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Diagram of a human spermatozoa showing the acrosome

Theacrosomeis anorganellethat develops over theanterior(front) half of the head in thespermatozoa(sperm cells) of humans, and many other animals. It is a cap-like structure derived from theGolgi apparatus.Inplacental mammals,the acrosome contains degradativeenzymes(includinghyaluronidaseandacrosin).[1]These enzymes break down the outer membrane of theovum,[2]called thezona pellucida,allowing thehaploidnucleusin the sperm cell to join with the haploid nucleus in the ovum. This shedding of the acrosome, oracrosome reaction,can be stimulatedin vitroby substances a sperm cell may encounter naturally such asprogesterone[3]orfollicular fluid,as well as the more commonly used calciumionophoreA23187.[4]This can be done to serve as a positive control when assessing the acrosome reaction of a sperm sample byflow cytometry[5]orfluorescence microscopy.This is usually done after staining with a fluoresceinatedlectinsuch as FITC-PNA, FITC-PSA, FITC-ConA, or fluoresceinated antibody such as FITC-CD46.[6]

In the case ofglobozoospermia(sperm with round heads), theGolgi apparatusis not transformed into theacrosome,causingmale infertility.[7]

See also



  1. ^"acrosome definition - Dictionary - MSN Encarta".Archived fromthe originalon 2009-02-14.Retrieved2007-08-15.
  2. ^Larson, Jennine L.; Miller, David J. (1999). "Simple histochemical stain for acrosomes on sperm from several species".Molecular Reproduction and Development.52(4): 445–449.doi:10.1002/(SICI)1098-2795(199904)52:4<445::AID-MRD14>3.0.CO;2-6.ISSN1098-2795.PMID10092125.S2CID24542696.
  3. ^Lishko, Polina V.; Botchkina, Inna L.; Kirichok, Yuriy (March 2011)."Progesterone activates the principal Ca 2+ channel of human sperm".Nature.471(7338): 387–391.Bibcode:2011Natur.471..387L.doi:10.1038/nature09767.ISSN1476-4687.PMID21412339.S2CID4340309.
  4. ^Jamil, K.; White, I. G. (December 1981)."Induction of acrosomal reaction in sperm with ionophore A23187 and calcium".Archives of Andrology.7(4): 283–292.doi:10.3109/01485018108999319.ISSN0148-5016.PMID6797354.
  5. ^Miyazaki R, Fukuda M, Takeuchi H, Itoh S, Takada M (1990)."Flow cytometry to evaluate acrosome-reacted sperm".Arch. Androl.25(3): 243–51.doi:10.3109/01485019008987613.PMID2285347.
  6. ^Carver-Ward JA, Moran-Verbeek IM, Hollanders JM (February 1997)."Comparative flow cytometric analysis of the human sperm acrosome reaction using CD46 antibody and lectins".J. Assist. Reprod. Genet.14(2): 111–9.doi:10.1007/bf02765780.PMC3454831.PMID9048242.
  7. ^Hermann Behre; Eberhard Nieschlag (2000).Andrology: Male Reproductive Health and Dysfunction.Berlin: Springer. p. 155.ISBN3-540-67224-9.