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Other namesElevated levels of triglycerides
Blood samples of a young patient with extreme hypertriglyceridemia
ComplicationsHeart disease,pancreatitis
Risk factorsMetabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease,atherosclerosis,alcoholism,metabolic syndrome
Differential diagnosisHyperlipidemia,atheroma,hypercholesterolemia,hypercalcemia

Hypertriglyceridemiais the presence of high amounts oftriglyceridesin theblood.Triglycerides are the most abundantfattymolecule in most organisms. Hypertriglyceridemia occurs in various physiologic conditions and in various diseases, and high triglyceride levels are associated withatherosclerosis,even in the absence ofhypercholesterolemia(highcholesterollevels) and predispose tocardiovascular disease.

Chronically elevated serum triglyceride levels are a component ofmetabolic syndromeandmetabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease,both of which typically involveobesityand contribute significantly to cardiovascular mortality in industrialised countries as of 2021. Extreme triglyceride levels also increase the risk ofacute pancreatitis.

Hypertriglyceridemia itself is usually symptomless, although high levels may be associated with skin lesions known asxanthomas.[1]

Signs and symptoms


Most people with elevated triglycerides experience no symptoms. Some forms of primary hypertriglyceridemia can lead to specific symptoms: both familial chylomicronemia and primarymixed hyperlipidemiainclude skin symptoms (eruptivexanthoma), eye abnormalities (lipemia retinalis),hepatosplenomegaly(enlargement of theliverandspleen), and neurological symptoms. Some experience attacks of abdominal pain that may be mild episodes of pancreatitis. Eruptive xanthomas are 2–5 mm papules, often with a red ring around them, that occur in clusters on the skin of the trunk, buttocks and extremities.[2]Familial dysbetalipoproteinemiacauses larger, tuberous xanthomas; these are red or orange and occur on the elbows and knees. Palmar crease xanthomas may also occur.[1][2]

The diagnosis is made onblood tests,often performed as part ofscreening.Once diagnosed, other blood tests are usually required to determine whether the raised triglyceride level is caused by other underlying disorders ( "secondary hypertriglyceridemia" ) or whether no such underlying cause exists ( "primary hypertriglyceridemia" ). There is a hereditary predisposition to both primary and secondary hypertriglyceridemia.[1]

Triglyceride,which cause hypertriglyceridemia at high level

Acute pancreatitismay occur in people whose triglyceride levels are above 1000 mg/dL (11.3 mmol/L).[1][2][3]Hypertriglyceridemia is associated with 1–4% of all cases of pancreatitis. The symptoms are similar to pancreatitis secondary to other causes, although the presence of xanthomas or risk factors for hypertriglyceridemia may offer clues.[3]





The diagnosis is made onblood tests,often performed as part ofscreening.The normal triglyceride level is less than 150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L).[1][5]Once diagnosed, other blood tests are usually required to determine whether the raised triglyceride level is caused by other underlying disorders ( "secondary hypertriglyceridemia" ) or whether no such underlying cause exists ( "primary hypertriglyceridaemia" ). There is a hereditary predisposition to both primary and secondary hypertriglyceridemia.[1]


Reference ranges for blood tests,showing usual ranges for triglycerides (increasing with age) in orange at right.

TheNational Cholesterol Education Programhas set guidelines for triglyceride levels:[7][8]

Level Interpretation
(mg/dL) (mmol/L)
< 150 < 1.70 Normal range – low risk
150–199 1.70–2.25 Slightly above normal
200–499 2.26–5.65 Some risk
500 or higher > 5.65 Very high – high risk

These levels are tested afterfasting8 to 12 hours. Triglyceride levels remain temporarily higher for a period after eating.

The AHA recommends an optimal triglyceride level of 100mg/dL (1.1mmol/L) or lower to improve heart health.[9]



In 2016, theUnited States Preventive Services Task Forceconcluded that testing the general population under the age of 40 without symptoms is of unclear benefit.[10][11]



Lifestyle changes including weight loss, exercise and dietary modification may improve hypertriglyceridemia.[12][1][13][14]This may include dietary changes such as restriction of fat and carbohydrates (specificallyfructose[13][15]andsugar-sweetened beverages[16]) and increased consumption ofomega-3 fatty acidsfrom algae, nuts, and seeds.[17][18]

The decision to treat hypertriglyceridemia with medication depends on the levels and on the presence of other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Very high levels that would increase the risk of pancreatitis is treated with a drug from thefibrateclass.Niacinandomega-3 fatty acidsas well as drugs from thestatinclass may be used in conjunction, with statins being the main drug treatment for moderate hypertriglyceridemia where reduction of cardiovascular risk is required.[1]Medications are recommended in those with high levels of triglycerides that are not corrected with lifestyle modifications, withfibratesbeing recommended first.[1][19][20]Epanova (omega-3-carboxylic acids)is another prescription drug used to treat very high levels of blood triglycerides.[21]



As of 2006, the prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia in the United States was 30%.[5]



Analysis of the genes in depression and anxiety showed those linked solely to depression were also linked to hypertriglyceridemia.[22]



The wordhypertriglyceridemiausescombining formsofhyper-+triglyceride+-emia,thus corresponding to "high triglyceride levels in the blood" or "too many triglycerides in the blood".[citation needed]

See also



  1. ^abcdefghiBerglund L, Brunzell JD, Goldberg AC, Goldberg IJ, Sacks F, Murad MH, Stalenhoef AF (September 2012)."Evaluation and treatment of hypertriglyceridemia: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline".The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.97(9): 2969–2989.doi:10.1210/jc.2011-3213.PMC3431581.PMID22962670.
  2. ^abcYuan G, Al-Shali KZ, Hegele RA (April 2007)."Hypertriglyceridemia: its etiology, effects and treatment".CMAJ.176(8): 1113–1120.doi:10.1503/cmaj.060963.PMC1839776.PMID17420495.
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  6. ^Beigneux AP, Miyashita K, Ploug M, Blom DJ, Ai M, Linton MF, et al. (April 2017)."Autoantibodies against GPIHBP1 as a Cause of Hypertriglyceridemia".The New England Journal of Medicine.376(17): 1647–1658.doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1611930.PMC5555413.PMID28402248.
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  9. ^"What's considered normal?".Triglycerides: Why do they matter?.Mayo Clinic.28 September 2012.
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  11. ^Bibbins-Domingo K, Grossman DC, Curry SJ, Davidson KW, Epling JW, García FA, et al. (August 2016)."Screening for Lipid Disorders in Children and Adolescents: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement".JAMA.316(6): 625–633.doi:10.1001/jama.2016.9852.PMID27532917.
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