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Muda language

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Native toChina
Native speakers
2,000 (2007)[1]
Language codes
ISO 639-3ymd
Muda is classified as Vulnerable by theUNESCOAtlas of the World's Languages in Danger

Muda( mộc đạt or mẫu đả ) is aLoloish languageofChina.

There are over 2,000 Muda speakers in Nanlianshan Village Community nam liên sơn thôn ủy hội[2](formerly Nanlianshan District, nam liên sơn hương, now part of Gasa Township ca sái trấn ),Jinghong City,Yunnan, China (Xu 1991).[3]



Xu (1991) classifies Muda as a Ha-Ya language (seeHani languages).

Hsiu (2018)[4]classifies Muda as anAkhalanguage containing aBisoidsubstratum,with the substrate language being an early split from Bisoid. Muda has Cl- consonant clusters like variousBisoid languages,Siloid languages,andJinuo,while words of Bisoid origin include 'leg', 'house', and 'smoke'.



Muda has the complex consonant onsets/pl,pʰl,bl,ml,pj,pʰj,bj,mj/(Xu 1991:34).



The following vocabulary of Muda is from Xu (1991).

English gloss Chinese gloss Muda Page
White Bạch pʰlu⁵⁵ 35
Full Mãn blaŋ³³ 35
Pus Nùng ()blaŋ⁵⁵ 36
Arrow Tiễn ()mla³¹ 36
Broom Tảo trửu ()pʰjɔ⁵⁵ 36
Bee Mật phong bja³¹ 36
Lose, to Di thất ()bjo̱³³ 36
Fly, to Phi jɔ³³ 36
Monkey Hầu tử ()mjo̱³¹ 36
Many Đa mja³¹ 36
Foot Cước kʰɯ⁵⁵ 37
Six Lục ko̱³¹ 37
Gallbladder Đảm ()kʰɯ⁵⁵ 37
Star Tinh tinh ()gɯ⁵⁵ 37
Copper Đồng gɯ³¹ 37
Tendon Cân ()gu³¹ 37
Manure Phẩn cçʰe³¹ 38
Root (classifier) Căn ( lượng từ ) cçʰaŋ³¹ 38
Wide Khoan ()ɟje⁵⁵ 38
Drop, to Điệu ɟja³³ 38
Day (time) Thiên ( nhật tử ) naŋ³³ 38
Soft Nhuyễn nø̱³¹ 38
Cook, to Chử tɕa̱³¹ 38
Sour Toan tɕʰɛ⁵⁵ 38
Narrow Trách tɕu̱³¹ 38
Lick, to Thiểm tɕʰy⁵⁵ 38
Stick (classifier) Điều tɕa̱³³ 38
Cry, weep Khóc ɴo⁵⁵ 39
Steal, to Thâu qʰø³¹ 39
Bitter Khổ qʰa³¹ 39
Smoke (fog) Yên ( vụ ) ()qʰø³¹ 39
Nine Cửu ɢø³¹ 39
Curved Loan ɢaŋ³¹ 39
Play, to Ngoạn sái ()ɢa³³ 39
Enter, to Tiến aŋ⁵⁵ 40
Horse maŋ³¹ 40
Open (door) Khai ( môn ) pʰaŋ³³ 40
Sell, to Mại aŋ³¹ 40
Throat Hầu lung kʰaŋ³¹() 40
Dark Ám jaŋ⁵⁵ 40
Pus Nùng ()blaŋ⁵⁵ 40
Full Mãn blaŋ³³ 40
Money Tiền ()kʰaŋ⁵⁵ 40
Bear Cẩu hùng ()xum⁵⁵ 40
Otter Thủy thát ()ɕum⁵⁵ 40
Iron Thiết ɕʰum⁵⁵ 41
Pile (of soil) Đôi ( thổ ) blum⁵⁵ 41
House Phòng ốc ʑum⁵⁵ 41
Roast, to Khảo lum⁵⁵ 41
Round Viên laŋ³³ 41
Surround, to Bao vi ()laŋ⁵⁵ 41
Pond Trì đường laŋ³³() 41
Axe Phủ tử ()dzɿ³³ 41
Woman Nữ nhân ()mi³¹ 41
Louse Sắt tử ɕɛ⁵⁵() 41
Goose Nga gɛ̱³³() 41
Push, to Thôi dɛ³¹ 41
Edge Biên thượng ()dzɛ⁵⁵() 41
Eagle Lão ưng ()dzɛ⁵⁵ 41
Saddle An tử ()qɔ̱³³ 41
Shallow Thiển tɛ̱³³ 41
Change, to Cải pʰa³³ 41
Winnow (rice), to Bá ( mễ ) ja⁵⁵ 41
See, to Khán kiến ()mɔ⁵⁵ 41
Mosquito Văn tử ()gɔ³¹ 41
Change, to Biến pʰa⁵⁵ 41
Stick (classifier) Điều tɕa̱³³ 41
Leg Thối bɔ⁵⁵() 41
Store, to Phô qʰɔ³¹ 41

