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Diplomatic correspondence

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An 1862 letter of condolence fromAbraham LincolntoQueen Victoriaon the occasion of the death ofPrince Albertshows the republican salutation "Great and Good Friend".

Diplomatic correspondenceis correspondence between one state and another and is usually of a formal character. It follows several widely observed customs and style in composition, substance, presentation, and delivery and can generally be categorized into letters and notes.



Letters are correspondence betweenheads of state,typically used for the appointment and recall of ambassadors; for the announcement of thedeath of a sovereignor an accession to the throne; or for expressions of congratulations or condolence.[1]

Letters between two monarchs of equal rank will typically begin with the salutation "Sir My Brother" (or "Madame My Sister", in the case of a female monarch) and close with the valediction "Your Good Brother" (or Sister, in the case of a female monarch). In the case where one monarch is of inferior rank to the other (for instance, if theGrand Duke of Luxembourgwere to correspond with theKing of the United Kingdom), the inferior monarch will use the salutation "Sire" (or "Madame" ), while the superior monarch may refer to the other as "Cousin" instead of "Brother".[1]If either the sender or the recipient is the head-of-state of arepublic,letters may begin with the salutation "My Great and Good Friend" and close with the valediction "Your Good Friend"; beneath the signature line will be inscribed "To Our Great and Good Friend [Name and Title of Recipient]".[1]

Letters of credence

Estonian ambassador toAustraliaAndres Unga presents his letter of credence to Governor-GeneralQuentin Brycein 2013.

Aletter of credence(lettres de créance) is the instrument by which ahead of stateappoints ( "accredits" ) ambassadors to foreign countries.[2][3]Also known ascredentials,the letter closes with a phrase "asking that credit may be given to all that the ambassador may say in the name of hissovereignor government. "[2]The credentials are presented personally to the receiving country's head of state or viceroy in a formal ceremony. Letters of credence are worded carefully, as the sending or acceptance of a letter impliesdiplomatic recognitionof the other government.[2]Letters of credence date to the thirteenth century.[4]

Letters of recall


A letter of recall is formal correspondence from one head-of-state notifying a second head-of-state thathe or she is recalling their[clarification needed]state's ambassador.

To recall a diplomat means that the country that sent him either wants him to return home briefly or permanently, which may be as a result of the following; 1. To recall the person for a brief consultation on a burning issue of either commercial or political importance. For instance, Nigeria's High Commissioner to South Africa was recalled when Sani Abacha was the Head of State following the controversy between Abacha and Nelson Mandela after the killing of the 9 Ogoni Activists in 1995 (Ken Saro Wiwa and others). 2. A recall could be on account of a diplomatic misdemeanor. For instance, if a diplomat is accused of any criminal act, such as smuggling or drug trafficking, knowing fully well. that diplomats' luggage is not to be searched. 3. A diplomat could be recalled when the receiving state feels very uncomfortable or considers such diplomat as interfering in the internal affairs of the state. Such a diploma will automatically be declared as a person non-grata There could be other situations that may also lead to the recall of ambassadors or diplomats. After the annulment of the June 12 election in 1993 and the subsequent events that followed, Nigeria was ostracized from the international community. The Commonwealth of Nations expelled Nigeria, and most of Nigeria's traditional allies, c.g U.S, U.K, and Canada, etc recalled their ambassadors because they were condemning the repressive regime of Abacha. It is important to note that the recall of a diplomat is the beginning or actual deterioration of the relationship between the two countries.

Full powers


In cases where an envoy is entrusted with unusually extensive tasks that would not be covered by an ordinary permanent legation (such as the negotiation of a specialtreatyor convention, or representation at a diplomatic congress), an envoy may be givenfull powers(pleins pouvoirs) "inletters patentsigned by the head of the State "designing" either limited or unlimited full powers, according to the requirements of the case. "[3]

According toSatow's Diplomatic Practice,the bestowal of full powers traces its history to the Romanplena potestas;its purpose

was to be able to dispense, as far as possible, with the long delays needed in earlier times for referring problems back to higher authority. Their use at the present day is a formal recognition of the necessity of absolute confidence in the authority and standing of the negotiator.[1]


Caroline Kennedy,theUnited States ambassador to Japan,departsTokyo Imperial Palaceafter presenting her credentials toAkihitoin 2013.

Note verbale


Anote verbale(French pronunciation:[nɔtvɛʁ.bal]) is a formal form of note and is so named by originally representing a formal record of information delivered orally. It is less formal than anote(also called aletter of protest) but more formal than anaide-mémoire.Anote verbalecan also be referred to as athird person note(TPN).Notes verbalesare written in the third person and printed on official letterhead; they are typicallysealedwith an embosser or, in some cases, a stamp. All notes verbale begin with a formalsalutation,typically:[1]

The [name of sending state's] Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has the honor to invite their attention to the following matter.

Notes verbaleswill also close with a formalvalediction,typically:[1]

The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity of assuring the Ministry of its highest consideration.

Notes verbalescomposed by theBritish Foreign Officeare written on blue paper.[1]



The Ukrainian protest of theannexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation:[5]

The Ukrainian party categorically denies extension of sovereignty of the Russian Federation on Ukrainian territory, and reserves the right to exercise measures in accordance with international law and the laws of Ukraine.

Collective note

Formal correspondence originating from the U.S. State Department is sealed with theGreat Seal of the United States,which is embossed on a paper wafer using this 1903 letterpress.

A collective note is a letter delivered from multiple states to a single recipient state. It is always written in thethird person.[6]The collective note has been a rarely used form of diplomatic communication due to the difficulty in obtaining agreements among multiple states to the exact wording of a letter.[7]

Identic note


An identic note is a letter delivered from a single state to multiple recipient states. Examples include the identic note sent byThomas Jeffersonregarding action against the Barbary Piratesand that from theUnited StatestoChinaand theSoviet Unionin 1929. In it, the United States called on the other two powers to peacefully resolve their differences over theEastern China Railway.[8]

Bouts de papier


About de papier(speaking note) may be presented by a visiting official when meeting with an official from another state at the conclusion of the meeting. Prepared in advance, it contains a short summary of the main points addressed by the visiting official during the meeting and, firstly, serves as a memory aid for the visiting official when speaking. It, secondly, removes ambiguity about the subject of the meeting occasioned by verbal miscues by the visiting official.Bouts de papierare always presented without credit or attribution so as topreserve the confidentialityof the meeting in case the document is later disclosed.[1]


A British foreign office internal record of a 1921 aide-mémoire delivered toAristide Briand.

Adémarche(non-paper) is considered less formal than the already informalbout de papier.Officially described as "a request or intercession with a foreign official" it is a written request that is presented without attribution from the composing state and is, therefore, delivered in-person.[9]

Similar to adémarche,anaide-mémoireis a proposed agreement or negotiating text circulated informally among multiple states for discussion without committing the originating delegation's country to the contents. It has no identified source, title, or attribution and no standing in the relationship involved.


Austrian foreign ministerKlemens von Metternichthreatened to correspond with the United Kingdom in German if it sent diplomatic correspondence to him in English, instead of French.

Standard diplomatic protocol varies from country to country, but generally requires clear yet concise translation between both parties.



The earliest forms of diplomatic correspondence were, out of necessity, written inLatin,Latin being acommon languageamong states of a linguistically diverse Europe. By the early 19th century French had firmly supplanted Latin as the language of diplomacy; on one occasion, in 1817, the British attempted to correspond with theAustrian Imperial Courtin English, promptingKlemens von Metternichto threaten retaliatory correspondence inWeanarisch.In modern times, English has largely replaced French as a diplomatic lingua franca in correspondence between two states lacking a common tongue.[10]



States may sometimes reject diplomatic correspondence addressed to them by returning the original copy to the sending state. This is done as a rebuff of the contents of the correspondence and is typically reserved for cases where the receiving state feels the language used by the sending state is rude, or the subject matter represents an inappropriate intercession into the receiving state's internal affairs.[1]



Diplomatic correspondence has been published in the form ofcolor books,such as theBritish Blue Bookswhich go back to the seventeenth century, theGerman White Bookand many others fromWorld War I,partly for domestic consumption, and partly to cast blame on other sovereign actors.[11]

See also



  1. ^abcdefghiRoberts, Ivor (2009).Satow's Diplomatic Practice(6 ed.). Oxford University Press. pp. 45–66.ISBN978-0199693559.
  2. ^abcJoanne Foakes,The Position of Heads of State and Senior Officials in International Law(Oxford University Press, 2014).
  3. ^abLassa Oppenheim,International Law: A Treatise(Vol. 1, 2005: ed. Ronald Roxburgh), § 371, p. 550.
  4. ^Pierre Chaplais,English Diplomatic Practice in the Middle Ages(Hambledon and London,2003), p. 246.
  5. ^МИД вызвал Временного поверенного в делах РФ в Украине для вручения ноты-протеста.unn.com.ua(in Russian). 18 March 2014.
  6. ^Acquah-Dadzie, Kofi(1999).World Dictionary of Foreign Expressions: A Resource for Readers and Writers.Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers. pp.273.ISBN0865164231.
  7. ^Lloyd (2012).The Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Diplomacy.Springer.ISBN978-1137017611.
  8. ^Murty, Bhagevatula (1989).The International Law of Diplomacy: The Diplomatic Instrument and World Public Order.Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. p. 184.ISBN0792300831.
  9. ^Protocol for the Modern Diplomat(PDF).U.S. Department of State.2013. p. 30.
  10. ^Hamilton, Keith (2011).The Practice of Diplomacy: Its Evolution, Theory, and Administration.Taylor & Francis. pp. 109–111.ISBN978-0415497640.
  11. ^Hartwig, Matthias (12 May 2014)."Colour books".In Bernhardt, Rudolf; Bindschedler, Rudolf; Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (eds.).Encyclopedia of Public International Law.Vol. 9 International Relations and Legal Cooperation in General Diplomacy and Consular Relations. Amsterdam: North-Holland.ISBN978-1-4832-5699-3.OCLC769268852.