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A Reachman

TheReachmen,also known as theReachfolk,[1]Witchmen of High Rock,[2]andWitchfolk of the Reach,[3]are a race of humans who are native tothe Reachin southwesternSkyrim[4][5][6]and the neighboringWestern Reachin the east ofHigh Rock,where some Reachfolk families originated from.[7][8][5]They are believed to be closely related to theBretons.While Reachmen are distinct, they are also mixed with other races that make up Man, Mer, and even Daedra.[9][7]Similarly to the Bretons,Aldmeriblood runs through their veins, which stems from theDirenniHegemony's occupation of theWestern Reachin the early First Era.[7][10]

At least some Reachmen are known to be descended from theKeptuclan ofNedes.[11]Although they are thought to share descent, Bretons do not consider themselves kin to the Reachmen, and the Reachmen do not see themselves as Bretons.[12][13]This sentiment is shared by other races.[14]

Unlike their Breton cousins, who are typically pale and of slight build,[15]Reachfolk are more diverse in appearance, ranging from short and slight framed[16]to taller, broader, and muscular builds, more typical forNords.[17]Some of the Reachfolk have traits closer to those typical to the inhabitants of theCyrodiil[18]and a few bear a distinctive red eye color.[19]

Their culture is tribal and diverse; certain clans make little use of advanced technology, while some others employDwemer animunculiand advanced alchemy[20].Many clans utilize hides, bones, and copper to make gear, while others use properly forged weapons and armor[21][22][23]and craft weapons and tools from materials such asdwarven metal,[24]silver,[25][26]andebony,[27]and even accessories frommalachite.[28]Leather and wool are traditionally used as materials for Reachfolk garments.[29]As they are shunned by most of Nord and Breton society, they typically inhabit makeshift fortresses built into caves and ruins throughout the Reach's battle-scarred landscape.[5][7]There are also some similarities in the things worn by the NedicKeptuand the Reachmen, showing that a cultural exchange might have taken place.[30]

Reachfolk, in a similar way to the Bretons, are often attributed with traits associated with elven cultures, such as secretive, haughty demeanor, and arrogance by their Imperial neighbors.[31]

The Reachmen are also infamous for their advanced hedge magic. Some Reachman mages are known to wield magic with which they can poison or corrupt nature.[32]They are also said to have learned to control beastfolk magic, a wild hedge-wizardry.[10]SomeWyrd Covens,such as the Hagfeather Coven, the Rimerock Wyrd, and the Markarth Sisters, are known to have close relations with the Reachmen and their magic.[33]

Many clans worshipHircine,the most primal of theDaedric Princes.The top of their warrior ranks typically commune with Hircine so that they may ritualistically replace their hearts withpoisoned briars,allowing them to become powerful warriors known asBriarhearts.Due to their reverence for Hircine, it is not uncommon to see lycanthropes within the Reachmen's ranks.[31][34]Some Reachmen clans are known to also dedicate ceremonies toMolag Bal,Malacath,Mehrunes Dagon,andNamira.[35][36]Shamansof some Reachfolk clans veneratehagravenmatrons, who in turn grant them knowledge of nature magic.[10]Many other Reachfolk clans, however, fear and revile them.[37]

Following theMarkarth Incident,Reachmen rebels in Skyrim became known as theForsworn.Hagravens led splinter groups encamped in various ruins and caves across the Reach.


The Reachmen have long held that they are the true owners of the Reach, and for centuries have only begrudgingly accepted the rule of theNordsand theEmpire.[5]Long before the conquests ofMerand Nords in the Karth region,human tribesdwelled within the caves in theDruadach Mountains,[38]where, according to the Vateshrans they fled soon after Lorkh's sacrifice.[39]Those people, the ancestors of the modern Reachfolk, lived there already "when the world was young".[24]

Early Society[edit]

Depiction of legendary hero Red Eagle

At an unknown point in history between theMerethic Eraand1E 221,in the ancient past, Reachfolk were ruled by thevampiresof theNighthollow Clan,who coveted their blood. The vampiric faction, known to them as "Night Lords", governed them from the depths ofBlackreach.[40][41]Eventually, the influence of the vampires waned, and accounts of their terror were reduced to mere bedtime stories.[40]

During theWild Huntspawned to killHigh King Borgasin1E 369,[42]the Reachfolk captured one of the monstrosities that were spawned from the event in Skyrim.[43]

Circa1E 358,[UOL 1][UOL 2]just 3 years after the Direnni Hegemony rose into power in High Rock, the elven overlords had a presence in theWestern Reach.The area was later claimed by theFirst Empire of the Nords.Following the collapse of this Nordic Empire in1E 420,the Western Reach was retaken by theDirenni,[44]who slaughtered the majority of Nord colonists; as a result, the Nordic ancestry of the Reachmen is comparatively weak.[7][45]Eventually, the Aldmeri overseers were eliminated, but traces of their blood forever remained in the veins of the native Reachmen.[31][7]

The proximity of Reachmen settlements toOrcishvillages meant that the Reachmen frequently traded goods and customs with their mountain neighbors, and it is partly from the Orcs that the Reachmen learned to use hedge-magic.[7]

High KingOlaf One-Eyelater reconquered the Reach for Skyrim at some point during his reign between1E 420and1E 452.[46]

A few years after the disappearance ofDwemerin1E 700,several clans of Reachmen took refuge in the ruins ofNchuand-Zelduring times of seasonal hardship. By1E 930,the community had developed into a fully-fledged settlement that was active all year round. The Reachmen called it"Mar-Karth",which means "Above the Karth" in the language of the Reach. The strongest chieftain that lived in the town was known as the "Ard", known in the Reach tongue as the "King of the Fort".[47]

During theSiege of Orsiniumin1E 948,Reachmen mercenaries under the command of "the Beast of the Reach"Mercedeneof ClanWinterbornfought alongside Bretons and Redguards.[48]

Granite mined from Markarth's quarries by the Reachmen was exported to places such asEvermore,a Breton city founded in1E 983.Evermore Palace was built out of Markarth granite.[49][10]

The Legend of Red Eagle,an ancient tale from Reach folklore, suggests that during the time of theAlessian Empire,the Reach was ruled by ten kings, and that "though men were free, the people were scattered and warred amongst themselves". The legend also makes reference to the Reachmen's reverence for "the ancient and venerable Hagravens". Despite the quarrels between the Reach kingdoms, they nevertheless expanded and prospered untilEmpress Hestraand her armies arrived to pacify Reach in1E 1028;one by one, the kings of the Reach swore fealty or fell to her. The only king who refused to yield wasFaolanofSundered Hills.In order to gain the power needed to defend his homeland, he sacrificed his heart and became the firstBriarheart.[50]Faolan and his followers engaged in an extended guerrilla campaign which, while tactically successful, was not enough to stem the seemingly endless waves of Imperial reinforcements. Hestra's generals returned with an even bigger invasion force and laid siege to Red Eagle's stronghold until he himself came forth for battle and killed a thousand soldiers before they brought him down in his final stand in1E 1030.[51]He became the most famous hero of the Reachfolk.[50]

In1E 2704,following the defeat of the Akaviri Invaders and the establishment of theSecond Empirein1E 2703,EmperorRemanfocused on "the madmen of the Reach" and sliced the Reach in two pieces:High Rockcontrolled theWestern ReachandSkyrimcontrolled the Eastern Reach. With the growth of the Second Empire, not one decade passed when armies - often sent fromEvermoreorSolitude- didn't have to suppress the Reachmen.[10]

In1E 2801EmperorKastavordered theDragonguardto seize hostages from Markarth and Hroldan to ensure that the jarls met their conscription quotas, which worsened the relations of the Empire with both native Reachfolk and their Nordic occupants. Three years later, in1E 2804,Reachfolk made arrangements with the representatives of the Dragonguard and provided the order with food when the Emperor cut off supplies as a result of their refusal to help suppress the Winterhold Rebellion.[6]

With the end of theAkaviri Potentateand the start of theInterregnum,the Reachfolk reclaimed their independence and once again took Markarth as their capital, taking advantage of its defenses to stave off attacks from both Bretons and Nords.[47]

The Longhouse Emperors[edit]

Emperor Durcorach

TheTagh Droiloch,a secretive coven of witch-men, was founded c.2E 516.They became a powerful faction and, over time, made themselves the secret masters of the Reach. For years, the Tagh Droiloch preferred to act from behind the scenes and were content to bide their time, allowing the dread of their name and whispers of their displeasure to govern the unruly Reach for them. In2E 527an exceptionally strong and cunning Reachfolk chieftain by the name ofDurcorach the Black Drakebegan building a following in the Reach. The Coven decided to ally with the promising warlord. Together, they were able to subdue all the rival clans and effectively unify the Reach. By2E 528,Durcorach had become a warlord in command of two thousand soldiers, a number that had risen to ten thousand by2E 529.[52][53]

During the 6th century of the Second Era, the Reachmen seem to have grown particularly powerful, eventually leading to the foundation of a Reachmen dynasty inCyrodiilknown as theLonghouse Emperors.

In2E 541,the first Longhouse Emperor, Durcorach the Black Drake, invaded High Rock and swiftly capturedBangkorai,Evermore, andHallin's Stand.Within days, his army was across theBjoulsaeand bearing down uponWayrest.Durcorach did not have siege engines, so after fifty-seven days of besieging Wayrest, he left part of his army around the town's walls and marched off west intoGlenumbra.Taken by surprise, the newly-independent city-state ofCamlornfell and was sacked. The Reachmen were defeated near Daggerfall's city gates after being charged from behind byEmeric's Heavy Dragoons, and Durcorach was killed by Emeric himself.[54]

Nevertheless, Durcorach's dynasty continued to rule in Cyrodiil until the reign ofLeovic,Durcorach's grandson. In2E 573,Leovic was the first Emperor to commission a Guide to Tamriel, labeled 'The Emperor's Guide to Tamriel'.[55]In2E 577,Leovic wasoverthrownby his erstwhile supporterVaren Aquilarios,the Duke ofChorrol,after he legalized Daedra worship within the Empire. This marked the end of the dynasty of Longhouse Emperors.

After theSoulburstin2E 579,several Reach clans allied themselves with theWorm Cult,and remained powerful enough to launch attacks on theEbonheart PactandDaggerfall Covenant's territories, even attacking as far afield asthe Riftand Glenumbra.[56]Concurrently, one clan of Reachmen known as the Winterborn fought a lengthy war with the Orcs for control ofWrothgarafter KingKurog gro-BagrakhreestablishedOrsiniumin the region. The war finally ended when the last Winterborn warlord,Urfon Ice-Heart,was slain atFrostbreak Fortress.[56]

During this era, a larger number of Reachfolk than ever ventured out in search of their fortunes.[47]Entire clans could be found within Cyrodiil.[57]While they were eventually expelled from Cyrodiil during the reign of Varen Aquilarios,[58][59][60]by 2E 582, some could still be encountered in the former Imperial territories, including Blackwood.[61][62][63]These Reachfolk came to be known asImperialized Reachfolk.[64]However, many of them eventually made their way back to the Reach.[65][66][67]Reachfolk travelled abroad to the lands of Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant, and Ebonheart Pact,[68]and could also be encountered in foreign lands,[69]affiliating themselves with various foreign factions,[70][71][72]and some even delving into the realms of Oblivion, such asFargrave,[73][74][75]theDeadlands,[76]andApocrypha.[77][78][79]

Battle of Old Hrol'dan[edit]

In the 9th century of the Second Era, some Reachmen allied with theSecond Aldmeri Dominion.As a people, the Reachmen remained largely independent – although they frequently clashed with the Nords to the east – until the arrival ofTiber Septimat the end of theSecond Era.[80]In2E 852,King Cuhlecain's general successfully broke through the Reachmen's lines, forcing them to fortify themselves atOld Hrol'dan.The next day he approached the gates of the besieged city, protected by the winds created by a storm following his trail. Reports say that the ancient Nord art of thu'um was used to shout down the walls of Old Hrol'dan, after which the army of Colovian troops and Nord berserkers took the city with relative ease.[80]Markarth and the lands of the Reach were soon occupied by the Nords,[81]while Imperial propaganda branded the Reachmen as rebellious and lawless mongrels.[7]

The Forsworn Uprising[edit]

One of the Forsworn

In4E 174,during theGreat War,when the Empire did not have the resources available to maintain the outer provinces, a group of Reachmen led byMadanach(who would become their king) commenced what would later be known as the "Forsworn Uprising",gaining control of the Reach and creating an independent kingdom.[82]According to Arrianus Arius, they administered the kingdom relatively peacefully, with only a few of the harshest Nord landowners put to death.[82]After two years, their experiment with independence seemed largely successful, and the leaders of the Reachmen were beginning the process of seeking recognition from the Empire.[82]However, in4E 176,desperate to retake the Reach and with no Imperial Legions available due to the Great War, the previously deposed Jarl Hrolfdir enlisted the aid of a Nord militia led byUlfric Stormcloakto retake the Reach by promising them free worship ofTalos.In that year, the Nord militia successfully drove the Reachmen from the city of Markarth and reclaimed the Reach, executing officials who worked for the Forsworn and those citizens who did not join the Ulfric's forces, including Nords, elderly, and children deemed old enough to be able to fight, as well as torturing natives to give up names of the rebels who fled into the wilds.[82][83]The survivors of the uprising fled into the wilds of the Reach and became known as theForsworn.

Driven from Markarth, the Forsworn spread across the Reach, fortifying any defensible spot they could find. In the wilds, the Forsworn function as a terrorist organization; they are composed of a series of cells, usually led by hagraven "matrons" or Briarheart warriors, with their main tactics being caravan raids and attacks on outlying settlements.[84]The ongoing dispute caused consternation for those Reachmen who were not allied with the Forsworn. Native landowners were frequently under duress by both the Nords and the Forsworn, each party thinking the individual was working for the other.[85]Many Reachmen also lamented that so many of their friends and loved ones were fighting and dying in service of a long lost cause.[86]


A member of the Wayward Guardians

The Reachfolk live in scores of fractured clans, each with their own traditions and character. There is no uniform tradition among the clans, though many of them share deities and practices. Some clans are nomadic, while others settle in one place and build villages. Some people in a clan may be related to each other, and others adopt clan names to mark their allegiance. New clans are synthesized all the time as like-minded individuals come together. Sometimes they seek to settle new land or follow herds of prey, and other form to plunder and raid neighboring lands. In this way, the clans are fluid, breaking up and reforming throughout history. Many clans try to live in relative peace, though some, such as theBoneshaper Clan,are overtly hostile towards outsiders. Most clans are minor, consisting of small villages, bands of nomads, or groups of marauders that hole up in caves or old forts. However, there are larger, more prominent clans.[87]Some clans of the Reachfolk build hunting lodges decorated with Alrabeg's imagery,[88]and ritual huts.[89][90]Reachfolk have a huge variety of body markings that are based on the clan they belong to.[91]

Each clan is led by a chief, who may be called a chieftain, speaker, elder, or king depending on the clan and who the leader is. Most Reachfolk believe that chiefs who call themselves "kings" are just putting on airs. The clans are many and don't agree on everything, thus it is impossible to unify the clans beneath a single power. Any clan-chief can call himself a king. In fact, there have been points in history where several chiefs have claimed the title of "king" for themselves simultaneously. The Reachfolk have a saying: "anyone can be a king in the Reach, but no one is King of the Reach". Durcorach the Black Drake never took up the title of king for this reason. The Reachfolk viewed the Longhouse Emperors as war-leaders they followed of their own volition as opposed to a uniting force that ruled over the Reach as a whole. From the Reachfolks' perspective, kneeling to a king, no matter what race they are or if they've claimed the throne of Cyrodiil, is something that weaker peoples do.[87]

Many clans live upon the shores of the Karth River, a place as harsh and uncaring as much of the rest of the Reach. Its fierce rapids veer around sharp stones, and it rides over steep cliffs that create powerful torrents. The people who rely upon the river live only if the river allows it, and its inhabitants respect it for its dangers and what it provides. The Reachfolk bathe in it, wash their clothes in it, drink from it, and cook their food with it. They regard the Karth river with respect, and at the very least, consideration. The folk who live upon the river's banks see what the river takes from them as a small price to pay for what it provides. They take from the river, and it extracts a price in return. The people of the Karth River don't blame it when it sweeps away structures and people; they accept that life near the river has its hardships, and they endure.[92]


Daedric script on Reachfolk weapons
"Dirt is a part of life. The real discipline comes from wading through mud knowing that it'll be on you until you next find water."

The Reachfolk have rich oral traditions and don't commit their stories to paper as scholars from most other provinces do.[93]Many from clans who live in the wilderness are illiterate and do not care to learn.[94]Some Reachfolk are even opposed to the idea of learning to read and write.[92]Some Reachfolk who served the Longhouse Emperors in Cyrodiil during the Second Era encouraged their children to learn their letters. Following the fall of the Longhouse Dynasty, there was not much call for reading and writing in the Karth Valley, barring major settlements like Markarth, where such skills were more widespread.[24][67]

Reachfolk occasionally adorn their weapons with Daedric inscriptions.[95]They also utilize glyphs.[96]Verses of the Red Eagle's Song were carved into stone pillars in the sacred cave inRed Eagle Redoubt.[97]Several major clans of the Reach such as Winterborn,[98]Dreadhorn,[11]Icereach,[99]and Doomfang[20]shown high proficiency in writing. TheForswornalso were known to read and write.[100][101]

The Reachfolk value hard work and struggle. They hold people who regularly work with their hands or perform manual labor in high regard, and respect them more outwardly than some other cultures do.[102]The Reachfolk understand that hardship is inevitable, but instead of bemoaning their sorrows, they embrace the pain as wisdom.[103]

Reachfolk do not condone stealing from other Reachmen, and theft is a very rare occurrence unless the clans are feuding.[104]Theft is considered a serious offense among the Reachfolk, whether they dwell in the city of Markarth or in the rocky hills of the Karth Valley.[18][105]While the customs of the clans that live in the mountains are varied, the Reachfolk of Markarth punish theft severely. One of the customary punishments for such a crime is hand amputation.[105]

Reachfolk are known to dance often and are perceived as great dancers by the outsiders.[106]Their dances are often related to ancient rituals, complicated in nature and involve numerous clan members.[107][108]Some clans value dancing skills very high.[109]

Reachfolk deal in bargains, respect strength, and skill, and believe in rewarding favors.[41]Offering favor for a favor is considered one of the more common ways of how business works in the Reach,[110][111]and is one of the old and respected customs.[112]

Rites of Passage[edit]

When children from theSpiritblood Clangrow strong enough, they perform theVateshran's Ritesto ascend to adulthood. The rites separate the strong from those too weak to live in the Reach.[113]If they survive the challenge, the child emerges a full warrior, and carries all the privileges and responsibilities that adulthood in the clan offers.[114]They train their entire lives for that day, and begin their trial knowing that the Rites could kill them.[115]To complete the Rites, a child must traverse Vateshran Hollows, a cavern filled with summoned Daedra.


Bloodthorn/Bloodroot Vine magic

Reachmen are often referred to as the Witchmen of High Rock, a name given to them due to their use of dark "Reach-magic". It is believed that they learned much of this magic through trading with theOrsimer,their neighbors who also occupy theWrothgarian Mountains.[2]Another source for their magic comes fromhagravens,which involves "ecstatic ceremonial heres[ies]", such as sacrifices, to acquire dark nature magic.[31]Hircine is believed to be the source of where Reach-magic is drawn from.[116]The dark magic has been outlawed within the Mages Guild, though that has not stopped the art from being widely studied.[2]The ban is for good reason, however, as one of the most notable conjurations can be devastating. Indeed, by using Reach-magic on the remains of ritual sacrifices,[117]one can create the bloodthirtsy,[118]thorned, and giant twisting roots known as Bloodthorn/Bloodroot vines,[119][120]which can be used to corrupt the land,[121]or shaped into "rough mockeries of life".[117]An example can be found within the Huntsman's Bloodroot Forge. The Dreadhorn Clan's hagraven shaped the vines that thrived within the Forge into Nirnblooded creatures,[122]primal creatures comparable to those of the Bosmer's Wild Hunt, but infused with the power of Nirncrux.[123]Transformed, these vines still hunger for blood.[124]

Molag Bal can grant a similar power to gravesingers. The name "gravesinger" is given to some Reachman necromancers who broker deals with Bal[121]in exchange for the power to command the loathsome dead.[31]Indeed, gravesingers can command corpses by planting the seeds of foul vines in their victims' bodies. Molag Bal's "gifts" may leave a gravesinger's body in a state of decay.[125]

Mysticismwas common magical art among the mystic shamans during theSecond Era.[126]Reachfolk were believed to be among the finesthealersin the world.[127]


A Reachmen with a Briarheart
Gherig Bullblood, a Blood-Forged

Many of the transformations Reachmen undergo are associated with Hircine:

Thebriarheart ritualis reflective of the Reachfolk's need to become better to overcome hardships. It involves communing with Hircine to ritualistically replace the heart of a skilled Reachfolk warrior withpoisoned briars.[31]This ritual is representative of Lorkh's immortal sacrifice,[128]which is reflected by the sacrifice of ones' own life; the end result is a warrior being resurrected[129]as a living weapon with great strength and endurance known as a Briarheart.[37]They will bear the suffering of constant pain[130]to use their transformation's benefit to protect their clan.[37]In a similar vein to Briarhearts, lycanthropy is viewed by most Reachfolk as self-sacrifice, for it is seen as more of a useful condition rather than a gift, one which one suffers with so they can better benefit their clan.[131]Some Reach Clans however have proven to be zealous about the gift, as conflicts between them and the Viridian Wyrd coven have been reported due to them offering a cure to Lycanthropy.[33][132]

Another transformation is associated with one of Hircine's creation, theBloodroot Forge,which is capable of turning people intoBlood-Forged.They are comparable to Briarhearts, but their creation instead involves a nirncrux heartstone being used in place of a briar heart,[133]resulting in a being that is an amalgamation of blood, nirncrux, and iron.[134]

There have also been instances among the Winterborn of their warriors transforming themselves into briarheart treelurchersthrough incredibly powerful Hagraven rituals of "fire, vines, and blood".[135][136]


Main Article:Reachman Cuisine

Alcohol is a commodity that the more open-minded clans of the Reach are willing to trade for. Much of the Reach is unsuitable for the barley fields, vineyards, apiaries with which other cultures brew their drinks. Clans who don't have much contact with the outside world make do with what they have. Reach-made drinks are found primarily in the form of hard ciders. The flavor profile of Reach cider is varied. Dark, musty brews tend to be sweet. There are also clear, sour brews that have been described by visiting Nords as an acquired taste. The flavor depends on the variety of apple used and the time of year they're pressed. Apple orchards are uncommon in the Reach, but many apples grow in the region's forests and river valleys. Each clan that lives where the fruit grows has their own preferred method for brewing cider.[137]Reachfolk cider is relatively well known outside of the Reach and praised for its quality.[138][91]


Main Article:Reach-tongue

Reach-tongueis the language of theReachfolk.[139]As an isolated culture, they've developed their own dialect over time.[UOL 3]


Icereach Coven armaments

Clothes and Armor[edit]

Leather and wool are traditionally used as materials for Reachfolk garments.[29]Most of a Reachfolk clothing is purely functional, although the bright colors are favored.[140]Imagery of knotwork resonates with Reachfolk.[141]

Bloodroot Forge armaments, fashioned in Hircine's image (ESO)

Sturdy leather belts are intended to last for many years. They are usually tooled with stylized images of beasts the wearer holds in high esteem. Bear, elk, wolf, and raven images are most common.[142][143]

Reachfolk shoes are sturdy and usually made from fleece-lined elk hide, secured with tough rawhide thongs. Occasionally they feature studded soles for traction in snow, ice, and steep hillsides.[142]Reachfolk of the Icereach prefer shoes with a three-pointed shape.[144]

Reachmen prefer open-fingered hand wrappings to full gloves. During seasons of cold weather, they often wear mittens made of hide or fleece. Occasionally studs made of carved bone are added to the gloves.[142]Reachfolk of Icereach prefer full gloves and occasionally adorn their fingertips with sharp metal akin to claws of Hagravens.[144]

Dreadhorn Clan armaments (ESO)

Reachfolk pants are often made from elk and deer skin[18]and bear intricate ornaments of animals such as wolves, ravens, elk or bears.[142]Significant number of Reachfolk clans opt for wearing kilts instead.[143][144][21]

Shoulderpieces of Reachfolk usually are purely decorative in stark contrast to their general utilitarian approach to garments. Countless different and unique patterns and decorations consisting of rib-bones, rare furs, small animal skulls, or wooden ailettes carved into fierce faces are observed among Reachfolk.[142]Icereach coven utilize hay and twigs to add their shoulderpieces more distinctive appearance and reinforce them with tough bark and bones.[144]

Reachfolk headgear is very diverse. While most Reachfolk helmets are made from leather, they are also occasionally utilizing skulls of various animals. Antlers are a common headgear element - they are worn in order to honor Hircine.[142]Some headgear also contain wings of the birds[145]as well as parts of sabre cat's heads.[146]It is also not uncommon among the Reachfolk to wear decorative horns on their foreheads.[147]

Reachfolk of Icereach wear wicker masks resembling faces with unsettling expressions and exaggerated features. Some masks sport horns and dark, soot-colored feathers, some possess hooked beaks.[144]Bull-Heart Warriorsof the Reach wear sallets made of bull's skulls during the Horned Triumph ritual.[148]Stag-Hearts don similar sallets, but made of stag's skull instead.[149]Crow-Heart Warriorshelmets typically incorporate imagery of skulls of great predatory birds.[150]due to common belief among the Reachfolk that mage can draw power from trophies of the hunt. Reach mages often wear skulls of the animals.[151]In honor of legendary witch Naenra Waerr, Reach witches who pass the final test of wisdom and power set to them by a clan elder gain the privilege to craft ceremonial mask with ram horns imagery.[152]

Reachfolk with clan facepaint
Reachfolk witch in typical attire made of Dwemer metal and silver wearing ceremonial headgear

Dreadhorn clan use mammoth[21]and bull skin as well as minotaur's hair as material for their attire. They adorn their clothing with imagery of bull and curling vines.[143]Reachfolk occasionally incorporate Dwemer designs into their attire as well as materials such as Dwemer metal and silver.[25]Timbercrow Clanis known for their light and simple garments in form of traditional loincloths.[153]Women of theStonetalon Clanusually are covered in heavy cloaks made of bird feathers.[117]


Reachfolk hairpins are occasionally crafted frommalachiteand adorned with animal motifs.[28]Small beads carved from blue stone are used in Reach courtship rituals.[154]Reachfolk of high status often wear dyed feathers with intricate carvings on their vanes.[155]Reachfolk of Icereach adorn their clothes with talons and small skulls of birds.[144]Champions of the Kairian Coven wear wicker crowns.[156]

Reachfolk are skilled in the area of body marking and tattoos. They have a huge variety of body markings that are based on the clan they belong to.[91]Reachfolk body markings are generally seen as strangely beautiful, although primal and not subtle by the members of other races.[157]Dreadhorn clan uses bull imagery in their tattoos.[158][159]Death Crow tattoo, which uses the imagery of Daedric Prince Nocturnal is one of the favorite of Reach clans.[160]Many of the Reach clans along the Karth River worship Hircine, and take wolves as their totems. Certain tattoos evoke that heritage.[161]

Reach warriors sometimes use plant-based stain to dye their teeth crimson in order to terrify their foes.[162]Reachmen from the Dark Witness clan typically use deep blue war paint.[163]

Reachfolk are known to utilize lye in haircare.[164]Beards are occasionally waxed with the grease of mammoths, and combed with the use of combs made of bones.[165]


Every clan of the Reach has slightly varied approach to the religion. They worship both ancestors, variouslesser spiritsthat are unique to each clan as well as more powerful entities called Great Spirits.[131]Certainfoxesandelksheld sacred status, and their leathers were reserved for special occasions.[166][167]Some clans revered thenature spiritsassociated with animals or the nearby springs.[131]It was customary to thank to nature spirits before felling trees. Subsequently, the Reachfolk often would plant new saplings in the vacant space left by the fallen tree.[168]The Reachfolk do not worship the Daedra in the sense that people in other parts ofTamrielworship theDivines;rather, the beings they call spirits play an important role in their daily lives. They have what can be described as a give and take relationship with the Daedra, forming agreements for assistance with everyday tasks and challenges.[107]Religion of certain clans of the Reach does not involve Daedra at all. Only a part of Markarth's city clans engaged in Daedra worship,[169][170]and within this subset, certain Daedra, such as Malacath were even less popular.[171]Certain aspects of the Reach theology share similarities with the religious practices of theDruids.[172][173]As of4E 201,they referred to the spirits as the Old Gods.[174]

Idol of Hircine sculpted by Reachfolk

Hircine(theHunt-Father) Hircine is one of the most prominent spirits venerated by the Reachfolk, and plays a role in their creation myth.[128][175]He teaches the Reachmen to live "in the now",[24]and to be cunning and strong so they may survive in the Reach.[131]Followers of Hircine in Markarth worshipped him in theShrine of the Hunt-Father.[176]

Namira(The Spirit Queen / the Goddess of Death) Namira is the spirit of darkness and endings, but also a spirit of rebirth. She is considered to be a powerful force in the natural world.[107]

Malacath(The Lord of Ash and Bone) Malacath's true chosen people is the Reachfolk, according to some Reachmen tribes, and he createdOrcs,Ogres,andTrollsto test them.[8]He is not a popular spirit among the Reachfolk of Markarth.[171]

Nocturnal(Mistress of Shadows) She is ever watchful, watching since the beginning.[177]She is the spirit of the night. The Reachfolk give her offerings in the hope that she'll send hercrowsto watch over them.[178]

Molag Bal(Father of Torment) The spirit of torment and trouble, he teaches Reachmen to endure their struggles.[178]The Reachfolk see Molag Bal as one who enjoys playing tricks and setting traps to ensnare or test mortals.[103]

Mehrunes Dagon(Lord of Destruction / Lord of Ambition) The spirit of ambition and destruction.[103]

Peryite(Master of Tasks / Lord of Order) is a revered spirit in the Reachmen pantheon that shares many characteristics withAkatosh,in pivotal ways such as being attributed to "time, rigid natural order, (and) draconic imagery". This has lead to scholars concluding that there was a cultural diffusion between the early ancestors ofMenandMerin the Northwestern parts of Tamriel. To describe Peryite as a necessary evil would be a misnomer, for while the Reachfolk see him as necessary, they see the good in him maintaining a balance as a force of nature. While a Reachmen may be claimed by a blight or plague, they will come out of these natural tragedies healthier. This keeps the dangers of overpopulation in check, and allows a new generation of Reachfolk to build immunities to what Peryite throws at them.[179]

A Shrine of Lorkh

Although he is not a Daedric Prince, Reachmen acknowledgeLorkhas the Spirit of Man and associate him with story of creation. Despite the fact that his name is never spoken in prayers, Lorkh is nevertheless revered by all Reachfolk clans.[24]As of theFourth Era,some Reachfolk cults ofMephalawere active.[180]

Occasional evidence suggests thatAedramay also play a role in Reachfolk religion:

  • In theSecond Era,The Dreadhorn Clan utilized shamanisticKyne-magic during their assault of Falkreath Hold.[UOL 4]When the Forsworn controlledFort Sungard,a shrine toKynarethcould be found inside the Fort.[181]
  • Circa2E 582,theEagleseerandSix-Fordclans were to hold a handfasting upon an altar ofMaraatHroldan Ringto unite the two clans, but it is unknown if they actually worshiped Mara herself.[182].One of the direwolves kept in the Shrine of the Hunt-Father's grounds was named after Mara.[183]As of4E 201several Reachfolk accept marriage under Mara.[184]Spirits of Briarhearts, whose original hearts were defiled are unable to pass to the afterlife,[185][186]unless the original heart of the deceased Briarheart is purified at the shrine of Mara and properly buried.[187]
  • As of4E 201,the Temple of Dibella at Markarth was held in high esteem by some Reachmen,[188]and the daughter of a Reachfolk couple was chosen to become Dibella's Sybil.[181]:332[189]There was also a Shrine of Dibella present atBroken Tower Redoubt,which had been occupied by theForsworn.It is unclear if the shrine was being worshiped at or if it had been desecrated.
  • As of4E 201some Reachfolk follow Eight Divines.[181]:332[190]There was no evidence of Talos worship present in their culture, however.[191][174][192]
  • Magnusis acknowledged by some Reachfolk.[193]
  • During the Interregnum, the city of Markarth was decorated with imagery associated withZenitharduring special celebrations dedicated to the god.[194]In the Fourth Era a shrine of Zenithar was found close to theFour Skull Lookout.[195][196]

Reachfolk practiceAncestor Worshipand have a class of story-tellers calledvateshran.Their job, among other things, is to ritualistically commemorate the dead ancestors of the clan through song.[197]Reachfolk honor their ancestors by living the life the way they did and believe that their ancestors observe them from the sky above and await reunion during which the stories of the battles their descendants fought will be exchanged.[24]Some of the clans ritually sacrifice animals as a form of offering to the ghosts of venerated ancestors and ancient heroes.[131]Venerated ancestors in turn are believed to communicate[198]and occasionally share wisdom with their descendants.[103]Although Reachfolk venerate numerous ancestors the most known ones are:

Aydolanwas an ancient Reachfolk storyteller and historian who created theVateshran's Ritesperformed in the ancient caves of theVateshran Hollows.Following his death he remained on theNirnas ancestral spirit for over one thousand years to oversee the trials and guide the generations of Spiritblood.[103]

Faolanwas ancient Reachfolk king and most known legendary hero among their kin. By theFourth Era,a radical faction of the Reachfolk, theForsworn,drew several parallels to the struggles of Red Eagle and his oppression under an occupying force. As such, many of them extolled his teachings and practices, looked up to him as their savior and sought his blessings. They planned to resurrect him through the ancient ritual so he can reclaim the freedom of his people and rule the Reach forevermore.[199][200]

Naenra Waerrwas an ancient witch responsible for the creation of theUmbra Sword.[201]Reachfolkwitches who pass the final test of wisdom and power honor her by crafting masks akin to one they believe she used to wear when crafting Umbra.[202]

Altar of Mara in Hroldan Ring


The Reachfolk believe in the existence of only two worlds; the worlds of flesh and spirit.[175]However, the world of flesh didn't always exist. Legends speak of Lorkh having an epiphany when he visited the darkness; that what is perceived as nothingness is ripe for possibility, for he saw the potential for there being more than just the realm of spirit.[203]And so, Lorkh approached Namira, the queen of the spirit world,[175]seeking a place within her infinite void that he could create a realm for wayward spirits. But it was not without a cost. Lorkh sacrificed himself to create a harsh realm, one that is unforgiving and intended to teach through suffering.[128]As a result, the Reachfolk look to less conventional gods for worship, who serve as lessons rather than beliefs.[175]

What ensured is shrouded in the allegory "And unto the mountains they fled, for the world grew dark with shadows which sprung from the heart of Lorkh, who though greatly sundered still believed in the light of Man".[39]After the fall of Lorkh, Hircine became the Lord of the Arena,[204]and took the mantle of Lorkh's creation, becoming the sovereign of the realm of flesh.[175]He became the most prominent deity to the Reachfolk, as he took an active leadership role, and shaped them to become survivors in the harshness of Nirn.[131]


Reachmen celebrate theend of the old yearand thebeginning of the new year.[205]They believe that with the coming of the New Life Festival, two of Hircine's aspects come to conflict with each other. New Life marks thewinter solstice,when the days begin to lengthen due to the return ofthe sun.Storihbeg the Man-Beast thus pursues the sun in an attempt to eat it, an effort to keep the nights longer. To prevent this, Reachmen summonHrokkibegthe Mighty Bear to keep Storihbeg constrained and protect Magnus.[193]

Namira's Dance is a ceremony performed by Reachfolk of theBoldclaw Clan.All clansmen unite together to pay respects to Namira, goddess of death and rebirth. Some are dressed in dark colors, with black facial paint, others arrive naked, to symbolize the beginning of life. Those who are able dance together in unison. During the celebrations, human blood is spilled for Namira, yet no violence is involved. Members of the clan do various things with the collected blood. Some sweep the blood under their eyes, others press bloody handprints to the ground. Despite the presence of blood, these celebrations are joyous in nature.[107]

Death Beliefs[edit]

Main Article:Reachman Death Beliefs

The Reachfolk believe the world is divided in two realms: the world of flesh is the mortal plane, which they believe is governed by Hircine. The world of spirit governed by Namira. Hircine and Namira's roles complement each other. While Reachfolk dwell in the world of the living, Hircine is a guide that helps them navigate Nirn's hardships.[24]Upon death, Namira acts as a psychopomp for Reachman souls that gives and takes lives, until their spirits are enlightened. Thus, Namira is seen as the avatar of primal dualisms, such as beginnings and ends, which stem from her world of spirit.[175]

Sky Tales[edit]

Snake Glyph
Wayward Guardians invoked the Witch, Hunter, and Headsman names for the protection

Sky Talesare Reachfolk term for theconstellations.[65]Some Reachfolk Witches can read the stars and see the future and hidden truths in their light.[65]

ThreeGuardian Constellationsare known asReach Guardians[65]andGuardians in the Sky.[25]The Witch in the Stars,the Hunter,andthe Headsmanwork together to protect the Lesser Stars from the malevolent Sky Tale known asthe Snake in the Stars.Around2E 582theWayward Guardiansled byAranarecognized the power of the Reach Guardians and invoked their names for the protection against theGray Host.[25]

The Witch in the StarsThe Mage Constellation is known asthe Witch in the Stars,which is often shortened tothe Witch.She is one of the three Reach Guardians and shines her light on covens that protect the Reach from outsiders and others who mean to do Reachfolk harm. Her good eye sees through everything, be it rock, water or flesh to find the hard truths. Whenever she speaks, she never lies.[65]

The HunterThe Thief Constellation is known asthe Hunter.She is one of the three Reach Guardians and is believed to be the wiliest of the sky tales. She is as clever as an old fox and as swift as a young one. One of her duties is to observe the Snake in the Stars movements. She always finds it no matter where it slithers. Teachings of the Hunter are known to the Reachfolk. She taught them how to keep their feet quiet and their kills as silent as the night.[65]

The HeadsmanThe Warrior Constellation is known asthe Headsman.He is one of the three Reach Guardians and is typically depicted carrying the axe. The Headsman stands for swift ends and payment in kind. He delivers justice and punishment in equal measure.[65]

The Snake in the StarsThe Serpent Constellation is known as theSnake in the Stars,which is often shortened tothe Snake.It is also occasionally referred to asthe Enemyandthe Corrupter.The Serpent is the enemy of the Reach Guardians. Reachfolk believe that if permitted, Snake would consume all the Lesser Stars without hesitation.[65]

In the year2E 582,Arana and the Witch-Rebels agreed to form a proper alliance withHouse Ravenwatchandthe Vestige,but only once the ritual honoringHircinewas performed to finalize the binding pact between parties. The ritual was successful and revealed the sigil of the Snake in the Stars. Initially, Arana interpreted it as the substitute for their prey but soon realized that the clue sent by the Daedric Prince referred to the Sky Tales.[65]The Dwemer plaques led to Bthar-Zel, where they hoped to find materials to arm themselves against the invasion of the Gray Host.[206]One of the Reachfolkglyphsdepict the snake.[207]Its connection to the Snake in the Stars is unknown.

Lesser StarsOther Constellations, widely known as thechargesare known as theLesser Stars.Reach Guardians protect them from being devoured by the Snake in the Stars.[65]

Known Reachfolk Groups[edit]

The Reachfolk organize themselves into a panoply of clans and independent factions.

Main Article:Reachman Clans





See Also[edit]


Politics and History
Foreign accounts


  1. ^Politics of the ReachConsul Cardea,the Ard's Administrator,2E 578
  2. ^abcPocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: High RockImperial Geographical Society,2E 864
  3. ^Ragebound Cratedescription inESO
  4. ^Holdings of Jarl GjalundSlafknir the Scribe
  5. ^abcdThe "Madmen" of the ReachArrianus Arius,Imperial Scholar
  6. ^abAnnals of the DragonguardBrother Annulus
  7. ^abcdefghPocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: High RockImperial Geographical Society,2E 864
  8. ^abMalacath and the ReachKyrtos
  9. ^The Translated Works of Tosmorn, IIIXandier Edette
    Edited byVanesse Aurilie
  10. ^abcdefThe Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Northern Bangkorai and the MountainsFlaccus Terentius,2E 581
  11. ^abMeet the Character - Domihaus the Bloody-HornedGherig Bullblood
  12. ^Ask Us Anything: Lore
  13. ^Arthenice Belloq Answers Your QuestionsArthenice Belloq
  14. ^Orsimer Enemies Ear Collectioncontraband inESO
  15. ^How Orsinium Passed to the OrcsMenyna Gsost
  16. ^Nelldena's appearance inESO
  17. ^Bradan's appearance inESO
  18. ^abcGorbarth's appearance and dialogue inESO:Markarth
  19. ^Apprentice Fialyn's appearance inESO
  20. ^abDruadach Passdialogue inIsle of Madness
  21. ^abcCrafting Motif 54: Bloodforge StyleStoneheartthe Heartstone
  22. ^Crafting Motif 55: Dreadhorn StyleGherig Bullbloodof the Dreadhorn Clan [Notes byRena Hammerhands]
  23. ^Bloodrage StyleinESO
  24. ^abcdefgArdanir's dialogue inESO
  25. ^abcdCrafting Motif 97: Wayward Guardian StyleAranaof theGhostsong Clan(as recorded byCount Verandis Ravenwatch)
  26. ^Razortooth Manaclescontraband inESO
  27. ^Hircine-Blessed Skewerscontraband inESO
  28. ^abMalachite Hairpincontraband inESO:Markarth
  29. ^abAyddelsa's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  30. ^Description of theKeptu-Horn Skull Sallet
  31. ^abcdefThe Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Northern Bangkorai and the MountainsFlaccus Terentius,2E 581
  32. ^Schemes of the ReachmageGabrielle Benele,Wizard
  33. ^abThe Glenmoril WyrdLady CinnabarofTaneth
  34. ^Berinodh's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  35. ^Aspects of Lord HircineJuno Procillus,AcademyofChorrol
  36. ^Loading screeninESO
  37. ^abcMedone's dialogue inESO
  38. ^Lost Valley Redoubt's loading screen inESO
  39. ^abNchuand-Zel's loading screen inESO
  40. ^abReach Bedtime StoriesIsa Truiand,Teller of Tales
  41. ^abCount Verandis Ravenwatch's dialogue inESO
  42. ^Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Wilds Remain: ValenwoodImperial Geographical Society,3E 432
  43. ^Kyne's Challenge, High Rock — The Imperial Library
  44. ^OnceBeredalmo the Signifier
  45. ^Crafting Motif 46: Frostcaster StyleDoctor Alfidia Lupus, Imperial Ethnographer
  46. ^Theplaque commemorating Olafoutside thePalace of the Kingsin Windhelm
  47. ^abcHistory of Markarth: A Story in StoneConsul Cardea,the Ard's Administrator
  48. ^Dialogue withLord TrystaninESO
  49. ^The Royal House of King EamondSeneschal Derric AndrasofCastle Evermore
  50. ^abRed Eagle Cave Paintingantiquity codex entry inESO
  51. ^The Legend of Red EagleTredayn Dren
  52. ^abHigh Chancellor's Papers: The Tagh DroilochAbnur Tharn
  53. ^Secret History of the Longhouse EmperorsCouncilor Vandacia
  54. ^Travails and Triumphs of a Monarch— His MajestyKing Emeric
  55. ^The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Author ForewordFlaccus Terentius,2E 581
  56. ^abEvents ofESO
  57. ^Medresi Guvron's dialogue inESO
  58. ^Arvnir's dialogue duringThe Frozen IsleinESO
  59. ^Meet the Character - Mother CiannaitOptio Cornelia Midara
  60. ^Chronicles of the Five Companions 5Abnur Tharn
  61. ^Trano Coventina's dialogue inESO
  62. ^The Rat's dialogue inESO
  63. ^GellsoaneinESO
  64. ^Tisfira's dialogue inESO
  65. ^abcdefghijArana's dialogue duringBlood of the ReachinESO:Markarth
  66. ^Senan's dialogue inESO
  67. ^abArloakh's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  68. ^Bastheladir's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  69. ^Giraud Scraeg's dialogue inESO
  70. ^Agents and Reagents: The Bounty of Mundus— David S. J. Hodgson
  71. ^Hroltar the Boaster's dialogue inESO
  72. ^Sibellec the Old's dialogue inESO
  73. ^KelaerinESO
  74. ^IglythainESO
  75. ^The Anchorite's dialogue inESO
  76. ^CarugganinESO
  77. ^Cipher CianrellainESO
  78. ^Cipher DevkelninESO
  79. ^BernollachinESO
  80. ^abThe Arcturian HeresyThe Underking,YsmirKingmaker
  81. ^Kibell's dialogue inSkyrim
  82. ^abcdThe Bear of MarkarthArrianus Arius,Imperial Scholar
  83. ^Markarth Bannermen's card lore inLegends
  84. ^An Explorer's Guide to SkyrimMarcius Carvain,Viscount Bruma
  85. ^Ainethach's dialogue inSkyrim
  86. ^Bothela's dialogue inSkyrim
  87. ^abOn the Clans of the ReachTheopho Harvian,ImperialScribe
  88. ^Crafting Motif 65: Huntsman StyleUraccanach the Witchman(as transcribed byJuno Procillus,AcademyofChorrol)
  89. ^On the Nature of ReachmenArthenice Belloq
  90. ^Eyewitness to the Wall
  91. ^abcRichien Thelin's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  92. ^abLiving on the Karth RiverAodhsil
  93. ^The Battle of Karthspire LeaVateshran Barth
  94. ^An Imperial in MarkarthConsul Cardea,the Ard's Administrator
  95. ^Appearance of weapons ofAncestral Reach StyleinESO
  96. ^Shrunken Werewolf Headcontraband inESO
  97. ^Events ofRed Eagle's SonginESO
  98. ^Ice-Heart's JournalUrfon Ice-Heart
  99. ^Letter to Mother CiannaitBani
  100. ^Forsworn Note
  101. ^Forsworn Note
  102. ^Hereline's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  103. ^abcdeAydolan's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  104. ^A Year Among the Eagleseer ClanGlabrian Tuliel,University of Gwylim
  105. ^abMulzurbesh's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  106. ^Jotep-Mota's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  107. ^abcdNamira's DanceGemma Pamphelius,Cultural Scribe
  108. ^Feathermoth's dialogue inESO
  109. ^J'ghanor's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  110. ^Ard Caddach's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  111. ^Lady Belain's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  112. ^Investigator Vale in the Reach
  113. ^TheRites Matron's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  114. ^Angair's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  115. ^Caddgarn's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  116. ^Vernim Woods's loading screen inESO
  117. ^abcClans of the Reach: A GuideEhcelmo
  118. ^Bloodroot Spriggandescription inESO
  119. ^Bloodthorn Vines, Small
  120. ^Vine, Bloodroot Grasper
  121. ^abZhagush gro-Korlag's dialogue inESO
  122. ^Caillaoife's dialogue inESO
  123. ^Horns of the Reach - Bloodroot Forge Previewon the officialESOwebsite
  124. ^Bloodroot Wild Hunt Senchemount description inESO
  125. ^Angof the Undying's dialogue inESO
  126. ^Ree-Zish's dialogue inESO
  127. ^Ambassador Goronwy's dialogue inESO
  128. ^abcGreat Spirits of the Reach: Volume 5Vashu gra-Morga,Chief Daedrotheologist at theUniversity of Gwylim
  129. ^Faorin's dialogue inESO
  130. ^Kyrtos' dialogue inESO
  131. ^abcdefGreat Spirits of the Reach: Volume 2Vashu gra-Morga,Chief Daedrotheologist at theUniversity of Gwylim
  132. ^The Heart of the Beastquest inESO
  133. ^Filand's dialogue inESO
  134. ^Blood-Forgedskin description inESO
  135. ^Fight and dialogue withCorintthac the Abomination
  136. ^Ushang the Untamed's dialogue inNature's Bounty
  137. ^Drinks of the ReachFjoriddaof Voljar's Meadery
  138. ^Jad'zirri's dialogue inESO
  139. ^Meet the Character - AranaJano Vestalis,Imperial Cartographer
  140. ^Crafting Motif 12: Barbaric StyleSeif-ij Hidja
  141. ^The Reach Food Letters
  142. ^abcdefCrafting Motif 94: Ancestral Reach Style— LieutenantAbrienna Nestoro,Imperial Legion
  143. ^abcCrafting Motif 55: Dreadhorn StyleGherig Bullbloodof the Dreadhorn Clan [Notes byRena Hammerhands]
  144. ^abcdefCrafting Motif 82: Icereach Coven StyleSvarrid Snow-Seer,Guard of Windhelm
  145. ^Winterborn Shaman's Costumeitem description inESO
  146. ^Forsworn EquipmentinSkyrim
  147. ^Appearance ofMorrigh BullbloodinESO
  148. ^Bull-Heart Skull SalletItem Description
  149. ^Stag-Heart Skull Sallethat description inESO
  150. ^Crow-Heart Skull Salletitem description
  151. ^Reach-Mage Ceremonial Skullcapitem description
  152. ^Witchwise Headdressitem description inESO
  153. ^Timbercrow Wandereroutfit inESO
  154. ^Blue Beadquest item description inESO
  155. ^Decorative Featherquest item description inESO
  156. ^Crone's Wicker Coronalitem description inESO
  157. ^Lady Eloisse Answers Your QuestionsLady Eloisse, Fifth Countess Manteau
  158. ^Dreadhorn Face Tattoohead marking description inESO
  159. ^Dreadhorn Body Tattoobody marking description inESO
  160. ^Inkwing Death Crow Body Tattooitem description inESO
  161. ^Karthwolf Body Tattooitem description inESO
  162. ^Bloodbite Tooth Stainitem description inESO
  163. ^Dark Witness War Paintitem description inESO
  164. ^Deloused Reachmen Scalpsitem description inESO
  165. ^Anarleghan's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  166. ^Leggings of the Quick FoxinESO:Markarth
  167. ^Reach-Warden's JackinESO:Markarth
  168. ^Malug's dialogue inESO:Markarth
  169. ^Vilia Pamphelius' dialogue inESO
  170. ^Uxitldish's dialogue inESO
  171. ^abRulfalash's dialogue inESO
  172. ^Nighthunter's Cowldescription inESO
  173. ^Kemshelar's dialogue inESO
  174. ^abCedran's dialogue inSkyrim
  175. ^abcdefGreat Spirits of the Reach: Volume 3Vashu gra-Morga,Chief Daedrotheologist at theUniversity of Gwylim
  176. ^High Shaman Glynroch's dialogue inESO
  177. ^Markarth Outlaws Refuge's dialogue inESO
  178. ^abApprentice Fialyn's dialogue inESO
  179. ^Great Spirits of the Reach: Volume 4Vashu gra-Morga,Chief Daedrotheologist at theUniversity of Gwylim
  180. ^Skyrim - The Adventure Game
  181. ^abcThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Prima Official Game Guide— David Hodgson
  182. ^Vows and Oathsquest inESO
  183. ^MarainESO:Markarth
  184. ^Events ofThe Bonds of MatrimonyinSkyrim
  185. ^Beldama Witch's Note
  186. ^Crypt of the Heart - Draft— Ariana Dumas
  187. ^Events ofCrypt of the Heartquest inSkyrim
  188. ^Fjotra's andEnmon's dialogue inSkyrim
  189. ^Events ofThe Heart of DibellainSkyrim
  190. ^Senna's dialogue inSkyrim
  191. ^Belchimac's dialogue inSkyrim
  192. ^Degaine's dialogue inSkyrim
  193. ^abNew Life Festival Interview— Countess Aurorelle Edrald, Marwig Yeomcroft, Priestess Phaziyya, and Mochtuinne Eye-Tooth
  194. ^Appearance ofMarkarthduringZeal of Zenithar
  195. ^Four Skull LookoutinSkyrim
  196. ^Shrine of ZenitharinSkyrim
  197. ^TheRites Matron's dialogue inESO
  198. ^Powderwhite Coney's description
  199. ^Red Eagle's Rite
  200. ^Events ofRebel's CairninSkyrim
  201. ^Tamrielic LoreYagrum Bagarn
  202. ^Description of theWitchwise Headdress
  203. ^The Dark Descent's loading screen inESO
  204. ^Letter to Apprentice GwerinaHigh Shaman Glynroch
  205. ^Appearance ofThe Hunter's ReposeandMarkarthduringNew Life Festival
  206. ^Count Verandis Ravenwatch's dialogue duringThe Study of SoulsinESO:Markarth
  207. ^Markarthappearance inESO:Markarth

Note:The following references are considered to beunofficial sources.They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.