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Scientific classification

Rinke et al. 2013
corrig. Rinke et al. 2013
Type species
"Ca.Neomarinimicrobium atlanticum "
corrig. Rinke et al. 2013

Marinimicrobiais acandidatephylum of bacteria,previously known as SAR406, MGA or Marine Group A. They have been found mainly at great depths such as theChallenger Deep,theMariana Trench,and thePuerto Rico Trench.This phylum has a low representation in shallow pelagic samples and high abundance in deep samples. Although thesebacteriaare often associated with low dissolvedoxygenenvironments, very little is known about theirecologyand metabolic functions.[1]Marinimicrobia form part of theFCB groupalong with other related bacterial phyla.[2]


  1. ^Tarn, J., Peoples, L. M., Hardy, K., Cameron, J., & Bartlett, D. H. (2016).Identification of Free-Living and Particle-Associated Microbial Communities Present in Hadal Regions of the Mariana Trench.Frontiers in microbiology, 7.
  2. ^Hamilton, T. L., Bovee, R. J., Sattin, S. R., Mohr, W., Gilhooly III, W. P., Lyons, T. W.,... & Macalady, J. L. (2016).Carbon and sulfur cycling below the chemocline in a meromictic lake and the identification of a novel taxonomic lineage in the FCB superphylum, Candidatus Aegiribacteria.Frontiers in microbiology, 7.