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GoPubMedwas aknowledge-basedsearch engineforbiomedicaltexts.[1]The Gene Ontology(GO) andMedical Subject Headings(MeSH) served as "Table of contents" in order to structure the millions of articles in theMEDLINEdatabase.MeshPubMedwas at one point a separate project, but the two were merged.

The technologies used in GoPubMed were generic and could in general be applied to any kind of texts and any kind of knowledge bases. The system was developed at theTechnische Universität Dresdenby Michael Schroeder and his team at Transinsight.

GoPubMed was recognized with the 2009red dot: best of the best awardin the category communication design – graphical user interfaces and interactive tool. Transinsight was recognized with the German Innovation Prize IT for its developments in Enterprise Semantic Intelligence atCeBIT2011.


  1. ^Doms A, Schroeder M (July 2005)."GoPubMed: exploring PubMed with the Gene Ontology".Nucleic Acids Res.33(Web Server issue): W783–6.doi:10.1093/nar/gki470.PMC1160231.PMID15980585.