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Coordinates:45°16′11″N28°27′35″E/ 45.26972°N 28.45972°E/45.26972; 28.45972
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Town hall of Isaccea
Town hall of Isaccea
Coat of arms of Isaccea
Location in Tulcea County
Location in Tulcea County
Isaccea is located in Romania
Location in Romania
Coordinates:45°16′11″N28°27′35″E/ 45.26972°N 28.45972°E/45.26972; 28.45972
• Mayor(2020–2024)Anastase Moraru[1](PSD)
103.97 km2(40.14 sq mi)
15 m (49 ft)
• Density42/km2(110/sq mi)
Time zoneEET/EEST(UTC+2/+3)
Postal code
Area code(+40) 02 40
Vehicle reg.TL
Map showing the nearby localities and roads

Isaccea(Romanian:[iˈsak.tʃe̯a]) is a small town inTulcea County,inNorthern Dobruja,Romania,on the right bank of theDanube,35 km north-west ofTulcea.According to the 2021 census, it has a population of 4,408.

The town has been inhabited for thousands of years, as it is one of the few places in all the Lower Danube that can be easilyfordedand thus be an easy link between theBalkansand the steppes of SouthernUkraineandRussia,north of theBlack Sea.The Danube was for a long time the border between the Romans, later Byzantines and the "barbarian" migrating tribes in the north, making Isaccea aborder town,conquered and held by dozens of different peoples.



The town has under its administration 103.97 km2,of which 3.69 km2are inside the residential areas.

Land use in Isaccea[3]
Type of usage Area Notes
agricultural use 45.02 km2 cereals, orchards, vineyards and pastures
floodplain 32.97 km2 along the Danube
forest 22.76 km2
built-up areas 2.92 km2 buildings and roads

The town is divided into three settlements: Isaccea proper (4,789 inhabitants) and two villages, Revărsarea (563 inhabitants) and Tichilești (10 inhabitants).

The Tulcea –Brăilaroadway (DN22/E87) crosses the town.

The town is located in near to theMăcin MountainsandDobruja Plateau(in the south) and the Danube (in the north). Many lakes could once be found in the town, but some of them were desiccated by theCommunist authoritiesin order to use the terrain foragriculture.This initiative lacked success, since the soil of the area proved to be not veryfertile.Some larger lakes still remain: Saun, Telincea, Rotund, Ghiolul Pietrei, Racova. In April 2006, thedykewhich protected this terrain failed and the Danube flooded again the areas which used to be wetlands.

Along the Danube there is afloodplain,which gets inundated every spring, bringing fresh water to the lakes and the marshlands.[4]The largest lake in Isaccea is "Lacul Rotund" (literally, Round Lake), having an area of 2.19 km2and a volume of 2.0 million m3.[4]



Tichilești was founded as a monastery of Tichilești, with time becoming aleper colony.A legend says the monastery was founded by one of theCantacuzinoprincesses who was affected by leprosy. Another theory of the history the settlement is that a group of Russian refugees (seeLipovans) settled there and founded the monastery, but soon became outlaws who were eventually caught. In 1918, a part of the lepers moved to Bessarabian town ofIzmail.Following a 1926 newspaper article, a hospital was built in 1928 at the monastery. In 1998, there were 39 people in the settlement, and according to the 2002 census, there were 22 people, most of them having an age of more than 60 years.[5]By 2019, there were only 9 people.[6]



Revărsarea was founded after the 1877 War of Independence, being settled by war veterans and colonists, the village being built in the place of a forest which has been cleared. It had several other names since:Piatra Calcată,Principele Nicolae(named afterPrince Nicholas of Romania) andȘtefan Gheorghiu(named afterȘtefan Gheorghiu,a trade unionist).[7]



Possibly the earliest mentioning is inDe Administrando Imperio(around 950) ofConstantine Porphyrogenitus.It talks about sixdeserted citiesbetween theDniesterandBulgaria,among them being Saka-katai,kataibeing most likely a transcription of aPechenegword for "city". The nameSakacould in turn be derived from Romaniansacă/seacă,meaning "barren", however both the identification of the city with Isaccea and the etymology are mere speculations.[8]

The first clear reference to this name was in the 11th century, when there was a local ruler fromVicinanamed Σακτζας (Saktzas,probablySaccea / Sakça), for the first time used by ByzantineAnna Comnenain herAlexiad.[9]Nicolae Iorgapresumed that the ruler was Romanian,[10]however "-ça" (-cea) could also indicate a Turkic suffix.

The 14th-century Arab geographerAbu'l-Fidamentions the town under the name "Saecdji", which was a territory of the "Al-Ualak" (Wallachs).

The initial "i" in the name was added during the Ottoman domination, due to the same feature of theTurkish languagethat transformed "Stanbul" to "Istanbul".Some local legends claim that the town was named after a certain Isac Baba, however the other explanation is more likely to be true, as the name of the town initially lacked the" i ".

Other historical names include:

  • Noviodunum (Latin); Νοβιόδοῦνος, Noviodounos (Greek) - ancient name ofCelticorigin, meaning "New Fort" ( "nowyo(s)"means" new ", while"dun"is Celtic for" hillfort "or" fortified settlement ").[11][12]
  • Genucla -Dacianname of a possibly nearby settlement, derived fromProto-Indo-European *genu,knee.
  • Oblucița (Romanian); Облучица, Obluchitsa (Bulgarian); Obluczyca (Polish) -Slavicname derived from the word "oblutak", that means a rock that was shaped by water into a rounder form.
  • Vicina-Genoesename of a port built by Genoese traders as an outpost of the Byzantine Empire. Its location is still unknown, but one of the theories is that it was around Isaccea.



Ancient history

Map showingNoviodunumduring the Roman Empire
The town, as "Novioduni xli", on the Roman mapTabula Peutingeriana
Ruins of the Noviodunum fortress; the tall latticed towers form part of theVetrino–Isaccea–Yuzhnoukrainsk powerline

The land where the town is now has been inhabited sinceprehistorictimes: the remains of aneolithicsettlement, belonging to theBoian-Giulești culture(4100–3700 BC) were found in the northwestern part of the town, in a place known as "Suhat".[13][14]

The neolithic culture was succeeded by theGetaeculture withHellenisticinfluences.[14]TheCeltsexpanded their territory from Central Europe, reaching Isaccea in the 3rd century BC (seeGallic invasion of the Balkans) and giving the ancient name of town, "Noviodunum", as well as of other names in this region, such asAliobrix,on the other side of the Danube andDurostorumfurther south in Dobruja.[11][15]

In 514 BC,Darius I of Persiafought here a decisive battle against theScythians.Atrade postwas also built in this town by theGreeks.Greek authors such asPtolemyandHieroclesname it a "polis".[16]

The town was taken by the Romans in 46 AD and became part of theMoesiaprovince.[17]It was fortified and became the most important military and commercial city in the area, becoming amunicipium.[18]Its ruins are located 2 km to the east of modern Isaccea on a hill known asEski-Kale(Turkish for "Old Fortress" ).[13]

Noviodunum fort was the main base of the lower DanubeRoman fleetnamedClassis Flavia Moesica,then temporarily the headquarters of the RomanLegio VMacedonica(106-167),Legio IItalica(167-) andLegio IIovia.[13][19]

Around 170 AD, the Roman settlements in Dobruja were attacked by the Dacian tribe of theCostoboci,who lived in what is nowMoldavia,their attack being visible in the archeological remains of Noviodunum.[20]Further attacks continued in the 3rd century, this time by the combined forces of the Dacian tribe of theCarpiand of theGoths,the decisive battle being probably in 247.

The violent invasions of the Carpi, who plundered the cities and enslaved their inhabitants, left behind many archaeological traces, including buried coinhoardsand signs of destruction.[21]The fortress of Noviodunum was probably destroyed during the raids of theGothsandHeruli,during the rule ofGallienus(267), buried hoards being found near it, including a larger treasure containing 1071 Roman coins.[13][16]The raids left Noviodunum, like other urban centres in the area, depopulated, only returning to its original state toward the end of the 3rd century.[21]

During the rule ofConstantine I(306-337), the Noviodunum fortress was rebuilt as part of a bigger project of restoring the Empire's borders along the Lower Danube.[22]

By the 4th century, the town also became a Christian centre. The tomb of four Roman Christianmartyrs,discovered in September 1971 in nearbyNiculiţel,bears the names Zotikos, Attalos, Kamasis and Philippos. They were probably killed in Noviodunum duringcampaigns of persecutions of early ChristiansbyDiocletian(303-304) andLicinius(319-324),[23]being taken out of the city and buried as martyrs by the local Christians.[15]

In 369an important battlewas fought between the Romans, led by emperorFlavius Valensand theThervingiled byAthanaric.Valens' army crossed the river at Noviodunum (Isaccea) using aboat bridgeand met the Gothic army inBessarabia.Although Valens obtained a victory for the Romans, they retreated (possibly because of the lateness of the season)[24]and the Goths asked for a peace treaty, which was signed in the middle of the Danube, the Goths taking an oath to never set foot on Roman soil.[25]

After the division of the Roman Empire, it became part of theByzantine Empireand it was the most important Byzantine naval base on the Danube.Valips,a chieftain of GermanicRugians(who were allies of theHuns), took Noviodunum sometimes between 434 and 441 and it was included in the Hunnish Empire,[26]the area becoming a fiefdom of the Hunnish leaderHernacafter Attila's death.[27]

The Slavs began to settle in early 6th century and possibly the earliest reference to their settlement in the town isJordanes' book (written in 551)The Origin and Deeds of the Goths,which mentioned Noviodunum as an extremity of the region were the "Sclaveni" lived.[28]The town continued to be under Byzantine rule, but it suffered the raids from other nomadic peoples, such as theKutrigurs(559) andAvars(561-562).[27]In the mid-6th century,Justinian Ibuilt new fortifications and made it anepiscopal see.[16]

During the rule ofPhocas(602-610), a massive number ofAvarsand Slavs crossed the Byzantine border and although their presence protected the empire from other nomads, their control became just formal, until in 681, the Byzantines recognised theFirst Bulgarian Empireand gave up their claims for the Scythia Minor province.[27]For more than 300 years, Isaccea faded from history and there is no historical or archaeological evidence that the place was even inhabited.[29]

Mediaeval history


Around 950,Constantine Porphyrogenitustalks of six desert cities in the area, one being named Saka-katai, which could be the earliest mentioning of the town after it was lost to the migrating people during the Dark Age.

In 971, Isaccea was once again included in the Byzantine Empire and the walls ofkastronwere reinforced. In 1036, thePechenegsbeing driven southward by theCumans,settled inScythia Minor,including in this city, fact backed by archeological evidence, such as leaf-shapedpendants,characteristic to them.[30]The Pechenegs traded with the Byzantines, which led to a growth in the economic life of the region, as shown by the number of coins found in Isaccea, reaching 700 coins for the period of 1025–1055.[31]However, the Pechenegs were eventually assimilated and faded from history.

The Byzantines regained control of Isaccea toward the end of the 10th century: a seal ofLeo Nicerites,the governor ofParistrion,was found at Isaccea.[32]Around 1100, a double-curtain wall was built in Isaccea.[33]

Seal of Isaac II Angelos, found in Isaccea

In the mid-12th century, Isaccea was devastated by Cuman attacks and it was completely rebuilt. In the second half of the 12th century it became the most important Byzantine military base in the region, suggested by the number of imperial seals found there: a seal ofIsaac II Angelos(1185–1195) and one ofJohn Vatatzes,the head of the Imperial Guard underManuel I Komnenos(1143–1180).[34]

According to Arab chronicles, the Nogai Tatars settled in the town in the late 13th century.[35]Between 1280 and 1299, the town wasNogai Khan's base of operation in his campaigns against the Bulgarian city ofTarnovo.At the time, the city was a local Muslim centre and the residence of the famous Turkish dervishSarı Saltuk,who has been associated with Nogai Khan's conversion to Islam.[36]

Arab geographerAbulfedamentioned the town, placing it in the territory of the "Al-Ualak" (Wallachs), having a population mostly Turkic and being ruled by the Byzantines.[37]A Byzantine despotate existed in Northern Dobruja with Isaccea as its centre, which sometimes between 1332 and 1337 became avassalof theGolden HordeofNogaisunder the name "Saqčï".[38]

TheTatarsheld an important mint in Isaccea, which minted coins marked with Greek andArabicletters between the years 1286 and 1351. Various types of silver and copper coins were minted, including coins bearing the mark of the Golden Horde with the names of the khans as well as the names ofNogai Khanand his sonČeke(minted between 1296 and 1301).[39]

In the late 14th century it was ruled byMircea cel BătrânofWallachia,being held until one year before his death. In 1417, the town was conquered, together with other fortresses on the Danube, by theOttomans,[40]who built a fort defended by a garrison as part of the Danubian frontier established byMehmed I.[41]

The town was regained byVlad Țepeșin 1462 during his campaigns against theOttoman Empire,massacring the local Muslim Bulgarian, Tatar and Turkish population (who were expected to side with the Turks), killing 1350 people in Isaccea and Novoselo,[42]out of more than 23,000 people in allBulgaria.In a letter toMatthias Corvinus,dated February 11, 1462, he stated:

I have killed men and women, old and young, who lived at Oblucitza[old name of Isaccea]and Novoselo, where the Danube flows into the sea, up to Rahova, which is located near Chilia, from the lower Danube up to such places as Samovit and Ghighen. We killed 23,884 Turks and Bulgars without counting those whom we burned in homes or whose heads were not cut by our soldiers....Thus your highness must know that I have broken the peace with him [the sultan].[43]

In 1484, it was taken again by the Ottomans underMehmed II,being included in theSilistra (Özi) Province,which comprisedDobruja,much of present-dayBulgaria,and later alsoBudjakandYedisan.

Țepeș'smassacreand destruction completely changed the ethnic composition and the appearance of Isaccea, which remaining throughout the 16th century a small, largely Christian, village.[44]Bayazid II's conquest ofKiliaandAkkermanremoved the danger from the north, as didMehmed II's victories againstWallachiaremove the threat from the west, and as such, the Sultan saw no reason to rebuild the fortress of Isaccea, nor the settlement of a garrison.[45]

In 1574, VoivodeIoan Vodă cel Cumplitof Moldavia sentPârcălabIeremia Goliawith an army to Oblucița (Isaccea) to prevent the Ottoman army from fording the river. However, Golia betrayed Ioan for a sum of 30 gold bags, thus leading to the defeat of the Moldavian army and the execution of Ioan.[46]

By the beginning of the 16th century, a new danger arose for the Ottoman border on the Lower Danube: theCossacksfrom Ukraine, who, in 1603 crossed the Ottoman border, reached Oblucița and set the town on fire.[47]SultanOsman IIbegan a series of campaigns against the Cossacks and, as part of his fortification of the border, in 1620, a new fort was built in Isaccea, but in a different place.[48]

On 6 October 1598,Mihai Viteazuldefeated the Ottoman army at Oblucița, recapturing the town. The following year, in March 1599, the Ottoman army took back the town and started conducting incursions intoWallachia,with Mihai's response being to go beyond the Danube and attack the town of Oblucița.[49]After Mihai's death in 1601, the town was regained by the Ottomans.

In December 1673, at theOttoman Armycamp in Isaccea,Dumitrașcu Cantacuzinowas chosenPrince of Moldavia.[50]

Modern history


During thewars between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empireof the 18th and 19th centuries, Isaccea was occupied by each side for several times, being several times set on fire and almost completely destroyed and left abandoned by both sides.

During thePrut River Campaign(1711), the Russians tried to block the Ottomans crossing of the Danube at Isaccea, but failing to do so, the two armies clashed atStănilești,on thePrut River.[51]

Isaccea was besieged three times in the 1770s: in 1770, 1771 and 1779: in 1771, it was conquered by theRussiansin the wake of theBattle of Kagul,the Russians destroying the fortifications and themosques.Unlike many other settlements in the region, it was not razed, but after ten years of devastating war, only 150 houses were still standing.

Near Isaccea, the Russianflotillacommanded byJosé de Ribasclashed with and captured the Ottoman flotilla during theRusso-Turkish War (1787–1792).The Ottoman defenders of Isaccea fled, destroying the fortifications left behind. After a while, the Ottomans regained it, being recaptured by Lieutenant-GeneralGalitzinein March 1791.[52]

Isaccea in a lithograph by Hector de Béarn, 1828

During theRusso-Turkish War (1828–1829),the Russian Army crossed the Danube at Isaccea, but the Ottoman garrison of the Isaccea fortresssurrenderedwithout resistance.[52]A local legend explains the existence of a mound near the old bridge this way: during the Russo-Turkish wars an Ottoman general accused of treason was buried alive (horse included), each of his soldiers being forced to bring afezfull of dirt and throw it over the general.[citation needed]

In 1853, during theCrimean War,it was besieged again by the Russians, before the war theatre moved toCrimea.In December of that year,The Timesof London noted that "Isaktchi" had a fortified castle and a garrison of 1500 men, but that it was simply a "port of observation" on the river.[53]

After the war, a European Danube Commission was established, which decided to clear thesiltat the mouths of the Danube, between Isaccea and the Black Sea; however, the increased trade on the Danube affected Isaccea but little.

At the beginning of theRusso-Turkish War, 1877–1878,the Russians were able to take advantage of Romania's railways and mass a great number of troops inGalați.4000 Russian troops crossed the Danube 14 km south ofMăcinand were victorious on June 22, 1877, against the Ottoman garrison. The Russian victories intimidated the Ottoman commander of the Isaccea garrison and the Ottoman troops withdrew from the town, leaving the whole northern part ofDobrujato the Russian armies.[54]Many of the Muslims in the towns of this area fled from the early days of the conflict as the Russian-Romanian army advanced.[54]The city was captured without battle on June 26, 1877, by the 14th Army under the leadership of Major-General Yanov.[52]

Following the Russian-Romanian victory in the war against theOttoman Empire,Russia took back from Romania the SouthernBessarabiaregion and as compensation, the newly independent state of Romania received the region of Dobruja, including the town of Isaccea.[55]

In 1915, Nicolae Iorga described Isaccea as "a gathering of small and humble houses spread over a hill slope".

DuringWorld War I,Dobruja was in the areas of operation of a force formed by the Russian and Romanian armies. The first Russian unit crossed the Danube at Isaccea on the day when war was declared (August 27, 1916) and began their deployment toward Bulgaria, an ally of the Central Powers.[56]

Following the failure of theFlămânda Offensive,the Russians began retreating,[56]soon as north as Isaccea. The town was defended by the Romanian and Russian troops against the German offensive, but it was lost on December 24, 1916.[57]Following its defeat, Romania signed theTreaty of Bucharest,by the term of which, Romania ceded the southern part of Dobruja to Bulgaria, while the rest (including Isaccea), was ceded to theCentral Powers.[58]The Treaty was voided by the terms of theArmistice of November 11, 1918and Isaccea was thus returned to Romania.[59]

In February 2022, during theRussian invasion of Ukraine,thousands ofUkrainianscrossed byferryinto Romania at Isaccea in search of refuge.[60]


Historical population

The majority of the population is formed byOrthodox ChristianRomanians,but there is also a 4% minority of MuslimTurks.In 1516, it was a purely Christian village, with 163 households;[62]in 1518, there were 256 Christian houses.[63]By the end of the 16th century, the town grew to 332 Christian households and 25 Muslim households, of which half were new converts.[62]

An 1861 map shows the ethnic groups of northern Dobruja. Around Isaccea (Isaktcha), most of the inhabitants were Romanians ( "Moldavians" on the map, in blue)

Ethnic structure


In 1828, there were 363 Romanians, 183 Turks, 163 Cossacks, 29 Greeks, 20 Jews and 3 Armenians.[13]

According to the 2011 Romanian census, the ethnic structure of the population of Isaccea was the following:

Ethnicity Number Percentage
Romanian 4,638 93.6%
Turkish 90 1.81%
Ukrainian 11 0.22%
Roma 209 4.21%


Isaccea Mosque
Religion Number Percentage
Orthodoxy 5,099 94.88%
Islam 223 4.14%
Baptists 30 0.55%
Old Calendarists 14 0.26%
Other/none 8 0.17%



The city government is headed by a mayor (primar), while the decisions are approved and discussed by the local council (consiliu local) made up of 15 elected councillors. From 1996 to 2012, the mayor of Isaccea was Ilie Petre, from theDemocratic Liberal Party,who was re-elected for a fourth term in the 2008 local elections, winning in the second round by earning 61.46% of votes against Anastase Moraru, a candidate of theSocial Democratic Party.[64]At the 2012 local elections, Moraru defeated Ilie.[65]Moraru was re-elected in 2016[66]and 2020.[1]

Since September 2020, the local council members belong to the following parties:[1]


The Isaccea stone quarry

The town has long been a station in the trade between the eastern Mediterranean and the continental eastern Europe. The Greeks built their first trade post around 2700 years ago and trade continued after the Roman and later Byzantine and Ottoman takeovers. In the 16th century, the town was located on theMoldavian-Ottoman border and itsbazaarwas one of the four most important trading posts in the Dobruja, with tradesmen coming from distant places, such asChiosorRagusa.[67]The main traded goods were cattle, sheep, wine, cloth and wood.[63]The town lost its influence in the 19th century, as the sea and river transport was mostly replaced by train and later road transport and as the Danube traffic navigates on theDanube-Black Sea Canal.

Much of the local economy is based on agriculture, especiallyanimal husbandryandfishing.The town's farms have a number of 2595 sheep, 728 cows, 510 pigs, 240 horses and 16,000 birds.[68]Industry is based on extraction of rock from a nearbyquarryandwoodworking,a tobacco processing factory and awinery.

Since 2004, the town is also home for abelugareproduction research station, financed by the Romanian state. The world's firstin vitro fertilisationresearch station for the beluga, it isfish farm,but also raises beluga to be freed into the Danube, freeing around 3000 belugas.[69]

The town is also a port on the Danube, having twomooringplaces for ships. It is mostly used for loadingcerealsand stone onto cargo ship.[70]

Isaccea is the entry point in Romania of the Isaccea-Negru Vodăgas pipeline(built between 2000 and 2002 to replace a smaller pipeline built in the 1980s) linkingUkraineandBulgaria,bringing natural gas from Russia to Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. It has a diameter of 1200 mm and a capacity of 28 billion m3/year.[71]The town is also the entry point of the 400 kV Isaccea-Vulcăneştielectrical transmission line,through which Romania imports electricity from the Russian-ownedCuciurganpowerplant in theTransnistriaregion ofMoldova.[72]

Asewage treatmentplant is going to be built in Isaccea by 2012, funded 80.2% from theCohesion Fundsfrom theEuropean Union.[73]

Local attractions

  • The 2000-year-old ruins of the Romanfortress of Noviodunum
  • TheIsaccea Mosque,a 17th-century Ottoman mosque, that has a 25-meter highminaret
  • The 18th century "Saint George" Orthodox Church
  • Isaac Baba's grave, believed by the local Muslims to be the founder of the town.
  • TheCocoș Monastery,located 6 km south of the town centre




  1. ^abc"Results of the 2020 local elections".Central Electoral Bureau.Retrieved15 June2021.
  2. ^"Populaţia rezidentă după grupa de vârstă, pe județe și municipii, orașe, comune, la 1 decembrie 2021"(XLS).National Institute of Statistics.
  3. ^Isaccea city hall website - AgricultureArchived2008-02-07 at theWayback Machine
  4. ^abNational Institute of Statistics,"Anuarul statistic al judeţului Tulcea 2006 "Archived2009-03-05 at theWayback Machine,p. 6
  5. ^"Ultimul lazaret",inZiuaMarch 21, 2006
  6. ^"Tichilești: Viața ultimilor bolnavi de lepră din România".Ziarul de Investigații(in Romanian). 2019-08-09.Retrieved2021-05-23.
  7. ^Primăria Isaccea: Aşezare(at the website of the city hall)
  8. ^Stelian BrezeanuToponymy and ethnic Realities at the Lower Danube in the 10th Century,in "Annuario. Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica, Venezia", 2002, (OCLC85762872), p. 41–50
  9. ^Alexiad,Book Six
  10. ^Nicolae Iorga,Les premières cristallisations d'état des Roumains,Acadèmie Roumaine, Bulletin de la Section Historique (OCLC73198609), V-VIII (1920), p. 33-46
  11. ^abD.M. Pippidi et al., (1976)Dicționar de istorie veche a României,Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică (OCLC251847977), p 149; entry:Celți
  12. ^Dáithí Ó hÓgáin,The Celts: A History,Boydell Press,2002,ISBN0-85115-923-0,p. 153
  13. ^abcdeIntegratio: Dobrogea de Nord: Isaccea: HistoryArchived2007-09-29 at theWayback Machine,a project of theCentro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali,accessed December 2006.
  14. ^abConstantin Haită. "Studiu sedimentologic preliminar pe situl neolitic Isaccea-Suhat. Campania 1998",Peuce(ISSN0258-8102), 2003, 14, p.447-452.
  15. ^abAlexandru Barnea,"Noviodunum, azi Isaccea (I)",Ziarul Financiar,August 17, 2007
  16. ^abcD.M. Pippidi et al., (1976)Dicționar de istorie veche a României,Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică (OCLC251847977), p 431-432; entry:Noviodunum
  17. ^"Archeological research on Noviodunum".Archived fromthe originalon 2015-02-23.Retrieved2011-09-02.
  18. ^Bărbulescu et al., p. 73
  19. ^J. J. Wilkes, "The Roman Danube: An Archaeological Survey",The Journal of Roman Studies,ISSN0075-4358,Vol. 95, 2005, p.217
  20. ^Bărbulescu et al., p. 57
  21. ^abBărbulescu et al., p. 60
  22. ^D.M. Pippidi et al., (1976)Dicționar de istorie veche a României,Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică (OCLC251847977), p 185; entry:Constantinus
  23. ^Mircea Păcurariu, "Sfinți daco-romani și români", Editura Mitropoliei Moldovei și Bucovinei, Iași, 1994,ISBN973-96208-6-8,p.25
  24. ^Michael Kulikowski,Rome's Gothic Wars,Cambridge University Press,ISBN978-0-521-84633-2.p.116
  25. ^Ammianus Marcellinus,The Later Roman Empire, AD 354-378,translated by Walter Hamilton (PenguinISBN0-14-044406-8), book 15
  26. ^E. A. Thompson,The Huns,Blackwell Publishing, 1999,ISBN978-0-631-21443-4,p.269-270
  27. ^abcBărbulescu et al., p. 103
  28. ^Jordanes,The Origins and Deeds of the Goths,translated byCharles C. Mierow,V. 35
  29. ^Kiel, p. 288
  30. ^"Observaţii asupra revoltei din Paradunavon din 1072-1091"Archived2009-03-23 at theWayback Machine,inIstorie și ideologie.Editura Universității din București, 2002,ISBN973-575-658-7,p.34-46.
  31. ^Paul Stephenson,Byzantium's Balkan Frontier: A Political Study of the Northern Balkans, 900-1204,Cambridge University Press, 2005,ISBN0-521-77017-3,p. 86
  32. ^Stephenson, p.103
  33. ^Curta, p.302
  34. ^Curta, p.319-320
  35. ^Stănciugel et al. p. 45
  36. ^Kiel, p. 289
  37. ^Stănciugel et al. p. 55
  38. ^Vasary, p.90
  39. ^Vasary, p.89-90
  40. ^Colin Imber,The Crusade of Varna, 1443-45,2006, Ashgate Publishing,ISBN0-7546-0144-7p. 4-5
  41. ^David Turnock,The Making of Eastern Europe,Taylor & Francis, 1988,ISBN0-415-01267-8,p. 138
  42. ^Kurt W. Treptow,Dracula: Essays on the Life and Times of Vlad Țepeș,Columbia University Press,1991,ISBN0-88033-220-4
  43. ^Radu R. Florescu,Raymond McNally,Dracula: Prince of many faces - His life and his times,Back Bay Books,1990,ISBN0-316-28656-7,p. 134
  44. ^according to the Ottomantahrir defterleri(tax registers) of 1528, 1569/1570 and 1597/1598; in Kiel, p. 289
  45. ^Kiel, p. 289-290
  46. ^Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu,Ioan Vodă cel Cumplit,1865
  47. ^Nicolae Iorga,Studiĭ istorice asupra Chilieĭ și Cetățiĭ-Albe,Institutul de arte grafice C. Göbl, 1900, p.217
  48. ^Kiel, p. 291
  49. ^Ileana Căzan, Eugen Denize,Marile puteri şi spaţiul românesc în secolele XV-XVIArchived2011-07-28 at theWayback Machine,Editura Universității din București, 2001,ISBN973-575-597-1,p. 276
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  51. ^John, P. LeDonne,The Grand Strategy of the Russian Empire, 1650-1831Oxford University Press,2005,ISBN0-19-516100-9,p. 40
  52. ^abc(in Russian)Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary(Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона), I.A. Efron, 1906, vol. 13, Page 364;Isakcha(Исакча)
  53. ^"The Seat of War on the Danube,"The Times,December 29, page 8
  54. ^abJames J. Reid,Crisis of the Ottoman Empire: Prelude to Collapse 1839-1878,Franz Steiner Verlag, 2000,ISBN3-515-07687-5p. 317
  55. ^Keith Hitchins,Rumania: 1866-1947 (Oxford History of Modern Europe).1994.Oxford University Press.ISBN0-19-822126-6,p. 47-48
  56. ^abGlenn Torrey, "Indifference and Mistrust: Russian-Romanian Collaboration in the Campaign of 1916",The Journal of Military History,Vol. 57, No. 2 (Apr., 1993), pp. 284, 288
  57. ^"Russians still retire in Dobrudja",New York Times,December 25, 1916, pg. 3
  58. ^Treaty of Bucharest, 7 May 1918Archived23 February 2013 at theWayback Machine,article X
  59. ^(in French)Convention d’armistice du 11 novembre 1918(wikisource)
  60. ^Hill, Cameron (February 27, 2022)."Romania: Thousands of Ukrainians arrive to Isaccea in search of refuge".Euronews.RetrievedFebruary 28,2022.
  61. ^Recensământul Populaţiei 2011[permanent dead link]
  62. ^abKiel, 294
  63. ^ab(in French)Nicoară Beldiceanu; Jean-Louis Bacque-Grammont; Matei Cazacu,Recherches sur les Ottomans et la Moldavie ponto-danubienne entre 1484 et 1520,Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (ISSN0041-977X), Vol. 45, No. 1. (1982), pp. 55.
  64. ^Biroul Electoral Central,Primari pe municipii, oraşe şi comune
  65. ^(in Romanian)Claudia Petraru,"Tulcenii au votat schimbarea. Trei primari de oraşe au fost înlocuiţi"Archived2012-06-17 at theWayback Machine,Adevărul,June 11, 2012
  66. ^"Results of the 2016 local elections".Central Electoral Bureau. Archived fromthe originalon 15 August 2016.Retrieved3 April2020.
  67. ^Stănciugel et al. p. 138
  68. ^Isaccea city hall - Economic dataArchived2008-08-02 at theWayback Machine
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