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List of RNAs

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Ribonucleic acid(RNA) occurs in different forms within organisms and serves many different roles. Listed here are the types of RNA, grouped by role. Abbreviations for the different types of RNA are listed and explained.

By role

RNAs involved in protein synthesis
Type Abbr. Function Distribution Ref.
Messenger RNA mRNA Codesfor protein All organisms
Ribosomal RNA rRNA Translation All organisms
Signal recognition particle RNA 7SL RNA or SRP RNA Membrane integration All organisms [1]
Transfer RNA tRNA Translation All organisms
Transfer-messenger RNA tmRNA Rescuing stalled ribosomes Bacteria [2]
RNAs involved in post-transcriptional modification or DNA replication
Type Abbr. Function Distribution Ref.
Small nuclear RNA snRNA Splicing and other functions Eukaryotesandarchaea [3]
Small nucleolar RNA snoRNA Nucleotide modification of RNAs Eukaryotes and archaea [4]
SmY RNA SmY mRNA trans-splicing Nematodes [5]
Small Cajal body-specific RNA scaRNA Type of snoRNA; Nucleotide modification of RNAs
Guide RNA gRNA mRNA nucleotide modification Kinetoplastidmitochondria [6]
Ribonuclease P RNase P tRNA maturation All organisms [7]
Ribonuclease MRP RNase MRP rRNA maturation,DNA replication Eukaryotes [8]
Y RNA RNA processing, DNA replication Animals [9]
Telomerase RNA Component TERC Telomeresynthesis Most eukaryotes [10]
Spliced Leader RNA SL RNA mRNA trans-splicing, RNA processing
Regulatory RNAs
Type Abbr. Function Distribution Ref.
Antisense RNA aRNA, asRNA Transcriptional attenuation / mRNA degradation / mRNA stabilisation / Translation block All organisms [11][12]
Cis-natural antisense transcript cis-NAT Gene regulation
CRISPRRNA crRNA Resistance to parasites, by targeting their DNA Bacteria and archaea [13]
Long noncoding RNA lncRNA Regulation of gene transcription, epigenetic regulation Eukaryotes
MicroRNA miRNA Gene regulation Most eukaryotes [14]
Piwi-interacting RNA piRNA Transposon defense, maybe other functions Mostanimals [15][16]
Small interfering RNA siRNA Gene regulation Mosteukaryotes [17]
Short hairpin RNA shRNA Gene regulation Mosteukaryotes [18]
Trans-acting siRNA tasiRNA Gene regulation Land plants [19]
Repeat associated siRNA rasiRNA Type of piRNA; transposon defense Drosophila [20]
7SK RNA 7SK negatively regulating CDK9/cyclin T complex
Enhancer RNA eRNA Gene regulation [21]
Parasitic RNAs
Type Function Distribution Ref.
Retrotransposon Self-propagating Eukaryotes and some bacteria [22]
Viralgenome Information carrier Double-stranded RNA viruses,positive-sense RNA viruses,negative-sense RNA viruses,manysatellite virusesandreverse transcribing viruses
Viroid Self-propagating Infected plants [23]
Satellite RNA Self-propagating Infected cells
Other RNAs
Type Abbr. Function Distribution Ref.
Vault RNA vRNA, vtRNA Expulsion ofxenobiotics(conjectured) [24]
GlycoRNA - Unknown

RNA abbreviations

Abbr. Name Family Description Ref.
ncRNA non coding RNA -
nmRNA non messenger RNA - synonym ofncRNA
sRNA small RNA - synonym ofncRNA
smnRNA small non messenger RNA - synonym ofncRNA
tRNA transfer RNA RF00005
sRNA soluble RNA - synonym oftRNA
mRNA messenger RNA -
pcRNA protein coding RNA - synonym ofmRNA
rRNA ribosomal RNA multiple families
5S rRNA 5S ribosomal RNA RF00001
5.8S rRNA 5.8S ribosomal RNA RF00002
SSU rRNA small subunit ribosomal RNA CL00111
LSU rRNA large subunit ribosomal RNA CL00112
NoRC RNA nucleolar remodeling complex associated RNA RF01518
pRNA promoter RNA RF01518 synonym ofNoRC RNA
6S RNA 6S RNA RF00013
SsrS RNA RF00013 synonym of6S RNA
aRNA antisense RNA - synonym ofasRNA
asRNA antisense RNA -
asmiRNA antisense micro RNA -
cis-NAT cis-natural antisense transcript - Natural antisense transcripts transcribed from the same genomic locus as their target but from the opposite DNA strand and form perfect pairs
tracrRNA trans-activating crRNA -
CRISPRRNA CRISPR-Cas RNA multiple families
DD RNA DNA damage response RNA - RNA that activates DNA damage response
diRNA DSB-induced small RNAs -
dsRNA double stranded RNA -
endo-siRNA endogenous small interfering RNA -
exRNA extracellular RNA -
gRNA guide RNA -
hc-siRNA heterochromatic small interfering RNA -
hcsiRNA heterochromatic small interfering RNA - synonym of hc-siRNA
hnRNA heterogeneous nuclear RNA - synonym forpre-mRNA(in the strict sense, it may include nuclear RNA transcripts that do not end up as cytoplasmic mRNA)
RNAi RNA interference - Process in which RNAinhibit gene expressionortranslation,by neutralizing targetedmRNAmolecules
lincRNA long intergenic non-coding RNA -
lncRNA long non coding RNA -
miRNA micro RNA multiple families
mrpRNA mitochondrial RNA processing ribonuclease - synonym ofRNase MRP
nat-siRNA natural antisense short interfering RNA - synonym ofnatsiRNA
natsiRNA natural antisense short interfering RNA - Endogenous RNA regulators, between 21 and 24 nt in length, and are generated from complementarymRNAtranscripts which are further processed intosiRNA
OxyS RNA oxidative stress response RNA RF00035 Small non coding RNA which is induced in response to oxidative stress inEscherichia coli
piRNA piwi-interacting RNA multiple families Small RNAs that form RNA-protein complexes withpiwi proteinsin animal cells
qiRNA QDE-2 interfering RNA -
rasiRNA Repeat associated siRNA - Small RNA that is involved in theRNA interference pathway,a type ofpiRNA
RNase MRP mitochondrial RNA processing ribonuclease RF00030
RNase P ribonuclease P RF00010 A type of ribonuclease which cleaves RNA
scaRNA small Cajal body-specific RNA RF00553
scnRNA small-scan RNA -
scRNA small cytoplasmic RNA -
scRNA small conditional RNA -
SgrS RNA sugar transport-related sRNA RF00534 Small RNA that is activated by SgrR inEscherichia coliduring glucose-phosphate stress
shRNA short hairpin RNA -
siRNA small interfering RNA -
SL RNA spliced leader RNA multiple families
SmY RNA mRNA trans-splicing RF01844 Small nuclear RNAs found in some species of nematode worms, thought to be involved in mRNA trans-splicing
snoRNA small nucleolar RNA multiple families
snRNA small nuclear RNA multiple families
snRNP small nuclear ribonucleic proteins -
SPA lncRNA 5' small nucleolar RNA capped and 3' polyadenylated long noncoding RNA -
SRP RNA signal recognition particle RNA CL00003
ssRNA single stranded RNA -
stRNA small temporal RNA -
tasiRNA trans-acting siRNA -
tmRNA transfer-messenger RNA RF00023 Bacterial RNA molecule with dual tRNA-like and messenger RNA-like properties
uRNA U spliceosomal RNA multiple families
vRNA vault RNA - synonym ofvtRNA
vtRNA vault RNA RF00006
Xist RNA X-inactive specific transcript -
Y RNA Y RNA RF00019 Components of the Ro60 ribonucleoprotein particle and necessary for DNA replication through interactions with chromatin and initiation proteins
NATs natural antisense transcripts - Natural antisense transcripts encoded within a cell that have transcript complementarity to other RNA transcripts
pre-mRNA precursor messenger RNA - Immature single strand of messenger RNA
circRNA circular RNA -
msRNA multicopy, single-stranded RNA - Products of a retron-encodedreverse transcriptase(RT) which form a RT-msDNA complex that acts as an anti-phage antitoxin [25][26]
cfRNA cell-free RNA -

See also



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