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Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Sapindales
Family: Rutaceae
Genus: Citrus
C. medica
Binomial name
Citrus medica
  • Citrus alata(Tanaka) Tanaka
  • Citrus bicolorPoit.&Turpin
  • Citrus cedraLink
  • Citrus fragransSalisb.
  • Citrus limonimedica(Lush.)
  • Citrus odorata(Wester) Tanaka

Thecitron(Citrus medica), historicallycedrate,[4]is a large fragrantcitrusfruit with a thickrind.It is said to resemble a 'huge, rough lemon'.[5]It is one of theoriginal citrus fruitsfrom which all other citrus types developed through naturalhybrid speciationor artificialhybridization.[6]Though citron cultivars take on a wide variety of physical forms, they are all closely related genetically. It is used in Asian and Mediterranean cuisine, traditional medicines, perfume, and religious rituals and offerings. Hybrids of citrons with other citrus are commercially more prominent, notablylemonsand manylimes.



The fruit's English name "citron" derives ultimately from Latin,citrus,which is also the origin of the genus name.

Other languages


A source of confusion is that'citron' in French and English arefalse friends,as the French word'citron'refers to what in English is alemon;whereas the French word for the citron is'cédrat'.Indeed, into the 16th century, the English termcitronincluded the lemon and perhaps the lime as well.[7][failed verification]Other languages that use variants ofcitronto refer to the lemon include Armenian, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, German, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Esperanto, Polish and the Scandinavian languages.

In Italian it is known ascedro,the same name used also to indicate the coniferous treecedar.Similarly, in Latin, citrus, orthyine woodreferred to the wood of a North African cypress,Tetraclinis articulata. InIndo-Iranian languages,it is calledturunj,as againstnaranj('bitter orange'). Both names were borrowed intoArabicand introduced into Spain and Portugal after their occupation byMuslimsin AD 711, whence the latter became the source of the nameorangethroughrebracketing(and the former of 'toronja' and 'toranja', which today describe thegrapefruitinSpanishandPortugueserespectively).[8]

Dutch merchants seasonally importSukadefor baked goods; a thick, light green colored commercially candied half peeling from Indonesia and other countries (sukade– Indonesian word for love,Citrus médicavariety 'Macrocárpa'), which can reach 2.5 kilograms mass. A bitter taste is removed by salt treatment before processing into confectionery.[9]

In Hebrew it is called anetrog(אתרוג); in Yiddish, it is pronounced"esrog"or "esreg".The citron plays an important role in the harvest holiday ofSukkotpaired withlulavim(fronds of thedate palm).

Origin and distribution

Map of inferred original wild ranges of the mainCitruscultivars, and selected relevant wild taxa[10]

The citron is an old and original citrus species.[11]

There is molecular evidence that most cultivated citrus species arose byhybridizationof a small number of ancestral types: the citron,pomelo,mandarinand, to a lesser extent,papedasandkumquat.The citron is usuallyfertilizedbyself-pollination,which results in their displaying a high degree of genetichomozygosity.It is the male parent of any citrus hybrid rather than a female one.[12][13][14][15][16][17][18]

Archaeological evidence for citrus fruits has been limited, as neither seeds nor pollen are likely to be routinely recovered in archaeology.[19]The citron is thought to have been native toIndia,[18]in valleys at the foothills of the easternHimalayas.It is thought that by the 4th century BC, whenTheophrastusmentions the "Median apple." Despite its scientific designation, which is an adaptation of the old name in classical Greek sources “Median pome”, this fruit was not indigenous to Media or ancient Media[20][21]the citron was mostly cultivated in theCaspian Sea(north of Mazandarn and Gilan) on its way to theMediterranean basin,where it was cultivated during the later centuries in different areas as described by Erich Isaac.[22]Many mention the role ofAlexander the Greatand his armies as they attackedIranand what is todayPakistan,as being responsible for the spread of the citron westward, reaching theEuropeancountries such asGreeceandItaly.[23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30]



Leviticus mentions the "fruit of the beautiful ('hadar') tree" as being required for ritual use during theFeast of Tabernacles(Lev. 23:40). According to Jewish Rabbinical tradition, the "fruit of the tree hadar" refers to the citron.Mishna Sukkah,c. 2nd century AD,deals withhalakhicaspects of the citron.

Ancient mosaic of Tiberian Synagogue depicting citrons

TheEgyptologistandarchaeologistVictor Loretsaid he had identified it depicted on the walls of thebotanical gardenat theKarnak Temple,which dates back to the time ofThutmosis III,approximately 3,500 years ago.[31]Citron was also cultivated inSumeras early as the 3rd millennium BC.

The citron has been cultivated since ancient times, predating the cultivation of other citrusspecies.[32]



The following description on citron was given byTheophrastus[33]

Illustration offingered citronwith the leaves and thorns that are common to all varieties of citron

In the east and south there are special plants... i.e. in Media(Perhaps they mistakenly called it Mad because it was located in the east of Parthia and south and the tree grows in the question of Caspian sea, Mazandaran, Gilan, not Mad[34][35]) and Persia there are many types of fruit, between them there is a fruit called Median or Persian Apple. The tree has a leaf similar to and almost identical with that of theandrachn(Arbutus andrachneL.), but hasthornslike those of theapios(the wildpear,Pyrus amygdaliformisVill.) or thefirethorn(Cotoneaster pyracanthaSpach.), except that they are white, smooth, sharp and strong. The fruit is not eaten, but is very fragrant, as is also theleafof the tree; and the fruit is put amongclothes,it keeps them from beingmoth-eaten. It is also useful when one has drunk deadly poison, for when it is administered inwine;it upsets thestomachand brings up the poison. It is also useful to improve thebreath,for if one boils the inner part of the fruit in a dish or squeezes it into the mouth in some other medium, it makes the breath more pleasant.

The seed is removed from the fruit and sown in thespringin carefully tilled beds, and it is watered every fourth or fifth day. As soon the plant is strong it istransplanted,also in the spring, to a soft, well watered site, where the soil is not very fine, for it prefers such places.

And it bears its fruit at allseasons,for when some have gathered, the flower of the others is on the tree and is ripening others. Of theflowersI have said[36]those that have a sort of distaff [meaning thepistil] projecting from the middle are fertile, while those that do not have this are sterile. It is also sown, likedate palms,in pots punctured with holes.

This tree, as has been remarked, grows in Media and Persia.

Pliny the Elder


Citron was also described byPliny the Elder,who called itnata Assyria malus.The following is from his bookNatural History:

There is another tree also with the same name of "citrus", and bears a fruit that is held by some persons in particular dislike for its smell and remarkable bitterness; while, on the other hand, there are some who esteem it very highly. This tree is used as an ornament to houses; it requires, however, no further description.[37]

The citron tree, called the Assyrian, and by some the Median or Persian apple, is an antidote against poisons. The leaf is similar to that of thearbute,except that it has small prickles running across it. As to the fruit, it is never eaten, but it is remarkable for its extremely powerful smell, which is the case, also, with the leaves; indeed, the odour is so strong, that it will penetrate clothes, when they are once impregnated with it, and hence it is very useful in repelling the attacks of noxious insects.

The tree bears fruit at all seasons of the year; while some is falling off, other fruit is ripening, and other, again, just bursting into birth. Various nations have attempted to naturalize this tree among them, for the sake of its medica or Persian properties, by planting it in pots of clay, with holes drilled in them, for the purpose of introducing the air to the roots; and I would here remark, once for all, that it is as well to remember that the best plan is to pack all slips of trees that have to be carried to any distance, as close together as they can possibly be placed.

It has been found, however, that this tree will grow nowhere except in Persia. It is this fruit, the pips of which, as we have already mentioned, theParthiangrandees employ in seasoning theirragouts,as being peculiarly conducive to the sweetening of the breath. We find no other tree very highly commended that is produced in Media.[38]

Citrons, either the pulp of them or the pips, are taken in wine as an antidote to poisons. A decoction of citrons, or the juice extracted from them, is used as a gargle to impart sweetness to the breath. The pips of this fruit are recommended for pregnant women to chew when affected withqualmishness.Citrons are good, also, for a weak stomach, but it is not easy to eat them except withvinegar.[39]

Medieval authors


Ibn al-'Awwam's 12th-century agricultural encyclopedia,Book on Agriculture,contains an article on citron tree cultivation inSpain.[40]

Description and variation

A citron orcitron-like hybridof Italian origin, showing the thick rind



The citron fruit is usuallyovateor oblong, narrowing towards thestylarend. However, the citron's fruit shape is highly variable, due to the large quantity ofalbedo,which forms independently according to the fruits' position on the tree, twig orientation, and many other factors. The rind is leathery, furrowed, and adherent. The inner portion is thick, white and hard; the outer is uniformly thin and very fragrant. The pulp is usually acidic, but also can be sweet, and some varieties are entirely pulpless.

Most citron varieties contain a large number ofmonoembryonicseeds. The seeds are white with dark inner coats and red-purplishchalazal spotsfor the acidic varieties, and colorless for the sweet ones. Some citron varieties have persistentstyleswhich do not fall off after fecundation. Those are usually preferred for ritualetroguse inJudaism.

Some citrons have medium-sized oil bubbles at the outer surface, medially distant to each other. Some varieties are ribbed and faintly warted on the outer surface. A fingered citron variety is commonly calledBuddha's hand.

The color varies from green, when unripe, to a yellow-orange when overripe. The citron does not fall off the tree and can reach 8–10 pounds (4–5 kg) if not picked before fully mature.[41][12]However, they should be picked before the winter, as the branches might bend or break to the ground, and may cause numerous fungal diseases for the tree.

Despite the wide variety of forms taken on by the fruit, citrons are all closely related genetically, representing a single species.[18][42]Genetic analysis divides the known cultivars into three clusters: a Mediterranean cluster thought to have originated in India, and two clusters predominantly found in China, one representing the fingered citrons, and another consisting of non-fingered varieties.[42]


A pure citron of any kind has a large portion ofalbedo,which is important for the production ofsuccade

Citrus medicais a slow-growingshrubor small tree that reaches a height of about 8 to 15 ft (2 to 5 m). It has irregular straggling branches and stiff twigs and longspinesat theleafaxils.The evergreen leaves are green and lemon-scented with slightly serrate edges, ovate-lanceolate or ovate elliptic 2.5 to 7.0 inches long.Petiolesare usually wingless or with minor wings. The clustered flowers of the acidic varieties are purplish tinted from outside, but the sweet ones are white-yellowish.

The citron tree is very vigorous with almost no dormancy, blooming several times a year, and is therefore fragile and extremely sensitive to frost.[43]

Varieties and hybrids


Theacidicvarieties include theFlorentineandDiamante citronfromItaly,theGreek citronand theBalady citronfromIsrael.[44]The sweet varieties include theCorsicanandMoroccan citrons.The pulpless varieties also include somefingeredvarieties and theYemenite citron.

There are also a number of citronhybrids;for example,ponderosa lemon,thelumiaandrhobs el Arsaare known citron hybrids. Some claim[45]that even theFlorentine citronis not pure citron, but a citron hybrid.





While thelemonandorangeare primarily peeled to consume their pulpy andjuicysegments,the citron's pulp is dry, containing a small quantity of juice, if any. The main content of a citron fruit is its thick white rind, which adheres to the segments and cannot easily be separated from them. The citron gets halved and depulped, then its rind (the thicker the better) is cut into pieces. Those are cooked in sugar syrup and used as aspoon sweetknown in Greek as "kítro glykó" (κίτρο γλυκό), or diced and candied with sugar and used as a confection in cakes. In Italy, a soft drink called "Cedrata" is made from the fruit.

In Samoa a refreshing drink called "vai tipolo" is made from squeezed juice. It is also added to a raw fish dish called "oka" and to a variation of palusami or luáu.

Citron is a regularly used item in Asian cuisine.

Today the citron is also used for thefragranceorzestof itsflavedo,but the most important part is still the inner rind (known aspithoralbedo), which is a fairly important article ininternational tradeand is widely employed in the food industry assuccade,[23]as it is known when it is candied in sugar.

The dozens of varieties of citron are collectively known asLebuinBangladesh, West Bengal,where it is the primary citrus fruit.

In Iran the citron's thick white rind is used to make jam; inPakistanthe fruit is used to make jam but is also pickled; inSouth Indian cuisine,some varieties of citron (collectively referred to as "Narthangai" inTamiland "Heralikayi" inKannada) are widely used in pickles and preserves. InKarnataka,heralikayi (citron) is used to make lemon rice. InKutch,Gujarat, it is used to make pickle, wherein entire slices of fruits are salted, dried and mixed withjaggeryand spices to make sweet spicy pickle.[46]In the United States, citron is an important ingredient in holidayfruitcakes.

Folk medicine


Fromancientthroughmedievaltimes, the citron was used mainly forsupposed medical purposesto combatseasickness,scurvyand other disorders. Theessential oilof theflavedo(the outermost, pigmented layer of rind) was also regarded as anantibiotic.[citation needed]

The juice of the citron has a high content ofvitamin Canddietary fiber(pectin) which can be extracted from the thickalbedoof the citron.[47]



In Judaism


The citron (the word for which in Hebrew isetrog) is used by Jews for a religiousritualduring the Jewish harvest holiday ofSukkot,theFeast of Tabernacles;therefore, it is considered to be a Jewish symbol, one found on various Hebrew antiques and archaeological findings.[48]

Fingered citron

In Buddhism


A variety of citron native toChinahas sections that separate into finger-like parts and is used as anofferinginBuddhisttemples.[49]

In Hinduism


InNepal,the citron (Nepali:बिमिरो,romanized:bimiro) is worshipped during theBhai Tikaceremony duringTihar.[50]The worship is thought to stem from the belief that it is a favorite ofYama,Hindu god of death, and his sisterYami.[51]



For many centuries, citron's fragrant essential oil (oil of cedrate) has been used in perfumery, the same oil that was used medicinally for its antibiotic properties. Its major constituent islimonene.[52]

See also



  1. ^Plummer, J. 2021. Citrus medica. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T62041221A62041228. Downloaded on 06 September 2021.
  2. ^Ollitrault, Patrick; Curk, Franck; Krueger, Robert (2020)."Citrustaxonomy ".In Talon, Manuel; Caruso, Marco; Gmitter, Fred G Jr. (eds.).The Citrus Genus.Elsevier. pp. 57–81.doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-812163-4.00004-8.ISBN9780128121634.S2CID242819146.
  3. ^"Citrus medicaL. Sp. Pl.: 782 (1753) ".World Flora Online.World Flora Consortium. 2022.Retrieved11 December2022.
  4. ^"Cedrate".Collins English Dictionary.
  5. ^Davidson, Alan(2014). Tom Jaine (ed.).The Oxford Companion to Food.Illustrated by Soun Vannithone (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 191.ISBN978-0-19-967733-7.OCLC890807357.
  6. ^Klein, J. (2014). "Citron Cultivation, Production and Uses in the Mediterranean Region". In Z. Yaniv; N. Dudai (eds.).Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Middle-East.Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World. Vol. 2. Springer Netherlands. pp. 199–214.doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9276-9_10.ISBN978-94-017-9275-2.
  7. ^"Home: Oxford English Dictionary".oed.com.
  8. ^"Citrus medica"(PDF).plantlives.com. 2 October 2021.
  9. ^Hvass, Else (1965).Nuttige Planten In Kleur(nedersland ed.). Amsterdam: Mousault. pp. 76, 161.ISBN9789022610220.
  10. ^Fuller, Dorian Q.; Castillo, Cristina; Kingwell-Banham, Eleanor; Qin, Ling; Weisskopf, Alison (2017)."Charred pomelo peel, historical linguistics and other tree crops: approaches to framing the historical context of early Citrus cultivation in East, South and Southeast Asia".In Zech-Matterne, Véronique; Fiorentino, Girolamo (eds.).AGRUMED: Archaeology and history of citrus fruit in the Mediterranean(PDF).Publications du Centre Jean Bérard. pp. 29–48.doi:10.4000/books.pcjb.2107.ISBN9782918887775.
  11. ^Chambers, William and Robert (1862).Chambers's Encyclopedia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People.London: W. and R. Chambers. p. 55, vol. 3.
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  14. ^Noelle A. Barkley; Mikeal L. Roose; Robert R. Krueger; Claire T. Federici (May 2006)."Assessing genetic diversity and population structure in a citrus germplasm collection utilizing simple sequence repeat markers (SSRs)".Theoretical and Applied Genetics.112(8): 1519–1531.doi:10.1007/s00122-006-0255-9.PMID16699791.S2CID7667126.Archived fromthe originalon 2021-03-09.Retrieved2018-12-04.
  15. ^Asad Asadi Abkenar; Shiro Isshiki; Yosuke Tashiro (1 November 2004). "Phylogenetic relationships in the 'true citrus fruit trees' revealed by PCR-RFLP analysis of cpDNA".Scientia Horticulturae.102(2): 233–242.doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2004.01.003.
  16. ^C. A. Krug (June 1943). "Chromosome Numbers in the Subfamily Aurantioideae with Special Reference to the GenusCitrus".Botanical Gazette.104(4): 602–611.doi:10.1086/335173.JSTOR2472147.S2CID84015769.
  17. ^R. Carvalho; W. S. Soares Filho; A. C. Brasileiro-Vidal; M. Guerra (March 2005). "The relationships among lemons, limes and citron: a chromosomal comparison".Cytogenetic and Genome Research.109(1–3): 276–282.doi:10.1159/000082410.PMID15753587.S2CID26046238.
  18. ^abcWu, Guohong Albert; Terol, Javier; Ibanez, Victoria; López-García, Antonio; Pérez-Román, Estela; Borredá, Carles; Domingo, Concha; Tadeo, Francisco R; Carbonell-Caballero, Jose; Alonso, Roberto; Curk, Franck; Du, Dongliang; Ollitrault, Patrick; Roose, Mikeal L. Roose; Dopazo, Joaquin; Gmitter Jr, Frederick G.; Rokhsar, Daniel; Talon, Manuel (2018)."Genomics of the origin and evolution ofCitrus".Nature.554(7692): 311–316.Bibcode:2018Natur.554..311W.doi:10.1038/nature25447.hdl:20.500.11939/5741.PMID29414943.
  19. ^Fuller, Dorian Q.; Castillo, Cristina; Kingwell-Banham, Eleanor; Qin, Ling; Weisskopf, Alison (15 January 2018)."Charred pummelo peel, historical linguistics and other tree crops: Approaches to framing the historical context of early Citrus cultivation in East, South and Southeast Asia".AGRUMED: Archaeology and history of citrus fruit in the Mediterranean: Acclimatization, diversifications, uses.Publications du Centre Jean Bérard.ISBN9782918887775.
  20. ^"Welcome to Encyclopaedia Iranica".
  21. ^Inquiry into Plants4.iv.2.
  22. ^Erich Isaac (January 1959). "The Citron in the Mediterranean: a study in religious influences".Economic Geography.35(1): 71–78.doi:10.2307/142080.JSTOR142080.
  23. ^ab"Citron:Citrus medicaLinn ".Purdue University.
  24. ^Frederick J. Simoons (1990).Food in China: a cultural and historical inquiry.CRC Press. p. 200.ISBN9780849388040.
  25. ^"ethrog".University of California, Riverside. Archived fromthe originalon 2015-06-08.Retrieved2008-05-04.
  26. ^Marion Eugene Ensminger; Audrey H. Ensminger (1993).Foods & Nutrition Encyclopedia.Vol. 1 (2nd ed.). CRC Press. p. 424.ISBN9780849389818.
  27. ^Francesco Calabrese (2003)."Origin and history".In Giovanni Dugo; Angelo Di Giacomo (eds.).Citrus: The Citrus Genus.CRC Press. p. 4.ISBN9780203216613.
  28. ^Biology of Citrus[dead link]
  29. ^H. Harold Hume (2007).Citrus Fruits and Their Culture.Read Books. p. 59.ISBN9781406781564.
  30. ^Emmanuel Bonavia(1888).The Cultivated Oranges and Lemons, Etc. of India and Ceylon.W. H. Allen. p. 255.
  31. ^Britain), Royal Horticultural Society (Great (1894)."Scientific Committee, March 28, 1893: The Antiquity of the Citron in Egypt".Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society.16.
  32. ^Ramón-Laca, L. (Winter 2003)."The Introduction of Cultivated Citrus to Europe via Northern Africa and the Iberian Peninsula".Economic Botany.57(4): 502–514.doi:10.1663/0013-0001(2003)057[0502:tiocct]2.0.co;2.S2CID33447866.
  33. ^Historia plantarum4.4.2–3 (exc.AthenaeusDeipnosophistae3.83.d-f); cf. VergilGeorgics2.126-135; PlinyNaturalis historia12.15,16.
  34. ^"Welcome to Encyclopaedia Iranica".
  35. ^Britain), Royal Horticultural Society (Great (1894)."Scientific Committee, March 28, 1893: The Antiquity of the Citron in Egypt".Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society.16.
  36. ^Historia plantarum1.13.4.
  37. ^"Chap. 31.—The Citron-Tree".Perseus Digital Library.Tufts University.excerpting fromJohn Bostock; H. T. Riley, eds. (1855).The Natural History. Pliny the Elder.London: Taylor and Francis.
  38. ^"Pliny the Elder, The Natural History, Book XII. The Natural History of Trees, Chap. 7. (3.)—How the Citron Is Planted".Tufts University.
  39. ^"Pliny the Elder, The Natural History, Book XXIII. The Remedies Derived from the Cultivated Trees., Chap. 56.—Citrons: Five Observations upon Them".Tufts University.
  40. ^Ibn al-'Awwam, Yaḥyá(1864).Le livre de l'agriculture d'Ibn-al-Awam (kitab-al-felahah)(in French). Translated by J.-J. Clement-Mullet. Paris: A. Franck. pp. 292–297 (ch. 7 - Article 29).OCLC780050566.(pp.292–297 (Article XXIX)
  41. ^Un curieux Cedrat marocain,Chapot 1950.
  42. ^abRamadugu, Chandrika; Keremane, Manjunath L; Hu, Xulan; Karp, David; Frederici, Claire T; Kahn, Tracy; Roose, Mikeal L; Lee, Richard F. (2015)."Genetic analysis of citron (Citrus medicaL.) using simple sequence repeats and single nucleotide polymorphisms ".Scientia Horticulturae.195:124–137.doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2015.09.004.
  43. ^"Website Disabled".University of California, Riverside. Archived fromthe originalon 2008-03-08.
  44. ^Meena, Ajay Kumar; Kandale, Ajit; Rao, M. M.; Panda, P.; Reddy, Govind (2011)."A review on citron-pharmacognosy, phytochemistry and medicinal uses".The Journal of Pharmacy.2(1): 14–20.
  45. ^"ponderosa".citrusvariety.ucr.edu.Retrieved2022-06-06.
  46. ^"Bijora Pickle".Jain World. Archived fromthe originalon 2016-12-20.Retrieved2016-08-23.
  47. ^Frederick Hardy (1924)."The Extraction of Pectin from the Fruit Rind of the Lime (Citrus medica acida) ".Biochemical Journal.18(2): 283–290.doi:10.1042/bj0180283.PMC1259415.PMID16743304.
  48. ^SeeEtrog
  49. ^"buddha".citrusvariety.ucr.edu.Retrieved2022-06-06.
  50. ^"बिमिरो पूजासँगै खाउँ पनि!".shikshakmasik.com(in Nepali).Retrieved2022-10-26.
  51. ^Nasana (2016-10-29)."Decoding Bhai Tika symbols".The Himalayan Times.Retrieved2024-03-05.
  52. ^Inouye, S.; Takizawa, T.; Yamaguchi, H. (2001). "Antibacterial activity of essential oils and their major constituents against respiratory tract pathogens by gaseous contact".Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.47(5): 565–573.doi:10.1093/jac/47.5.565.PMID11328766.

Further reading
