the Moon Hunter Pack, he found a way to alter a werewolf's transformation to turn them into hulking monsters of considerable strength and size. This allowed his test subjects to become unstoppable warriors should they survive the experiments.[32]

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A whale skeleton, used for the Whalebone Bridge in Sovngarde

Whalesare gigantic aquatic creatures found in theAbecean Seaand in theSea of Ghosts.They are known to eatrazorfish.They have great swimming fins on their underside, and expel geysers of sea-mist through their blowhole. The ancientNordsrevered the whale as a deity in their traditional animal worship.

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Whirliflies are insects native toValenwood."May your ears be stuffed with whirlifly larvae", is aBosmercurse.[34]

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Whispering Spirit[edit]

A whispering spirit

Whispering spirits arewisp-likespiritsthat can be found in theSoul Cairn.Theundeadinhabitantsof this realm are often found hunting these beings. They are seemingly impervious to all attacks.[35]

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A Wickeder

Wickeders are horned bipedal creatures with glowing yellow eyes native to the area of theWestern Reachregion that overlaps withHammerfell.They are part of the Fanged Gouti species, their relatives beingBoundersandClawrunners.These creatures collectively appear to have backs that are lined in plates of armored scales, pointed mouths that are almost as large as the rest of their body, and they all have an area of exposed gums visible on their mouths. On Wickeders, this area resembles a smiling face. Wickeders have the ability to paralyze their opponents, and theirskinis known to have powerfulalchemicaleffects.

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A Wight

Wights are an emaciated form ofundead.The name is usually associated with a form ofAyleidundead, commonly found in their ruins. In the lateThird Eracirca3E 427,[UOL 1]there was a strain ofvampirismspread by wights that were present inStormhold's prison.[36]SomeDraugrare also referred to as wights.[37]

  • Variations: Crypt Wight, Mountain Wight, Soul Shredder, Tunnel Wight, Wailing Wight, Wight Lord


A will-o-the-wisp

Will-o-the-Wisps are luminous beings seemingly composed of gas and spiritual energy.[38]They are immune to normal damage and poison, and have a variety of extremely dangerousmagic.They are also very fast and have the ability to become nearly invisible. They're found in swampy areas ofTamrieland can only be harmed bysilver,daedric, or enchanted weapons. Some theorize that they are a subspecies of thewispsthat normally surroundwispmothers.[39]

Shines are a harmless cousin of the will-o-the-wisp that are known to loom around the Imperial ruins ofLilmoth.

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Winged Twilight[edit]

A winged twilight

Winged Twilightsare intelligent wingedDaedrawith claw-like limbs, black horns, and spiked tails. They can have blue or purple skin, and their eyes can be red or blue. Their bodies are dappled with scales. They are known to operate as servants and messengers ofAzura.In appearance they have a beautiful feminine form similar to that ofHarpieswithbat-like wings, though the feminine aspects of the winged twilights are more "ravishing", and their long, sharp, hooked tails are immeasurably more deadly. When working together, they follow a matriarch.

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A wisp

Wisps,also known asWitchlights,are Enigma tic, floating entities often found in the vicinity ofWispmothers,although they can also exist independently. Current consensus on wisps is divided, with it being suggested they are scavengers that lure prey to the Wispmother and share in the psychoetherial energy released by her kills. Another theory states that they are merely emanations or conjurations of the Wispmother and not free-living creatures, which is supported by the fact that killing a Wispmother also kills the wisps surrounding her, leaving onlyglow dustbehind.

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Wisperills are luminescent films which float through the air in therealm of the Hist.They perform slow, colorful dances in the air. They were named byMere-GlimandFhenawhenUmbrielwas brought to the realm.

See also:WaftandWhispering Spirit

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A wispmother

Wispmothersare magical energy beings found in the wilds ofTamriel,primarily inSkyrim.These spirit women appear to be either a higher form of Wisp, or creators of them. Able to teleport and restore their health, Wispmothers can also summon multiple shades, which are weak clones of themselves. Killing a Wispmother causes all of its attendant Wisps and Shades to die. More powerful Wispmothers are also capable of some form of necromancy; where they send out wisps to possess and reanimate nearby corpses.


A wisp-lantern

Wisp-lanterns are living floating lanterns ofApocryphafound floating through the fetid air of the realm. They emit light that can help those traversing the darker areas of Apocrypha, especially where the shadows are harmful.[40]:598, 608, 611

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A wolf

Wolves are cunning, dangerous hunters found throughoutTamriel.They use their highly developed sense of smell to track their prey. They hunt in well organized packs, and are known for their ferocity in battle. They are the wild ancestors of the domesticdogs.

  • Variations: Alpha Wolf, Doom Wolf, Ice Wolf, Shardwolf, Snow Wolf, Timber Wolf, Twilight Wolf
  • See also:Dire Wolf


A wolfdog

Wolfdogs are acrossbreedproduced by mating adogwith awolf.They closely resemble wolves, but exhibit doglike behavior and are less resistant to frost. Like dogs, they can also carryWitbane.[41]

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Wolverines are fierce woodland animals.[42]The fort ofWolverine Hallis named for them.[43]

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Wombats are a species of marsupials, said to have been kept as pets. One of the tales aboutIus,the God of Animals, revolves around a wombat.[44]

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Woodchucks are rodents who were the namesake of various inns and taverns in the lateThird Era.[45]

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Worms are small invertebrates that can be found throughoutTamriel.They commonly live around plants, and are used by fishermen as bait, primarily in salt water. Worms can also be found living in and feeding on the flesh of the dead orundead.Potentially due to this link with death, they are heavily associated withMannimarco,who is known as the "King of Worms", and later "God of Worms".

Sloadsare sometimes known as Worms.[46]

Worm Thrall[edit]

A Worm Thrall

Worm Thralls are a type ofzombiecreated by theOrder of the Black Worm.Initially, "Worm Thrall" was simply the title applied to the order's lackeys.[47]The order has been known to turn people into Worm Thralls both as a punishment and as a method of preserving them for prolonged study. Notably,Vanus Galerionand several other past Arch-Mages of theMages Guildwere raised as Worm Thralls byMannimarco.

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A Wormmouth

Wormmouthsare armless bipedal reptiles native toHammerfell.They are related toguar,alits,andkagouti.These vermin have a maggot-shaped body propelled on two legs, and have a beaked mouth that is almost as large as the rest of their bodies, making them resemble a mouth on legs. Sharp teeth line the inside of their mouths, and their backs are lined in plates of armored scales.

Wormmouths appear to range in height from the size of a largeratto as tall as an alit. Due to Hammerfell's arid environment, wormmouths get their fluids from the plants and animals they eat, but larger ones are also known to prey on people.

Though they typically dwell in the arid regions of Hammerfell, the Nubbed Wormmouth is known to dwell in the mountains located along the cold border betweenSkyrimand Hammerfell. Wormmouths were also known to stray into theWest WealdofCyrodiil,near the border toCraglorn.They even inhabitedVvardenfellduring theSecond Era.

They are sometimes kept as pets. Wormmouth tongues are sometimes harvested for alchemical purposes.

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Wormies(orWormysingular), as they are unaffectionately called by the Imperial soldier Mazgar gra Yagash,[48]:Part 1, Chapter 6were thereanimatedcorpse warriors ofUmbriel,a floating city severed fromOblivion.They were individuals whosesoulswere stolen bySoul-spinnerlines, then animated by their ethereal flying larvae. Due to this, reports from theCollege of Whisperslikened them more toflesh atronachsthen more conventional reanimated undead likebonewalkers.[48]:Part 2, Chapter 6They were primarily composed of freshly dead corpses riddled withmaggots,hence the name.[48]:Part 1, Chapter 6They began to rise around Umbriel and follow its trajectory from its starting point ofLilmothin southernBlack Marsh,to theScathing Bayin north-centralMorrowind,and theImperial Cityin centralCyrodiil.[48]:Part 1, Chapter 3

Many of the wormies comprised ofArgoniansbut the army consisted of anything that came in Umbriel's path. Even people who died while fighting them can be instantly reanimated into a wormy. Unlike the mindless zombies some would assume, they showed signs of intelligence and willful, malicious intent.[48]:Part 1, Chapter 1They are shown to be capable of speaking, albeit in a raspy tone. They also have no problem surviving underwater, whether it was in the Scathing Bay orLake Rumare.[48]:Part 3, Chapter 3As they encroached onCheydinhal,they successfully ambushed a group of legionnaires escorting people from Mountain Watch and intentionally stayed out of range from the city's siege weapons.[48]:Part 1, Chapter 6


A wraith

Wraiths are a type ofghost,usually formed from the death of a powerful wizard. They are very dangerous, and often possess spell-casting abilities. Like all etherealundead,onlysilveror better weapons can do damage to a wraith.


A wraith-of-crows

Wraith-of-Crows (or Wraith-Scythes) are otherworldly creatures composed of severaldaedric crow-like entities which create a semi-humanoid skeletal figure, usually possessing a pair of large black wings.[49]They originate from theEvergloamand are employed in the use ofNocturnal,who can summon them by combining many crow daedra together. They fight using magical attacks and abilities involving their scythes and wings, and are shown to have the capability to speak.

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Wrath of Sithis[edit]

The Wrath of Sithis

The Wrath of Sithis functions as a conduit forSithis' wrath. It targetsDark Brotherhoodmembers that break the Five Tenets. It often takes the appearance of agloom wraith.

This wraith being is said to be a worse punishment than expulsion for the traitors of the Brotherhood, breaking each of the five rules can allow for the Wrath to be sent, and the spirit has been known to take the very souls of it's targets.[50][51]

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A wrathman

The Wrathmen of theSoul Guard,known singularly as the Soul Which Never Dies, either appear aswraithsordraugr-likeskeletalundead,but are ultimately husks of their former selves. They are void of most emotions, except are in a state of eternal suffering, and can only truly be freed from their bonds of torment through a ritual. Should you encounter one, they will seek to sate their hunger for life by feasting on yours.


Wraxu are an extinct species ofbirdrelated to theterror birdsofElsweyrthat was indigenous toBlack Marsh.They are described as having been about as tall as amammothwith tails as long as wagon tongues. Their species was but one victim of theGreat Burnin theSecond Era.They also had a symbolic connection withSithisdating back to thexanmeer period.[52]

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A fire wyrm

Wyrms are etherealdragon-like creatures that can be summoned by Dragons themselves. Fire Wyrms (or Flame Wyrms) are a variant summoned by fire dragons but can also emerge from the corpses of those slain by the fire breath of a powerfulTongue.[53]Storm Wyrms (or Boltwyrms) are a type that can be summoned by storm dragons.[54]Azureblight Wyrms are an odd variety that were summoned by a dragon infected by the mysteriousAzure Blightdisease.

Wyrm is a name often used for Dragons themselves.

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Wyverns arefire-breathing creatures of doubtful existence.[55]The spell "Wyvern's Sting" is named after them.[56]According to a fib from Alchemy, a member of theHouse of Reveries,those born to aDragonand a mortal can turn into a wyvern during a fullmoon.[55]Due to the joking nature of her statement, this description of wyverns is highly unlikely.

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  1. ^WaftsinESO
  2. ^Events ofDunbarrow CoveinOblivion
  3. ^Fallaise's dialogue inMorrowind:Bloodmoon
  4. ^The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Black MarshFlaccus Terentius,2E 581
  5. ^Wasp QueensinESO
  6. ^Giant Waspabilties inESO
  7. ^Wasp Huskquest item description fromESO
  8. ^Gossamer Wingletmonster trophy item description fromESO
  9. ^Wasp-Wing Betrothal Veilitem description inESO
  10. ^Dockside Paper Wasppet description inESO
  11. ^Bastian Hallix's dialogue inESO:Blackwood
  12. ^Deem-Vilax's dialogue inESO:Greymoor
  13. ^Cricket Cagetreasure description inESO
  14. ^Razum-dar's dialogue inESO
  15. ^Krish's dialogue inMorrowind:Bloodmoon
  16. ^Silk Farm Owner's dialogue inBlades
  17. ^Events ofSilk Farm HuntinBlades
  18. ^Fa'zin's dialogue inESO:Dragonhold
  19. ^Adrahawn's dialogue inESO
  20. ^Crendal's dialogue inRedguard
  21. ^Work order for Roumane Bargeron, TailorEnzo Chatillon
  22. ^Teas and Tisanes for Aches and PainsTilenra Sildreth
  23. ^Sul-Xan FleshripperinESO
  24. ^Nagahide Welwa RavagerinESO
  25. ^Gray HostinESO
  26. ^Presence ofWerebatsnear the vampires ofShademist MoorsinESO
  27. ^Dealing with WerewolvesVenustinius Perquitienus
  28. ^Appearance of huntingwerebearson Solstheim inSkyrim:Dragonborn
  29. ^abLycanthropic Legends of SkyrimLentulus Inventius,Order of the Horn
  30. ^abcdOn LycanthropyVarnard Karessen
  31. ^Werewolf Lord Polymorphappearance inESO
  32. ^abLog No. 321: Unexpected ResultsArchivist Ernardeof the Moon Hunter Pack
  33. ^The Hungry Cat's CurseVykosa the Ascendant
  34. ^Genboril's dialogue inESO
  35. ^Whispering SpiritsinSkyrim
  36. ^VampirisminStormhold
  37. ^Draugr WightsinSkyrim
  38. ^2920, Hearth FireCarlovac Townway
  39. ^The WispmotherMathias Etienne
  40. ^The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Prima Official Game Guide
  41. ^HjaltiinFighter's Strongholddownload forOblivion
  42. ^Heartland Brindle Badgerpet description inESO
  43. ^Guide to Sadrith Mora
  44. ^Ius, Animal GodBuljursoma
  45. ^The names of variousTavernsinDaggerfall
  46. ^N'Gasta's dialogue inRedguard
  47. ^The Order of the Black WormEvoker Brucille
  48. ^abcdefgLord of SoulsGreg Keyes
  49. ^Dialogue withClockwork Facilitator
  50. ^The Five Tenets
  51. ^Wrath of SithisinESO:Dark Brotherhood
  52. ^Preserved Wraxu Featherscodex entries inESO
  53. ^Fire Wyrmspawn conditions inSkyrim
  54. ^Storm WyrmsinESO
  55. ^abAlchemy's dialogue inESO:Summerset
  56. ^Wyvern's Stingspell inArena

Note:The following references are considered to beunofficial sources.They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.