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June 1963

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June 3, 1963: Pope John XXIII dies of cancer
June 26, 1963: U.S. President Kennedy tells the world "Ich bin ein Berliner"

The following events occurred inJune 1963:

June 1,1963 (Saturday)


June 2,1963 (Sunday)

  • Fred Lorenzenwon theWorld 600NASCAR race despite his car running out of gas on the final lap.Junior Johnsonhad been leading the race until suffering a blown tire with three laps left. Lorenzen's win brought his earnings to "just under $80,000 making him the biggest money winner in stock car racing history", even though the racing season was only half over.[4]
  • Stage I ofGemini launch vehicle1 was erected inMartin-Baltimore's vertical test facility. Stage II would follow on June 9, and inspection was completed June 12. Subsystem Functional Verification Tests began June 10.[5]
  • Born:Anand Abhyankar,Indian Marathi actor (d. 2012); inNagpur,Maharashtra[6]

June 3,1963 (Monday)


June 4,1963 (Tuesday)

  • TheAyatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,religious leader of Iran's Shi'ite Muslim community, was arrested in the city ofQomafter speaking against the emancipation of women in the regime of ShahMohammad Reza Pahlavi.[14]Khomeini would be imprisoned for eight months, and released in April 1964. Six months later, he would be arrested again and sent into exile in Turkey, then move the following year toNajaf,inIraq.In 1979, Khomeini would lead the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.[14][15][16]
  • U.S. PresidentJohn F. KennedysignedExecutive Order 11110,delegating authority to theU.S. Secretary of the Treasuryto issue silver certificates under the Thomas Amendment to the Agricultural Adjustment Act.[17]
  • Robert Wesley Patch, a six-year-old boy fromChevy Chase, Maryland,was awarded United States Patent No. 3,091,888 for a toy truck that could be "readily assembled and disassembled by a child".[18][19]
  • Australian diverMax Cramerbecame the first person to dive to the wreckage of the shipBatavia,exactly 334 years after the Dutch vessel had sunk on June 4,1629.[20]
  • At a meeting of the Gemini Abort Panel,McDonnell Aircraft Corporationrecommended dropping the lower limit for aborting a mission to 35,000 feet (11,000 m). The existing abort stages were Mode 1 (use ofejection seatsup to 70,000 feet (21,000 m)); Mode 2 (booster shutdown and retrosalvo rockets between 70,000 feet (21,000 m) and 522,000 feet (159,000 m)); and Mode 3, booster shutdown and normal separation from above 522,000 feet (159,000 m) until the last few seconds of powered flight.[5]
  • Died:American footballerDon Fleming,25,Cleveland Brownssafety,was electrocuted along with a co-worker on a construction site nearOrlando, Florida.[21]

June 5,1963 (Wednesday)


June 6,1963 (Thursday)

  • Communist Party ChairmanMao Zedongof thePeople's Republic of ChinaCommunist Party sent a letter to Soviet PremierNikita Khrushchev,stating that "The Chinese people will never accept the privileged position of one or two superpowers" with a monopoly on nuclear weapons, and then gave the go ahead for China to accelerate its own nuclear program. China would explode its first atomic bomb on October 16, 1964.[30]
The unflown Mercury-Atlas 10 spacecraft
  • Officials of NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center urged NASA to schedule aMercury 10mission, citing their belief that theMercury spacecraftwas capable of much longer missions than the 34-hour trip ofMercury 9completed on May 16. Arguments that a mission of several days could be applied to the forthcomingGeminiandApolloprojects did not sway NASA.[31]Another U.S. launch of a crew would not take place until 21 months later, withGemini 3on March 23, 1965.
  • Andrew Kalitinsky, a spokesman forGeneral Dynamics,told a gathering of scientists at theAmerican Astronautical Societysymposium inDenverthat U.S. astronauts could be launched to the planetMarsas early as1975.[32]Kalitinsky spoke at the symposium "The Exploration of Mars", and envisioned that "a convoy of four multi-ton spaceships" would make the journey. The talk came the day afterNASAannounced its plan to send twosatellitesto Mars inNovember 1964as the first step toward a crewed mission.[33]
  • Born:Jason Isaacs,English film actor; inLiverpool[34]

June 7,1963 (Friday)


June 8,1963 (Saturday)


June 9,1963 (Sunday)


June 10,1963 (Monday)

June 10, 1963: President Kennedy delivering his commencement address

June 11,1963 (Tuesday)

June 11, 1963: Self-immolation of Thích Quảng Đức
  • South Vietnamese BuddhistmonkThích Quảng Đức,65, committed suicide byself-immolation,burning himself to death at a major intersection inSaigonto protest the oppression of Buddhists by the government of PresidentNgo Dinh Diem.[48]Associated PressphotographerMalcolm Brownewas the only journalist "to heed Buddhist advance notices", and his photographs brought worldwide attention the next day,[49]as well as winning him aPulitzer Prize."Many point to the self-immolation," one historian would later note, "as the single event that turned the U.S. government against Ngo Dinh Diem, though a series of events and personality clashes made the situation inevitable."[50]
June 11, 1963: Alabama Governor Wallace confronts Deputy U.S. Attorney General Katzenbach
  • Alabama GovernorGeorge C. Wallacestood in the doorof theUniversity of Alabamato protest against integration and blockedJames HoodandVivian Malonefrom enrolling as the first African American students at the university. U.S. Defense SecretaryRobert McNamaraordered that the Alabama National Guard be placed under the command of the federal government and directed the 31st Infantry Division of the Guard to proceed to Tuscaloosa. Assistant U.S. Attorney GeneralNicholas Katzenbachapproached Wallace and cited the U.S. District Court order of June 5, requiring that the students be allowed to register, and Wallace replied, "We don't need a speech here," and then read aloud a statement that he did "hereby proclaim and demand and forbid this illegal and unwarranted action by the central government."[51]Governor Wallace stepped aside at 3:40 that afternoon, after the Alabama National Guard commander, Brigadier GeneralHenry V. Graham,told Wallace that the Guard would enforce the President's order,[52]and Wallace, who elected not to be arrested for contempt of federal court, stepped aside.[53]Fifteen years later, Ms. Jones revealed that she and Mr. Hood had actually been admitted to the University of Alabama the previous day, a detail confirmed by university records and by interviews with Jones, Hood and university presidentFrank A. Rose.[54]
  • The firstlung transplanton a human being was performed at the University of Mississippi, by Dr.James Hardy.[55]The patient, identified twelve days later as John Richard Russell, a convicted murderer serving a life sentence for a 1957 killing, was given a full pardon by Mississippi GovernorRoss Barnett,in recognition of Russell's volunteering for the operation, which Barnett said would "alleviate human misery and suffering in years to come".[56]The donor, never identified, had arrived at the hospital emergency room in the evening after having a massive heart attack, and the family permitted the donation of the left lung for transplant; Russell survived for 18 more days after the surgery.[57]
  • U.S. President Kennedy delivered his historic speechReport to the American People on Civil Rightsin which he promised acivil rights billand asked for "the kind of equality of treatment that we would want for ourselves."
  • Died:

June 12,1963 (Wednesday)


June 13,1963 (Thursday)

  • U.S. RepresentativeThomas F. Johnsonof Maryland and former U.S. RepresentativeFrank W. Boykinof Alabama were both convicted of conspiracy to defraud the United States government and accepting bribes. Boykin would later be pardoned, while Johnson, after appealing his conviction all the way to the United States Supreme Court, would serve six months in prison.[66]
  • NASA's full attention turned towardProject Gemini,using two astronauts for each mission in the next phase of U.S. spaceflight.Rocketdyneannounced its initial designs of Gemini's thrust chamber assembly for both the reentry control system andorbit attitude and maneuver systemfor the first four Gemini spacecraft, while McDonnell Aircraft began deciding what Project Mercury equipment and personnel could be used for the new program. TheDavid Clark Companywas awarded a contract for theGemini spacesuit,with a fixed fee of $829,594.80 plus costs.[5]
  • Born:Greg Daniels,American screenwriter, television producer, and director; inNew York City[67]

June 14,1963 (Friday)


June 15,1963 (Saturday)


June 16,1963 (Sunday)

Tereshkova in 1969

June 17,1963 (Monday)

The 128 characters of the seven-bit ASCII code

June 18,1963 (Tuesday)


June 19,1963 (Wednesday)

Mars 1
  • The Soviet Union'sMars 1spacecraft came within 120,000 miles (190,000 km) of the planetMarsas the first man-made object to reach the Red Planet, but was unable to return any data to Earth because of a malfunction that occurred in its antenna onMarch 21.[85]
  • President Kennedy secretly approved a CIA program of renewedsabotageof the infrastructure of Cuba, though abiding by his pledge never to invade the Communist island nation.[86]
  • What would become theCivil Rights Act of 1964was sent by President Kennedy to the United States Congress and was introduced the next day in the House Judiciary Committee by U.S. Representative Emanuel Celler. The most comprehensive civil rights legislation in United States history, the legislation would be passed after Kennedy's assassination, with President Lyndon B. Johnson signing it into law on July 2, 1964.[87]
  • Thepapal conclavebegan its meeting in theSistine Chapelat the Vatican, to elect a successor toPope John XXIII.Voting would begin the next day.[88]
  • Valentina Tereshkova,the first woman in space, returned to Earth with cosmonautValery BykovskyonVostok 6.[89]
  • A NASA working group set standards for the testing of communication between the first two U.S. space vehicles that would be docked in orbit, the Gemini spacecraft and theAgena target vehicle.Testing was set for the Launch Area Radar Range Boresight Tower onMerritt Island.[5]

June 20,1963 (Thursday)


June 21,1963 (Friday)

  • CardinalGiovanni Battista Montini,theArchbishop of Milan,was elected as the 262ndpope,succeeding the latePope John XXIII.[97]Cardinal Montini took the regnal namePope Paul VI,the first pontiff with that name sincePaul V(who reigned from 1605 to 1621), and would lead the Roman Catholic Church until his death in 1978. TheologianHans Küngwould later write in his memoirs that "Montini got 57 votes, only two more than the two-thirds majority required," on the sixth ballot, with CardinalsGiacomo Lercaroof Bologna,Leo Joseph Suenensof Belgium andAugustin Beaof Germany having been under consideration as well.[98]
  • Leonid Brezhnev,the ceremonial President of the Presidium of the Soviet Union, was appointed to a position in the Secretariat of the Soviet Communist Party, and viewed as "the dominant contender for succession to Premier Khrushchev as party chief and possibly as head of the government".[99]The predictions proved to be correct, as Brezhnev would be named the Communist Party First Secretary upon the removal of Nikita Khrushchev on October 14, 1964.[100]

June 22,1963 (Saturday)


June 23,1963 (Sunday)


June 24,1963 (Monday)

  • TheTelcan,the first system designed to be used at home for recording programs from a television set, was given its first demonstration. The system, shown in England inNottingham,was seen to record programs onto a reel ofvideotapeand then to play them back with "very fair video quality" on a 17-inch (430 mm) TV, could hold 30 minutes of programming, and had a suggested retail price of £60 ($175).[108]
  • Landslides killed all 94 people in a village near Changsungpo on South Korea'sGeoje Island.Another 22 people were killed in other landslides.[109]
  • The African sultanate ofZanzibarwas granted self-rule by the United Kingdom, with full independence to be given on December 10.[110]
  • Two U.S. aerospace firms,BoeingandDouglas Aircraft Company,were selected for final negotiations for study contracts of a Manned Orbital Research Laboratory (MORL) concept. NASA's MORL concept envisioned a four-person Workshop with periodic crew change and resupply, and at least one crewmember spending a year in orbit to evaluate the effect ofweightlessnesson long-duration space flights.[2]
  • North American Aviationbegan a series of five drop tests of the boilerplate test vehicle, to qualify the parachute recovery system for the full-scale test vehicle in the Paraglider Landing System Program. A series of malfunctions in the fifth and final drop test, on July 30, would result in the destruction on impact of the test vehicle and a complete failure of the recovery system.[5]Tesing of the Geminiretrorocketabort system by theArnold Engineering Development Centershowed failures in the nozzle assembly and the cone and would lead to a redesign.[5]
  • Born:
  • Died:Prince Ferdinando, Duke of Genoa,79, thirdDuke of Genoaand member of theHouse of Savoy

June 25,1963 (Tuesday)


June 26,1963 (Wednesday)

  • U.S. President Kennedy delivered his famous "Ich bin ein Berliner"speech in front of theBerlin WallinWest Berlin.[111]After climbing a specially built reviewing stand at the Brandenburg Gate so that he could look into East Berlin, Kennedy was driven to the West Berlin city hall, where he addressed a crowd of 150,000 people. Kennedy began his speech by saying that "2,000 years ago, the proudest boast wascivis Romanus sum[Latin, "I am a Roman" ]. Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast isIch bin ein Berliner[German, "I am a Berliner" ] ".[112]
  • Paul McCartneyandJohn Lennonwrote their hit song "She Loves You",while staying at the Turk's Hotel inNewcastle-upon-Tyne.Paul would later recall that when he played the recording for his father, the elder McCartney suggested (unsuccessfully) that "yeah, yeah, yeah" should be replaced with "Yes! Yes! Yes!".[113]
  • The Soviet Union'spenal systemwas reformed to provide for "colony-settlements" (kolonii-poselenya) for prisoners who "displayed evidence of their aptitude for reintegration into society".[114]
  • The Canadian circus shipFleuruscaught fire and sank atYarmouth, Nova Scotia.All people and animals were saved except for somezebras.[115]
  • Born:Mikhail Khodorkovsky,Russian oil company owner and the wealthiest man in post-Soviet Russia, imprisoned 2003 to 2013 after opposing the government of Russian PresidentVladimir Putin,exiled since 2013; inMoscow

June 27,1963 (Thursday)

  • The state ofMinnesotaenacted the first law in the United States requiring modifications of buildings to provideaccessibilityfor handicapped persons, with GovernorKarl Rolvaagsigning the bill.[116]
  • Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.,who had been the losing Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States in 1960, was nominated by the winner of that election, President Kennedy, to be the new U.S. ambassador to South Vietnam.[117]
  • In a visit toIreland,U.S. President Kennedy visitedDunganstownin County Wexford, from which his great-grandfather Patrick Kennedy had left in 1843 to emigrate to the United States. "If he hadn't left," Kennedy joked, "I'd be working at the Albatross Company", a local fertilizer factory. Kennedy was hosted by his third cousin, widow Mary Ann Ryan.[118]
  • Gemini Project Office outlined plans for thefirst Gemini mission,to be launched in 1964. The test Gemini spacecraft would be a complete production shell, including shingles andheatshield,and equipped with acomputer,inertial measuring unit,and environmental control system in thereentry module.The launchingazimuthwould be changed from 90 degrees to 72.5 degrees, the same azimuth used for Project Mercury, to obtain bettertracking networkcoverage.[5]

June 28,1963 (Friday)

  • Two days after U.S. President Kennedy had delivered his "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech on the western side of theBerlin Wall,Soviet Premier Khrushchev gave a speech to workers at an East Berlin toolmaking factory and gave his response. According to reports, the English translation of the German translation of Khrushchev's Russian-language speech read, "I am told the President of the United States looked at the Wall with great indignation. Apparently, he didn't like it the least little bit. But I like it very much indeed. The working class of the German Democratic Republic has put up a wall and plugged the hole so that no more wolves can break in. Is that bad? It's good."[119][120]
  • McDonnell Aircraft presented a "scrub" recycle schedule to NASA, allowing for a new launch of a Gemini mission within 48 hours after the first launch was scrubbed. The Gemini Project Office wanted recycle time reduced to 24 hours, and ultimately to less than 19 hours to meet successive launch windows.[5]
  • Carlos Hugo, Duke of Parma,pretender to the thrones of Parma and Spain, was officially renamed Charles Hugues, by judgment of the court of appeal of la Seine, France.
  • Born:Babatunde Fashola,Nigerian politician, 13thGovernor of Lagos Statefrom 2007 to 2015; inLagos[121]
  • Died:

June 29,1963 (Saturday)


June 30,1963 (Sunday)


See also



  1. ^"Aftermath of a Title Fight: Controversy Follows Pastrano's Victory".Miami News.June 3, 1963. p. 1C.
  2. ^abcPublic DomainThis article incorporates text from this source, which is in thepublic domain.Brooks, Courtney G.; Ertel, Ivan D.; Newkirk, Roland W."PART I: Early Space Station Activities -January 1963 to July 1965.".SKYLAB: A CHRONOLOGY.NASA Special Publication-4011.NASA.p. 25.Retrieved14 March2023.
  3. ^Nafukho, Fredrick Muyia; Khayesi, Meleckidzedeck (2016).Informal Public Transport in Practice: Matatu Entrepreneurship.Taylor & Francis.p. 92.ISBN9781317116868.
  4. ^"Lorenzen 'Coasts' To Victory In '600' Despite Empty Tank".Miami News.June 3, 1963. p. 3C.
  5. ^abcdefghijklmnoPublic DomainThis article incorporates text from this source, which is in thepublic domain.Grimwood, James M.; Hacker, Barton C.; Vorzimmer, Peter J."PART II (A) Development and Qualification January 1963 through December 1963".Project Gemini Technology and Operations - A Chronology.NASA Special Publication-4002.NASA.Retrieved30 March2023.
  6. ^Paranjpe, Shailendra (24 December 2012)."Anand Abhyankar was an ever-smiling man".DNA.Retrieved13 July2022.
  7. ^"101 Aboard Plane Missing Over Alaska".Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.June 4, 1963. p. 1.
  8. ^Reingold, Lester A. (September 2010)."Cause Unknown: What brought down these five airplanes?".Air & Space.[dead link]
  9. ^Halberstam, David(June 4, 1963). "67 Buddhists Hurt in Vietnam Clash".The New York Times.p. 1A.
  10. ^Cooper, Helene(2015-02-18)."John Kirby, Pentagon Spokesman, Will Be Replaced With a Civilian".The New York Times.Retrieved2022-08-18.
  11. ^Kerry, John(2016-06-03)."Remarks at Roundtable With Traveling Press".U.S. Department of State.Retrieved2023-08-07.
  12. ^"Pope Dies; World Begins Mourning".Milwaukee Journal.June 3, 1963. p. 1 – viaGoogle News.[dead link]
  13. ^Nazim Hikmet
  14. ^ab"Tehran Ablaze In Wild Riots".Miami News.June 5, 1963. p. 1.
  15. ^Baktiari, Bahman (1996).Parliamentary Politics in Revolutionary Iran: The Institutionalization of Factional Politics.University Press of Florida.p. 45.
  16. ^Schulze, Reinbard (2002).A Modern History of the Islamic World.I.B.Tauris.p. 178.
  17. ^"Kennedy Signs Silver Bill".Spokane Daily Chronicle.AP.June 6, 1963. p. 62 – via Google News.
  18. ^"Boy, 6, Patents a Toy".Miami News.June 1, 1963. p. 1.
  19. ^Murphy, Jim (2011).Weird & Wacky Inventions.Skyhorse Publishing.
  20. ^Dash, Mike(2003).Batavia's Graveyard: The True Story of the Mad Heretic Who Led History's Bloodiest Mutiny.Random House Digital.p. 314.
  21. ^"Former Gator Star Is Killed".St. Petersburg Times.United Press International.June 5, 1963. p. 1-C.RetrievedJuly 12,2021– via Google News.
  22. ^"Scandal: Profumo Resigns".Montreal Gazette.June 6, 1963. p. 1.
  23. ^Bedwell, Don (May 2012). "Extremes: Supersonic Gamble".Aviation History:14.
  24. ^The Warren Commission Report: Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.Government Printing Office.1964. p. 23.
  25. ^"El Paso Will Become Capital Of U.S. Wednesday On Kennedy's Arrival— Visit Makes EP Temporary White House", by Sarah McClendon,The El Paso Times,June 5, 1963, p.1-A
  26. ^"Judge Bars Governor From Doorway Stand".Tuscaloosa News.Tuscaloosa, Alabama.June 5, 1963. p. 1.
  27. ^Clark, John Frank (2008).The Failure of Democracy in the Republic of Congo.Lynne Rienner Publishers. p. 69.
  28. ^"Six Players Drafted, Habs Seek Reaume".Montreal Gazette.June 6, 1963. p. 22.
  29. ^Crutchley, Peter (3 December 2018)."The unkillable soldier".BBC News.BBC.
  30. ^Gaddis, John Lewis(1999).Cold War Statesmen Confront the Bomb: Nuclear Diplomacy Since 1945.Oxford University Press.p. 211.
  31. ^abPublic DomainThis article incorporates text from this source, which is in thepublic domain.Grimwood, James M."PART III (B) Operational Phase of Project Mercury June 1962 through June 12, 1963".Project Mercury - A Chronology.NASA Special Publication-4001.NASA.Retrieved17 February2023.
  32. ^"Super-Rockets To Lift Convoy Of Spaceships Studied— Could Be Ready For Manned Trip To Mars in 1975".Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.Lubbock, Texas.June 6, 1963. p. C-1.
  33. ^"We Plan 2 Shots At Mars In '64".Miami News.June 6, 1963. p. 1.
  34. ^Rubinstein, William D.;Jolles, Michael;Rubinstein, Hilary L.(22 February 2011).The Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History.Palgrave Macmillan.p. 455.ISBN978-1-4039-3910-4– via Google Books.[dead link]
  35. ^Christopher Sandford,Keith Richards: Satisfaction(Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2004) pp53-54
  36. ^Dorril, Stephen(2002).M16: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service.New York:Simon and Schuster.p. 688.ISBN0743203798.
  37. ^Sturdevant, Rick W. (Fall 2004). "Titan II — Historical Overview".High Frontier: The Journal for Space Missile Professionals:14.
  38. ^"Griffith Regains Crown".Oakland Tribune.June 9, 1963. p. 47.
  39. ^Goodspeed, Hill (June 2011). "Where Naval Aviation History is Manifest".Naval History.p. 33.
  40. ^Daniel M. Masterson,Militarism and Politics in Latin America: Peru from Sánchez Cerro to Sendero Luminoso(Greenwood Publishing Group, 1991) p197
  41. ^"New Arrivals",The Messenger-Inquirer(Owensboro KY), June 11, 1963, p.5 ( "Our Lady of Mercy Hospital... a son to Mr. and Mrs. John Depp, 518 Stockton Drive, June 9
  42. ^"Johnny Depp - Box Office".
  43. ^Leffler, Melvyn P.(2007).For the Soul of Mankind: The United States, the Soviet Union, and the Cold War.Macmillan. pp. 182–183.
  44. ^"UCF 50 Years 1963-2013".University of Central Florida.
  45. ^"9 Provoans, 3 Others Die, 26 Hurt in Accident on Hole-in-Rock Trip; Scout Trip Ends In Tragedy as Truck Rolls Over".The Daily Herald.Provo, Utah.June 11, 1963. p. 1.
  46. ^"Tragedy at Escalante".Utah Highway Patrol.Archived fromthe originalon 11 May 2009.
  47. ^"The Equal Pay Act Turns 40".U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.Archived fromthe originalon June 26, 2012.
  48. ^Gambetta, Diego(2005).Making Sense Of Suicide Missions.Oxford University Press.p. 173.
  49. ^Hammond, William M. (1989).Public Affairs the Military and the Media, 1962-1968.Government Printing Office.p. 40.
  50. ^Frankum, Ronald B. Jr. (2011). "Thích Quảng Đức (1897-1963)".Historical Dictionary of the War in Vietnam.Scarecrow Press.p. 448.
  51. ^"Wallace Bars Negroes; 'Bama Guard Federalized".Miami News.June 11, 1963. p. 1.[dead link]
  52. ^"Governor Wallace Gives Up Struggle; Negroes Enroll At University".Tuscaloosa, Alabama.June 11, 1963. p. 1.
  53. ^Thernstrom, Stephan;Thernstrom, Abigail(1999).America in Black and White: One Nation, Indivisible.Simon and Schuster.p. 137.
  54. ^Prugh, Jeff (June 11, 1978). "U.S. Could Have Avoided Wallace Confrontation".Los Angeles Times.p. I-1.
  55. ^"Transplanting Of Lung Apparently Successful".Tucson Daily Citizen.Tucson, Arizona.June 13, 1963. p. 1.
  56. ^"Barnett To Free Killer Who Had Lung Transplant".Miami News.June 26, 1963. p. 3A.
  57. ^Hardy, J. D. (1996). "Lung Transplantation - Experimental Background and Early Clinical Experience". In Cooper, David K. C.; et al. (eds.).The Transplantation and Replacement of Thoracic Organs: The Present Status of Biological and Mechanical Replacement of the Heart and Lungs.Springer. p. 431.
  58. ^Alfred-V-Kidderat theEncyclopædia Britannica
  59. ^"Mississippi Negro Leader Slain".Miami News.June 12, 1963. p. 1.
  60. ^Hollington, Kris (2008).Wolves, Jackals, and Foxes: The Assassins Who Changed History.Macmillan. pp. 68–72.
  61. ^"Deltan Facing Murder Charge".Laurel Leader-Call.Laurel, Mississippi.June 24, 1963. p. 1.
  62. ^"Jury convicts racist of 30-year old murder".Winnipeg Free Press.February 6, 1994. p. A-4.
  63. ^"Byron De La Beckwith Dies; Killer of Medgar Evers Was 80".The New York Times.January 23, 2001.
  64. ^Monahan, Kaspar (June 12, 1963). "Togas Swirl At Premiere Of 'Cleopatra— Movie World Watches Debut In New York City Tonight".The Pittsburgh Press.p. 58.
  65. ^Lindsay, Hamish (2001).Tracking Apollo to the Moon.Springer.
  66. ^Grossman, Mark, ed. (2003). "Johnson, Thomas Francis (1909-1988)".Political Corruption in America: An Encyclopedia of Scandals, Power, and Greed.ABC-CLIO.p. 195.
  67. ^Bendazzi, Giannalberto (November 6, 2015).Animation: A World History.CRC Press.ISBN9781317519874.
  68. ^"Another Russian Man Hurdles Through Space",Miami News,June 14, 1963, p1
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  73. ^Helen Huntat theTCM Movie Database
  74. ^"Russ Orbit 'Space Sister'".Milwaukee Sentinel.June 17, 1963. p. 1 – via Google News.[dead link]
  75. ^Lindsay, Hamish (2001).Tracking Apollo to the Moon.Springer. pp. 86–88.
  76. ^"Ben-Gurion Quits Both Israel Posts".Milwaukee Sentinel.June 17, 1963. p. 2.
  77. ^Arnett, Eric H. (1996).Nuclear Weapons After the Comprehensive Test Ban: Implications for Modernization and Proliferation.Oxford University Press. p. 62.
  78. ^Jones, Howard (2003).Death of a Generation: how the assassinations of Diem and JFK prolonged the Vietnam War.New York City, New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 273–277.ISBN0-19-505286-2.
  79. ^"New Processing Machines Can Now Talk To One Another".Miami News.July 25, 1963. p. 12A.
  80. ^Belzer, Jack, ed. (1975). "ASCII CODE".Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology.CRC Press.p. 28.
  81. ^"High Court Rules Against Bible Reading In Schools".Miami News.June 17, 1963. p. 1.
  82. ^Seaman, Ann Rowe (2005).America's Most Hated Woman: The Life and Gruesome Death of Madalyn Murray O'Hair.Continuum International.p. 68.
  83. ^Jacobs, Seth (2006).Cold War Mandarin: Ngo Dinh Diem and the Origins of America's War in Vietnam, 1950–1963.Lanham, Maryland:Rowman & Littlefield.p. 150.ISBN0-7425-4447-8.
  84. ^Jones, p. 277.
  85. ^Huntress, Wesley T.(2011).Soviet Robots in the Solar System.Springer. p. 113.
  86. ^Douglass, James W.(2010).JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.Simon and Schuster.p. 66.
  87. ^Loevy, Robert D. (1997).The Civil Rights Act of 1964: The Passage of the Law That Ended Racial Segregation.SUNY Press.p. 354.
  88. ^"Four Ballots— But No Pope".Miami News.June 20, 1963. p. 1.
  89. ^"Space Twins Land Safely".Miami News.June 19, 1963. p. 1.
  90. ^Larsen, Jeffrey A.; Smith, James M. (2005). "Hot Line Agreements (1963, 1971, 1984)".Historical Dictionary Of Arms Control And Disarmament.Scarecrow Press. p. 107.
  91. ^Kahn, David(1996).The Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet.Simon and Schuster. p. 715.
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