
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995

TheUESP Forumsoffer a place to come and discuss your questions, likes, dislikes, concerns, or thoughts about any area in the TES games with fellow fans in the community. Whether you have a question about the nature of CHIM, want to talk about just how annoying cliffracers really are, have a question about the language of the dragons, or just want to show off your newest character, there is a place to come and discuss it on the forums. In addition, we also offer subforums where you can relax and get to know other members of the community in our general discussion area, where you can talk about non-TES related material. The forums are a great place to meet other members of the UESP community and serves as an active, friendly, and endless opportunity for conversation and knowledge. All are welcome!

Anyone may read the contents of the forum, but you mustregisterto reply to forum threads. Once you have, we encourage you to come and introduce yourself to everyone in theWelcomes and Goodbyes thread!

If you are new to the concept of the forums, this wiki page will hopefully offer as a brief introduction, as well as list useful members who can assist you in any questions you may have and some of our most helpful forum links.

Subforums and Content[edit]

Subforums are where discussions - or topics - of a similar nature are collected together. That is to say, for example, that all topics relating to questions about mods for Skyrim are located in theMOD-Skyrim subforum.The forum’s subforums are divided into three main categories, in order of appearance in theforum index,or the main page:

  • The UESP Site- These subforums contain information about the UESP site as a whole, including announcements from forum staff, a place for forum specific questions, and a place for wiki specific questions.
  • The TES Games- These subforums are where game specific discussion takes place, including, but not limited to, troubleshooting, content discussion, character and screenshot sharing, patch, updates, and DLC information, player preferences, and so on; each game has its own subforums and is presented in the forum index in chronological order of release, from most recent downward.
    • There are sometimes multiple subforums for each game, such as a specific area for mod or help questions. You can find all the subforums related to a game in the following categories:
    • The forums also offer space for information from the in-game universe not necessarily restricted to one game:
  • General Discussion- These subforums exist for community building and allow non-game specific discussions on everything from everyday life, multimedia, books and art, writing, music, technical questions, and roleplays.

When posting, please create topics in the correct subforum. If you accidentally create a thread in the incorrect place, a moderator can happily help you move it. Information about what topics belong where can be found on the index page, where a brief description of each subforum is listed under its title.

Forum Rules[edit]

Like the wiki, the forum operates under a specific set of rules that all users are expected to comply with. They can be reviewed by reading through theForum Rules thread,located at the top of every subforum with other important announcements. They are mandatory to follow; members who do not comply with the rules will find their posting access removed.

Any questions about the forum rules can be directed to a member of the forum staff.

Forum Staff and Special Members[edit]

Forum Staff[edit]

The forum staff exists to help forum users, uphold the rules, and to build the community. On the forum they are referred to as moderators. If you have a question, concern, or idea for the UESP forums, these are the first people you can contact for help. Moderators can be located on the forums by their colored usernames and the coins below their title. There are three main types of forum staff:

  • Global Moderator- These members have green usernames and coins and are responsible for assisting in all subforums and can help you with all questions pertaining to daily forum activities, including any problems that you have.
  • Tea Party Moderator- These members have pink usernames and coins and are Global Moderators in training, who start their learning by serving specifically in the General Discussion subforums. They are also available for your questions and concerns on daily forum activities.

Your current forum staff includes the following members:

  • MARS- Tea Party Moderator
  • Aarah- Tea Party Moderator

Everyone on the forum staff is available for any questions or concerns you may have, no matter how big or small. Information for how to contact these members on and off the forums is located in theModeratorssection of the forum rules.

Special Members[edit]

In addition to the forum staff, there are also special forum ranks and coins to help point out important members of the UESP community. These include the following:

  • Administrators- These members have red usernames and coins and hold administrator positions on the wiki and the forums.
  • Wiki Admins- These members have light blue usernames and coins and are admins on the UESP wiki, making them your go-to for wiki specific questions.

Helpful Information[edit]

Questions, Issues, or Account Help[edit]

For questions about your forum account, including help changing a password, e-mail, or signing up, as well as more general questions, personal requests, or anything else that may be on your mind, please feel free to contact a member of the forum staff. There are four easy ways to do this:

  • Send a Private Message (PM)- All confirmed forum users can send PMs to others through their inbox. You may contact moderators and admins individually, or send a message to all members of the staff group by clicking on theStaffoptions in the Groups window on the Compose Message page.
  • Discord- Real-time chat channels. Join and go to the forums channel. From there contact any of the staff either in the main chat or via a PM.
  • E-mail- If you are having problems logging in or setting up your account, or have not yet been confirmed to send PMs, please feel free to send the forum admin(s) an e-mail. They can be reached any time at[email protected].
  • Talk Page- Wiki users can access the talk pages of forum staff, as listed above. The best individuals whose pages to contact are forum adminsMusicman247,AKB,andAlarra,who can assist you with any forum related questions or problems. However, when leaving notes on talk pages, please remember thatanyonecan read them. Never post your account password and e-mail credentials, for the safety of your own account!

Helpful Links[edit]

Here are some helpful links to get you started on your forum experience not already mentioned above:

Wiki Subforum- A subforum created just for wiki specific questions, our wiki editors will find this as a great starting point. Come help users with wiki questions!
Forum Proposals and Questions- Have an idea for how to make the forums better? Tell us all about it in our suggestions thread!
Competition of the Month- Think you have what it takes to wear the title of winner? Come and participate in our newest competition of the month!
UESP Discord- Want to have a casual discussion with our forum users? Come to our Discord chat! Information on the channel and our rules can be found in theon the wiki.

Common Forum Lingo[edit]

When on the forums, do as the forum folk do - but thatmightbe difficult if you're confused by some everyday forum lingo (and worry not - we forum goers are sometimes confused by wiki lingo). Here are a few of the things you may hear around the forums and what it refers to.

The Term The Meaning
Subforum The forum is made ofsubforums- smaller forums with one major theme or topic. On the UESP forums, for instance, you would talk about Skyrim mods in the MOD-Skyrim subforum or ask a question about your favorite sports team in the General Banter subforum.
Thread Athreadis a collection of posts that talk about one topic, similar to how the wiki is made up of pages of topics. A subforum is full of threads, and each thread has a topic, as declared in the thread title.
Post Apostis an individual's reply to a thread. If you are posting a message, you are writing a reply. Threads are a string of user posts.
Double Post Frowned on in forum etiquette, adouble postis when the same user makes two posts in a row. The forum staff asks that, if you find something additional to say but no new posts are made, you click on the "edit" button on your last post.
OP Typically this means "original post", "opening post", or "original poster". When a member refers to "OP", they are usually referring to the first post in the thread, which poses the question or topic for discussion, however, they may sometimes be referring to the person that made the first post.
Sticky Astickyis a type of thread. Sticky threads are made to "stick" to the top of a subforum, so as not to get buried under newly created posts. These threads are often popular topics. They are noted with a special icon to the left of the thread's title.
Ninja'd Users may sometimes find themselvesninja'd- when a user posts a reply before you finish yours! If you attempt to post a reply in a thread after a new post has emerged, the forum will pause to allow you to read it and alter your post, if necessary.
Necropost Anecropostis bringing an old thread back from the dead - and typically frowned upon. Currently, if a thread has not had a recent post in the last three months, it is considered inactive, and should not be posted in further. Ask a moderator first for permission to revive old threads.
TPM Short for Tea Party Moderator.
Pinkie Slang for a Tea Party Moderator; pink is the color of their usernames and coins.
Greenie Slang for a Global Moderator; green is the color of their usernames and coins.
Mod Naturally this refers to game mods, but if a member says, "Ask a mod", they mean "Ask a moderator". Moderators ask you avoid the slang "mod" so as not to confuse them with game mods. They only cause chaos on your data files, anyway.