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Fluvisol profile alongAgula'e River,Ethiopia
Distribution of Fluvisols

Afluvisolin theWorld Reference Base for Soil Resources(WRB)[1]is a genetically young soil inalluvialdeposits.Apart from river sediments, they also occur inlacustrineandmarinedeposits.[2] Fluvisols correlate withfluventsandfluvaquentsof theUSDA soil taxonomy.The good natural fertility of most fluvisols and their attractive dwelling sites on river levees and higher parts in marine landscapes were recognized in prehistoric times.

Fluvisols are found on alluvial plains, river fans, valleys and tidal marshes on all continents and in all climate zones. Under natural conditions periodical flooding is fairly common. The soils have a clear evidence of stratification.Soil horizonsare weakly developed, but a distincttopsoilhorizon (but no mollic or umbric horizon) may be present.

Many dryland crops are grown on fluvisols, normally with some form of water control. On tropical Fluvisols with satisfactory irrigation and drainage paddy rice cultivation is widespread.

Some coastal lowlands have fluvisols with sulphidic material within the profile (a thionic horizon). Theseacid sulfate soilshave severe constraints foragriculturaluse as low pH-values, toxicaluminiumlevels and high concentrations ofsalts.Tidal lands that are strongly saline are best kept under mangroves or some other salt-vegetation.

Major concentrations of fluvisols are found along rivers and lakes, e.g. in theAmazon Basin,theGanges Plainof India, the plains nearLake ChadinCentral Africa,and the marshlands ofBrazil,Paraguayand northernArgentina.Also in deltaic areas, e.g. the deltas of theGangesBrahmaputra,Indus,Mekong,Mississippi,Nile,Niger,Orinoco,Po,Rhine,Rio de la Plata,andZambezi.Furthermore in areas of recent marine deposits, e.g. the coastallowlandsofSumatra,Kalimantan,Irian JayaandPapua New Guinea.

Acid sulfate soils are found in the coastal lowlands ofSoutheast Asia,West Africaand along the northeast coast of South America (French Guiana,Guyana,SurinameandVenezuela).

See also



  1. ^IUSS Working Group WRB (2022)."World Reference Base for Soil Resources, fourth edition"(PDF).International Union of Soil Sciences, Vienna.
  2. ^Major Soils of the World. ISRIC Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2001

Further reading

  • W. Zech, P. Schad, G. Hintermaier-Erhard: Soils of the World. Springer, Berlin 2022, Chapter 12.3.1.ISBN978-3-540-30460-9