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Danish dialects

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Map of main Danish dialect areas

TheDanish languagehas a number of regional and localdialectvarieties.[1][2]These can be divided into the traditional dialects, which differ from modern Standard Danish in both phonology and grammar, and the Danish accents, which are local varieties of the standard language distinguished mostly by pronunciation and local vocabulary colored by traditional dialects. Traditional dialects are now mostly extinct in Denmark, with only the oldest generations still speaking them.

The traditional dialects are generally divided into three main dialectal areas:Jutlandic dialect,Insular Danish,andEast Danish.Since the Swedish conquest of the Eastern Danish provincesSkåne,HallandandBlekingein 1645/1658, the Eastern Danish dialects there have come under heavy Swedish influence. Many residents now speak regional variants ofStandard Swedish.However, many researchers still consider the dialects in Scania, Halland (Hallandsk) and Blekinge (Blekingsk) as part of the East Danish dialect group.[3][4]The Swedish National Encyclopedia from 1995 classifies Scanian asan Eastern Danish dialect with South Swedish elements.[5]AlsoBornholmishbelongs to the East Danish dialect group. Jutlandic is divided into Southern Jutlandic and Northern Jutlandic, with Northern Jutlandic subdivided into North Jutlandic and West Jutlandic. Insular Danish is divided intoZealand,Funen,Møn,andLolland-Falsterdialect areas – each with additional internal variation. The variant of Standard Danish spoken inSouthern Schleswigis calledSouth Schleswig Danish,the Danish variant on the Faroe IslandsGøtudanskt.Danish shares many similarities with theNorwegian(Bokmål). AlsoNorth Frisian[6]andGutnish (Gutamål)are influenced by Danish.[7]

Jutlandic(Jysk) Insular Danish(Ømål) East Danish(Østdansk) other variants
North Jutlandic
(with Eastern and Western Jutlandic)
Zeelandic Scanian Southern Schleswig Danish
South Jutlandic
(withAngel Danish)
Funen dialect Blekinge dialect Gøtudanskt accent
Møn dialect Halland dialect
Lolland-Falster dialect Bornholm dialect

Stødand tonal accents

A map showing the distribution ofstødin Danish dialects. Dialects in the pink areas havestød,as in Standard Danish. Dialects in the green areas have tones, as in Swedish and Norwegian. Dialects in the blue areas have neitherstødnor tones, as in Icelandic, German, and English.

The realization ofstødhas traditionally been one of the most importantisoglossesfor classifying geographic dialect areas. There are four main regional variants ofstød:

  • In Southeastern Jutlandic, Southernmost Funen, Southern Langeland, andÆrø,there is nostødbut rather a form ofpitch accent.
  • South of a line (Stødgrænsen'thestødboundary') going through central South Jutland and crossing Southern Funen and central Langeland and north of Lolland-Falster,Møn,Southern Zealand, and Bornholm, there is neitherstødnor pitch accent.[8]
  • In most of Jutland and Zealand, there isstød.
  • In Zealandic traditional dialects and regional language,stødis more frequent than in the standard language.[9]

In Zealand, thestødline divides Southern Zealand, withoutstød,and formerly directly under the Danish crown, from the rest of the island, formerly the property of various noble estates, withstød.[8]

In the dialects with pitch accent, such as the Southern Jutlandic ofAls(Synnejysk),stødcorresponds to a low level tone, and the non-stødsyllable in Standard Danish corresponds to a high rising tone:[10]

Word Rigsdansk Synnejysk
dag'day' [daˀ] [dàw]
dage'days' [daːə] [dǎw]

On Zealand, some traditional dialects have a phenomenon called short-vowelstød(kortvokalstød): some monosyllabic words with a short vowel and a coda consonant cluster havestødwhen the definite suffix follows:præst[pʁæst]'priest' butpræsten[pʁæˀstn̩]'the priest'.[11]

In Western Jutland, a secondstød,more like a preconsonantal glottal stop, occurs in addition to the one of Standard Danish.[12]It occurs in different environments, particularly after stressed vowels before final consonant clusters that arise through the elision of final unstressed vowels. For example, the wordtrække'to pull', which is /trække/ in Standard Danish, is [tʁæʔk] in Western Jutlandic. Also, thepresent tensetrækker,which is /trækker/ in Standard Danish, is [tʁæʔkə] in Western Jutlandic.[13][14]


  1. ^"Dialekter".Dialekt.dk(in Danish). 25 September 2006.Retrieved2 October2010.
  2. ^"Danske Dialekter – Gyldendal".DenStoreDanske.dk(in Danish).Retrieved22 September2013.
  3. ^Niels Åge Nielsen: Dansk dialektantologi. Bind 1: Østdansk og ømål, København 1978
  4. ^Harry Perridon:Dialects and written language in Old Nordic II: Old Danish and Old Swedish,I: Oskar Bandle, Kurt Braunmuller, Ernst Hakon Jahr, Allan Karker, Hans-Peter Naumann og Ulf Teleman:The Nordic Languages: An International Handbook of the History of the North Germanic Languages,Berlin 2003,ISBN3-11-014876-5
  5. ^Nationalencyklopedin1995
  6. ^NDR:Wie bitte? Friesisch? Was ist das denn?
  7. ^Bengt Pamp:Svenska dialekter.Natur och Kultur, Stockholm 1978,ISBN91-27-00344-2,p. 76
  8. ^ab"Stød"(in Danish). Center for Dialect Studies, University of Copenhagen. 22 April 2015.
  9. ^Ejskjær 1990.
  10. ^Jespersen 1906,pp. 127–128.
  11. ^Sørensen 2011.
  12. ^Basbøll 2005,p. 85.
  13. ^Perridon 2009.
  14. ^Kortlandt 2010.

