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Group of Berber tribes.
LanguageChelha(Berber language)

TheMasmuda(Arabic:المصمودة,Berber:ⵉⵎⵙⵎⵓⴷⵏ[1]) is aBerbertribalconfederationofMoroccoand one of the largest in theMaghreb,along with theZenataand theSanhaja.[2]Today, the Masmuda confederacy largely corresponds to the speakers of theShilha(Tachelhit)Berbervariety, whereas other clans, such asRegragahave adoptedArabic.[citation needed]



The Masmuda settled large parts ofMorocco,and were largely sedentary and practised agriculture. The residence of the Masmuda aristocracy wasAghmatin theHigh Atlasmountains. From the 10th century the Berber tribes of theSanhajaandZanatagroups invaded the lands of the Masmuda, followed from the 12th century onwards by ArabBedouins(seeBanu Hilal).

Ibn Tumartunited the Masmuda tribes at the beginning of the 12th century and founded theAlmohadmovement, which subsequently unified the whole of the Maghreb andAndalusia.[3]After the downfall of the Almohads, however, the particularism of the Masmuda peoples prevailed once more, as a result of which they lost their political significance.

By the 16th century, due to the occupation of many of their former lands by theBanu Hilaland theBanu Ma'qil,the Masmuda were mostly restricted to the more mountainous regions of their former domains.[4]



Prior to the arrival of the Banu Hilal in the late 12th century, the Masmuda were divided largely into three groups: theGhumarain the north, theBarghawatain the central part of Morocco, and the Masmuda proper in the south.[4]

The anonymous author of theKitāb Mafāk̲h̲ir al-Barbar(roughly translates as "The Book of the Glories of the Berbers" ), a work compiled in 1312,[5]lists the sub-tribes of the Masmuda as:Haha,Regraga,Warika (Ourika), Hazmira, Gadmiwa, Henfisa, Hezerga,Doukkala,Hintata,Maghous, and Tehlawa.[6]

In the north, the Masmuda were generally part of the Ghumara, along with two smaller tribes mentioned by the 11th-century writeral-Bakri:the Aṣṣada, settled betweenKsar el-KebirandOuazzane,and another tribe settled nearCeuta.[4]

In the south, they were divided widely into two groups: the Masmuda of the plains (north of the Atlas mountains) and the Masmuda of the mountains. In the plains, the main groups were: the Dukkala, the Banu Magir, the Hazmira, the Ragraga, and the Haḥa.[4]The Masmuda of the mountains occupied the High Atlas and theAnti-Atlasmountain regions. In the High Atlas mountains, from east to west, the main groups were: the Glawa, the Haylana (or Aylana), the Warika (or Ourika), the Hazraja, the Aṣṣadan (including the Maṣfiwa, the Maghous, and the Dughagha or Banu Daghugh tribes), the Hintata (including the Ghayghaya tribe), the people of Tinmal, the Ṣawda (or Zawda), the Gadmiwa, and the Ganfīsa (including the Saksawa or Saksiwa),Banu Wawazgit (tifnoute).[4]In the Anti-Atlas andSousregions, the Masmuda tribes included: the Saktana, and the Hargha. Other tribes are mentioned by the 12th-century writeral-Idrisi,but their names are difficult to decipher in existing manuscripts.[4]

According toIbn Khaldun,the Haskura or Hasakira group, who were ultimately of Sanhaja origin and also settled in the Atlas mountains, were often associated with Masmuda due to their support of the Almohad cause. Their main tribes were the Zamrawa, the Mughrana, the Garnana, the Ghujdama, the Faṭwaka, the Maṣṭawa, the Hultana, and the Hantifa.[4]


  1. ^Múrcia, Carles; Sànchez, Carles Múrcia (2021).Gramàtica amaziga: Estàndard del diasistema amazic septentrional.ISBN9788491686583.
  2. ^Nelson, Harold D. (1985).Morocco, a country study.Area handbook series. Washington, D.C.: The American University. p. 14.
  3. ^Nelson 19-20
  4. ^abcdefgColin, G.S. (1991)."Maṣmūda".InBosworth, C. E.;van Donzel, E.&Pellat, Ch.(eds.).The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition.Volume VI:Mahk–Mid.Leiden: E. J. Brill. pp. 741–744.ISBN978-90-04-08112-3.
  5. ^Bearman, P.; Bianquis, Th.; Bosworth, C.E.; van Donzel, E.; Heinrichs, W.P., eds. (2012). "Kitāb Mafāk̲h̲ir al-Barbar".Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition(online ed.). Brill.ISBN9789004161214.
  6. ^unknown (2005) [1312].مفاخر البربر[The Glories of the Berbers] (in Arabic). Morocco: دار أبي رقراق للطباعة والنشر. p. 172.ISBN978-9954-423-46-2.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: date and year (link)

See also
