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February 1967

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February 6, 1967: Enver Hoxha announces plan to make Albania the world's first "atheist state"
February 5, 1967: The Smothers Brothers transform TV comedy
February 15, 1967: "The Chopsticks" dedicated in Singapore
February 23, 1967: The Pontiac Firebird introduced

The following events occurred inFebruary 1967:

February 1,1967 (Wednesday)

  • A two-day Gemini Summary Conference opened at Manned Spacecraft Center. The major focus of the 22 papers which followed the welcoming address by DirectorRobert R. Gilruthwas on the results of the final Gemini missions. Sessions were devoted toorbital rendezvousanddockingoperations,extravehicular activities,operational experience, and the results of experiments carried aboard the Gemini missions.[1]
  • The federal minimum wage in the United States increased from $1.25 an hour to $1.40 an hour for 30,000,000 workers. An additional 8,000,000 workers in retail work, hotels, restaurants, construction, laundries and hospitals were guaranteed at least $1.00 an hour, to increase to $1.60 by 1971, and 400,000 farm workers were covered by minimum wage for the first time as a new law took effect.[2]
  • Jefferson Airplanereleased their second studio album,Surrealistic Pillow,to critical success. The album is considered to be one of quintessential works to thepsychedelic rockand1960s countercultureeras.[3]
  • Manned Spacecraft Center's (MSC) Gemini Program Office was abolished. Wrapping up the program would require several years of gradually decreasing effort.[1]
  • The British rock groupPink Floydgot its first professional recording contract when it was signed byEMI.[4]
  • Born:Meg Cabot,American novelist best known for her books inThe Princess Diariesseries; inBloomington, Indiana[5]

February 2,1967 (Thursday)

  • At a press conference in New York, California lawyerGary Davidsonannounced the formation of the 10-teamAmerican Basketball Association,set to be a competitor to the 10-teamNational Basketball Association.Former NBA starGeorge Mikanwas introduced as the first ABA Commissioner. The ten franchises identified were Indianapolis, Minneapolis, New Orleans, New York and Pittsburgh in an eastern division, and Anaheim, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, and Oakland in a western division.[6]Before the season opener, an 11th team would be added in Louisville, and the Kansas City franchise would be shifted to Denver.
  • Bolivia's new constitutionwas approved by the Bolivian Constituent Assembly of 1966–67.[7]

February 3,1967 (Friday)

  • East Germanyreleased four Americans who had been imprisoned in the Communist nation for more than a year and allowed them to cross intoWest Berlinwithout completing their full sentences, after negotiation between the city attorneys of both East and West Berlin, in cooperation with U.S. State Department officials. Mary Hellen Battle ofOak Ridge, Tennessee;Moses Herrin ofAkron, Ohio;and Frederick Matthews ofEllwood City, Pennsylvaniahad been arrested in 1965 and charged with helping East Germans escape to the west, while William Lovett ofSan Franciscohad been jailed in the same year after a traffic accident inLeipzig.[8][9]
  • At his recording studio inHolloway,North London,Britishrecord producerJoe Meekmurdered his landlady, Violet Shenton, after she came by to collect his past due rent. He then committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.[10]Meek was best known for composing the 1962 popular instrumental "Telstar";he was 35, and Shenton was 52.[11]
  • Died:Ronald Ryan,41, Australian convicted murderer, was hanged atPentridge PrisoninMelbourne,becomingthe last man executed in Australia.On December 19, 1965, Ryan had killed George Hodson, a guard at the same prison, during an escape.[12]

February 4,1967 (Saturday)

  • TheChinese Communist Partyissued its "Circular Concerning the Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution in Elementary Schools", instructing that all teachers and students must return to schools and that classes, suspended since June 1966, must start back after the end of the annual Spring Festival. Emphasis was placed on children studying theLittle Red Book,Quotations from Chairman Mao.Schools would resume on March 20.[13]
  • The1967 World Sportscar Championship seasonopened with the24 Hours of Daytona.When the race finished the next day, the Italian Ferrari racers had finished in first, second and third place, withChris AmonandLorenzo Bandinialternating the driving duties on the winner. Only one of the six Ford Mark II cars finished the race, 300 miles (480 km) behind the first-place car.[14]
  • Preparing for the possibility of a war between theSoviet Unionand China, thePolitburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Unionadopted a resolution to station troops inMongolia,and to increase the Soviet military presence in the Soviet socialist republics bordering China.[15]
  • NASAlaunched the unmanned satelliteLunar Orbiter 3at 8:17 in the morning from Florida (0117 February 5, UTC) on a mission to photograph the exact sites where crewed Moon missions would be able to land.[16]
  • TheGerman Democratic Republic(East Germany) made proposals for an informal agreement byWarsaw Pactrepresentatives to support their position on West Berlin.[17]
  • Born:Sergei Grinkov,Soviet skater; inMoscow(d. 1995)[18][19]

February 5,1967 (Sunday)


February 6,1967 (Monday)

  • WBC world heavyweight boxing championMuhammad Alidefeated the WBA's heavyweight champ,Ernie Terrell,at theHouston Astrodome.In the publicity leading up to the unification bout, Terrell had repeatedly used Ali's former name, Cassius Clay. Starting in the 8th round, Ali repeatedly shouted at Terrell, "What's my name? What's my name?" as he threw punches. The bout went the full 15 rounds, and Ali won in a unanimous decision. American newspapers remained divided about which name to use[26][27]and sometimes compromised by using both in headlines.[28]Ali would be stripped of both titles on April 28 for refusing induction into the U.S. Army.[29]
  • Albania's Communist Party leader andde factoleader,Enver Hoxha,made a speech which he called "Programmatic Discourse against Religion and Backward Habits", beginning a campaign to make Albania what he called "the world's firstatheiststate ".[30]By the end of the year, 2,200 churches, mosques and other places of worship were closed or even burned down, clerics were arrested, and professing to have a particular faith was derided as "religious superstition".[31]
  • Soviet PremierAlexei Kosyginarrived inLondonto begin the first of five private conferences with British Prime MinisterHarold Wilson.[32]
  • Born:Izumi Sakai,popular Japanese female recording artist (d. 2007); inKurume, Fukuoka
  • Died:
    • Martine Carol,46, French film actress described as "a French version of America's Marilyn Monroe", died of a heart attack hours after filming scenes for her final movie,Bernard Knowles'sHell is Empty.[33]
    • Henry Morgenthau Jr.,76, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury from 1934 to 1945 during the Great Depression and World War II.

February 7,1967 (Tuesday)

  • Twenty-five people were killed in a fire at an upscale restaurant located on the 11th floor of a hotel inMontgomery, Alabama.About 75 diners and employees were at Dale's Penthouse Restaurant when a fire in the restaurant's cloakroom, "started in a laundry bag apparently by a discarded cigarette or match".[34]During the minutes that it took to locate a fire extinguisher, the flames spread across the thick and flammable carpeting. Many of the dead ignored smoke until they were unable to escape.[35][36]The Alabama State Legislature would later vote to honor the restaurant's African-American chef, Jesse Williams, and posthumously honor the restaurant's hostess, Rose Doane, for their heroism in directing guests to safety.[37]
  • Micky DolenzmetPaul McCartneyat his home inSt John's Wood,London, and they posed together for the press. His impressions of the visit would feature in the lyrics of "Randy Scouse Git", a title Dolenz borrowed from the British TV sitcomTill Death Us Do Part,not realising it was an offensive term.
  • Seriousbushfiresin southernTasmaniaclaimed 62 lives,[38]destroyed more than 1,200 homes and 1,700 buildings, and burned 2,642.7 square kilometres (1,020 square miles) of land.[39][40][41][42]
  • The Chinese government announced that it could no longer guarantee the safety of Soviet diplomats outside the Soviet Embassy building inBeijing.[43]
  • TheBritish National Front,an extreme right-wing political party, was founded atCaxton Hallin London.
  • Mazenod College, Victoria,opened in Australia.
  • Died:David Unaipon,94,Indigenous Australianauthor and preacher of theNgarrindjeriaboriginal nation; Unaipon's portrait would later be placed on theAustralian fifty-dollar note.

February 8,1967 (Wednesday)

  • Gough Whitlamdefeated DrJim CairnsandFrank Creanto replace the retiringArthur Calwellas leader of the federalAustralian Labor Party.After getting 32 of the 68 votes on the first ballot (against 15 for Cairns, 12 for Crean and 9 for other candidates), Whitlam got a majority on the third ballot, with 39 votes, and 15 and 14 for Cairns and Crean, respectively.[44][45]After nearly six years as Leader of the Opposition, Whitlam would become Prime Minister on the ALP's victory in 1972 elections.[46]
  • U.S. PresidentLyndon Johnsonsent a letter to North Vietnam's PresidentHo Chi Minh,by way of Moscow, that began "Dear Mr. President: I am writing to you in the hope that the conflict in Viet Nam can be brought to an end," and outlining his proposal that "I am prepared to order a cessation of bombing against your country... as soon as I am assured that infiltration into South Viet Nam by land and by sea has stopped." President Ho would receive the message on February 10 and prepare a response.[47][48]
  • Born:Adelir Antônio de Carli,Brazilian Catholic priest who died during an attempt at cluster ballooning on April 20, 2008; inPelotas,Rio Grande do Sul[49]
  • Died:SirVictor Gollancz,73, British author, publisher and humanitarian

February 9,1967 (Thursday)

  • In a telephone call Secretary of DefenceRobert McNamarainformed PresidentLyndon Johnsonto inform him that the North Vietnamese were using the TET ceasefire to move significant military supplies down into South Vietnam and that the Joint Chiefs were recommending that the U.S. break the ceasefire to prevent this. Johnson met with the various personnel later that day and decided against the resumption of hostilities in Vietnam during the cease fire.[50]
  • Soviet Prime MinisterAlexei Kosyginmet QueenElizabeth IIin London, and was received atBuckingham Palacefor astate dinneras one of 58 guests, marking the first time that a British monarch had received a Soviet leader. "In deference to Russian custom," it was reported later, "the men wore business suits and the women short dresses, instead of the white-tie-and-tails and ground-sweeping gowns traditionally seen at royal occasions."[51]
  • The nearly 50,000 American military troops, civilian U.S. government employees, and their families stationed inSouth Koreacame under the primary jurisdiction of the Korean government for the first time since 1950. Since the time of theKorean War,U.S. authorities had retained exclusive jurisdiction over any criminal offenses committed by Americans against South Koreans.[52][53]
  • The first of seven victims of the "Kenosha Killings", a 17-year-old girl, disappeared after leaving her home to walk to a drugstore. All of the people murdered between 1967 and 1981 lived between 64th Street and 67th Street inKenosha, Wisconsin,and all would disappear at or near an alley that ran between those streets. The serial killings would remain unsolved fifty years later.[54]
  • Cellistandperformance artistCharlotte Moormanwas arrested by New York police at the Filmmaker's Cinematheque, where she was playingBrahms' Lullabyas part ofNam June Paik's production, theOpera Sextronique.Moorman would receive a suspended sentence for indecent exposure because she played thecelloin public whiletopless.[55]
  • A powerful earthquake, registering 6.8 on the Richter scale, shookColombiafor 90 seconds, killing 98 people, with 52 victims at the city ofNeiva.The village ofGuacamayas,with 4,000 residents, was near the epicenter of the quake.[56][57]

February 10,1967 (Friday)

  • TheTwenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution,governing presidential succession and disability, was ratified.[58]The state ofNevadabecame the necessary 38th state to vote approval of the amendment, an hour afterMinnesotahad voted its approval. Earlier in the day, it appeared thatNorth Dakotawas 37th when its state house of representatives, and Minnesota appeared to have made the difference; until someone pointed out that the North Dakota state senate had expressed its approval by voice vote rather than the roll call vote required by state law.[59]Nevada had actually ratified on February 8, then voted to retract its ratification the same day in order not to be the penultimate state, while North Dakota's voice vote had been designed to be voided if necessary; Montana and Ohio had also vied to be the 38th state until "This game of legislative chicken finally came to an end".[60]As of 1992, North Dakota was one of three states (along with Georgia and South Carolina) that had never ratified the 25th Amendment.[61]
  • The U.S. Department of Defense announced that it would restrict burials atArlington National Cemeteryto veterans who had made a career of the military, with the only exception being Medal of Honor winners and "high government officials and their dependents". All other veterans were denied burial at Arlington until further notice because only 6,437 unused grave sites remained and there had been more than 7,000 people buried at Arlington in 1966. The restrictions were made to let the remaining sites last for three additional years, with plans for 60,000 new sites to be available at neighboring grounds atFort Myer, Virginiaby 1970.[62]
  • The Portuguese colony ofMacaobegan returning people who had fled from thePeople's Republic of China,starting with five refugees picked up by local police.[63]
  • Born:

February 11,1967 (Saturday)


February 12,1967 (Sunday)

  • TheFirst Infantry Divisionof the U.S. Army carried out what the commanding officer of the chemical unit referred to as "the largestCSattack of the Vietnamese war, and possibly of any war ", dropping 25,000 pounds (11,000 kg) oftear gasonViet Congtargets. ElevenChinookhelicopters, each carrying thirty 55-US-gallon (210 L; 46 imp gal) drums of powdered CS, flew over the jungles of theBinh Duong Provinceand, at the rate of once every three seconds, dropped 80 pounds (36 kg) of tear gas onto the enemy. Expecting a firefight upon landing, the American troops found instead that most of Vo Minh Triet's guerrillas had left before the tear gas assault had started.[66]
  • InChichester,West Sussex,British police raided "Redlands", the home of the Rolling Stones'Keith Richards,in the early hours of the morning following a tip-off about a party from theNews of the World.No arrests were made at the time, but Richards,Mick Jaggerand art dealerRobert Fraserwould subsequently be convicted of possession of drugs. On June 29, Richards would be sentenced by Judge Leslie Block to one year in prison, and Jagger to three months, but both would be released pending an appeal; on July 31, the London Appeal Court would overturn both convictions.[67]
  • Born:

February 13,1967 (Monday)

  • The body of a 24-year-old Mexican man was found on the playground of the 97th Street School inLos Angeles,after falling 5,000 feet (1,500 m) from an airliner that had lowered its landing gear during its approach to the Los Angeles International Airport from Mexico City. School was not in session because of the holiday forLincoln's Birthday,so it was unclear when the accident had happened.[68]Humberto Garcia Gutierrez had been living in poverty in Las Granjas, a slum within the city ofChihuahua,and had stowed away in the wheel well of the jet. It was unclear whether Garcia was still alive after enduring the cold and the thin air at high altitudes.[69]
  • Brazilrevised its currency in an effort to combat inflation. The "cruzeiro novo"(NCr) was worth 1,000 of the old cruzeiros; on May 15, 1970, the cruzeiro novo would revert to its old name as the cruzeiro. On February 28, 1986, a new"cruzado"(worth 1,000 of the 1970 cruzeiros and one million of the 1966 cruzeiros) would be issued; on August 1, 1993, the" cruzeiro real "(worth 1,000 cruzados or one billion of the 1966 cruzeiros) would be made. On July 1, 1994, the most recent monetary unit, theBrazilian real,would be introduced, worth 2,750 cruzeiros reales, or 2.75 trillion of the 1966 cruzeiros.[70]
  • Protests outside the Soviet Embassy to China in Beijing finally ended, after 19 days of large crowds posing a threat to diplomats from the Soviet Union. The Chinese government had cleared the crowds after nearly three weeks of encouraging the demonstrations.Charge d'affairesYuri Razdukhov was able to leave the embassy compound for the first time in nearly three weeks, and drove to offer his condolences at the North Vietnamese Embassy, while other diplomats were able to make trips to the Foreign Ministry.[71]
  • The Beatlesreleased the songs "Penny Lane"and"Strawberry Fields Forever"on the same 45-rpm record as a"double A-sided"single in the United States, with a release in the UK four days later.[72]Both were about locations inLiverpool.[73]Sales where the record was displayed as "Penny Lane" would make it be #1 in the U.S. for the week ending March 18, while its flip side would peak at #8.[74]
  • The United Kingdom and the Soviet Union reached an agreement in Moscow, with the USSR dropping its claims for British-held assets of the former Baltic Republics (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) in return for 500,000 pounds sterling worth of British manufactured goods. The UK would continue its policy of non-recognition of the Baltic annexation.[75]
  • American researchers discovered theMadrid CodicesbyLeonardo da Vinciin theNational Library of Spain.[76]
  • Born:Carolyn Lawrence,American actress known for voicingSandy CheeksonSpongeBob SquarePants;inBaltimore, Maryland[77]

February 14,1967 (Tuesday)

  • TheTreaty of Tlatelolcowas signed in Mexico City by representatives of almost all of the nations of Latin America, agreeing to ban "the testing, use, manufacture, production or acquisition by any means or type" of nuclear weapons within their countries. However, Article 18 of the treaty (which would enter into force on April 22, 1968) specifically authorized the nations "to carry out explosions of nuclear devices for peaceful purposes".[78]
  • The United States resumed bombing of North Vietnam at 7:00 in the morning (Hanoi time).[79]
  • Born:
  • Died:Sig Ruman,82, German-born American character actor

February 15,1967 (Wednesday)

  • The 230-foot (70 m) tallCivilian War Memorialwas dedicated in Singapore on the 25th anniversary of the February 15, 1942, fall of Singapore to Japanese invaders, commemorating the memory of the Chinese, Malayan, Indian, and Eurasian civilians who were killed during World War II. Prime MinisterLee Kuan Yewsaid in the dedication, "This piece of concrete commemorates an experience which, in spite of its horrors, served as a catalyst in building a nation out of the young and unestablished community of diverse immigrants. We suffered together. It told us that we share a common destiny. And it is through sharing such common experiences that the feeling of living and being one community is established." With four columns to represent the four ethnic groups honored, the monument is affectionately nicknamed "The Chopsticks".[80]
  • Ten people were killed, and 12 others injured, in a chain reaction explosion at an ammunition manufacturing plant nearTexarkana, Texas.A few minutes before the scheduled 11:00 p.m. change of shifts, a 105-millimeter shell exploded while being handled by an assembly line worker and touched off a chain reaction of other shells in the area.[81]
  • Inelections in the Netherlands,theCatholic People's Party(KVP) lost 8 seats, but retained a plurality, with 42 of the 150 available in theTweede Kamer,the "second chamber" of the Dutch parliament.[82][83]
  • Died:Simeon Radev,88, Bulgarian journalist and historiographer, author of the three-volume workThe Builders of Modern Bulgaria

February 16,1967 (Thursday)

  • Tan Zhenlin,one of the Vice Premiers of thePeople's Republic of China,lost his temper at a high-level session of theChinese Communist Partyat Huairen Hall in Beijing, and denounced theCultural Revolutionas "the cruelest struggle in Party history" and declaring that he would fight the ultraleftists even if it meant imprisonment or death. Two days later,Mao Zedongcalled a meeting of the CCP Politburo and criticized Tan and the officials who had agreed with him, then singled out Tan as the leader of the counter-revolutionaries. After losing his post, Tan was sent to mountains of theGuangxiautonomous region to do manual labor for the next six years. His reputation would finally be rehabilitated in 1980.[84]
  • Died:

February 17,1967 (Friday)


February 18,1967 (Saturday)

Jim Garrison
  • New OrleansDistrict AttorneyJim Garrisonannounced at a press conference that he believed that the assassination of John F. Kennedy had been a conspiracy, and that his office had been working on seeking an indictment over "the possible role of some individuals in New Orleans", adding that "arrests will be made."[87]
  • Nazi war criminalFranz Stanglwas arrested inBrazil,where he had been working as an engineer in a Volkswagen factory since 1951 using his own name.Simon Wiesenthal,an Austrian survivor of Germany's concentration camps, had tracked Stangl down after nearly 18 years of searching. Hauptsturmführer (SS Captain) Stangl, who had been commandant of theTreblinka extermination camp,would be extradited toWest Germany,where he would be tried and convicted for the murder of 900,000 Jews between 1941 and 1943. He would die inDüsseldorfprison on June 28, 1971, six months after being sentenced to life imprisonment.[88]
  • Born:
Dr. Oppenheimer
  • Died:J. Robert Oppenheimer,62, American atomic physicist, died of throat cancer.[89][90]A biographer would write of him, "More than any other man, he was responsible for issuing American theoretical physics from a provincial adjunct of Europe to world leadership."[91]

February 19,1967 (Sunday)

  • The American space probeLunar Orbiter 3sent back the first detailed pictures of the far side of theMoon,not visible from the Earth. "By 1970," an author would note later, "the far side of the Moon had been as accurately mapped as the visible face."[92]
  • A rainfall of 7 inches (180 mm) in 24 hours caused landslides in the bay cities ofRio de JaneiroandNiteróithat washed away hundreds of hillside homes. The death toll in the slums of Juramento, Cavalcante, and Santa Teresa was at least 224.[93][94]
  • Operation Bribie,which culminated in the Battle of Ap My An, began in theVietnam War.
  • Born:Benicio del Toro,Puerto Rican film, television actor, and winner of the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the filmTraffic;inSan Germán, Puerto Rico

February 20,1967 (Monday)

  • InIndonesia,PresidentSukarnosigned an order relinquishing all of his remaining presidential powers, though not his title, to GeneralSuharto.Sukarno had been the President of Indonesia since its independence in 1946. In the statement, released two days later on February 22, he wrote, "I, thePresident of Indonesiaand Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia, effective today, surrender executive power, "adding that he was acting" for the sake of the people and the country. "The statement, which came after a confrontation between armed forces commanders and Sukarno, was a compromise to avoid the prospect of a national hero being tried for treason for his role in a failed Communist coup inOctober 1965.Suharto had effectively been commander of the armed forces sinceMarch 1966.[95][96]
  • Jose Suarez, a resident ofBrooklyn, New York,who had confessed to stabbing his common law wife and her five children to death in 1966, was freed and the charges were dismissed, because of the failure of interrogators to give him theMiranda warning,advising of his right to an attorney. The prosecutor admitted that the state had no other evidence against Suarez, and Judge Michael Kern reluctantly dismissed the case, commenting that "This is a very sad thing. It is repulsive and makes one's blood run cold, to let a thing like this out on the street."[97]
  • Born:

February 21,1967 (Tuesday)

  • Voting concluded in the five-day-longnational parliamentary electionfor theLok Sabha.TheIndian National Congressparty, led by Prime MinisterIndira Gandhi,lost 78 seats but retained majority control, with 283 of the 520 available. In distant second was theSwatantra Partyled byChakravarti Rajagopalachari,with 8.67% of the vote and 26 seats overall. After three days of counting results, it was clear that the Congress party had lost its majority in the legislatures of five of India's 17 states, with only a plurality inPunjab,West BengalandRajasthan,and with opposition parties forming majority governments inKeralaandTamil Nadu(referred to at the time as the Madras state. In addition, five of government ministers (for the ministries of railways, information, food, commerce, industry and housing) lost re-election and were forced to resign on February 24.[100][101]
  • Apollo 1,first of the crewed Apollo space missions, had been scheduled for launch at 10:00 in the morning fromCape KennedyinFlorida,withastronautsGus Grissom,Ed WhiteandRoger B. Chaffeeaboard for a 13-day orbital mission that would have ended on March 7.[102]Instead, technicians at NASA were dismantling the charred remains of the Apollo Command Module that had been burned on January 27, along with the three astronauts.[103]The only launch from NASA on this day was a smallArcasweather probe.[104]
  • TheAustralian Capital Territorywas given full representation in Australia's House of Representatives, with the Member for the ACT being permitted to vote for the first time. Since 1948, the ACT had been represented by a non-voting observer. In 1973, the Territory would be split into two districts.[105]
  • TheJamaica Labour Party,led by Prime Minister Alexander Bustamante, gained seven seats to capture a majority (33 of 53) in the Jamaican House of Representatives inparliamentary elections.[106][107]
  • Born:Neil Oliver,Scottish historian and TV presenter; inRenfrewshire
February 21, 1967: Corpsmen attempt to save Bernard B. Fall and Byron G. Highland
  • Died:
    • Bernard B. Fall,40, French-born American war correspondent and author of numerous books on war in Vietnam, was killed (along with a U.S. Marine) when he stepped on a land mine while taking photographs with a Marine patrol, 12 miles (19 km) north of Hue in South Vietnam.[108][109]
    • Byron G. Highland,33,U.S. Marine Corpscombat photographer who was also killed alongside Bernard B. Fall by a land mine.[109]
    • Charles Beaumont,38, American science fiction author and scriptwriter forThe Twilight Zonetelevision series; after an illness of several years
    • Harry Lake,55,New ZealandMinister of Finance since 1960; of a heart attack

February 22,1967 (Wednesday)

  • The day after his political party won a majority in parliamentary elections,Alexander Bustamante,the popularPrime Minister of Jamaica,retired.[110]Two years earlier, Bustamante had suffered a major stroke, but had continued to hold the office whileDonald Sangstercarried out most of the duties of the office.[111]Sangster, who was also serving as finance minister, foreign minister and defense minister was appointed as the new Prime Minister, but would hold the office only for a few weeks before suffering a cerebral hemorrhage, and would die on April 11, 1967.[112]
  • Died:David Ferrie,48, was found dead in his New Orleans home only four days after Jim Garrison had announced his plans to indict alleged conspirators in the John F. Kennedy assassination. Ferrie had been a flying service operator who had been accused by Garrison of being a "get-away pilot" for participants.[113]United Press Internationalnoted at the time that Ferrie was "at least the 14th person to die who had something to do, directly, indirectly, or by the slightest of connections, with the assassination of President Kennedy and its aftermath" in the 39 months since November 22, 1963.[114][115]

February 23,1967 (Thursday)


February 24,1967 (Friday)

  • Albert DeSalvo,who had confessed to the 13 murders of women carried out by the "Boston Strangler",escaped from theBridgewater State Hospital,a mental institution where he had been held after being tried and convicted for several rapes. DeSalvo and two other patients had located a key to unlock their rooms on the hospital's third floor, then climbed down an elevator shaft before getting outside and getting over an outside wall to freedom.[119]The two other men, Fred Erickson and George Harrison, were recognized in a bar by an attorney for a state legislative committee that had investigated the hospital, and were persuaded to give up, while the FBI continued the search. DeSalvo was captured the next day inLynn, Massachusetts,after one of his brothers tipped off police about his whereabouts. DeSalvo was wearing a U.S. Navy sailor suit that he had gotten at a surplus store, and was caught inside Simons' Uniforms, a store that sold police uniforms.[120]
  • New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison surprised reporters when he said at a news conference that, after he and his staff had investigated the Kennedy assassination, "We solved it weeks ago. There remains only the details of evidence, and there is no question about it. We have the names of everyone. We have all the details." Garrison made the statement after he met with a group of 50 local businessmen who had pledged $300 apiece to defray the expenses of the investigation.[86][121][122]
  • TheBee Geessigned a management contract withRobert Stigwood.[123]
  • Born:Brian Schmidt,American-bornAustralianphysicist andNobel laureate;inMissoula, Montana
  • Died:
    • U.S. Air Force CaptainHilliard A. Wilbanks,33, posthumous Medal of Honor winner, was killed while using his airplane to protect a South Vietnamese Army Rangers unit by repeatedly strafing "a well-concealed and numerically superior hostile force" of Viet Cong guerrillas "poised to ambush the advancing rangers."[124]
    • Franz Waxman,60, German-born American film composer and two-time Academy Award winner

February 25,1967 (Saturday)

  • Civil rights leaderMartin Luther King Jr.began speaking out at length against American involvement in the Vietnam War, starting with a speech in Los Angeles forThe Nation Institute,titled"The Casualties of the War in Vietnam".Among the "casualties" that he referred to were "the Charter of the United Nations", "the principle of self-determination", "the Great Society" programs, "the humility of our nation", "the principle of dissent" and "the prospects of mankind's survival". "We still have a choice today," King said, "nonviolent co-existence or violent co-annihilation... It is still not too late to make the proper choice."[125]
  • Britain's secondPolaris missilesubmarine,HMSRenown,was launched.
  • Born:Nick Leeson,British stock trader whose speculative trading caused the collapse of the venerableBarings Bankin 1995; inWatford
  • Died:Ginger Lamb,54, American travel book author who, with her husband Dana Lamb, claimed to have discovered the "Lost City of the Mayas" during travels in Mexico in the 1940s.

February 26,1967 (Sunday)


February 27,1967 (Monday)


February 28,1967 (Tuesday)



  1. ^abPublic DomainThis article incorporates text from this source, which is in thepublic domain.Grimwood, James M.; Hacker, Barton C.; Vorzimmer, Peter J."PART III (B) Flight Tests January 1966 through February 1967".Project Gemini Technology and Operations - A Chronology.NASA Special Publication-4002.NASA.Retrieved11 March2023.
  2. ^"Court in Iowa Blocks Law on Minimum Wage".Chicago Tribune.February 2, 1967.
  3. ^"Review: Surrealistic Pillow // Jefferson Airplane".Audioxide.November 9, 2016.RetrievedDecember 7,2019.
  4. ^Povey, Glenn (2007).Echoes: The Complete History of Pink Floyd.Mind Head Publishing.p. 37.
  5. ^Kumar, Lisa (April 2007).Something about the Author: Facts and Pictures about Authors and Illustrators of Books for Young People.Cengage Gale.p. 26.ISBN978-0-7876-8799-1– viaGoogle Books.
  6. ^"10-Team A.B.A. Official Entry in Pro Sports",Chicago Tribune,February 3, 1967, p3-5
  7. ^Rossana Barragán, "Ciudadanía y elecciones, convenciones y debates" inBarragán R., Rossana; José Luis Roca (2005).Regiones y poder constituyente en Bolivia: una historia de pactos y disputas.Cuaderno de futuro, 21. La Paz, Bolivia: PNUD. pp. 374–375.ISBN978-99905-0-960-1.
  8. ^"E. GERMANY FREES YANKS; All 4 Served Prison Terms of Over Year",Chicago Tribune,February 4, 1967
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