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Location Quendeluun
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact(formerly)

Delves-Deeplyis anArgonianand a former mage of theEbonheart Pactfound in the ruins ofQuendeluun.She decided to leave after being mistreated byDunmerwho still believed in slavery.

Related Quests[edit]


"You're an unexpected bend in the river. NotVeiled Heritance,yes? And obviously notPact.Perhaps we may be of service to one another? "
Aren't you a member of the Pact?
"Argonians as a people are, yes. But these troops are no friends of mine.
I want to teach these pigs a lesson. I help you, you help me? "
What do you have in mind?
"This crystal, take it. The Pact has unloaded arcane cargo all around the cove.
Simply touch the crystal to the cargo. The results should be... impressive "
I'll give it a shot.

You can ask her a few questions before performing your task.

"Careful. The crystal has a bite. Not always so friendly when unattuned."
The crystal might backfire? / Destroy the supplies with a crystal that may backfire on me?
"Yes. The crystal may backfire if not properly attuned."
Is this something I can get some help with?
"I can't. My magicka is bound. I could try, but if I exceed the power the stone allows me... pain.
Excruciating pain. "
(Intimidate) I don't want to brag, but I'm pretty good at hurting people.
"I see I've chosen another trustworthy ally.
Very well. I'll try. "
Fine. Thanks anyway.
"Good luck."
Why help me?
"My people are allied with the Dark Elves. Our slavemasters are now our friends.
And yet, nothing has changed. I'm still treated like a slave. I should be free to flow as the river's course demands. "
Aren't you a mage? Why don't you just leave?
"My magicka is bound. My superior, he holds a gem that constrains my power.
You destroy their supplies, yes? I gain my freedom. "

If you intimidate her to attune the crystal, she begin a procedure to do so:

Delves-Deeply:"A moment. I must prepare the crystal."
Delves-Deeply:"There. Now for the attunement. Hold still."

<She cast a lightning spell onto you in order to attune the crystal.>

Delves-Deeply:"And it's done."
Delves-Deeply:"Take it. And good luck."

Speaking to her again if you receive the attuned crystal from her:

"Good luck. When you're done, meet me on the ship."

Return to her after completing the objective.

"Good work. The crystal?"
I still have it.
"Excellent. So now you see—this gem dampens my magicka.
The crystal I gave you, along with a bit of spellwork, should set me free. "
What are you going to do?
"I will start the spell. Once I have the crystal weakened, I will tell you to use the crystal I gave you. Using it will be the final boost I need.
Then I shall be free. Ready? "
I'm ready.

She prepares the spell and says:

Delves-Deeply:"This should work."
Delves-Deeply:"Now! Use the crystal on the stone!"

Speaking to her while she's preparing the spell:

"That went better than expected. Now, just do your part…"

Do as she asks.

"Well done!"
What will you do now?
"Leave these pigs to your slaughter. May they rot.
Thank you for your help.Shadowfenawaits! "

After the quest, she will cast a spell to teleport out of the ship. She will be back at her tarp:

"Good job."