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Berdakh on an Uzbek stamp in 2012

Berdakh,pseudonym ofBerdimuratson of Gargabay (Karakalpak:Бердақ; Бердимурат Ғарғабай улы,1827–1900) was aKarakalpakpoet.

He was born inKarakalpakstan,in a remote village near modern-dayMuynak.His father was a poor fisherman and his mother, who gave him the nickname Berdakh, died when he was 10 years old. His father also died while Berdakh was still a child, and so Berdakh became an orphan. Berdakh studied in amektepand at the same time he grazed his fellow villagers' cattle. His brother helped him to go to Karakum madrasah, aMuslimreligious school,but Berdakh dropped out from the school because of hisfreethinkingpoetry.

The young poet began to study folk poetry and narrative classical masterpieces of the East. His tutorKunxoja(1799–1880), who was famous for his folk poetry, helped him with his poetry.Ajinyaz(1824–1878) another famous poet of that time, also played a significant role in Berdakh's life. For a long time Berdakh had to earn money playing thedutarat weddings. He sang his songs at weddings and different festive occasions. His songs were about the fate of a deprived man whose life was very hard. His most famous poems are:Ahmaq patsha(Tsar Samodur in Russian)that shows his life and poetic experience and lyricalBolģan emes[1],which describes the struggles and hardships of Karakalpak people. His other poems includedXalıq ushın[2](For the people),Amangeldi,Aydosbiy,andErnazarbiy.

During Berdakh's lifetime there was a rise in nationalliberation movementsamong the nations of theAral Seaterritory, especially among the Karakalpaks. Karakalpakia became a hotspot of discord among those nations. Thekhanate of Khivaconsidered Karakalpakia to be anaboband was constantly imposed duties on its people. TheRussianEmpire was also interested in Karakalpakia as it was a gateway toCentral Asia.Berdakh wrote not only about social problems but also about the protection ofwomen's rightsand dignity. He propagated equality and women's rights. His dream was to unite nations which were separated by different wars.


  1. ^"kitapxana.com, Бердақ: таңламалы шығармаларының жыйнағы –" Болған емес "(link to the Berdakh's poem" Bolgan emes "in Karakalpak language)".kitapxana.com.Retrieved31 October2023.
  2. ^"kitapxana.com, Бердақ: таңламалы шығармаларының жыйнағы –" Халық ушын "(link to the Berdakh's poem" For the people "in Karakalpak language)".kitapxana.com.Retrieved31 October2023.