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A selection of bottled gins for sale inGeorgia,United States, 2010
TypeDistilled alcoholic drink
Introduced13th century
Alcohol by volume35–60%
Proof (US)70–140°
IngredientsBarleyor other grain,juniper berries
Related productsJenever

Gin(/ɪn/) is adistilled alcoholic drinkflavoured withjuniper berriesand other botanical ingredients.[1][2]

Gin originated as a medicinal liquor made by monks and alchemists across Europe. The modern gin was modified inFlandersand the Netherlands to provideaqua vitafrom distillates of grapes and grains, becoming an object of commerce in thespirits industry.Gin became popular in England after the introduction ofjenever,a Dutch and Belgian liquor. Although this development had been taking place since the early 17th century, gin became widespread after the 1688Glorious Revolutionled byWilliam of Orangeand subsequent import restrictions on French brandy. Gin emerged as the national alcoholic drink of England during the so-calledGin Crazeof 1695–1735.

Gin is produced from a wide range of herbal ingredients in a number of distinct styles and brands. After juniper, gin tends to be flavoured with herbs, spices, floral or fruit flavours, or often a combination. It is commonly mixed withtonic waterin agin and tonic.Gin is also used as a base spirit to produce flavoured, gin-basedliqueurs,for examplesloe gin,traditionally produced by the addition of fruit, flavourings and sugar.



The nameginis a shortened form of the older English wordgenever,[3]related to theFrenchwordgenièvreand theDutchwordjenever.All ultimately derive fromjuniperus,theLatinfor juniper.[4]



Origin: 13th-century mentions


The earliest known written reference tojeneverappears in the 13th-century encyclopaedic workDer Naturen Bloeme(Bruges), with the earliest printed recipe for jenever dating from 16th-century workEen Constelijck Distileerboec(Antwerp).

The monks used it to distill sharp, fiery, alcoholic tonics, one of which was distilled from wine infused with juniper berries. They were making medicines, hence the juniper. As a medicinal herb, juniper had been an essential part of doctors' kits for centuries: the Romans burned juniper branches for purification, and plague doctors stuffed the beaks of theirplague maskswith juniper to supposedly protect them from theBlack Death.Across Europe, apothecaries handed out juniper tonic wines for coughs, colds, pains, strains, ruptures and cramps. These were a popular cure-all, though some thought these tonic wines to be a little too popular, and consumed for enjoyment rather than medicinal purposes.[5][further explanation needed][better source needed]

17th century


The physicianFranciscus Sylviushas been falsely credited with the invention of gin in the mid-17th century,[6]as the existence of jenever is confirmed inPhilip Massinger's playThe Duke of Milan(1623), when Sylvius would have been about nine years old. It is further claimed that English soldiers who provided support inAntwerpagainst the Spanish in 1585, during theEighty Years' War,were already drinking jenever for its calming effects before battle, from which the termDutch courageis believed to have originated.[7][8]

By the mid-17th century, numerous small Dutch and Flemish distillers had popularized the re-distillation ofmaltedbarleyspirit or malt wine with juniper, alsoanise,caraway,coriander,etc.,[9]which were sold inpharmaciesand used to treat such medical problems askidneyailments,lumbago,stomachailments,gallstones,andgout.Gin emerged in England in varying forms by the early 17th century, and at the time of theStuart Restoration,enjoyed a brief resurgence. Gin became vastly more popular as an alternative to brandy, whenWilliam IIIandMary IIbecame co-sovereigns of England, Scotland and Ireland after leading theGlorious Revolution.[10]Particularly in crude, inferior forms, it was more likely to be flavoured withturpentine.[11]HistorianAngela McShanehas described it as a "Protestant drink" as its rise was brought about by a Protestant king, fuelling his armies fighting the Catholic Irish and French.[12]

18th century

Hogarth'sGin Lane(created 1750–1751).

Gin drinking in England rose significantly after the government allowed unlicensed gin production, and at the same time imposed a heavydutyon all imported spirits such as Frenchbrandy.This created a larger market for poor-qualitybarleythat was unfit for brewingbeer,and in 1695–1735 thousands of gin-shops sprang up throughout England, a period known as theGin Craze.[13]Because of the low price of gin compared with other drinks available at the time and in the same location, gin began to be consumed regularly by the poor.[14]Of the 15,000 drinking establishments in London, not including coffee shops and drinking chocolate shops, over half were gin shops. Beer maintained a healthy reputation as it was often safer to drink the brewed ale than unclean plain water.[15]Gin, though, was blamed for various social problems, and it may have been a factor in the higher death rates which stabilized London's previously growing population.[10]The reputation of the two drinks was illustrated byWilliam Hogarthin his engravingsBeer Street and Gin Lane(1751), described by theBBCas "arguably the most potent anti-drug poster ever conceived".[16]The negative reputation of gin survives in the English language in terms likegin millsor the American phrasegin jointsto describe disreputable bars, orgin-soakedto refer to drunks. The epithetmother's ruinis a common British name for gin, the origin of which is debated.[17]

TheGin Act 1736imposed high taxes on retailers and led to riots in the streets. The prohibitive duty was gradually reduced and finally abolished in 1742. TheGin Act 1751was more successful, but it forced distillers to sell only to licensed retailers and brought gin shops under the jurisdiction of local magistrates.[10]Gin in the 18th century was produced inpot stills,and thus had a maltier profile than modern London gin.[18]

In London in the early 18th century, much gin was distilled legally in residential houses (there were estimated to be 1,500 residential stills in 1726) and was often flavoured withturpentineto generate resinous woody notes in addition to the juniper.[19]As late as 1913,Webster's Dictionarystates without further comment, "'common gin' is usually flavoured with turpentine".[11]

Another common variation was to distill in the presence ofsulfuric acid.Although the acid itself does not distil, it imparts the additional aroma ofdiethyl etherto the resulting gin. Sulfuric acid subtracts one water molecule from two ethanol molecules to creatediethyl ether,which also forms anazeotropewith ethanol, and therefore distils with it. The result is a sweeter spirit, and one that may have possessed additional analgesic or even intoxicating effects – seeParacelsus.[citation needed]

Dutch or Belgian gin, also known asjeneverorgenever,evolved from malt wine spirits, and is a distinctly different drink from later styles of gin.Schiedam,a city in the province ofSouth Holland,is famous for itsjenever-producing history. The same forHasseltin the Belgian province of Limburg. Theoude(old) style ofjeneverremained very popular throughout the 19th century, where it was referred to asHollandorGenevagin in popular, American, pre-Prohibition bartender guides.[20]

The 18th century gave rise to a style of gin referred to asOld Tom gin,which is a softer, sweeter style of gin, often containing sugar. Old Tom gin faded in popularity by the early 20th century.[18]

19th–20th centuries

George Cruikshank's engraving of The Gin Shop (1829).

The invention and development of thecolumn still(1826 and 1831)[21]made the distillation of neutral spirits practical, thus enabling the creation of the "London dry" style that evolved later in the 19th century.[22]

In tropical British colonies gin was used to mask the bitter flavour ofquinine,which was the only effective anti-malarial compound. Quinine was dissolved in carbonated water to formtonic water;the resulting cocktail isgin and tonic,although modern tonic water contains only a trace of quinine as a flavouring. Gin is a common base spirit for manymixed drinks,including themartini.Secretly produced "bathtub gin"was available in thespeakeasiesand "blind pigs" ofProhibition-era America as a result of the relatively simple production.[23]

Sloe ginis traditionally described as a liqueur made by infusingsloes(the fruit of the blackthorn) in gin, although modern versions are almost always compounded from neutral spirits and flavourings. Similar infusions are possible with other fruits, such asdamsons.Another popular gin-based liqueur with a longstanding history isPimm's No.1 Cup(25%alcohol by volume(ABV)), which is afruit cupflavoured with citrus and spices.[citation needed]

The National Jenever Museums are located inHasseltin Belgium, and Schiedam in the Netherlands.[24]

21st century

A Bee's Knees cocktail made with gin, honey, and lemon juice

Since 2013, gin has been in a period of ascendancy worldwide,[25]with many new brands and producers entering the category leading to a period of strong growth, innovation and change. More recently gin-based liqueurs have been popularised, reaching a market outside that of traditional gin drinkers, including fruit-flavoured and usually coloured "Pink gin",[26]rhubarbgin, Spiced gin,violetgin,blood orangegin andsloe gin.Surging popularity and unchecked competition has led to consumer's conflation of gin with ginliqueursand many products are straddling, pushing or breaking the boundaries of established definitions in a period of genesis for the industry.


Geographical indication


Some legal classifications (protected denomination of origin) define gin as only originating from specific geographical areas without any further restrictions (e.g.Plymouth gin(PGI now lapsed),Ostfriesischer Korngenever,Slovenská borovička,Kraški Brinjevec,etc.), while other common descriptors refer to classic styles that are culturally recognised, but not legally defined (e.g.Old Tom gin).Sloe ginis also worth mentioning, as although technically a gin-basedliqueur,it is unique in that the EU spirit drink regulations stipulate the colloquial term "sloe gin" can legally be used without the "liqueur" suffix when certain production criteria are met.[citation needed]



According to the Canadian Food and Drug Regulation, gin is produced through redistillation of alcohol from juniper berries or a mixture of more than one such redistilled food products.[27]The Canadian Food and Drug Regulation recognises gin with three different definitions (Genever, Gin, London or Dry gin) that loosely approximate the US definitions. Whereas a more detailed regulation is provided for Holland gin or genever, no distinction is made between compounded gin and distilled gin. Either compounded or distilled gin can be labelled as Dry Gin or London Dry Gin if it does not contain anysweetening agents.[28][29]For Genever and Gin, they shall not contain more than two percentsweetening agents.[28][29]

European Union


Although many different styles of gin have evolved, it is legally differentiated into four categories in the European Union, as follows.[1]

Juniper-flavoured spirit drink


Juniper-flavoured spirit drinks include the earliest class of gin, which is produced bypot distillinga fermented grain mash to moderate strength,e.g.,68% ABV, and then redistilling it with botanicals to extract the aromatic compounds. It must be bottled at a minimum of 30% ABV. Juniper-flavoured spirit-drinks may also be sold under the namesWacholderor Ginebra.



Gin is a juniper-flavoured spirit made not via the redistillation of botanicals, but by simply adding approved natural flavouring substances to a neutral spirit of agricultural origin. The predominant flavour must be juniper. Minimum bottled strength is 37.5% ABV.

Distilled gin


Distilled gin is produced exclusively by redistilling ethanol of agricultural origin with an initial strength of 96% ABV (theazeotropeof water andethanol), in the presence of juniper berries and of other natural botanicals, provided that the juniper taste is predominant. Gin obtained simply by adding essences or flavourings to ethanol of agricultural origin is not distilled gin. Minimum bottled strength is 37.5% ABV.

London gin


London gin is obtained exclusively from ethanol of agricultural origin with a maximummethanolcontent of 5 g (0.18 oz) per hectolitre of 100% ABV equivalent, whose flavour is introduced exclusively through the re-distillation in traditional stills of ethanol in the presence of all the natural plant materials used, the resultant distillate of which is at least 70% ABV. London gin may not contain added sweetening exceeding 0.1 g (0.0035 oz) of sugars per litre of the final product, nor colourants, nor any added ingredients other than water. The predominant flavour must be juniper. The termLondon ginmay be supplemented by the termdry.Minimum bottled strength is 37.5% ABV.

United States


In the United States of America, "gin" is defined as an alcoholic beverage of no less than 40% ABV (80proof) that possesses the characteristic flavour of juniper berries. Gin produced only through the redistillation of botanicals can be further distinguished and marketed as "distilled gin".[2]





Gin can be broadly differentiated into three basic styles reflecting modernization in its distillation and flavouring techniques:[30]

Pot distilled ginrepresents the earliest style of gin, and is traditionally produced by pot distilling a fermented grainmash(malt wine) frombarleyor other grains, then redistilling it with flavouring botanicals to extract the aromatic compounds. Adouble gincan be produced by redistilling the first gin again with more botanicals. Due to the use ofpot stills,the alcohol content of the distillate is relatively low; around 68% ABV for a single distilled gin or 76% ABV for a double gin. This type of gin is often aged in tanks or wooden casks, and retains a heavier, malty flavour that gives it a marked resemblance to whisky.Korenwijn(grain wine) and theoude(old) style ofGeneva ginorHolland ginrepresent the most prominent gins of this class.[30]

Column distilled ginevolved following the invention of theCoffey still,and is produced by first distilling high proof (e.g. 96% ABV)neutral spiritsfrom a fermented mash or wash using a refluxing still such as acolumn still.The fermentable base for this spirit may be derived from grain,sugar beets,grapes,potatoes,sugar cane,plain sugar, or any other material of agricultural origin. The highly concentrated spirit is then redistilled with juniper berries and other botanicals in a pot still. Most often, the botanicals are suspended in a "gin basket" positioned within the head of the still, which allows the hot alcoholic vapours to extract flavouring components from the botanical charge.[31]This method yields a gin lighter in flavour than the older pot still method, and results in either adistilled ginorLondon dry gin,[30]depending largely upon how the spirit is finished.

Compound ginis made by compounding (blending) neutral spirits with essences, othernatural flavourings,or ingredients left to infuse in neutral spirit without redistillation.



Popular botanicals or flavouring agents for gin, besides the required juniper, often include citrus elements, such as lemon andbitter orangepeel, as well as a combination of other spices, which may include any ofanise,angelicaroot and seed,orris root,cardamom,pineneedles and cone,licoriceroot,cinnamon,almond,cubeb,savory,limepeel,grapefruitpeel, dragon eye (longan),saffron,baobab,frankincense,coriander,grains of paradise,nutmeg,cassiabark or others. The different combinations and concentrations of these botanicals in the distillation process cause the variations in taste among gin products.[32][33]

Chemical research has begun to identify the various chemicals that are extracted in the distillation process and contribute to gin's flavouring. For example, junipermonoterpenescome from juniper berries. Citric and berry flavours come from chemicals such aslimoneneand gamma-terpinenelinaloolfound in limes, blueberries and hops amongst others. Floral notes come from compounds such as geraniol and eugenol. Spice-like flavours come from chemicals such assabinene,delta-3-carene, and para-cymene.[34]

In 2018, more than half the growth in the UK Gin category was contributed by flavoured gin.[35]

Similar spirits


A similar drink, also made with juniper berries and calledBorovička,is produced in theSlovak Republic.[citation needed]



Classic gin cocktails


A well known gin cocktail is themartini,traditionally made with gin anddry vermouth.Several other notable gin-based drinks include:

Notable brands


See also



  1. ^abE.U. Definitions of Categories of Alcoholic Beverages 2019/787, M(b),2019
  2. ^abDefinitions ( "Standards of Identity" ) for Distilled Spirits, Title 27 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Part 5, Section 5.22,(c) Class 3
  3. ^"Gin".LexicoUK English Dictionary.Oxford University Press.Archived fromthe originalon 2020-03-22.
  4. ^For etymology ofgenever,see"Genever".LexicoUK English Dictionary.Oxford University Press.Archived fromthe originalon 2019-12-21..Forgenièvre,see"Genièvre".Ortolang(in French). CNRTL.Retrieved2018-10-13..Forjenever,seeDe Vries, Jan (1997)."Jenever".Nederlands Etymologisch Woordenboek(in Dutch). Brill. p. 286.ISBN978-90-04-08392-9.Retrieved2018-10-13..
  5. ^The scandalous history of gin: the story behind everyone's favourite spirit,retrieved1 January2021
  6. ^Gin,tasteoftx.com, archived fromthe originalon 16 April 2009,retrieved5 April2009
  7. ^Van Acker – Beittel, Veronique (June 2013),Genever: 500 Years of History in a Bottle,Flemish Lion,ISBN978-0-615-79585-0
  8. ^Origins of Gin,Bluecoat American Dry Gin, archived fromthe originalon 13 February 2009,retrieved5 April2009
  9. ^Forbes, R. J. (1997).A Short History of the Art of Distillation from the Beginnings up to the Death of Cellier Blumenthal.Brill Academic Publishers.
  10. ^abcBrownlee, Nick (2002)."3 – History".This is alcohol.Sanctuary Publishing. pp. 84–93.ISBN978-1-86074-422-8.
  11. ^ab"Gin (definition)".Retrieved6 October2014.
  12. ^Bragg, Melvyn; Tillotson, Simon. (2018).In Our Time: the companion.[Place of publication not identified]: Simon & Schuster Ltd. p. 16.ISBN978-1-4711-7449-0.OCLC1019622766.
  13. ^"The Gin Craze, In Our Time – BBC Radio 4".BBC.
  14. ^Defoe, Daniel (1727).The Complete English Tradesman: In Familiar Letters; Directing Him in All the Several Parts and Progressions of Trade... Calculated for the Instruction of Our Inland Tradesmen; and Especially of Young Beginners.Charles Rivington.... the Distillers have found out a way to hit the palate of the Poor, by their new fashion'd compound Waters called Geneva
  15. ^White, Matthew."Health, Hygiene and the Rise of 'Mother Gin' in the 18th Century".Georgian Britain.British Library. Archived fromthe originalon 28 April 2023.Retrieved6 August2017.
  16. ^Rohrer, Finlo (28 July 2014)."When gin was full of sulphuric acid and turpentine".Retrieved28 July2014.
  17. ^"Origin of the phrase" mother's ruin? "".English Language and Usage.Retrieved18 January2016.
  18. ^abMartin, Scott C. (2014-12-16).The SAGE Encyclopedia of Alcohol: Social, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives.SAGE Publications. p. 613.ISBN978-1-4833-3108-9.
  19. ^"Distil my beating heart".The Guardian.London. 1 June 2002.Retrieved3 May2010.
  20. ^Johnson, Harry; "Harry Johnson's New and Improved Bartender's Manual; 1900.";
  21. ^"Coffey still – Patent Still – Column Still: a continuous distillation".StillCooker & Friends.Retrieved29 March2013.
  22. ^Sheppard, Julie (2021-01-21)."What is London Dry gin? Ask Decanter".Decanter.Retrieved2024-02-09.
  23. ^Jenkins, Moses (2019).Gin: A Short History.Bloomsbury. pp. 40–41.ISBN978-1784423438.
  24. ^"Nationaal Jenevermuseum Hasselt (Hasselt) – Visitor Information & Reviews – WhichMuseum".whichmuseum.com.Retrieved2023-03-17.
  25. ^"Google Trends".Google Trends.Archived fromthe originalon 2021-12-15.Retrieved2019-01-24.
  26. ^Naylor, Tony (2018-12-06)."Pink gin is booming – but here's why many purists loathe it".The Guardian.ISSN0261-3077.Retrieved2019-01-24.
  27. ^Branch, Legislative Services (2 March 2022)."Consolidated federal laws of canada, Food and Drug Regulations".laws.justice.gc.ca.
  28. ^ab"Food and Drug Regulations (C.R.C., c. 870)".Justice Laws Website – Canada.Government of Canada.Retrieved21 July2017.
  29. ^ab"Canada Food and Drug Regulations (C.R.C., c. 870, B.18.001)".Justice Laws Website – Canada.Government of Canada.Retrieved20 December2021.
  30. ^abcBuglass, Alan J. (2011), "3.4",Handbook of Alcoholic Beverages: Technical, Analytical and Nutritional Aspects,John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.,ISBN978-0-470-51202-9
  31. ^"Home Distillation of Alcohol (Homemade Alcohol to Drink)".Archived fromthe originalon 21 September 2014.Retrieved6 October2014.
  32. ^Newman, Kara (9 May 2017)."Gin Botanicals, Decoded".Wine Enthusiast.Retrieved12 July2022.
  33. ^Hines, Nick (25 October 2017)."The 10 Most Popular Botanicals in Gin, Explained".VinePair.Retrieved12 July2022.
  34. ^Riu-Aumatell, M.; Vichi, S.; Mora-Pons, M.; López-Tamames, E.; Buxaderas, S. (2008-08-01). "Sensory Characterization of Dry Gins with Different Volatile Profiles".Journal of Food Science.73(6): S286–S293.doi:10.1111/j.1750-3841.2008.00820.x.ISSN1750-3841.PMID19241573.
  35. ^"Flavoured gin contributes over 50% of the growth in sector".21 December 2018.

Further reading
