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Backbone structure of a carbapenem.

Carbapenemsare a class of very effectiveantibioticagents most commonly used for treatment of severe bacterialinfections.This class of antibiotics is usually reserved for known or suspectedmultidrug-resistant(MDR) bacterial infections. Similar topenicillinsandcephalosporins,carbapenems are members of thebeta-lactam antibioticsdrug class, which kill bacteria by binding topenicillin-binding proteins,thus inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis. However, these agents individually exhibit a broader spectrum of activity compared to most cephalosporins and penicillins. Furthermore, carbapenems are typically unaffected by emergingantibiotic resistance,even to other beta-lactams.[medical citation needed]

Carbapenem antibiotics were originally developed atMerck & Co.from the carbapenemthienamycin,a naturally derived product ofStreptomyces cattleya.[1][2]Concern has arisen in recent years over increasing rates of resistance to carbapenems, as there are few therapeutic options for treating infections caused by carbapenem-resistant bacteria (such asKlebsiella pneumoniaeand othercarbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae[3]).[4][5][6]

Medical uses


Intra-abdominal infections


The carbapenemertapenemis one of several first-line agents recommended by theInfectious Disease Society of Americafor the empiric treatment of community-acquired intra-abdominal infections of mild-to-moderate severity. Agents with anti-pseudomonal activity, includingdoripenem,imipenem,andmeropenem,are not recommended in this population. Doripenem, imipenem, and meropenem are recommended for high-risk community-acquired abdominal infections and for abdominal infections that are hospital-acquired.[7]

Complicated urinary tract infections


A 2015 systematic review found little evidence that would support the identification of a best antimicrobial regimen for complicatedurinary tract infections,but identified three high-quality trials supporting high cure rates with doripenem, including in patients withlevofloxacin-resistantE. coliinfections.[8]



The carbapenems imipenem and meropenem are recommended by theAmerican Thoracic Societyand the Infectious Disease Society of America as one of several first-line therapy options for people with late-onsethospital-acquiredorventilator-associatedpneumonia, especially whenPseudomonas,Acinetobacter,orextended spectrum beta-lactamaseproducingEnterobacteriaceaeare suspected pathogens. Combination therapy, typically with anaminoglycoside,is recommended forPseudomonasinfections to avoid resistance development during treatment.[9]

Carbapenems are less commonly used in the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia, as community-acquired strains of the most common responsible pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae,Haemophilus influenazae,atypical bacteria, and Enterobactericeace) are typically susceptible to narrower spectrum and/or orally administered agents such asfluoroquinolones,amoxicillin,orazithromycin.Imipenem and meropenem are useful in cases in whichP. aeruginosais a suspected pathogen.[10]

Bloodstream infections


A 2015 meta analysis concluded that the anti-pseudomonal penicillin-beta lactamase inhibitor combinationpiperacillin-tazobactamgives results equivalent to treatment with a carbapenem in patients with sepsis.[11]In 2015, theNational Institute for Health and Care Excellencerecommended piperacillin-tazobactam as first line therapy for the treatment of bloodstream infections in neutropenic cancer patients.[12]

For bloodstream infections known to be due to extended spectrum beta-lactamase producingEnterobacteriaceace,carbapenems are superior to alternative treatments.[13]

Spectrum of activity


Carbapenems exhibit broad spectrum activity againstgram-negativebacteria and somewhat narrower activity againstgram-positivebacteria. Forempiric therapytreatment of infections prior to identification of the responsible pathogen) they are often combined with a second drug having broader spectrum gram-positive activity.[citation needed]

Gram-negative pathogens


The spectrum of activity of the carbapenems imipenem, doripenem, and meropenem includes mostEnterobacteriaceacespecies, includingEscherichia coli,Klebsiella pneumoniae,Enterobacter cloacae,Citrobacter freundii,Proteus mirabilis,andSerratia marcescens.Activity is maintained against most strains ofE. coliandK. pneumoniaethat are resistant to cephalosporins due to the production ofextended spectrum beta-lactamases.Imipenem, doripenem, and meropenem also exhibit good activity against most strains ofPseudomonas aeruginosaandAcinetobacterspecies. The observed activity against these pathogens is especially valued as they are intrinsically resistant to many other antibiotic classes.[4]

Gram-positive pathogens


The spectrum of activity of the carbapenems against gram-positive bacteria is fairly broad, but not as exceptionally so as in the case of gram-negative bacteria. Good activity is seen against methicillin-sensitive strains ofStaphylococcusspecies, but many other antibiotics provide coverage for such infections. Good activity is also observed for mostStreptococcusspecies, including penicillin-resistant strains. Carbapenems are not highly active againstmethicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureusor mostenterococcalinfections because carbapenems do not bind to the penicillin-binding protein used by these pathogens.[4]



Carbapenems generally exhibit good activity against anaerobes such asBacteroides fragilis.Like other beta lactam antibiotics, they lack activity against atypical bacteria, which do not have a cell wall and are thus not affected by cell wall synthesis inhibitors.[4]



Carbapenems are contraindicated in patients with prior allergic reactions to beta lactam antibiotics. In addition, as theintramuscularformulationsof ertapenem and imipenem are formulated withlidocaine,the intramuscular formulation of these two drugs are contraindicated in patients with prior adverse reactions to lidocaine.[14][15]Furthermore, carbapenems are also contraindicated in patients who are takingvalproic acidfor seizures, as it has been shown to decrease valproic acid concentrations by as much as 90%.[16]

Adverse effects


Serious and occasionally fatal allergic reactions can occur in people treated with carbapenems.[17]Seizuresare a dose-limitingtoxicityfor both imipenem and meropenem.[18]Clostridium difficile-related diarrhea may occur in people treated with carbapenems or other broad-spectrum antibiotics.[19]Those with an allergy topenicillinmay develop a cross sensitivity to carbapenems.[20]



Approved for clinical use

  • Imipenem,the first clinically used carbapenem, was developed at Merck and Co. It was approved for use in the United States in 1985.[21]Imipenem is hydrolyzed in themammalian kidneyby a dehydropeptidase enzyme to a nephrotoxic intermediate, and thus is co-formulated with the dehydropeptidase inhibitor cilastatin.[5]Imipenem is available in both intravenous[22]and intramuscular[23]formulations.
  • Meropenemis stable to mammalian dehydropeptidases and does not require co-administration of cilastatin. It was approved for use in the United States in 1996. In most indications it is somewhat more convenient to administer than imipenem, 3 times a day rather than 4. Doses of less than one gram may be administered as an IV bolus, whereas imipenem is usually administered as a 20-minute to one hour infusion. Meropenem is somewhat less potent than imipenem against gram-positive pathogens, and somewhat more potent against gram-negative infections. Unlike imipenem, which produced an unacceptable rate of seizures in a phase 2 trial, meropenem is effective for the treatment of bacterial meningitis.[24]A systematic review performed by an employee of the company that markets meropenem concluded that it provides a higher bacterial response and lower adverse event rates than imipenem in people with severe infections, but no difference in mortality rate.[25]
  • Ertapenemis administered once daily as an intravenous infusion or intramuscular injection. It lacks useful activity against theP. aeruginosaandAcinetobacterspecies, both of which are important causes of hospital-acquired infections.[26]
  • Doripenemhas a spectrum of activity very similar to that of meropenem. Its greater stability in solution allows the use of prolonged infusions and it is somewhat less likely to produce seizures than other carbapenems.[27]
  • Panipenem/betamipron(Japanese approval 1993)
  • Biapenem(Japanese approval 2001) exhibits similar efficacy and adverse event rates as other carbapenems.[28]
  • Tebipenem(Japanese approval 2015) is the first carbapenem whose prodrug form, the pivalyl ester, is orally available.[29]


  • Razupenem(PZ-601)
    • PZ-601 is a carbapenem antibiotic currently being tested as having a broad spectrum of activity including strains resistant to other carbapenems. Despite early Phase II promise, Novartis (who acquired PZ-601 in a merger deal with Protez Pharmaceuticals) recently dropped PZ-601, citing a high rate of adverse events in testing.[30]
  • Lenapenem
  • Sulopenemis in clinical trials for drug resistant urinary tract infections
  • Tomopenem
  • Thienamycin(thienpenem) the first discovered carbapenem

Bacterial resistance




Enterobacteriaceaeare common pathogens responsible for urinary tract infections,[31][32]abdominal infections,[33]and hospital-acquired pneumonia.[9]Beta lactam resistance in these pathogens is most commonly due to the expression of beta lactamase enzymes.[34]

Between 2007 and 2011, the percentage ofEscherichia coliisolates from Canadian hospitals that produceextended spectrum beta lactamases(ESBL) increased from 3.4% to 4.1%; amongKlebsiella pneumoniaeisolates ESBL producers increased from 1.5% to 4.0%. These strains are resistant tothird generation cephalosporinsthat were developed for the treatment of beta lactamase-producingEnterobacteriaceaeand carbapenems are generally regarded as the treatment of choice.[35]More recently, many countries have experienced a dramatic upswing in the prevalence ofEnterobacteriaceaethat produce both ESBLs andcarbapenemasessuch as the Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC). As of 2013, 70% of GreekKlebsiella pneumoniaeisolates are resistant to third generation cephalosporins and 60% are resistant to carbapenems.[36]The growing prevalence and difficulty of treating such multi-drug resistantEnterobacteriaceaehas led to a renaissance of the use of antibiotics such ascolistin,which was discovered in the 1950s but rarely used until recently due to unattractive levels of toxicity.[37]

Prevalence of carbapenem-resistantEnterobacteriaceaein paediatric intensive care units (Cairo, Egypt) was 24% and various genes of carbapenemases were detected in 80% of carbapenem-resistantEnterobacteriaceaewith dominance ofblaOXA-48.[38]

Pseudomonas aeruginosaandAcinetobacter baumannii


Infections caused by the non-fermenting gram-negative bacteriaPseudomonas aeruginosaandAcinetobacter baumanniare most commonly encountered in hospitalized people. These bacteria exhibit an unusually high level of intrinsic resistance to antibiotics due to their expression of a wide range of resistance mechanisms. Antibiotics cross the outer membrane ofPseudomonasandAcinetobacterapproximately 100 times more slowly than they cross the outer membrane ofEnterobacteriaceae,due in part to their use ofporinsthat can adopt a conformation having a very restricted entry channel. Further, the porin levels may be down-regulated in response to antibiotic exposure. Antibiotic molecules that successfully traverse the porin channels may be removed by efflux pumps. Downregulation of the porin OprD2 is an important contributor to imipenem resistance.[39]

Like theEnterobacteriaceae,PseudomonasandAcinetobactercan express a wide range of antibiotic-deactivitating enzymes, including beta lactamases.Pseudomonasproduces an inducible broad spectrum beta lactamase, AmpC, that is produced in response to beta lactam exposure. The combination of inducible AmpC expression, poor membrane permeability, and efflux pumps makePseudomonasresistant to most beta lactams. The clinical efficacy of carbapenems inPseudomonasinfection arises in part because, while they are strong inducers of AmpC, they are poor substrates. The identification ofPseudomonasstrains that produce beta lactamases capable of cleaving carbapenems, such as theNew Delhi metallo beta lactamasehas raised increasing concern regarding the potential for an era of untreatablePseudomonasinfections.[40]



In terms of structure, the carbapenems are very similar to thepenicillins(penams), but the sulfur atom in position 1 of the structure has been replaced with a carbon atom, and anunsaturationhas been introduced—hence the name of the group, the carbapenems.



Carbapenems are further broken down into groups with ertapenem being the lone member of group 1. Group 2 carbapenems (imipenem, meropenem, and doripenem) are identified by their efficacy with respect to multiresistant gram-negative (MDRGN) bacteria such as Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter species.[41]



The carbapenems are thought to share their early biosynthetic steps in which the core ring system is formed.Malonyl-CoAis condensed withglutamate-5-semialdehydewith concurrent formation of the five-membered ring. Next, a β-lactam synthetase usesATPto form the β-lactam and the saturatedcarbapenamcore. Further oxidation and ring inversion provides the basic carbapenem[citation needed].



Due to their expanded spectra, the desire to avoid generation of resistance and the fact that, in general, they have poor oral bioavailability, they are administered intravenously in hospital settings for more serious infections. However, research is underway to develop an effective oral carbapenem.[42]

See also

  • Faropenemis closely related, but it is apenem,not a carbapenem.[43]
  • Antimicrobial resistance
    • NDM-1is an enzyme that introduces bacterial resistance to carbapenem antibiotics via hydrolysis of the carbapenem backbone, thereby inactivating its ability to inhibit cell wall synthesis.


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