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Fruit,fruity,andfruitcake,as well as its many variations, areslangor evensexual slangterms which have various origins. These terms have often been used derogatorily to refer toLGBTpeople.[1][2]Usually used aspejoratives,the terms have also been re-appropriated as insider terms of endearment withinLGBTcommunities.[3]Many modern pop culture references within the gay nightlife like "Fruit Machine" and "Fruit Packers" have been appropriated forreclaimingusage, similar toqueer.[4][5][6][7]

Origin and historical usage[edit]

InA Dictionary of Epithets and Terms of AddressauthorLeslie Dunkling traces the friendly use of the phraseold fruit(and rarelyoldtinof fruit) to the 1920s inBritainpossibly deriving from the phrasefruit of the womb.In theUnited States,however, bothfruitandfruitcakeare seen as negative with fruitcake likely originating from "nutty as a fruitcake" (a crazy person).[8]

Costermongers and Cockney rhyming slang[edit]

The Coster's Mansion,1899 sheet music

Acostermongerwas a street seller of fruit and vegetables. The term, which derived from the wordscostard(a type ofapple)[9]andmonger,i.e. "seller", came to be particularly associated with the "barrow boys" ofLondonwho would sell their produce from awheelbarrowor wheeled market stall. Costermongers have existed in London since at least the 16th century, when they were mentioned byShakespeareandMarloweand were probably most numerous during theVictorian era,when there were said to be over 30,000 in 1860. They gained a fairly unsavoury reputation for their "low habits, general improvidence, love of gambling, total want of education, disregard for lawful marriage ceremonies, and their use of a peculiar slang language".[10]Two examples of their slang are referring topotatoesas "bog-oranges"likely developed from the phrase"Irishfruit "also referring to potatoes[11]and "cool the delo nammow" which means 'watch out for that old woman' with the words essentially backwards; cool (look), delo (old) and nammow (woman).[12]

Out of theEast End of LondontraditionalCockney rhyming slangdeveloped, which works by taking two words that are related through a short phrase and using the first word to stand for a word that rhymes with the second. For instance, the most popular of these rhyming slang phrases used throughoutBritainis probably "telling porkies" meaning "lies" as "pork pies" rhymes with lies. "Alright, me old fruit?" is an example of this as "fruit gum" is translated as meaning "chum"(a friend or acquaintance).[13]

Cassell's Dictionary of Slangtraces uses offruitmeaning an easy victim in the late 19th century and also as an eccentric person (along withfruitball,fruit basketandfruit merchant).[14]

As gay slang[edit]

Fruit as gay slang orsluris amongst thelexiconof thecantslangPolariused in the gay subculture in Britain, which has become more mainstream with transcontinental travel andonlinecommunication.[15]There is still debate about how Polari originated but its origins can be traced back to at least the 19th century[16]and has multiple origins and routes of dissemination with researchers finding a relatively small base of less than two dozen common (universal words) supplemented by regional phrases. It is believed to be passed on near exclusively by oral history and teaching and was found in traveling professions such as those in the sailing and traveling entertainment industries (like minstrel shows and circuses). In Polari, fruit means queen, which at the time and still today is a term for gay men and can be used positively or negatively depending on the speaker, usage and intent.[17][18]

Several origins of the word fruit being used to describe gay men are possible, and most stem from the linguistic concepts of insulting a man by comparing him to or calling him a woman. In Edita Jodonytë and Palmina Morkienë's researchOn Sexist Attitudes in Englishthey note "female-associated words become totally derogatory when applied to males"[19]and “[W]hen language oppresses it does so by any means that disparage and belittle.”[20]Comparing a gay man tofruit,soft and tender, effeminate, like a woman has possibly gained near universal use because both LGBT people and fruit are found nearly everywhere.[21]InOne of the Boys: Homosexuality in theMilitaryDuringWorld War IIauthor Paul Jackson writes "a number of words that originally referred toprostitutescame to be applied toeffeminateorqueermen - "queen,punk, gay, faggot, fairy, and fruit. " [22]

From the 1857 "Dictionary ofObsoleteandProvincialEnglish: Containing Words from the English Writers Previous to the Nineteenth Century Which Are No Longer In Use, Or Are Not Used In The Same Sense. And Words Which Are Now Used Only In The ProvincialDialects"(e.g. all parts ofEnglandother thanLondon) several routes seem likely,cockneywas "an effeminate boy who sold fruit andgreens[23]whilecobbleis the stone (or pit) of a fruit which also is presently defined as male testicles[24][25]from theCockney rhyming slang"cobbler's awls", meaning"balls"andblowwas the blossoming of a fruit tree and is widely used as thePolaridefinition for oral sex on a man causing him to "blow" (ejaculate).[26][27]


An American version of a fruitcake which contains bothfruitandnuts.

Fruitcakes,which arecakescontaining both fruit and nuts, have been in existence since theMiddle Ages,[28]but it is unclear when the term started being used disparagingly, especially in theUnited Kingdomand theUnited States,as aslurfor a 'crazy person' (e.g., "he's a complete fruitcake" ) althoughCassell's Dictionary of Slangtraces uses offruitcakemeaning an eccentric (crazy) person to 1910s.[14]It is derived from the expression "nutty as a fruitcake", which was first recorded in 1935.[29]A nut can be either aseedor a fruit.

By the 1930s bothfruitandfruitcaketerms are seen as not only negative but also to mean male homosexual,[8]although probably not universally. LGBT people were widely diagnosed as diseased with the potential for being cured, thus were regularly "treated" withcastration,[30][31][32]lobotomies,[32][33]pudic nervesurgery,[34]and electroshock treatment.[35][36]Due to this, transferring the meaning offruitcake,nutty, to someone who is deemed insane, or crazy, may have seemed rational at the time and many apparently believed thatLGBTpeople were mentally unsound. In the United States,psychiatric institutions( "mental hospitals") where many of these procedures were carried out were calledfruitcake factorieswhile in 1960s Australia they were calledfruit factories.[14]

From 1942 to 1947,conscientious objectorsin the US assigned to psychiatric hospitals underCivilian Public Serviceexposed abuses throughout the psychiatric care system and were instrumental inreformsof the 1940s and 1950s.


Strange Fruit[edit]

"Strange Fruit" is most often a reference to the lynchings of black people in the American South, in reference tothe jazz song of that namepopularised byBillie Holiday.Fruit of thegibbet(used 18th through late 19th centuries) refers to a hanged man[37]and derives from theHalifax GibbetLaw under which a prisoner was executed first and his guilt or innocence determined afterwards.[38][39]

"Strange Fruit" as a song and concept has been used inLGBTart including a 1944 lesbian novel,[40]Kyle Schickner's 2004 video,[41]performance artistandethnographerE. Patrick Johnson's one-man show (which toured the US between 1999 and 2004),[42]anddrag queenMonét X Change's cover and music video. The combination of the song's meaning and the derogatory history of the word for queer people has created a subgenre of adaptions speaking to the intersection of anti-Blackness and queer issues.[43]

"Fruta Extraña,"Spanishfor "Strange Fruit", is a Spanish and English gay-themedtalk showonBronxNet,Bronxpublic accesstelevision. Eric Stephen Booth directed the show as well as one of the longest-running programs on Bronx public access television. "Strange Fruits," which the New York Times describes as "a 30-minute burst ofgender-bendingcampand low-budgetintrigue"that is"flamboyantlyirreverent,unabashedly gayand teeming with men in high heels and pantyhose. "The bizarre sometimes free-formsoap-operawas aired from 1997 to 2007 and has multi-racial cast of straight and LGBT actors.[44]The show was "one of the few public displays ofhomosexualityin ablue-collarboroughthat is a bastion ofLatinmachismo"The show was also broadcast onManhattanNeighborhood Network andQueensPublic Television.[45]

The fruit machine[edit]

Thefruit machinewas an actual machine built to aid in the detection of gay people in theCanadian Civil Servicefrom 1950 to 1973.[46]In discussing his choice for naming a 1994Ontariogayandlesbianfilm and video retrospective and then re-using the phrase for his bookThe Fruit Machine: Twenty Years of Writings onQueerCinema,film critic Thomas Waugh explains

"[I]n the late fifties and early sixties our very ownMounties,ever conscious of security threats, had commissioned research into a mechanical devices for detectinghomosexuality,inspired by similar research in the [United] States whereMcCarthyismand thesex panicshad created a market for such lunaticpseudoscience.The idea was to unmask perverts by measuring involuntarypupillarydilations and otherphysiologicalreactions to pictures and words. Dubbedthe fruit machineby terrified straight Mounties who didn't want to be theguinea pigsand whose security was already threatened, the technology came in several proposed models. One involvedperspiratory responsesto vocabulary with homosexual meanings likequeen,circus,gay,bagpipe,bell,whole, blind, mother,punk,queer,rim,sew,swing,trade,velvet, wolf,blackmail,prowl,bar,house,club,restaurant,tea room,andtopmen. "[47]

Other devices involved showing subjects pictures of seminude men and measuring eye movement orattention span.

"Basically they'd show suspected homos slides of naked men and measure their responses (dilated eyeballs, sweaty palms). The poor dilated sweaty souls would then be fired or arrested. Needless to say, the Mounties' machine was a crock: after a decade of breathtaking inaccuracy, it was consigned to mothballs."[48]

The Fruit Machineis anITV Productions1988 thriller about twoBrightongay teenagers running from an underworld assassin and the police.[49][50]

On 8 July 1992 The Fruit Machine weekly club for "queers,dykesand their friends "opened atEngland's largest gay dance venueHeaveninLondonand recently celebrated their fifteenth anniversary.[5][6]

Fruit salad[edit]

On June 1, 1963,Alfred ChesterofThe New York Review of Booksgave an extremely unfavorable review of gay authorJohn Rechy's first novelCity Of Nightunder the disparaging title"Fruit Salad"[51]including speculation that Rechy was a pseudonym. The story is of amale hustlerseeking love while working the streets ofNew York City,Los Angeles,andNew Orleans.It was later revealed that the book was at least partly autobiographical.[52]The protagonist has sex with "men for money but with women to prove his masculinity intact" with the book exploring seedy gay sex and those who deal with the criminal aspects of it.[53]Over three decades later Rechy complained noting "I'm no longer young, I understand the attack, and I protest the abuse and its recent extension" referring to the reprint of the review in a 1988 collection of reviews,Selectionswhich was again rerun, intact, in 1996. He specifically cites the title and adds thatCity of Nightbecame an international bestseller, has never been out of print, is taught in literature courses and is considered a modern classic.[54]In an interview inPoets & Writersit was revealed by Chester's once-editor Edward Field that "the title of the offending review…was not Alfred Chester's but the New York Review of Books's."[54]

In South Africa, fruit salad refers to male genitals[55]while elsewhere it can refer to a group of gay men, a set of military medals and badges or a selection of drugs (because of the various colors) or even a mixture ofmarijuanaandhashishcalled a fruit salad bowl referring to the pipe used to smoke the mixture, the later two in the context of gay men partaking of them.[56]

Frozen Fruit[edit]

Agayslangterm from the 1970s meaning a sexuallyuninterestedgay man.[37]

Suck a Fruit for Anita[edit]

In the 1970sAnita Bryantbecame the spokesperson forFloridaorange juice,making a series oftelevisioncommercialsfor them. She is also widely known for her strong views againsthomosexuality,and for her prominentSave Our Childrencampaign to preventgay equalityby overturning a 1977Dade County(now Miami-Dade County)human-rightsordinancethat prohibiteddiscriminationon the basis ofsexual orientation.Bryant led a highly publicized successful campaign to repeal the ordinance waged on what was labeledChristianbeliefs regarding thesinfulnessofhomosexualityand the perceived threat ofhomosexual recruitmentof children andchild molestation.The campaign was the start of an organized opposition togay rightsthat spread across the nation and many credit it as a secondStonewallmobilizingLGBTpeople tocome outof theirclosets.[57]Jerry Falwellwent to Miami to help her and Bryant made the following statements during the campaign: "As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children" and "If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights toprostitutesand to people who sleep withSt. Bernardsand tonail biters."In response gay activists countered with the sloganSuck a Fruit for Anitaplaying on the words to imply that oral sex ( "Suck" ) with other gays ( "Fruit" ) was an appropriate response.[3]

Fruit Loops[edit]

Jonathon Green,author ofCassell's Dictionary of Slang,lists several definitions for "Fruit Loops" including the loop at the back of a man's shirt collar which can be used to "hold a victim ready for buggery" (circa 1980 on college campuses), gay men[58]and an area where they hang out andcruiseeach other.[56]"Fruit Loop" can also refer to a cluster of gay bars, stores and businesses likeLas Vegas' "Paradise Fruit Loop" just off theLas Vegas Strip.[59]A fruitloop can also refer to a person consideredcrazy.[14]

Fruit Loops,(also singularFruit LoopandFruitloops) are alsoFreedom Rings), a set of six rainbow-colored metal rings worn as necklaces, bracelets, etc., to symbolizegay prideor solidarity with LGBT people that were popularized in the 1990s.[56][60] ForNational Coming Out Day(United States held 11 October) students have made home-made versions of the "freedom rings" with actualFroot Loopscereal.[citation needed] As a fundraiser, an LGBT student group has madeRice Krispies treatusing Froot Loops cereal and called them "Fruity Gay Bars".[61]

Fruitloops may also refer to queer dance parties, particularly withelectronic music.[citation needed]

Fruit Punch[edit]

Fruit Punchwas one of the first gay radio show in the United States,[62][63]and possibly the world, which aired weekly from 1973 to 1979 fromBerkeleyradio stationKPFA,[64]the first listener-supported radio broadcaster in the United States. Audio from the program is archived by theGLBT Historical Societyin San Francisco.[65]

Fruit stand[edit]

In South Africa afruit standis agay bar[55]while in the US it is an area to pick up gaymale hustlers.[56]

In 1983, Frank Robinson, then manager of theSan Francisco Giants,joked that the team is planning to have a special seating section forgays.“Instead of agrandstand,”he says, “We’re going to call it a fruit stand.”[66]

Speaking of "celebratedfag hag"and formerWarhol superstar Dorothy Dean, author Hilton Als writes (she) "reigned, with both cruelty and compassion, over that site of urban gay culture she called 'the fruit stand'."[67]It is unclear whether she was referring toThe New Yorkerwhere she worked orManhattanwhere she socialized.

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit[edit]

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruitis a 1985 novel byJeanette Wintersonwhich she subsequently adapted into aBBC television drama.It is about alesbiangirl who grows up in an extremelyreligiouscommunity. The main character is a young girl named Jeanette (Jess in the TV serial) who is adopted byevangelists,who believe she is destined to become a missionary. However, Jeanette finds herself subject to desires and feelings that contrast with the beliefs of the evangelical church. Because of these feelings, she finds herself subject to horrific practices and exorcisms, encouraged by her mother and her mother's friends.

The novel interweaves Biblical passages thus exploring the tension many LGBT people have with organized religion and Christianity in particular. The phrase "Be fruitful, and multiply"has been cited to support theories thatGoddoes not believe ingay rights,LGBT people are not born as such and instead have made alifestyle choiceand that God does not approve ofhomosexuality.

Tropical Fruits[edit]

Tropical Fruitsis the name of an LGBTgrassrootscommunity group inLismorein northernNSWAustraliathat hosts a number of gatherings throughout the year culminating in an annualNew Year's Evemulti-day party.[7]They started in 1988 and attract international travelers to the middle of theAustralian bushwith attendance of 3,500 people.[7]“We’ve got oldies, youngies,fairies,muscle marys,trannies,queens,vanilla dykes,butch dykes,femme dykes,Michaels – that’s what we call thevanillaboys,” she laughs, “and we all hang out here together. Our parties are verycamp,veryqueer– we embrace the full queer mix.”[7]

Fruit Juice[edit]

Fruit Juiceis a name of a magazine started in 1988 by "twodykesand twopoofters"inLismorein northernNSWAustraliathat was a focal point for the formation of theTropical Fruitscommunity group.[7]It can also refer tosemenfor or from a gay man.[14]

Fruit fly[edit]

People who associate with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people may be called fruit flies[68](along withfruit bats)[14]regardless of their sex.Fruit flycan also refer to a gay man.

Females associated with gay males are also known asfag hags,whereas men associated with lesbians are known as dyke tykes,[69]Dutch boys,[citation needed]lesbros[70] [71]or lezbros.[72]

In South Africa the definition seems more stringent as a woman with only gay male friends[55]while in Filipino culture "fruit fly" is based on a metaphor of a woman buzzing around gay men.[73]

See also[edit]


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  68. ^Wassersug, Richard (August 2005)."Six Rules for Dyke Tykes".Archived fromthe originalon 2015-12-08.how men can establish relations and friendship with lesbians
  69. ^Stein, Joshua (July 2009)."Straight Men and Their Lesbian Best Friends".Archived fromthe originalon 2015-09-25.Retrieved2015-11-28.If you're a boy who likes girls who like girls, then you are alesbro.
  70. ^Gumbley, India (5 September 2011)."Top 10 reasons to get yourself a lesbro".DIVA Magazine Lesbian Lifestyle.Archived fromthe originalon 2016-01-20.Retrieved2015-11-28.a growing trend: 'lesbros', males who are friends with gay women
  71. ^Chu, Grace (14 August 2009)."Lesbians and the men they call their friends".AfterEllen.com.For the lesbian, hanging out with alezbromay provide more freedom to engage in unfiltered commentary about other women
  72. ^Torre, Beatriz A.; Manalastas, Eric Julian; Sese, Denise Gabrielle A.; Catanghal, Arlene (8–10 July 2005)."Fag Hags in Filipino Gay Culture: Friendships, Identities, and Personality"(PDF).Sexualities, Genders, and Rights in Asia: The 1st International Conference of Asian Queer Studies.Bangkok, Thailand: University of the Philippines Diliman. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on July 10, 2012.Retrieved2007-11-15.

Further reading[edit]

  • Leap, William L. (1996). Warner, Natasha; et al. (eds.).Fruit Loops and Naughty Places: How the Language of Gay City Reflects the Politics of Urban Gay Experience.Berkeley: Berkeley Women and Language Group. pp. 411–23.{{cite book}}:|work=ignored (help)
  • Shapiro, Fred R. (Autumn 1988). "Earlier Citations for Terms Characterizing Homosexuals".Journal of American Speech.63(3): 283–285.doi:10.2307/454826.JSTOR454826.
  • Kinsman, Gary William; Buse, Dieter K.; Steedman, Mercedes (2000).Whose National Security?: Canadian State Surveillance and the Creation of Enemies.Between The Lines.ISBN1-896357-25-3.
  • Ringer, R. Jeffrey (ed.).Queer Words, Queer Images.New York: New York University Press. pp. 175–92.
  • Humphries, Steve (1988).A Secret World of Sex, Forbidden Fruit: The British Experience 1900-1950.London; Sidgwick and Jackson.
  • ""Character Weakness" and "Fruit Machines": Towards an Analysis of the Anti-homosexual Security Campaign in the Canadian Civil Service ".Labour/Le Travail.The Regulation of DesireRev. ed. (35 (Spring 1995)). Montreal: Black Rose: 133–61. 1996.
  • Ashley, Leonard R. N. (1979). "Kinks and Queens: Linguistics and Cultural Aspects of the Terminology for Gays".Maledicta.III:215–56.
  • Bardis, Pano A. (1980). "A Glossary of Homosexuality".Maledicta.IV(1): 59–64.
  • Chesebro, James W., ed. (1981).Gayspeak, Gay Male & Lesbian Communication.New York: The Pilgrim Press.
  • Raymond-Jean (1997).Reclaiming the Sacred: The Bible in Gay and Lesbian Culture.Haworth Press.ISBN9781560233558– via books.google.com.