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Temporal range:Middle Triassic,Anisian
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Clade: Archosauromorpha
Clade: Archosauriformes
Genus: Fenhosuchus
Type species
Fenhosuchus cristatus
Young, 1964

Fenhosuchusis anextinctgenusofarchosauriform.The holotype,IVPPV 2697, and referred materials have been found in the Hsishihwa locality atWuhsiang,China,from the UpperErmaying Formation(also Ehrmaying). The locality dates back to theAnisianstage of theMiddle Triassic.[1]The genus was named after theFen RiverinShanxiProvince from which specimens were found. It may prove to be achimerabeing composed of material from several different animals. Some material were believed to represent arauisuchid.[2]ThecalcaneumofFenhosuchusseems to belong to anerythrosuchidor other basal archosauriform.[3][4]Much of the material of thetarsal bonesseem to be similar to those of the genusShansisuchus.According to Nesbitt (2009) the assessment of Gower (2000) was correct, theholotypeis a mix ofShansisuchusremains and a possible fragment from aparacrocodylomorphor adinosauriform.Thus,Fenhosuchuscannot be considered a rauisuchian.[1]


  1. ^abSterling J. Nesbitt (2009)."The early evolution of archosaurs: Relationships and the origin of major clades".Columbia University (Open Access Dissertation):1–632.
  2. ^Bonaparte, J. F. (1986). Locomotion in Rauisuchid Thecodonts.Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology3(4):210-218.
  3. ^Parrish, J. M. (1992). Phylogeny of the Erythrosuchidae (Reptilia: Archosauriformes).Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology12:93–102.
  4. ^Gower, D. J. (1996). The tarsus of erythrosuchid archosaurs, and implications for early diapsid phylogeny.Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society116:347–375.