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Mein Kampf

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Mein Kampf
1926–1928 edition
AuthorAdolf Hitler
Political manifesto
Political philosophy
PublisherFranz Eher Nachfolger GmbH
Publication date
18 July 1925
Publication placeGerman Reich
Published in English
13 October 1933 (abridged)
1939 (full)
Media typePrint
ISBN978-0395951057(1998 trans. byRalph Manheim)
LC ClassDD247.H5
Followed byZweites Buch

Mein Kampf(German:[maɪnˈkampf];lit.'My Struggle') is a 1925autobiographicalmanifestobyNazi PartyleaderAdolf Hitler.The work describes the process by which Hitler becameantisemiticand outlines hispolitical ideology and future plansforGermany.Volume 1 ofMein Kampfwas published in 1925 and Volume 2 in 1926.[1]The book was edited first byEmil Maurice,then by Hitler's deputyRudolf Hess.[2][3]

Hitler beganMein Kampfwhile imprisoned followinghis failed coup in Munichin November 1923 and a trial in February 1924 forhigh treason,in which he received a sentence of five years. Although he received many visitors initially, he soon devoted himself entirely to the book. As he continued, he realized that it would have to be a two-volume work, with the first volume scheduled for release in early 1925. The governor ofLandsbergnoted at the time that "he [Hitler] hopes the book will run into many editions, thus enabling him to fulfill his financial obligations and to defray the expenses incurred at the time of his trial."[4][5]After slow initial sales, the book became a bestseller in Germany followingHitler's rise to powerin 1933.[6]

AfterHitler's death,copyright ofMein Kampfpassed to the state government ofBavaria,which refused to allow any copying or printing of the book in Germany. In 2016, following the expiry of the copyright held by the Bavarian state government,Mein Kampfwas republished in Germany for the first time since 1945, which prompted public debate and divided reactions from Jewish groups. A team of scholars from theInstitute of Contemporary Historyin Munich published aGerman languagetwo-volume almost 2,000-page edition annotated with about 3,500 notes. This was followed in 2021 by a 1,000-pageFrenchedition based on the German annotated version, with about twice as much commentary as text.[7]


Hitler originally wanted to call his forthcoming bookViereinhalb Jahre (des Kampfes) gegen Lüge, Dummheit und Feigheit(Four and a Half Years [of Struggle] Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice).[8]Max Amann,head of the Franz Eher Verlag and Hitler's publisher, is said to have suggested[9]the much shorter"Mein Kampf"("My Struggle").


The arrangement of chapters is as follows:

  • Volume One: A Reckoning
    • Chapter 1: In the House of My Parents
    • Chapter 2: Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna
    • Chapter 3: General Political Considerations Based on My Vienna Period
    • Chapter 4: Munich
    • Chapter 5: The World War
    • Chapter 6: War Propaganda
    • Chapter 7: The Revolution
    • Chapter 8: The Beginning of My Political Activity
    • Chapter 9: The "German Workers' Party"
    • Chapter 10: Causes of the Collapse
    • Chapter 11: Nation and Race
    • Chapter 12: The First Period of Development of the National Socialist German Workers' Party
  • Volume Two: The National Socialist Movement
    • Chapter 1: Philosophy and Party
    • Chapter 2: The State
    • Chapter 3: Subjects and Citizens
    • Chapter 4: Personality and the Conception of theVölkischState
    • Chapter 5: Philosophy and Organization
    • Chapter 6: The Struggle of the Early Period – the Significance of the Spoken Word
    • Chapter 7: The Struggle with the Red Front
    • Chapter 8: The Strong Man Is Mightiest Alone
    • Chapter 9: Basic Ideas Regarding the Meaning and Organization of the Sturmabteilung
    • Chapter 10: Federalism as a Mask
    • Chapter 11: Propaganda and Organization
    • Chapter 12: The Trade-Union Question
    • Chapter 13: German Alliance Policy After the War
    • Chapter 14: Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy
    • Chapter 15: The Right of Emergency Defense
  • Conclusion
  • Index


InMein Kampf,Hitler used the main thesis of "the Jewish peril", which posits aJewishconspiracy to gain world leadership.[10]The narrative describes the process by which he became increasinglyantisemiticandmilitaristic,especially during his years in Vienna. He speaks of not having met aJewuntil he arrived in Vienna, and that at first his attitude was liberal and tolerant. When he first encountered the antisemitic press, he says, he dismissed it as unworthy of serious consideration. Later he accepted the same antisemitic views, which became crucial to his program of national reconstruction of Germany.

Mein Kampfhas also been studied as a work onpolitical theory.For example, Hitler announces his hatred of what he believed to be the world's two evils:communismandJudaism.In the book, Hitler blamed Germany's chief woes on theparliamentof theWeimar Republic,the Jews, andSocial Democrats,as well asMarxists,though he believed that Marxists, Social Democrats, and the parliament were all working for Jewish interests.[11]He announced that he wanted to destroy theparliamentary systemcompletely, believing it to be corrupt in principle, as those who reach power are inherentopportunists.


While historians dispute the exact date Hitler decided toexterminate the Jewish people,few place the decision before the mid-1930s.[12]First published in 1925,Mein Kampfshows Hitler's personal grievances and his ambitions for creating aNew Order.Hitler also wrote thatThe Protocols of the Elders of Zion,a fabricated text that purported to expose a Jewish plot to control the world,[13]was an authentic document. This later became a part of theNazi propagandaeffort to justify persecution and annihilation of the Jews.[14][15]

The historianIan Kershawobserved that several passages inMein Kampfare undeniably of agenocidalnature.[16]Hitler wrote "the nationalization of our masses will succeed only when, aside from all the positive struggle for the soul of our people, their international poisoners are exterminated",[17]and he suggested that, "If at the beginning of the war and during the war twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew corrupters of the nation had been subjected to poison gas, such as had to be endured in the field by hundreds of thousands of our very best German workers of all classes and professions, then the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain."[18]

The racial laws to which Hitler referred resonate directly with his ideas inMein Kampf.In the first edition, Hitler stated that the destruction of the weak and sick is far more humane than their protection. Apart from this allusion to humane treatment, Hitler saw a purpose in destroying "the weak" in order to provide the proper space and purity for the "strong".[19]

Anti-Slavism andLebensraum(living space)

Hitler described that, when he was inVienna,it was repugnant for him to see the mixture of races "of Czechs, Poles, Hungarians,Ruthenians,Serbs and Croats, and always that infection which dissolves human society, the Jew, were all here and there and everywhere. "[20]He also wrote that he viewed the Japanese victory over the Russians in theRusso-Japanese Warin 1904 as a "blow toAustrian Slavism".[21]

In the chapter "Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy", Hitler argued that the Germans neededLebensraumin the East, a "historic destiny" that would properly nurture the German people.[22]Hitler believed that "the organization of a Russian state formation was not the result of the political abilities of the Slavs in Russia, but only a wonderful example of the state-forming efficacy of the German element in an inferior race."[23]

InMein Kampf,Hitler openly described his proposed future German expansion in the East, foreshadowingGeneralplan Ost:

And so weNational Socialistsconsciously draw a line beneath the foreign policy tendency of our pre-Warperiod. We take up where we broke off six hundred years ago. We stop the endless German movement to the south and west, and turn our gaze toward the land in the east. At long last we break off the colonial and commercial policy of the pre-War period and shift to the soil policy of the future. If we speak of soil in Europe today, we can primarily have in mind only Russia and her vassal border states.[24]

Hitler wrote that he was against any attempts toGermaniseSlavs and criticised the previous attempts at trying to Germanise the Austrian Slavs. He also criticised people in pan-German movements in Germany who thought that forcing ethnic Poles living in Germany to speak the German language would turn them into Germans; he believed that would have caused a "foreign race" by its own "inferiority" to damage the "dignity" and "nobility" of the German nation.[25]


Arabic edition of Mein Kampf

Although Hitler originally wroteMein Kampfmostly for the followers of National Socialism, interest in the work grew after his rise to power. (Two other books written by party members,Gottfried Feder'sBreaking The Interest SlaveryandAlfred Rosenberg'sThe Myth of the Twentieth Century,have since lapsed into comparative literary obscurity.)[26]Hitler had made about 1.2 millionℛ︁ℳ︁from the income of the book by 1933 (equivalent to €5,562,590 in 2021), when the average annual income of a teacher was about 4,800 ℛ︁ℳ︁ (equivalent to €22,250 in 2021).[26][27]He accumulated a tax debt of 405,500ℛ︁ℳ︁(very roughly, at 2015 values,£1.1million, 1.4millionEUR,US$1.5million) from the sale of about 240,000 copies before he became chancellor in 1933 (at which time his debt was waived).[26][27]

Hitler began to distance himself from the book after becoming chancellor of Germany in 1933. He dismissed it as "fantasies behind bars" that were little more than a series of articles for theVölkischer Beobachter,and later toldHans Frankthat "If I had had any idea in 1924 that I would have become Reich chancellor, I never would have written the book."[28]Nevertheless,Mein Kampfwas a bestseller in Germany during the 1930s.[29]During Hitler's years in power, the book was in high demand in libraries and often reviewed and quoted in other publications. It was given free to every newlywed couple and every soldier fighting at the front.[26]By 1939, it had sold 5.2 million copies in eleven languages.[30]

Contemporary observations

Mein Kampf,in essence, lays out the ideological program Hitler established for theHolocaust,by identifying the Jews and "Bolsheviks" as racially and ideologically inferior and threatening, and "Aryans" and National Socialists as racially superior and politically progressive. Hitler's revolutionary goals included expulsion of the Jews fromGreater Germanyand the unification of German peoples into one Greater Germany. Hitler desired to restore German lands to their greatest historical extent, real or imagined.

Due to itsracistcontent and the historical effect of Nazism upon Europe duringWorld War IIand the Holocaust, it is considered a highly controversial book. Criticism has not come solely from opponents of Nazism.Italian fascistdictator and Nazi allyBenito Mussoliniwas also critical of the book, saying that it was "a boringtomethat I have never been able to read "and remarking that Hitler's beliefs, as expressed in the book, were" little more than commonplace clichés ".[31]The American literary theorist and philosopherKenneth Burkewrote a 1939 rhetorical analysis of the work,The Rhetoric of Hitler's "Battle",which revealed an underlying message of aggressive intent.[32]

The American journalistJohn Gunthersaid in 1940 that compared to autobiographies such asLeon Trotsky'sMy LifeorHenry Adams'sThe Education of Henry Adams,Mein Kampfwas "vapid, vain, rhetorical, diffuse, prolix." However, he added that "it is a powerful and moving book, the product of great passionate feeling". He suggested that the book exhausted curious German readers, but its "ceaseless repetition of the argument, left impregnably in their minds, fecund and germinating".[33]

In March 1940, British writerGeorge Orwellreviewed a then-recently published uncensored translation ofMein KampfforThe New English Weekly.Orwell suggested that the force of Hitler's personality shone through the often "clumsy" writing, capturing the magnetic allure of Hitler for many Germans. In essence, Orwell notes, Hitler offers only visions of endless struggle and conflict in the creation of "a horrible brainless empire" that "stretch[es] toAfghanistanor thereabouts ". He wrote," Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people 'I offer you a good time,' Hitler has said to them, 'I offer you struggle, danger, and death,' and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet. "Orwell's review was written in the aftermath of the 1939Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact,when Hitler made peace with the USSR after more than a decade of vitriolic rhetoric and threats between the two nations; with the pact in place, Orwell believed, England was now facing a risk of Nazi attack and the UK must not underestimate the appeal of Hitler's ideas.[34]

In his 1943 bookThe Menace of the Herd,Austrian scholarErik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn[35]described Hitler's ideas inMein Kampfand elsewhere as "a veritablereductio ad absurdumof 'progressive' thought "[36]and betraying "a curious lack of original thought" that shows Hitler offered no innovative or original ideas but was merely "avirtuosoof commonplaces which he may or may not repeat in the guise of a 'new discovery.' "[37]Hitler's stated aim, Kuehnelt-Leddihn writes, is to quash individualism in furtherance of political goals:

When Hitler and Mussolini attack the "western democracies" they insinuate that their "democracy" is not genuine. National Socialism envisages abolishing the difference in wealth, education, intellect, taste, philosophy, and habits by a leveling process which necessitates in turn a total control over the child and the adolescent. Every personal attitude will be branded — after communist pattern — as "bourgeois",and this in spite of the fact that the bourgeois is the representative of the most herdist class in the world, and that National Socialism is a basically bourgeois movement. InMein Kampf,Hitler repeatedly speaks of the "masses" and the "herd" referring to the people. The German people should probably, in his view, remain a mass of identical "individuals" in an enormous sand heap or ant heap, identical even to the color of their shirts, the garment nearest to the body.[38]

In hisThe Second World War,published in several volumes in the late 1940s and early 1950s,Winston Churchillwrote that he felt that after Hitler's ascension to power, no other book thanMein Kampfdeserved more intensive scrutiny.[39]

Later analysis

The criticGeorge Steinersuggested thatMein Kampfcan be seen as one of several books that resulted from the crisis of German culture following Germany's defeat inWorld War I,comparable in this respect to the philosopherErnst Bloch'sThe Spirit of Utopia(1918), the historianOswald Spengler'sThe Decline of the West(1918), the theologianFranz Rosenzweig'sThe Star of Redemption(1921), the theologianKarl Barth'sThe Epistle to the Romans(1922), and the philosopherMartin Heidegger'sBeing and Time(1927).[40]

Criticism by translators

A number of translators have commented on the poor quality of Hitler's use of language in writingMein Kampf.Olivier Mannoni, who translated the 2021 French critical edition, said about the original German text that it was "An incoherent soup, one could become half-mad translating it," and said that previous translations had corrected the language, giving the false impression that Hitler was a "cultured man" with "coherent and grammatically correct reasoning". He added "To me, making this text elegant is a crime."[7]Mannoni's comments are similar to those made by Ralph Manheim, who did the first English-language translation in 1943. Mannheim wrote in the foreword to the edition "Where Hitler's formulations challenge the reader's credulity I have quoted the German original in the notes." This evaluation of the poor quality of Hitler's prose and his inability to express his opinions coherently was shared by William S. Schlamm, who reviewed Manheim's translation inThe New York Times,writing that "there was not the faintest similarity to a thought and barely a trace of language."[41]

German publication history

While Hitler was in power (1933–1945),Mein Kampfcame to be available in three common editions. The first, theVolksausgabeor People's Edition, featured the original cover on the dust jacket and was navy blue underneath with a goldswastikaeagle embossed on the cover. TheHochzeitsausgabe,or Wedding Edition, in a slipcase with the seal of the province embossed in gold onto a parchment-like cover was given free to marrying couples. In 1940, theTornister-Ausgabe,or Knapsack Edition, was released. This edition was a compact, but unabridged, version in a red cover and was released by the post office, available to be sent to loved ones fighting at the front. These three editions combined both volumes into the same book.

A special edition was published in 1939 in honour of Hitler's 50th birthday. This edition was known as theJubiläumsausgabe,or Anniversary Issue. It came in both dark blue and bright red boards with a gold sword on the cover. This work contained both volumes one and two. It was considered a deluxe version, relative to the smaller and more commonVolksausgabe.

The book could also be purchased as a two-volume set during Hitler's rule and was available in soft cover and hardcover. The soft cover edition contained the original cover (as pictured at the top of this article). The hardcover edition had a leather spine with cloth-covered boards. The cover and spine contained an image of three brown oak leaves.

2016 critical edition

Along with therest of his wealth and property,Hitler left the rights to the book to the German state. As Hitler's official place of residence was inMunich,the copyright passed to the government of Bavaria, which refused to allow it to be republished. The copyright ran out on December 31, 2015.

On 3 February 2010, theInstitute of Contemporary History(IfZ) in Munich announced plans to republish an annotated version of the text, for educational purposes in schools and universities, in 2015. The book had last been published in Germany in 1945.[42]The IfZ argued that a republication was necessary to get an authoritative annotated edition by the time the copyright ran out, which might open the way forneo-Nazigroups to publish their own versions.[43]The Bavarian Finance Ministry opposed the plan, citing respect for victims of theHolocaust.It stated that permits for reprints would not be issued, at home or abroad. This would also apply to a new annotated edition.

There was disagreement about the issue of whether the republished book might be banned as Nazi propaganda. The Bavarian government emphasized that even after expiration of the copyright, "the dissemination of Nazi ideologies will remain prohibited in Germany and is punishable under the penal code".[44]However, the Bavarian Science Minister Wolfgang Heubisch supported a critical edition, stating in 2010: "Once Bavaria's copyright expires, there is the danger of charlatans and neo-Nazis appropriating this infamous book for themselves."[43]

On 12 December 2013, the Bavarian government cancelled its financial support for an annotated edition. IfZ, which was preparing the translation, announced that it intended to proceed with publication after the copyright expired.[45]The IfZ scheduled an edition ofMein Kampffor release in 2016.[46]

Richard Verber, vice-president of theBoard of Deputies of British Jews,stated in 2015 that the board trusted the academic and educational value of republishing. "We would, of course, be very wary of any attempt to glorify Hitler or to belittle the Holocaust in any way," Verber declared toThe Observer."But this is not that. I do understand how some Jewish groups could be upset and nervous, but it seems it is being done from a historical point of view and to put it in context."[47]

The annotated edition ofMein Kampfwas published in Germany in January 2016 and sold out within hours on Amazon's German site. The two-volume edition included about 3,500 notes and was almost 2,000 pages long.[48]Usually, according toGerhard Weinberg,the information in the annotated edition that accompanies a chapter is mostly about when the chapter was written, though "in some cases" there is commentary on the nature and argument of the chapter.[49]

The book's publication led to public debate in Germany, and divided reactions from Jewish groups, with some supporting, and others opposing, the decision to publish.[29]German officials had previously said they would limit public access to the text amid fears that its republication could stir neo-Nazi sentiment.[50]Some bookstores stated that they would not stock the book. Dussmann, a Berlin bookstore, stated that one copy was available on the shelves in the history section, but that it would not be advertised, and more copies would be available only on order.[51]By January 2017, the German annotated edition had sold over 85,000 copies.[52]

Gerhard Weinbergwrote a generally positive review of the annotated edition, praising the choice to include not only editors' comments but also changes of the original text. He said that notes such as those of chapters eight and nine "will be extremely helpful" about the situation in the time of Hitler's entry into politics and lauded the notes to chapter 11 ( "People and Race" ) as "extensive and very helpful" as well. On the negative side, Weinberg observed that the editors make a false correction at one point; that they miss an informative book on German atrocities duringWorld War I;that they include a survey of Nazi membership too late; and that all of his own work on Hitler goes unmentioned in the bibliography.[49]

English translations

Ever since the early 1930s, the history ofMein Kampfin English has been complicated and an occasion for controversy.[53][54]No fewer than four full translations were completed before 1945, as well as a number of extracts in newspapers, pamphlets, government documents and unpublished typescripts. Not all of these had official approval from his publishers,Eher Verlag.Since the war, the 1943Ralph Manheimtranslation has been the most commonly published translation, though other versions have continued to circulate.

Current availability

At the time of his suicide, Hitler's official place of residence was inMunich,which led to his entire estate, including all rights toMein Kampf,changing to the ownership of the state ofBavaria.The government of Bavaria, in agreement with the federal government of Germany, refused to allow any copying or printing of the book in Germany. It also opposed copying and printing in other countries, but with less success. Under Germancopyrightlaw, the entire text entered thepublic domainon 1 January 2016, upon the expiration of the calendar year 70 years after the author's death.[55]

Owning and buying the book in Germany is not an offence. Trading in old copies is lawful as well, unless it is done in such a fashion as to "promote hatred or war." In particular, the unmodified edition is not covered by §86StGBthat forbids dissemination of means of propaganda of unconstitutional organizations, since it is a "pre-constitutional work" and as such cannot be opposed to the free and democratic basic order, according to a 1979 decision of theFederal Court of Justice of Germany.[56]Most German libraries carry heavily commented and excerpted versions ofMein Kampf.In 2008, Stephan Kramer, secretary-general of theCentral Council of Jews in Germany,not only recommended lifting the ban, but volunteered the help of his organization in editing and annotating the text, saying that it is time for the book to be made available to all online.[57]


The Nazi groupFinnish People's Organisationhad circulated an unofficial translation since at least 1934.[58]One of Finland's largest publishing companies,Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö,was granted publishing rights to Mein Kampf after the Winter War in 1940 and Lauri Hirvensalo was approved as a translator by a German publishing house after WSOY confirmed his "Aryan" ancestry. In 1941–1944, 32,000 copies of the book were sold, a large number in Finland and professorVeikko Antero Koskenniemiwrote a glowing review of the book forUusi Suominewspaper.[59]In the 2020s, the Kielletyt Kirjat ( "Banned Books" ) publishing company, linked to the neo-Nazi groupNordic Resistance Movementhas published new editions of the 1941 translations of Mein Kampf and it has been sold in department stores in Finland.[60]


In 1934, the French government unofficially sponsored the publication of an unauthorized translation. It was meant as a warning and included a critical introduction byMarshal Lyautey( "Every Frenchman must read this book" ). It was published byfar-rightpublisherFernand Sorlotin an agreement with the activists ofLICRAwho bought 5,000 copies to be offered to "influential people"; however, most of them treated the book as a casual gift and did not read it.[61]The Nazi regime unsuccessfully tried to have it forbidden. Hitler, as the author, andEher-Verlag,his German publisher, had to sue forcopyright infringementin theCommercial Courtof France. Hitler's lawsuit succeeded in having all copies seized, the print broken up, and having aninjunctionagainst booksellers offering any copies. However, a large quantity of books had already been shipped and stayed available undercover by Sorlot.[62]

In 1938, Hitler licensed for France an authorized edition byFayard,translated by François Dauture andGeorges Blond,lacking the threatening tone against France of the original. TheFrenchedition was 347 pages long, while the original title was 687 pages, and it was titledMa doctrine( "Mydoctrine").[63]After the war, Fernand Sorlot re-edited, re-issued, and continued to sell the work, without permission from thestate of Bavaria,to which the author's rights had defaulted. In the 1970s, the rise of the extreme right in France along with the growing ofHolocaust denialworks, placed theMein Kampfunder judicial watch and in 1978, LICRA entered a complaint in the courts against the publisher for incitingantisemitism.Sorlot received a "substantial fine" but the court also granted him the right to continue publishing the work, provided certain warnings and qualifiers accompany the text.[62]

On 1 January 2016, 70 years after Hitler's death,Mein Kampfentered thepublic domainin France.[62]A new edition was published in 2017 by Fayard, now part of theGroupe Hachette,with a critical introduction, just as the edition published in 2018 in Germany by theInstitut für Zeitgeschichte,the Institute of Contemporary History based inMunich.[62]In 2021, a 1,000-page critical edition, based on the German edition of 2016, was published in France. TitledHistoriciser le mal: Une édition critique de Mein Kampf( "Historicizing Evil: A Critical Edition of Mein Kampf" ), with almost twice as much commentary as text, it was edited by Florent Brayard and Andraes Wirsching, translated by Olivier Mannoni, and published by Fayard. The print run was deliberately kept small at 10,000 available only by special order, with copies set aside for public libraries. Proceeds from the sale of the edition are earmarked for theAuschwitz-Birkenau Foundation.Some critics who had objected in advance to the edition's publication had fewer objections upon publication. One historian noted that there were so many annotations that Hitler's text had become "secondary."[7]


Since its first publication inIndiain 1928,Mein Kampfhas gone through hundreds of editions and sold over 100,000 copies.[64][65][66]Mein Kampfwas translated into variousIndian languagessuch asHindi,Gujarati,Malayalam,Tamil,MarathiandBengali.[67]Commenting on it,Balasaheb Thackerayin 1992 (weeks before theMumbai riots) and allegedlyVeer Savarkarin 1949 (four years after defeat of Nazi Germany duringWorld War II) said, "If you take Mein Kampf and if you remove the word 'Jew' and put in the word 'Muslim', that is what I believe in. "EvenLal Krishna Advani,in his confinement duringthe Emergencyimposed byIndira Gandhi,mentionedMein Kampfin his prison diary.[68][69][70]

Also, in India, over the time with slow emergence of Adolf Hitler as a "role model" for aspiring business leaders andB-schools,[71]it is considered as a "self-improvement book", "managementguru","business strategy role model "and a" management strategy guide ", sometimes" with comparison toSpencer Johnson'sWho Moved My Cheese".[72][73][74]In fact, due to demand from theIndianbusiness students (which for them, was "inspiring" ),[75]there was a surge in its sales.[76][77][78]J. Kuruvachira, Professor of Philosophy ofSalesian College of Higher EducationinDimapur,Nagaland;who in his words, had said, "It is a source of inspiration to theHindu nationalistBJP",also said that" the book's popularity was due to political reasons ", especially at railway stations and bookstores ofNew Delhiduring the tenure of BJP underNarendra Modisince 2014.[72][73][65][79][75]Though, a few cite "pure iconophilia"prevalent in India as the reason for popularity of the book.[80]


An extract ofMein KampfinHebrewwas first published[9][5][4][3]in 1992 by Akadamon in a run of 400 copies.[81]The complete translation of the book in Hebrew was published by theHebrew University of Jerusalemin 1995. The translator was Dan Yaron, a Vienna-born retired teacher and Holocaust survivor.[82]


On 5 May 1995, a translation ofMein Kampfreleased by a small Latvian publishing houseVizītkartebegan appearing in bookstores, provoking a reaction from Latvian authorities, who confiscated the approximately 2,000 copies that had made their way to the bookstores and charged director of the publishing house Pēteris Lauva with offences under anti-racism law.[83]Currently the publication ofMein Kampfis forbidden in Latvia.[83][84]In April 2018, multiple Russian-language news sites (Baltnews,Zvezda,Sputnik,Komsomolskaya Pravdaand Komprava among others) reported thatAdolf Hitlerhad allegedly become more popular in Latvia thanHarry Potter,referring to a Latvian online book trading platform ibook.lv, whereMein Kampfhad appeared at the No. 1 position in "The Most Current Books in 7 Days" list.[85][86][87]

In research done byPolygraph.infowho called the claim "false", ibook.lv was only the 878th most popular website and 149th most popular shopping site in Latvia at the time, according toAlexa Internet.In addition to that, the website only had 4 copies on sale by individual users and no users wishing to purchase the book.[86]Owner of ibook.lv pointed out that the book list is not based on actual deals, but rather page views, of which 70% in the case ofMein Kampfhad come from anonymous and unregistered users she believed could be fake users.[87]Ambassador of Latvia to the Russian FederationMāris Riekstiņšresponded to the story by tweeting "everyone, who wishes to know what books are actually bought and read in Latvia, are advised to address the largest book stores @JanisRoze; @valtersunrapa; @zvaigzneabc".[85]TheBBCalso acknowledged the story was fake news, adding that in the last three yearsMein Kampfhad been requested for borrowing for only 139 times across all libraries in Latvia, in comparison with around 25,000 requests for books about Harry Potter.[87]


In the Netherlands,Mein Kampfwas not available for sale for years followingWorld War II.[88][89]Sale has been prohibited since a court ruling in the 1980s. In September 2018, however, Dutch publisher Prometheus officially released an academic edition of the 2016 German translation with comprehensive introductions and annotations by Dutch historians.[90]The book is widely available to the general public in the Netherlands for the first time since World War II.


On 20 April 1993, under the sponsorship of the vice-president of theDemocratic Agrarian Party of Romania,Sibiu-basedPacificpublishers began issuing a Romanian edition ofMein Kampf.The local authorities promptly banned the sale and confiscated the copies, citing Article 166 of thePenal Code.Nevertheless, the ban was overturned on appeal by the Prosecutor General on 27 May 1993. Chief RabbiMoses Rosenprotested, and on 10 July 1993 PresidentIon Iliescuasked the Prosecutor General in writing to reinstate the ban of further printing and have the book withdrawn from the market. On 8 November 1993, the Prosecutor General rebuffed Iliescu, stating that the publication of the book was an act of spreading information, not conducting fascist propaganda. Although Iliescu deplored this answer "in strictly judicial terms", this was the end of the matter.[91][92]


In theSoviet Union,Mein Kampfwas published in 1933 in a translation byGrigory Zinoviev.[93]In theRussian Federation,Mein Kampfhas been published at least three times since 1992; the Russian text is also available on websites. In 2006 thePublic Chamber of Russiaproposed banning the book. In 2009, St. Petersburg's branch of theRussian Ministry of Internal Affairsrequested to remove an annotated and hyper-linked Russian translation of the book from a historiography website.[94][95][96]On 13 April 2010, it was announced thatMein Kampfis outlawed on grounds of extremism promotion.[97]


Mein Kampfhas been reprinted several times since 1945; in 1970, 1992, 2002 and 2010. In 1992 the Government of Bavaria tried to stop the publication of the book, and the case went to theSupreme Court of Swedenwhich ruled in favour of the publisher, stating that the book is protected by copyright, but that the copyright holder is unidentified (and not theState of Bavaria) and that the original Swedish publishing firm from 1934 was no longer in existence. It therefore refused the Government of Bavaria's claim.[98]


Mein Kampf(Turkish:Kavgam) was widely available inTurkeyselling up to 100,000 copies in just two months in 2005. Analysts and commentators believe the sales of the book to be related to a rise in nationalism and anti-U.S. sentiment. İvo Molinas ofŞalomstated this was a result of "what is happening in the Middle East, the Israeli-Palestinian problem and thewar in Iraq."[99]Doğu Ergil, a political scientist atAnkara University,said both far-right ultranationalists and extremist Islamists had found common ground – "not on a common agenda for the future, but on their anxieties, fears and hate".[100]

United States

In theUnited States,Mein Kampfcan be found at many community libraries and can be bought, sold, and traded: it is protected by theFirst Amendment to the United States Constitutionas a matter of thefreedom of speechand of thefreedom of the press.[101]The U.S. government seized the copyright in September 1942[102]during theSecond World Warunder theTrading with the Enemy Actand in 1979, Houghton Mifflin, the U.S. publisher of the book, bought the rights from the government pursuant to 28 CFR 0.47.[103]More than 15,000 copies are sold a year.[101]In 2016, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt reported that it was having difficulty finding a charity that would accept profits from the sales of its version ofMein Kampf,which it had promised to donate.[104]

Palestinian territories

In 1999,Mein Kampfwas rated the sixth bestseller in thePalestinian territoriesas reported byAl-Hayat Al-Jadida.[105][106]The Arabic translation was distributed by Al-Shurouq, aRamallah-based book distributor.[107]During theIsrael–Hamas war,copies of the book were found twice in homes in theGaza Strip:once in a children's room in northernGaza,[108]and another time in theNuseirat refugee camp.[109]


InEgypt,the book was first translated into Arabic in 1937. It had a new translation in 1963 which was reprinted in 1995.[110]The book was also displayed for sale inCairo's state-run book fairs in 2007, 2021, and 2023.[111][112][113]

Online availability

In 1999, theSimon Wiesenthal Centerdocumented that the book was available in Germany via major online booksellers such asAmazonandBarnes & Noble.After a public outcry, both companies agreed to end these sales to addresses in Germany.[114]In March 2020, Amazon banned sales of new and second-hand copies ofMein Kampf,and several other Nazi publications, on its platform.[115]The book remains available on Barnes and Noble's website.[116]It is also available in multiple languages, including German, at theInternet Archive.[117]One of the first completeEnglish translationswas published byJames Vincent Murphyin 1939.[118]The Murphy translation of the book is freely available onProject Gutenberg Australia.[119]


After the party's poor showing in the 1928 elections, Hitler believed that the reason for his loss was the public's misunderstanding of his ideas. He then retired to Munich to dictate a sequel toMein Kampfto expand on its ideas, with more focus on foreign policy. Only two copies of the 200-page manuscript were originally made, and only one of these was ever made public. The document was neither edited nor published during theNazi eraand remains known asZweites Buch,or "Second Book". To keep the document strictly secret, in 1935 Hitler ordered that it be placed in a safe in an air raid shelter. It remained there until being discovered by an American officer in 1945.

The authenticity of the document found in 1945 has been verified by Josef Berg, a former employee of the Nazi publishing house Eher Verlag, andTelford Taylor,a former brigadier general of the United States Army Reserve and Chief Counsel at the Nuremberg war-crimes trials. In 1958, theZweites Buchwas found in the archives of the United States by American historianGerhard Weinberg.Unable to find an American publisher, Weinberg turned to his mentor –Hans Rothfelsat the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich, and his associateMartin Broszat– who publishedZweites Buchin 1961. A pirated edition was published in English in New York in 1962. The first authoritative English edition was not published until 2003 (Hitler's Second Book: The Unpublished Sequel to Mein Kampf,ISBN1-929631-16-2).

See also



  1. ^Mein Kampf( "My Struggle" ),Adolf Hitler (originally 1925–1926), Reissue edition (15 September 1998), Publisher: Mariner Books, Language: English, paperback, 720 pages,ISBN978-1495333347
  2. ^Shirer 1960,p. 85.
  3. ^abRobert G.L. Waite,The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler,Basic Books, 1977, pp. 237–243
  4. ^abHeinz, Heinz (1934).Germany's Hitler.Hurst & Blackett. p. 191.
  5. ^abPayne, Robert (1973).The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler.Popular Library. p. 203.
  6. ^Shirer 1960,pp. 80–81.
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  12. ^Browning, Christopher R.(2003).Initiating the Final Solution: The Fateful Months of September–October 1941.Washington, D.C.: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies. p. 12.OCLC53343660.
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  14. ^Hitler, Adolf."XI: Nation and Race".Mein Kampf.Vol. I. pp. 307–308.
  15. ^Levin, Nora (1973).The Holocaust: The Destruction of European Jewry 1933–1945.New York City: Schocken.ISBN978-0805203769.
  16. ^Kershaw, Ian(1999).Hitler 1889–1936 Hubris.New York City:W.W. Norton and Company.p. 258.ISBN978-0393320350.
  17. ^Adolf Hitler,Mein Kampf,Volume One – A Reckoning, Chapter XII: The First Period of Development of the National Socialist German Workers' Party
  18. ^Adolf Hitler,Mein Kampf,Volume Two – A Reckoning, Chapter XV: The Right of Emergency Defense, p. 984, quoted inYahlil, Leni (1991)."2. Hitler Implements Twentieth-Century Anti-Semitism".The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, 1932–1945.Oxford University Press. p. 51.ISBN978-0-19-504523-9.OCLC20169748.Retrieved9 January2016.
  19. ^A. Hitler.Mein Kampf(Munich: Franz Eher Nachfolger, 1930), p. 478
  20. ^Joachim Fest, Hitler, p. 60
  21. ^Bethencourt, Francisco (2015).Racisms: From the Crusades to the Twentieth Century.Princeton, New Jersey:Princeton University Press.p. 325.ISBN978-0691169750.
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  24. ^Fest, Joachim C. (2013).Hitler.Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. p. 216.ISBN978-0-544-19554-7.
  25. ^Richard Weikart, Hitler's Ethnic, p. 73
  26. ^abcd"Mythos Ladenhüter"Archived2 September 2006 at theWayback MachineSpiegel Online
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  28. ^Timothy W. Ryback (6 July 2010).Hitler's Private Library: The Books that Shaped his Life.Random House. pp. 92–93.ISBN978-1-4090-7578-3.
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  32. ^Uregina.caArchived25 November 2011 at theWayback Machine
  33. ^Gunther, John(1940).Inside Europe.New York: Harper & Brothers. p. 31.
  34. ^Orwell, George. "Mein Kampf" review, reprinted inThe Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell,Vol 2., Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus, eds., Harourt Brace Jovanovich 1968
  35. ^Francis Stuart Campbell, pen name ofErik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn(1943),Menace of the Herd, or, Procrustes at Large,Milwaukee, WI: The Bruce Publishing Company
  36. ^Kuehnelt-Leddihn, p. 159
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  41. ^Schlamm, William S. (October 17, 1943)"German Best Seller; MEIN KAMPF. By Adolf Hitler. Translated by Ralph Manheim. 694 pp. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. $3.50."Archived3 June 2021 at theWayback MachineThe New York Times
  42. ^"'Mein Kampf' to see its first post-WWII publication in Germany ".The Independent.6 February 2010. Archived fromthe originalon 12 February 2010.
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  114. ^Beyette, Beverly (5 January 2000)."Is hate for sale?".Los Angeles Times.Archivedfrom the original on 13 October 2013.Retrieved6 October2013.
  115. ^Waterson, Jim(16 March 2020)."Amazon bans sale of most editions of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf".The Guardian.Archivedfrom the original on 20 March 2020.Retrieved20 March2020.
  116. ^"Mein Kampf".Barnes & Noble.Archivedfrom the original on 8 March 2021.Retrieved20 March2020.
  117. ^"Internet Archive Search: Mein Kampf".archive.org.
  118. ^Murphy, John (14 January 2015)."Why did my grandfather translate Mein Kampf?".BBC News.Archivedfrom the original on 20 May 2018.Retrieved19 May2018.
  119. ^"Mein Kampf – Project Gutenberg Australia".Archivedfrom the original on 18 July 2016.Retrieved23 July2016.


Further reading


External links

Online versions ofMein Kampf
