The CLCD featured a 1 MHzRockwell 65C102CPU(aCMOS6502variant) and 32KBofRAM(expandable to 64 KB internally). The BASIC interpreter and application programs were built into 96 KB ofROM.
^News:Commodore Shows New 128,28 Jan 1985, InfoWorld,...The second new computer, called the Commodore LCD, has built-in Commodore 3.6 Basic, 32K of RAM, and an 80-column- by- 16-line liquid crystal display. "The lap computer employs a proprietary LCD with contrast and viewing angle...
^Portable Potpourri,InfoWorld, 4 Mar 1985, Page 25,...Commodore LCD — Cheapest of the 16-by-80 displays, the LCD won't be out until midyear. Commodore may aim it primarily at the educational market...
^Portable Potpourri,InfoWorld, 4 Mar 1985, Page 28,...The Commodore LCD, which will sell for about $500, when introduced in the first half of 1985...