Online:Garyn Indoril

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Garyn Indoril
Home City Ebonheart
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) House Indoril
Ebonheart Pact
Garyn Indoril

Garyn Indorilis aDark Elfand the only son ofTanval,the grandmaster ofHouse Indoril.He is gifted in magic and is usually never far from his father's side. Garyn Indoril grew up in the city of Ebonheart and is his father's pride and joy.
Garyn Indoril is loyal to his father, his friends and his country. He is active in the Pact's defense against theDaggerfall Covenantin the region of Stonefalls.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest Related Events[edit]

Legacy of the Ancestors[edit]

Garyn doesn't play an instrumental part in this quest. Rather, you are first introduced to him here, where he is standing beside his father.

Speaking to Garyn if you haven't started the quest:

"My father, Tanval Indoril, commands here. Speak with him."

If you were sent by Holgunn:

"You should talk to my father, Grandmaster Tanval. He leadsHouse Indoril."
You help your father in battle, Garyn?
"It is my pleasure to uphold my family's honor.
With my father leading the defense, victory is certain. "

After speaking with his father, he'll say either:

"Your mission is important. Are you done already?"
"I won't doubt my father's wisdom. Whatever he has you doing, it's for the safety of Stonefalls."

After returning with the skull ofNam Indoril:

"Speak to my father. He's been asking for you."

Delaying the Daggers[edit]

Speaking to him before accepting the quest:

"My father requires you again."

Asking Garyn to show you to the west gate:

"My orders are to help you."
Tanval said you would lead me to the west gate.
"Then we should go."

If you choose to have Garyn show you the way to the west gate, he will have some commentary along the way.

Garyn Indoril:"Father said the Akaviri War was like this."
Garyn Indoril:"Such senseless death and destruction."

Arriving at the gate:

Garyn Indoril:"Commander Holgunn."

Garyn needs to leave after he's delivered you to Holgunn.

Garyn Indoril:"I have duties with my father. Fight well."

After speaking to Holgunn and before burning all the enemy siege equipment, Garyn will be back in Indoril Manor:

"Help Holgunn deal with the troops outside the west gate. Buy my father some time."

City Under Siege[edit]

In the Indoril tomb, Garyn will be defending his father while he performs the ritual to summonBalreth.

Garyn Indoril:"More coming! Keep them away from father."

After Balreth is summoned and is sent to destroy the Covenant invaders, Garyn will accompany hsi father out of the tomb.

Quiet the Ringing Bell[edit]

During this quest, you have been ordered by Tanval Indoril to meet his son at Ash Mountain, where he is working on a way to seal Balreth away after his father released it.

"Good to see you here, soldier. We'll need all the help we can get."
Your father told me to report to you.
"And I'm glad he did. Balreth, it seems, does not want to go quietly back into his cage."

Mystery of Othrenis[edit]

Garyn sends you to Othrenis to help one of his scouts figure out a way to reseal Balreth. Othrenis is the final resting place of theChimermages who sealed away the Brother of Strife in the First Era. Knowing this, Garyn figures it would be a good place to start looking for answers.

"Father was sure Balreth was the only way to defeat the Covenant army. But it seems he may have been a bit hasty in his actions."
What do you mean?
"The ritual Father gave me to rebind Balreth isn't working. Something's gone wrong. Daedra are pouring from the volcano, and I'm worried about the nearby towns. We need answers, and we need them fast."
What would you have me do?
"Our best bet is to go back to the source: the Mages that first bound Balreth. Some of them are buried at the necropolis to the south, a place calledOthrenis.I've sent a scout,Onuja,to learn what we need. Go there, and aid him. "
I'm on it.

Speaking with him after accepting the quest:

"Good luck at Othrenis, my friend. The dead do not always rest easily."

To Ash Mountain[edit]

You will bring crucial information from Othrenis to Garyn:

"Rumblings from the mountain have us all on edge. Balreth is up there somewhere.
I hope you've brought good news. "
I spoke with a Mage from the past and learned how to bind Balreth.
"Excellent! My friend, you are an asset and blessing on the Pact. I sense the hand of theThreehere. "

Restoring the Guardians[edit]

Before you accept the quest from him, Garyn will say:

Garyn Indoril:"Shore up the defenses on the path! We can't let those scamps off the mountain."

Speaking to him, he will require your aid to bound Balreth:

"Now we'll get things done. ByVivec,Balreth will be bound again! "
I know what to do. The mages of the past shackled Balreth with guardian atronachs.
"The atronachs? Well… that's bad. I banished them when I cast Father's spell.
We were sure we could control the creature. Damn it. I suppose we'll have to summon them again, somehow. "
How do we do that?
"They stood watch over Ash Mountain for centuries. All we need to do is grab their attention again. Kill Daedra, take their hearts, then burn them at the ruin altars. That should draw them out.
Walks-in-Ashis waiting for you at the top. Good luck! "
I'll get started.

Asking him about the presence of the Daedra:

"We'll hold the line here, ensure that the Ashlands are safe. All of Stonefalls is relying on you, my friend."
Why are the Daedra here?
"Normally Daedra only grudgingly come to Nirn. But Ash Mountain resonates with the magical echoes of Balreth's capture. That power, and the heat of the lava, draws them in. Like moths to a flame."
Why weren't you able to shackle Balreth?
"Father… may have been overconfident. We broke the wards and, as you learned, dispelled the guardians when we summoned Balreth to Davon's Watch.
Father was sure I'd be able to replace them. I don't want to let him down. "

After collecting the Daedra Heart and before you summon the guardians:

"You must summon the guardians. We'll handle the Scamps. We'll meet you at the top.
Walks-in-Ash should already be there. She's always been a stealthy sort. "

After the quest, if you return to him:

"Excellent work. We're one step closer to imprisoning the Brother of Strife."

The Death of Balreth[edit]

Garyn healing a player

Garyn Indoril will accompany you into the caldera of Ash Mountain when you go to finally imprison Balreth once and for all. He will aid you with his magic during combat.

Garyn Indoril:"To me! Draw Magicka from my aura."
Garyn's healing aura

You can stand next to Garyn during the fight to passively regain health and stamina. Garyn will also attack Balreth and the scamps he summons with light attacks from his frost staff.

Summoning the guardians:

Garyn Indoril:"Now, summon the guardians! Touch Balreth's prison to draw them in."

After being summoned for the last time to bind Balreth within Ash Mountain,RagebinderandBlazeturn on you. Before they have the chance to burn you and Garyn to a crisp, the spirit ofMavos Siloreth,the one who originally bound Balreth, appears to save you.

Garyn Indoril:"You did it! The guardians are here! What are they waiting for?"
Ragebinder:"What will you do now, worms?"
Blaze:"Mortals, burn in my flames unending!"
Mavos Siloreth:"Daedra! Hear me! Return to your purpose."
Mavos Siloreth:"Balreth cannot walk the world of mortals. You must cage him again!"
Ragebinder:"We obey."
Blaze:"Forgive us, mortal master."
Mavos Siloreth:"Fulfill your ancient vows. Imprison Balreth!"

After Balreth has been imprisoned, Garyn will run back to the portal:

Garyn Indoril:"Balreth is bound forever. Let's return to Ash Mountain."

Outside the caldera if you speak to him before Walks-in-Ash:

"We did it! We walked into an inferno and emerged unscathed. We defeated a Brother of Strife!
This is worthy of an epic... or a monument inMournhold!"

After the quest:

"On toEbonheart,yes? The Covenant is retreating here, but there's lots of fighting still ahead. "

Restoring Order[edit]

You can find him inside the manor at Ebonheart alongside his father Tanval, Walks-in-Ash and Holgunn. He is not instrumental to the quest, but you can ask him some questions.

"Welcome in the name of the Three. How do you like Ebonheart?"
Are you fond of Ebonheart, Garyn?
"I spent much of my childhood here, living with my mother's family.
Some of my fondest memories are of playing with my father on the shores of the bay. I learned to fight with the troops in the square. "
Do you know how the recovery effort is going?
"In the wake of Balreth's rampage? It goes well.Seniewill be rebuilt, and the ash from the volcano will actually help the farms, at least in the long run.
It's been hard, but Daen Seeth will prosper. "

Breaking Fort Virak[edit]

If you haven't started the quest and you approach him, he will notice you:

"Ah! Finally, a change in the weather!"

When you report to Garyn, he sounds stressed, and speaks in a hushed voice.

"By the Three! Good to see you again, my friend."
How can I help?
"From what my spies tell me, General Serien sent most of his forces toVivec's Antlers.He shouldn't have the strength to holdFort Virak,but he's repelling our attacks again and again.
I have an idea of how he's doing this. I don't like it. "
How can I help, Garyn?
"You're the only one I trust. Go to the front lines. I know this sounds gruesome, but I need you to inspect the bodies of the Covenant troops after they fall.
Bring me anything... well, unusual. And keep this between us. I don't want any panic. "
I'll investigate.

If you were sent by Sergeant Gjorring:

"By the Three! Good to see you again, my friend."
What's going on here?
"My spies are telling me General Serien sent most of his forces to Vivec's Antlers. He shouldn't have the strength to hold Fort Virak, but he's repelling our attacks.
I think I know how he's doing this. I hope I'm wrong. "
How can I help, Garyn?
"You're the only one I trust to do this. Go to the front lines. This sounds gruesome, but I need you to inspect the bodies of Covenant troops after they fall.
Look for anything…well, unusual. And be discreet. I don't want the troops to panic. "

Speaking to him after this conversation:

"Head to the front line. See what you can find. We'll speak when you return."

Returning to him with the evidence:

"Did you find anything suspicious?"
The soldiers fighting our troops were... rotting.
"Now you can see why I had you investigate. I didn't want to panic my troops.
After each day of fighting, we've allowed the enemy to collect their dead, out of respect. Serien is raising them at night to face us again the next day. "
How do I put a stop to this?
"That old lizard, Walks-in-Ash, came to me with a plan to infiltrate the fort. I told her it was too risky. Now we're fighting a losing battle.
It's time to take a risk. Walks-in-Ash and an elite squad are in the ruins under the fort. She'll explain the rest. "

Speaking with him after this conversation:

"Walks-in-Ash is waiting for you inside the ruins. Hurry!"

After the quest if you return to him back to the camp:

"We've managed to infiltrate the fort, but there's still more work to be done."

Evening the Odds[edit]

When you unbar the south gate, both he and his father will appear and run to a secure location:

Garyn Indoril:"We'll meet you in the secured area. For the Pact!"

He will be in the courtyard after the Pact has taken back the fort:

"This is amazing. What a historic moment! And we have you to thank for it."

After the quest:

"This is grim business, but I'm proud to fight by my father's side."

The General's Demise[edit]

Both he and his father will take down the ward on the door with a spell:

Garyn Indoril:"The ward has been dispelled. Go findSerien.We'll join you as soon as we've recovered our strength. "

Speaking to Garyn before entering the keep:

"Father and I have broken the ward on the gate. Get in there, my friend."

After killing General Serien, this moment of victory is cut short with Serien's spirit killing Garyn:

Garyn Indoril:"We've done it! The general is dead!"
General Serien:"No! I must not fail!"

The General then kills Garyn in a last-ditch effort to take something from the Pact.