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Intertidal wetland

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Anintertidal wetlandis an area along a shoreline that is exposed toairatlow tideand submerged athigh tide.This type ofwetlandis defined by anintertidal zoneand includes its ownintertidal ecosystems.



The main types of intertidal wetlands aremudflats(e.g.,mangrove swamps) andsalt marshes.The mangrove swamps are encountered alongtropicalshores and are characterized bytreevegetation, while salt marshes are mostly found intemperatezones and are mostlygrassecosystems.[1]

Intertidal wetlands are commonly encountered in mostestuaries.Intertidal wetlandecosystemsare amongst the most productive plant communities and often constitute a large part of the estuary areas.[1][2][3] [4]

See also



  1. ^abDay, John W. Jr.; Hall, Charles A. S.; Kemp, W. Michael; Yáñez-Arancibia, Alejandro (May 9, 1989)."Chapter 5: Intertidal Wetlands: Salt Marshes and Mangrove Swamp".Estuarine Ecology.John Wiley & Sons.ISBN978-0-471-06263-9.
  2. ^Dionne, Jean-Claude (2004)."Âge et taux moyen d'accrétion verticale des schorres du Saint-Laurent estuarien, en particulier ceux de Montmagny et de Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, Québec"[Age and Mean Rate of Vertical Accretion of Intertidal Marshes of the St. Lawrence Estuary, Particularly those at Montmagny and Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré].Géographie physique et Quaternaire(in French).58(1): 73–108.doi:10.7202/013111ar.ISSN0705-7199.
  3. ^Ross, Pauline; Adam, Paul (March 19, 2013)."Climate Change and Intertidal Wetlands".Biology.2(1): 445–480.doi:10.3390/biology2010445.ISSN2079-7737.PMC4009871.PMID24832670.
  4. ^Rayner, Duncan; Glamore, William; Grandquist, Lisa; Ruprecht, Jamie; Waddington, Katrina; Khojasteh, Danial (April 2021)."Intertidal wetland vegetation dynamics under rising sea levels".Science of the Total Environment.766:144237.Bibcode:2021ScTEn.766n4237R.doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144237.ISSN0048-9697.PMID33421788.